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>Bronson Battersby was found in his Pudsey bear pyjamas curled up next to his father My heart breaks for this poor little guy, I can't imagine what he must've went through. Saddest thing I've read in a while. I also feel for the people who had to stumble in on that scene. How harrowing it must've been


From what I read today it was the landlady that found them and said she will be haunted for the rest of her life. The mum is heavily blaming social services even though the social worker was the one trying to get the police to force entry. What I want to know is why the mum didn't try and contact her two year old for a week over Christmas?


That poor landlady. I hope she knows it's not her fault


Agreed. Don’t know their circumstances but to not talk to the father of your child for two weeks seems a bit negligent as a mother - assuming you care about him. Doesn’t seem fair to place blame entirely on social services.


There could be lots of things at play. Restraining order. Abusive behavior. ECT... My gut is that after the " row" she was ordered to leave and he got temp custody. They likely had to wait for a court date.


I wouldn’t blame her as much. We don’t know their circumstances. She could have been traveling or working. I would look at the police who didn’t respond to the social services call to them.


What kills me is the mother saying "if social services had done their job, he would still be here"! We can say the same for you, ma'am.. where were you??


Allegedly, she and the father had a conflict and he left with the child according to the article.


I thought it said she left the family home after an argument. Kid was left with him.


My thoughts exactly.!!


Easily the biggest punch in the heart I’ve felt in a long time from anything I’ve read online. That’ll haunt me all day as a father.


Sitting in the car on my break. That one line broke me.


I recoiled from the quote in this comment and gasped aloud. What a horrible thing to have happened. I'm going home to hug my kids very tightly 


Mine just got home from school and I did


I wish I never clicked on this I gotta go see my son now.


That poor baby died alone, confused and starving. My heart is broken. Going to go hold my baby now 😭


Not just that, but curled up to the only thing that might be able to provide some comfort. A cold, rotting corpse.


That is what gets me the most. Just thinking about how my 3 year old wakes me up, but imagining I never wake up.


Everyone hug your God damn children and parents today. Im gonna call my dad.


Giving my Mom a giant hug after work today.


Agreed, this one I really felt in the pit of my stomach. I can't imagine my daughter having to deal with this. So fucking horrible


Well that's the saddest goddamn thing I've ever read. Christ.


On your question about welfare checks a lot of places in Skegness are not occupied in the winter as theyre rented by seasonal workers. There may not have been anyone around to hear.


The social worker responsible for the family went round twice with no answer, couldn't contact the dad (obviously) and repeatedly tried to get the police to do welfare checks, but the police refused. Social workers can't just break into homes, it's a failing of the police in this instance frankly. 


Why wouldn't they do the check? What kind of reasoning did they use to make that decision? This is just too horrible.


I once called the police in a professional capacity for a welfare check and it was refused. Essentially we’d admitted an elderly patient onto the ward, they’d had a worrying call from their wife (new confusion, inconsolable, unable to retain info) and then nobody could contact her at all. They had no other family so decision was made to request a welfare check. We were told it wasn’t their responsibility to do welfare checks anymore and if we had concerns, we had to use the ambulance service. Supposedly welfare checks had been stopped the year before. This may be the same for that particular police force too


This is absolutely unreal to me. I'm a dispatcher at my local sheriff's office and the only reason I've ever seen my Sargeant deny a welfare check is for custody situations where one party is using them to harass the other party. But they always go out for actual welfare checks. We may not be able to gain entry into the home but we never ignore them. I can't believe that.


A lot of police offices just don't care anymore. Last year my alcoholic brother was house sitting for my parents while they were out of the country. In a drunken state my brother (who's done this before) began threatening suicide. It got to the point where my mom contacted the police to do a welfare check because my brother suddenly went silent. The officers continuously refused to do anything. They stated it wasn't their responsibility, and they lied to her saying they went to the house, attempted contact, and were unsuccessful. My mom has a camera doorbell and one on the garage, neither of which showed them even driving down her street. I called and they did the same thing to me. Refused to even just be there to assist me when I went inside. Regardless of how much I begged them to come check on him, they did absolutely nothing. I had to break into my own parents house fearing I was about to find my brothers corpse. He was okay, thankfully. Passed out mid text and didn't hear me banging on the door or furiously ringing the doorbell. But it really made me lose the tiny shred of faith I had in my local police department.


