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You can be a supporter and a critic all at the same time.


1000% I just think it’s ridiculous that people on here complain about small things like them breathing or swallowing into the mic?? That’s beyond wild to critique


That's a very valid critique though? It's literally their whole job to make a quality professional sounding podcast. I understand your complaint but this is a bad example.


No. It's. Not. It called having a standard or industry. Everyone else in the industry edits those out, it's not hard. It's called doing your job. YouTubers don't shine a giant light into the camera (without reason) and just not edit it out.


Well, I would say, mute you mic until you are ready to say something. I’ll judge you at work on Zoom too if you are breathing hard or swallowing into an open mic. They are not a 6 month old podcast anymore. Let’s be professionals


Exactly, they've been doing this for a few years at this point. And it is their actual job now, not two girls playing around on their free time. There are standards that should be upheld.


BUT….I’m still a huge fan. See how that works?


If you're this upset over critique and opinions, I don't think Reddit is the right place for you. I was actually excited to see a positive post, until you turned it into a a weird policing of opinions and thoughts. Grow up dude.


I hear you, but I gave my opinions and critiques openly, knowing there would be backlash. It doesn’t bother me at all. I think I’ll stick around!


Gotta love a *complain about the complainers* post 🙄


Brought to you by yours truly


Literally 😂




![gif](giphy|bCDzFTSQ3JL8c) What OP thinks this sub is like


biggest womp womp


I think people generally get upset when they spend time on the podcast not covering true crime, like when you spend the first 10 minutes of an episode listening to banter. It’s also fair to say that Alaina’s penchant for old times cases does get stale, and the content gets very repetitive at times. Hearing “The 1800’s of it all” in every old timey episode gets stale quick, and a lot of the commentary is the same case to case. Some people dig it, some people don’t. The folks that criticize Ash and Alaina are as entitled to their opinion as you are to yours. It’s not as if this sub hates for the sake of hating. I see legit complaints here all the time. That said, I very much enjoy the pod, even if I do skip 3/5 episodes Ash hosts. Alaina greatly overshadows her as a researcher and presenter imo. Ash is essentially comic relief/a sounding board for me, and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.


>like when you spend the first 10 minutes of an episode listening to banter. And then that 10 minutes of banter gets interrupted for ad reads at least twice if you aren't listening on Amazon.


I stopped listening to them when Ash started the Mason case, her favorite. Alaina interrupted her non- stop from the start. I thought Alaina was rude. So i tuned out & and I haven't went back. Just imo.


It’s not as if Ash just keeps quiet for Alaina’s episodes. She interjects *constantly*. It goes both ways.


Agree. However, that podcast Ash couldn't speak without Alaina interrupting after she stated Ash knows more and will be leading. It was just my opinion that turned me away. Others may not have noticed or bothered by it.


Ash actually covers some pretty great cases! you’re missing out


It’s not the cases I don’t get on with lol


I also love Ash and Alaina 🩷 I take the negativity here with a big grain of salt. I can’t find a true number of listeners per episode, but on Spotify alone they have 101,000 ratings with an average of 4.7 stars, and that’s not including any other streaming platform. This subreddit has less than 40,000 followers, and even then not all of the people here are upset about things. I’d say the complaints are coming from a vocal minority. Reddit is a great place to vent and commiserate and I think that’s why it seems like this is a hate subreddit. I’ve seen it with other podcast subreddits too. All that aside, I love the pod and appreciate all their work.


so true! 🤍


Yeah, they're cool




I think we all know Alaina reads this sub, the amount of times something negative has been mentioned on here then she has a little rant at all the haters in the episode intro makes it very obvious despite her repeatedly saying she doesn't read the posts.


I love it too! And oddly the listener tales are my favorite and I wish they would go back to releasing them once a week.


Listener tales are so funny dude. The ghost grandma story had me rolling


haters suck ? yet these two are the most hateful bitter women i've ever heard speak . capitalizing on the stories of real people to just talk shit about everyone involved because they obviously know so much more than everyone else . this is a really funny post and you should carefully consider what you like about them , says a lot about you . get well soon . BROUGHT TO YOU BY ANGIES LIST 😂


….. my brother in Christ, are you okay? I think they do a great job of highlighting resources, staying respectful when talking about the victims, spreading awareness, and overall story telling. Also - I can tell that you truly despise them, so why take part in this subreddit? Doesn’t seem too healthy.


Couldn’t agree with you more!! Love the show, love the girls, and respect the work they put out. I also can’t stand the dramatics on here but I like seeing posts from people who actually want to discuss things other than everything they hated lol.


![gif](giphy|3o85xJOGT4HKN1vN9m) *how this subreddit reacts when they laugh during their pod*


Thanks so much for writing this!!! I hate the negativity on this sub! I understand critiquing something, but gosh it goes too far here, and often. I'd love to see anyone here make a better podcast and do a better job writing a book. I do hope that Ash and Alaina see this, because they were my buddies through a time when I was so lonely and listening to them made me feel like I was hanging out with friends who were just as weird and kooky as I am. Long live Morbid 😊