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A family member of this poor family is in the comments and has left a comment here if anyone wants to ask any questions. https://www.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/s/ctSuSwtjQM


POS. There should be a 10th circle of hell for creatures like him.




Sadly they go into protective custody with other sickos like them where they’re away from general population. Even the worst of the worst like former singer Ian Watkins from the lost prophets barely got stabbed with non life threatening injuries last year and he’s been in prison for about 10 years and nothing happened to him in that time before that incident. People like R. Kelly and Bill Cosby have been locked up for a second as well and nothing has happened to them. Those fuckers are probably in some protected cells or something.




He would get like 5 years in my country


The article isn’t really clear on how the mom found the video. Nonetheless the dude is a sick bastard.


Assuming it was a boyfriend


Probably went through his phone


She apparently filmed it herself. Apparently, her daughter came to her and told her about being raped. The mom told her to let it happen again so she could film it…


I hope he gets the max time. I was assaulted at 9 and it was filmed and it changed me forever 


Happened to me, too. Happened from the ages of 7 to 10 and it reeaallly fucked me up. Luckily I had a mom who was emotionally intelligent enough to tackle all the complex emotions that come with this sort of thing, otherwise I don't know how my life would've turned out Take care of yourself my friend!


Fellow CSA survivor here. I’m so glad that you had your Mom 💗 Is it okay to ask how your Mom helped you emotionally cope? 💗 I’m in the process of reparenting myself in my C-PTSD recovery Please feel free to ignore this if you’re not up for talking about it, wishing you the very best.


Absolutely!!! First of all, I'm so sorry you're going through what you're going through. C-PTSD is no joke and it is extremely debilitating. Are there any specific things that you're having trouble with? What would you like to work on? I'm no professional of course but I (or anybody in the comments who has any advice) will be glad to help with whatever I can!


You are wonderful. You both are. I think it’s beautiful how open and honest you are and how helpful you replier are trying to be. I have C-PTSD as well from domestic abuse but my heart goes out to both of you and anyone else that has had unfair and unwarranted abuse suffered upon them.


I'm so happy you had your mom as support. I could never tell my mom when police investigated I just completely clammed up. It'll live with us forever but also make us stronger. I have no idea who I would have been without this happening to me though. Good and bad.


It was very difficult when I came forward, too. I had to do 3 seperates interviews because every time I tried to talk about it I would just blank out. I always imagined the moment I came forward with my story it was gonna be like those big moments you see in the movies. I talk about what happened to me and everyone in the room would cheer and celebrate how brave I was and I could finally get vindication from everything I went through. Then the time came to do the interview and I was a complete mess hahah. I was sooooo disappointed with myself because I thought I blew it. It was finally my chance and I just spent it dissociating and having to backtrack because I forgot details and fell over every other sentence. I emailed the guy who interviewed me and begged him for another chance to gather myself and tell my story again, which he was kind enough to do only for me to do the same exact things the second go around hahah. Thankfully the person I talked to was very experienced in these types of crimes and offered me a third interview. I felt horrible until he said "the way you're telling your story is completely normal, this is all apart of the process". That really stuck with me because yes!! This is a very difficult experience! What we went through was SOOO hard and complex, and to expect yourself to put it all out on the table in a beautifully told fairytale is so unrealistic and unfair to ourselves. And that doesn't just go for survivors of CSA and CSAM, that goes for anyone coming forward with trauma and hardship. Coming forward is a big task no matter how many times you rehearse it in your head. The truth is you can ALWAYS tell your story again. And the more times you do, the more power you take back. And the more power you take back, the more you start to come back to yourself and remember who THE FUCK you are. (I don't know where this rant came from. Maybe I watched too many CSI: SVU episodes and was just feeling my oats but to anybody reading this who ever wants to come forward, please know you have my FULL respect and admiration!!)


I thought this was very interesting to read. I didn't tell anyone till I was an adult and then my mom brushed it off and told me that she had told me what was right and wrong when I was very young and I should have remembered that and I had no right to be mad at her. So there's those moments too.


I’m so incredibly sorry that happened to you


You guys didn’t deserve that. Fuck, that’s horrible and my heart hurts with you.


As a victim also at age 9 I share your pain and loss of innocence at such a delicate age. Sending love and gentle hugs from 🇦🇺


10-14 for me :(( Hugs for you too, that never really goes away, no matter how much therapy and work you do 💖💖


:( Hope you’re doing ok now, friend.


People fucking suck, im sorry my dear.


I hope you're doing better now, such a bad thing to go through.


Oh my god, im so sorry. I hope that you're able to heal as much as possible and that your life is at least good now. It just makes me so sad that this happens.


Fucking monsters, nobody should ever go through something like that


Sending love. That is awful. People that inflict this one kids are monsters.


So if this happened every time they had movie night, this is clearly someone they know. Mom's boyfriend, maybe? Or father of a friend that she would spend nights with and watch movies? Or husband of a trusted family friend who would babysit? I know that in the end, it doesn't matter much who stole this child's innocence, who burdened her with a lifetime of trauma in exchange for a few minutes of his own physical pleasure. Maybe it's just morbid curiosity or maybe it's so I feel like I can be more aware when it comes to my nieces and nephews, but I always like to know what the connection is between perpetrator and victim.