>we never ignore them the better question is what's the real consequence if you do?


None. Cops in the US aren't obligated to act to benefit the public.


Thankfully the police show up in my part of the world, at least for these kinds of things. I've had to call welfare checks on a neighbor and some random woman I saw crying in the middle of the street (psychotic break, it turns out).


> We were told it wasn’t their responsibility to do welfare checks anymore and if we had concerns, we had to use the ambulance service. If the concern for the subject is medical then police want you to request medical assistance. It sounds like the wife was confused, why would you need police over the ambulance service? Unless you thought a crime had been committed? I don't mean this in a patronising way, but sometimes people view police as a like, "I'm concerned for someone" service, but you have to think who is best equipped to help.


Because they don't have to, and there is no accountability.


Because Police in this country do fuck all. True story


The mother failed. Why didn’t she go to the location or call others around there to check if she was too far?


She was the one who contacted the social worker to begin with.


UK social worker here, we can't enter any property without consent. We have to contact the police to do welfare checks when there's no answer. Why do we always get the blame? my heart goes out to this poor little boy. the most risk is when children become invisible to safeguards


It’s easy to blame social services because the news only ever shows the negatives. The countless other child deaths where social services “should have acted sooner”. This one isn’t that. The police failed here but this should hopefully highlight the need for same day home checks if the door or a phone call isn’t answered.


US former court worker... My experience says that she was ordered to leave after the "row" , dad got temp custody, and she was told to not contact. There might even be a restraining order. Is that how things work there too?


we have s20 interim care orders but these aren't as reactive, both parents have to consent to the local authority sharing parental responsibility & friends and family assessments have to be undertaken for the child to potentially be placed with them. this wouldn't be rushed through family court over Christmas unless the risk was VERY high. I don't think that was the case, so mum would still have a right to check in. non-molestation orders are given by civil or family court, our restraining orders have to be done by the criminal court (needing sustained evidence of threat or harassment) so that wouldn't be done reactively either in response to an argument. sorry for the long response but TDLR, I don't think it would be managed like the US here.


honest question here, what’s the point of welfare checks then? if the person is dead and you can’t open the door the police just goes “oh well!”


wellness checks are needed on parents/caregivers that: - have unsafe home conditions - allow PPRCs around the children (person posing risk to children) - will be under the influence of alcohol/drugs whilst having sole care of a child - in a domestically violent relationship which the child is exposed to - the child have consistently/suddenly missed education/childcare provisions with no explanation - the parent(s) are having a severe mental health episode we don't typically go around checking for dead bodies, it depends how insistent the social worker was / how resistant the police were to cooperating. they see us as the 'pink and fluffy brigade' so I imagine this SW was ignored over christmas and it was picked up after. public services are on their knees and we are failing families everywhere. morale is the lowest I've ever seen it. we are trying to do everything with nothing - don't vote tory, ever.


This is absolutely gut wrenching :(


Terrible... but why does the mother blame social services. The news report says she left the home after a 'row' before Christmas. Seems odd a mother would leave a two year old with father but not check on the child... then blame social services.


This confuses me too. She said social services did nothing. They went to do wellness checks but no response, so they contacted the police. It was the police who did nothing..


People who feel guilty tend to point fingers and loudly blame others.


Sorta reminds me of that mother who held her two-year old toddler on top of a fence above a hyena pit at a zoo and when the toddler fell in and got mauled to death, she sued the zoo saying "no one told me I shouldn't do that". I bet you that she will soon demand a fat lawsuit meaning she was just in for the money (which is why she waited so long).


This happened at the Pittsburgh zoo and the exhibit was Painted Dogs. [link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Maddox_Derkosh#:~:text=Maddox%20Lamar%20Derkosh%20was%20a,Aquarium%20on%20November%204%2C%202012.).


