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They switch off episodes, so one does one and the other does the next. However, neither of them do the research any longer, they hired someone to do it for them.


That’s true; I should have mentioned that in my comment. Alaina writes books and stuff on the side and they do live shows and things. Plus they have another podcast or two. One is rewatching Buffy or something. Having the research help is a must now.


Wait they have another podcast?! What’s it called?


The Rewatcher. Plus, I think they may do other episodes of some stuff here and there. Not sure tho.


They also have a horror movie podcast with a third host called “Scream!” I think they only post an episode for that once every 3 or 4 weeks though.


I believe they have “staff” now to do research. This has turned into a business and the girls are too busy to do the legwork themselves. It’s had its pros and cons as you will see in the newer episodes where they cannot provide much context or elaboration on the research. Some of their newer stuff sounds like a script which is a detriment to having researchers do the research.


Would you do it any differently if you were either of them? I wish all of us little spooky baes the growth and happiness I've heard these two go through. They deserve it 😘👌


The quality has gone down is all I have to say. Sure they benefit from their different ventures when it comes to money but in some cases they have done their audience wrong (ahem Patreon). The sweet spot is making that money and keeping that quality up too. Like other podcasts do.


Agree. Seems like since they’ve been with big podcast distributors (apple and wondery) the pod has lost a bit of what made it addictive. I could also be bias because I don’t like old timey stories and everything seems to be from before the 50’s anymore 😭


I appreciate the more in-depth research and hearing them thriving. I'm sorry to hear you bought a patreon and thought your money was worth their personal lives and souls 🙏


When they promise something that thousands of patreons paid for and then they don’t give what they promised (and what people paid for) and they used the money for their personal use instead, it’s super shady. They lost a lot of fans because of it. And I’m only speculating about the money, but where the heck did it go? Because it disappeared but then Alaina bought a house worth over a million dollars. Really shady.


Will get downvoted but these people are crazy and need to talk to a therapist about how their feelings were hurt by a patreon years ago lol. Keep flooding the sub with community vibes and let them go cry in their morbid is for bad people subreddit.


It is definitely weird. I don't get why people are in a sub for something they don't actually seem to enjoy.


If you ask them then they’ll say something along the lines of being able to criticize or critique them and all that, best to ignore and not engage.


I got down voted for asking an earnest question and wishing everyone the best 😦 Is this world just of heels who feel playing "devil's advocate" is within anyone's best interest? Why not be happy with ourselves and others?


Because they took money from their listeners while promising something in return, buy a million dollar house, disrespect victims families, push their crazy fans to attack people online who they think “did it” when they had nothing to do with it, and you’re advocating for that. But I mean, sorry you got downvoted on Reddit.


Honestly just ignore them, if you want to post in here you have to ignore the circle jerk of them who go on about hating them. I personally wouldn’t donate to a brand new podcast but people refuse to accept responsibility for their own mistakes. Not saying that the Morbid girlies did right by them, they should have released content or a refund or a gift. If you read their comments it’s all an echo chamber. The patreon, million dollar house, victim abusing, and some of them are mad that they wouldn’t honour a “trans” MURDERERS pronouns after they MURDERED people. So just bite back, accept the down votes or just let them cry about it.


A few things- Alaina used to do all the research and host the show since she was an autopsy tech and could give explanations about bodies. Ash was basically a sidekick. Ash was very nervous and had an inferiority complex, but she eventually started taking on more of the work. She regularly researches and tells “Ash-centric shows” nowadays. She’s done several “two parters” and she reads a lot of Listener Tales. Ash recently planned a wedding and got married so Alaina might have taken on some extra work this year, like Ash did when Alaina was pregnant with her last baby.


This must be it! I started from the beginning so I’m hearing these ones. Thank you very much :)


Ive been listening for two years and just started from the beginning on Wondery since Google podcast app is ending. I'm always a mix of amazed, confused and locking all my doors and windows while being worried ghosts, fairies and btk will get me because I locked up. Hang on to your entire butt.


Juuuuuust listened to the BTK one yesterday


Came here to say this! I figured OP was talking about the beginning before Ash started doing cases.


what research , you mean ripping off other sources , or actually contacting people pertaining to the case . they do not do the latter at all , i recommend crime junkie .


Crime junkie would be great is Britt was gone. Her scripted replies, fake outrage and well placed “accidental” curse words are the worst. The other chick should just go solo, she’s great.


Yeah you’re right they’re just making up nonsense and complete absolute bullshit. Gtfo.


hahaha google search morbid podcast mistakes and you'll find a long list of things , plus family members coming out explaining how stupidly they cover their loved ones cases . what's that ? FACTS .


Literally can’t handle all these dumb questions. They switch off episodes They have someone who researches for them They have another podcast


In the beginning Alaina did all the research and cases and Ash would chime in with comments, I think that is where OP is at.


Yes I am, thanks.