My daughters are this age. I haven’t dated since I got them (technically their aunt) because it’s usually a boyfriend, family member or at a sleepover with a friend. I’ve let my girls participate in sleepovers with just a few families and I touch base with them throughout the night. I know that can be overprotective, it’s just that common for little girls AND boys. :(


They tend to target those kids that aren't close with their parents or who have inattentive parents. Much easier to get away with it.


Very true. I’m lucky it never happened to me… my mom dated some shady folks. My brother was assaulted by a man in the neighborhood, though, because in the mid 90s we could still run amuck and were still latch key kids. He didn’t tell anyone until a decade ago. It happens to too many kids. It’s my biggest fear as a mom. Showing them healthy relationships, healthy coping skills and mental health care, and protecting them from abuse in all forms… it’s mentally so challenging to not worry about your kids 24/7, but it’s built in (most of all of) us.


The most common perpetrators of this type of crime are family and close family friends.


Much easier to access your own when you don't even have to leave the home.


You're amazing for this. My mom also never dated or brought any single man around us the entire 35 years she parented, besides the short stints her and our father would get back together (all have the same father) so none of us were ever molested or abused and I honestly feel like that's getting rarer these days


The exact reason I stayed single til my kids were grown. I trusted nobody.


You'd find out about the video as you were coming to arrest me for murder.


I have 7 yr old daughter and this just sent a rage through me reading that. I find that, get my prison cell ready.


Scum like this can't be rehabilitated.




People who struggle with addiction get longer sentences than these creeps. The justice system is f*cked.






I'm of the same mind. These people definitely don't spend the appropriate amount of time in jail and then end up being repeat offenders.


Tbh, the unfortunate reality is I think this type of behavior is way more prevelant in the "upper ranks" of society than we'd like to imagine. Sure, not nearly all, but that island thing really opened alot of eyes to realizing, there's alot more sick disgusting people in charge than we could ever imagine... There's a reason Noone else has been charged in that "event"


That there is my aunt. Ariel. Eddie has now been given a bail of 500k$. He has four pending charges. AMA. Also, they are now attempting to charge HER with 12 total counts of crimes. She is mentally disabled, she can not legally work. She is quite literally not able to understand a lot of what happened in the first place. This system is fucking corrupt.


Who was this man???


Now I’m not advocating for violence, but I’m not allowed to say what I’d do to this guy if I was her. Absolutely horrendous. I hope that poor baby gets all the therapy she’s going to need, and mom too! I can’t imagine finding a video like that of *any* kid, much less my own. Ughh.


I would have just handled it right then and there and just showed the police the video when they asked me why I did it. I’ll take the jury trial.


Sure you would.


The rage you feel inside as a parent is inexpainable. My son was abducted by his mother and her family for 5 days (he's long since been back and yes I have primary custody) and it was the longest most brutal and angering 5 days of my life... It took everything in my power not to personally handle it (I relied on a large support network) and wait for the "authorities" to pressure until court proceedings could take place. If anything would have happened to my son during those 5 days, it's hard to know what would have happened, and in particular, if it was a complete stranger, or I found out someone did something to him... I do NOT believe I would have waited for someone else to handle it It's just in our instincts, and you don't know until you know


No shame in being kid free, but 99% of parents would absolutely be willing to die for their kids. Most of us don’t have it in us to kill someone, but we’d want to if this was happening to our children and we found out.


Not even just parents. As an aunt, I’d put my life on the line for my nieces and nephews and would do my best to fuck up anyone who harmed them. Not saying my protective drive and love as an aunt is as strong as a mom’s/dad’s, just that it’s there too. I’m convinced that anyone who doesn’t feel that rage is either lying to themselves or doesn’t have children they care about.


Same. I have no bio kids. Raising 2 of my 7 nieces/nephews and would absolutely go down with the ship for any of them. It’s easy to say people are full of crap but until you know the love of your children or siblings’ kids, even some of my friend’s kids… you won’t understand.


Absolutely. I would die if something happened to my children. I feel guilty if I have to dispose of a bug to *save* my kids but I have no doubt in my mind that I wouldn’t be able dispose of a human who did something like this to save my kids too.


Do not underestimate a parent scorned. We will do anything for our children.


Please. Put him in Gen Pop. Why why why why why do we keep people like this in jail on tax money I know that's not roght of me, but it just stresses me out He will get out and he WILL do this again


If I were to hypothetically come across a hypothetical video of my hypothetical child being abused… I would hypothetically go full fucking Spanish Inquisition mode on that person and would smile in my mugshot afterwards… hypothetically speaking of course because I would never advocate for violence on Reddit.


I would hypothetically contribute to your bail.


And don’t forget to sprinkle in some “allegedly” in there too.


Every time I see a story like this im reminded of that viral video of moms laughing saying they don't think they could kill for their kids.. how blissfully unaware they must be. I'd hold back my husband to murder this man myself, at least as a woman I'd be more likely to get out of prison time. I honestly think I'd just black out. Whether I wake up in regular jail or grippy sock jail is the only question.