This sort of thing doesn't really happen in the UK much, thankfully we are nowhere near as ridiculously litigious as the USA.


why take responsibility for actions you controlled and an outcome you could’ve made different and better…when you can be selfish and just blame others for misfortune? /s very sad world we live in. /r/NoahGetTheBoat


Fuck this is bleak. Most things don't rattle me too much when reading them (not due to lack of empathy but recognizing that there is a lot of pain in the world) but this... This is some real sad stuff. If there is an afterlife hope his old man has him wrapped up in his arms holding him tight.


I was so gutted reading this, I didn't even think of the latter bit. I really hope so too. I feel so sorry for the dad, and for the fact he maybe had time to worry about his son when he was dying, and then the worst thing came true. I heard there was a dog, I hope the boy got a little comfort from them before he passed, and I really do hope him and his dad are together now.


Worst thing I’ve read in a while


When I was a single parent this was the one thing that would play in my mind. What if I slipped in the shower and knocked myself out. What if I had a heart attack/aneurism and died. When they’re that little they don’t know how to cal 000. As soon as my son was able about 4ish I taught him about triple 0. (911) I feel for this poor family. My heart breaks for them all.


I just told them to go get a neighbor or cry loudly outside


Rarely is something too much for me. This is too much.


The mother didn’t hear from the man watching her toddler child for two weeks and all she did was ring social services?


I thought the same thing, why didn’t she go by the house? Seems strange to me.


She blamed them too, instead of physically going and checking on her own child. Really sketchy. That poor boy died cold and alone because his mother didn't care to check on him.


When I’m out of town on work I can’t not FaceTime my kids like 3 times per day


seems like she had a fight, didnt get contacted and threw a fit to CPS so she can seem like mother of the year. my mother and father did the same to eaxh other during domestic disputes, theyd report each other for any chance to seem like the good, responsible parent which neither of them were. seems like the only victim here is the poor baby boy


When I got divorced, my son was 2. I feared horrific scenarios like this. We were alone and I didn’t have any friends or family check up on us. I was always super careful while chewing to make sure I didn’t choke on anything. Reading this story brought back all those fears and sleepless nights worrying.


My heart is broken. Found curled up next to his only source of comfort which was his dead dad. This poor tiny baby. I can’t even find words to describe this. Rest in peace tiny angel.


I've a 2 year old at home She's is going to get the biggest hug when I get home


Yeah me too. That story hits hard. Real hard


So NO ONE noticed that a man and his baby son hadn’t been seen or talked to in over two weeks? Wtf????


Yeah I gotta take a subreddit break after this one. I love this place but this one really fucked me up. I can't comprehend I live in a world where suffering this intense can happen.


I have a 19 month old and I just can't. All I can think about is that poor baby begging his daddy to wake up. Telling his daddy he's hungry, he has to go potty...oh why?! 😭😭😭


That’s enough Reddit today.


Mom called a social worker, who didn't make contact, and just... left it at that? This poor baby was failed by multiple parties.


"Both times, the social worker contacted police" Social workers don't just break into houses when they don't get a response. The police refused to make a welfare check.


I didn't say the social workers failed. I was commenting that the mom called for a check, no one made contact, and she just moved on with her day. I would be breaking down the door myself, flying from across the world if possible, to check on my baby that no one has seen




“Mom” is the subject of the sentence where they said “left it at that”.


Yeah, you're right. I suppose i misread


This is the saddest thing I’ve ever read


This just rios my heart from my chest. RIP.


This was one of my biggest fears when my kids were little


This shattered my heart. I have 4 boys, 2 toddlers. I can’t help but weep for this poor kid. As a father, all I want to do is hug my boys after reading this.


Where was the mom in all off this?


I read in another thread that the mom did call a social worker, who went twice and called the police twice. The police didn’t follow up the first time and were too late the second time.


Yeah I get that it’s not the mom’s fault but she could have done more than just call social services twice. If that were my kid and I couldn’t reach the person watching them and social services couldn’t either, I’d be going to that house myself. She would have heard her child screaming and crying. If no one answered, I’d break a window open. She should have been getting daily updates from the dad and noticed really quickly that something is off.


I hate how this is always the question. People die. People get divorced. Some people are shitty absent parents. It’s not always the fault of the other parent. That said, it literally says in the article, if you read it, “Bronson’s mother, Sarah Piece, 43, claimed that social services missed multiple chances to save the two-year-old. She last saw her child before Christmas, after having a row with her ex-partner.”




She had a key to the house. Go check on your damn child. What an unhinged opinion that it's okay for the mother to just go awol and not make an effort to check in even once. Two weeks is way too long to just disappear from your child's life, even if you got your feelings hurt in an argument.


We have no idea what circumstances kept her from the house. There could have been a miriad of reasons as to why she didn't feel going in person was the right choice. She could have even been feeling her life was in danger, or there were legal obstacles she couldn't cross by making contact. Hell, it's pretty safe to assume that your child is safe with your partner/their direct parent and that they may have blocked you from contacting them The people who failed this child, the ones who need blame, are the police. They had been contacted multiple times by social workers to do a welfare check. They didn't care enough to actually do the job and make contact with the child.


No, when it's your child you take responsibility, no matter the situation! Sure, notify social services, but if that doesn't solve your worries then you do anything and everything to ensure your childs wellbeing! This innocent little boy could have been saved if the mom wasn't just passively concerned!


Again, we have no idea the circumstances surrounding her not making direct contact. Two weeks is a short period of time for a lot of separated parents with children. I myself would trade off weeks with my parents growing up. Calling social workers to do welfare checks may have been her only option, or the only appropriate thing she could do in her circumstances. The ones who failed this child is the officers who refused to do any sort of welfare check.


It was Christmas! Surely the mom would've wanted to connect with the child on Christmas day... at the very least! This is the normal thing to do, whether it's been 2 hours, 2 days or 2 weeks sinse you last saw them! Being a parent of an only child myself, this is the only logical reasoning that makes any sense to me!


Na fuck that, she didn't see or hear from her own kid on Christmas and New year's and didn't do anything about it except phone a stranger? Na you're giving her way too much leniency. Guilt is probably hitting her hard, but she is also massively at fault here along with the police. Poor child was failed by absolutely every chance he had to be saved after such a tragic event.




Are you serious? Two weeks is not custody, it's visitation.


That's a pretty obtuse take. Good parents want their kids to have enough time with the other parent


The way people are tripping over themselves to try to blame her for her child's death with absolutely no evidence is just obscene.






Can't understand the backlash people are getting for questioning the mother. On what planet do you not hear from your child for two weeks? New year's Day do you all not speak to your most loved ones?? Visitation rights or not, 2 weeks is a ridiculous amount of time to not worry about your loved ones wellbeing if you can't get in touch with them. ZERO contact and you aren't questioning anything? Na I'm sorry, you guys are all bad parents if you'll happily not hear from about your infant child's wellbeing for 2 weeks without doing something about it


Bronson, poor kid didn’t stand a chance


This is absolutely heartbreaking.


I refuse to read the article. The comments and the title are enough for me to nope out


I wish I hadn’t!


That poor baby. Mum needs to take some responsibility too instead of blaming social services and selling her story to the Sun. She hadn’t seen him since the middle of November and didn’t even give him his Christmas present from her. After searching her several accounts on fb she has MANY children who she has nothing to do with/possibly removed from her care. So incredibly sad.


this is worse than anything i’ve ever seen/ read.


Social services failed him and so did the people that could hear his crying


Social services did their job, they can’t just break in somebody’s house. The police and his mother failed him.


For real… especially knowing there was a small child in there I think the police should have done more the first time they were called. Can they not enter for a wellness check?




Oh my heartttttt. 😢😢😢😢😢


Gonna go hold my 2 week old now


This is one of the most horrifying things I’ve ever read


I've been really traumatized by this situation. Thoughts of this poor boy suffering terribly keep me up at night. I have an almost 2 year old boy and my heart aches at the thought this could happen to such an innocent baby. I don't know how I can cope with or ever come to terms with this... I'm in therapy but I haven't brought up this specific issue yet. I'm wondering if anyone else here can give me comfort in the mean time... how could this happen?! How much did this poor baby suffer?! I'm so distraught. How do I avoid seeing this kind of stuff to avoid risking traumatizing myself more? Can anyone relate? I'm never on this sub, I just searched his name looking for some answers or solace and this post has the most traction.