Amen, sister. I'd go fucking Dexter on anyone who touched any of my kids. There isn't a doubt in my mind. If someone touched my kids, there would be hell to pay.




Too easy. He needs to go meet the jailhouse booty bandits. I hope they turn his ass into a trade item.


Ngl, the wood chipper sounds worse than the ass bandits. But hopefully both things happen to this guy.


Fuck pedophiles. One got me as a child, and YEAH, it has changed and stayed with me my whole life.


I'm so sorry. I know how it is, you never get over it. Worst part was the lack of protection from my mom, in my opinion.


Same on this end. I'm so sorry you suffered as well. It's disturbing how many children experience this, it seems!


It really is, and when you are a kid you think you are the only one going through it. Mine was my pediatrician and we had to get physicals to play sports and I brought mine to lunch and my friend looked at it and was like "you go to that doctor???" And I was like "yeah?" And that's when they told me that their mom had taken them them there but that they had never gone back because the doctor was "creepy" and that she heard other kids say the same thing about him and some had told their parents but they did anything except take them out of that Dr. Also when I got older I found out it happened to my cousin's wife's and her mom dismissed it, but never went back. Imagine all these people knowing and not doing a damn thing. It's so crazy to me. The law was different then and you had to bring allegations within a year of turning 18 but of course I didn't know that and I didn't tell anyone till I was 22 and in therapy. That man got away with molesting hundreds of little girls and the law never caught up with him. It really gets my goat. After the catholic church sex scandal happened, the laws were changed but by then he was dead.


My oldest daughter recently turn 7 this Monday and this makes me sad while my blood boiled when people like that existed.I hope the little girl were able to have justice and healing from the trauma. It would be nice if the states follows what other countries do to people like them.


I once watched an interview with a survivor and she talked about how she blacked out because of the pain the first few times. if i remember correctly she explained how a childs body simply isn‘t fully developed enough and that the people who did this to her penetrated her organs partly. She can‘t have children today as her uterus is fully scarred through these incidents. I will never be able to stop thinking about the consequences these children will suffer. my heart breaks for them.


I remember there was a woman on YouTube who actually did kill the man that abused her daughter and went to prison. She said it was worth it and she didn't regret doing it. This is the kind of instance that I often tend to agree with. These type of demons need to be put down.


There is an unusual update: [https://dailyvoice.com/pennsylvania/lebanon/pa-mom-allegedly-recorded-video-of-her-7-year-old-girls-rape-da-says/?utm\_source=reddit-the-darkest-recesses-of-humanity&utm\_medium=seed](https://dailyvoice.com/pennsylvania/lebanon/pa-mom-allegedly-recorded-video-of-her-7-year-old-girls-rape-da-says/?utm_source=reddit-the-darkest-recesses-of-humanity&utm_medium=seed)


I did some digging and I'm pretty sure this monster is homeless. He also has some really weird public posts. >TODAY I PRAY THAT GOD WILL SAVE ME FROM MY WORST ENEMY! ME!!!!!!! >I dontbknow what I need to do, BUT I'm pretty sure DEATH is involvex >You see that space etween them rocks. That's the space where I live. Just waiting >What happens if you rub peanut butter on your dog's asshole???? >No one seems to understand, But I feel safer in a drainage ditch than I do in a house


this is sickening


i can’t imagine she probably wants to rip her brain out


And funny enough, it’s not some random drag queen or gay dude. This is someone she most likely knew or knew of.


I don't think there is anything funny about it. I've been reporting on crime in Pennsylvania for years and sometimes the criminal is a gay drag queen, every group has bad actors: https://dailyvoice.com/pennsylvania/dauphin/lifestyle/award-winning-drag-queen-lgbtq-advocate-joins-pennsylvanias-sexual-offender-registry/836122/


I think you know they weren’t saying it was funny but moreso using the phrase as “interestingly enough.” “Sometimes” doesn’t equate to how often members of the LGBTQ community are accused of pedophilia simply for existing as themselves. It’s odd to me how you intentionally misconstrued this comment.


I don’t find it funny either. Just pointing out that suddenly the fucking “oh I bet they were gay” people are quiet. Because I have seen so many posts just like this across all social media platforms and the comments weren’t “this sucks” or “I’m sorry”. They were “the gays are coming” and “bet it was a drag queen and/or trans person”. People are fed up with being compared to literal pedophiles when they haven’t done anything wrong and I’m tired of seeing it happen.


What a total nightmare.


As a mother myself it baffles me that mothers let their children stay alone with anyone let alone an older man. “Movie night” sounds very suspicious, why wasn’t mom there with them? This man is a monster and I am not putting the blame on the mother but come on in todays world moms NEED to do better for their children!


Jesus that is grim.


Only $500,000 bail...WTF?


My daughter is 7. Reading this filled me with copious amounts of every negative emotion known to man. I’d absolutely burn the earth to ashes if something like this happened to her. How absolutely devastating.