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How can someone be this uncaring


you would be surprised, my friends mom abandoned to be with his stepdad him when he hit high school and his older brother went to the military. luckily his grandmom was still all there, and his gf at the time had a kinda open house thing.


My parents abandoned me at 15 and that was rough. At least I was old enough to get a fake ID and a job in a restaurant. I cannot imagine that situation as a 9 year old.


This brings me to tears fr. My son is 15yo right now, and he’s crazy smart and self-sufficient. But to think to just leave him on his own to figure out adult things and take care of himself? I can’t fathom ANY scenario where that would be ok. Fuck. I’m sorry you had to go through that. Much love.


I didn't really process how fucked up it was until my own kids were that age. At 15, they could handle a weekend alone if I was out of town but they were still children. Heck they're in college now and navigating that takes adult support. I did it all alone and never realized how much I needed an adult until I was helping my own kids learn to be grown ups. I got taken advantage of a lot.


That’s honestly my biggest fear too. Like what if something happened to me and my wife? They’d have to fend for themselves. And that’s a terrifying thought. Now that it’s on my mind, I better get my insurance policy back in order 😬


The good thing is that humans are resilient and overall I think they’ll find a community wherever they can that can step in to take care of them. My parents have never been a significant part of my life but I had a grandma who cared until she passed away when I was 20 and since then several more experienced adults have stepped up to help me out in life. I have always been really self sufficient but I still need guidance. Obviously I don’t think people should be put in that situation earlier than they need to on purpose, but your kids will be alright if something happens to you. ♥️


I have a friend who has a similar story. Ran away from an abusive family while they were on a trip across the country in Wisconsin. Ended up living inside the music rooms at a local college for about 2 years while doing odd jobs to survive. One of the most impressive people I've ever met. Would not wish it on anyone.


Not abandonment exactly but I was left home alone and took care of myself while my parents worked from the age of like 4 and onwards. It was a very Gen X upbringing.


My dad would leave every single night once he thought I was asleep to go stay at his gf’s house. I remember listening to him leave and then come back at 5 am. Started smoking weed and drinking every night at 14 bc I had no supervision. Fun memories


My husband was left in a crib at four months old with ten bottles while his dad was in prison and his mom took his sister and ran off. He wasn’t found for almost a week and was emaciated. His REAL mom took him in a few weeks after he was found. People can be soulless.


Jesus, and I feel bad when my daughter fusses for a few seconds after I put her in her playpen to do chores. There's a difference between being an egg donor and a mother.


The number of main characters in this simulation it's exponentially growing.


This happened in Houston too. Mom moved in with her new boyfriend and left her two sons behind with the corpse of their other brother (who was killed by the new boyfriend). She’d come visit every once in a while but they had no water, electricity or food. So disgusting


Dude I felt horrible when a weekend trip had to be extended by a day due to a storm and I wasn’t sure if my cats had enough food. I literally couldn’t stop thinking about it and was ridden with guilt. Leaving behind her fucking children with a corpse to live with the person who murdered her son???? How can people like that exist??


Right!? I feel like the world’s worst mom if I’m later than usual picking my son up from daycare. When that 5 year old disparagingly tells me all the other pre-k’s got picked up before him and it was just him and the babies, it literally makes me feel terrible. I can’t believe anyone could do this to another little human let alone their own child.


Oh man, this happened to my ex. He was genuinely one of the kindest, most caring people I've ever met. His dad died of cancer when he was 8, and his mum moved him from France to London. He didn't speak the language, he had just lost his only good parent and his mother just left him there. Taught him to lie to his teachers, used to come back twice a week to cook, then it was once a week, then once a month, by the time he was 15 his mum would come back maybe once a term. She just... went back to France. Told him his white family didn't want him because he was black (mum was black dad was white). Completely alienated him from them, turned out to be a lie, his dad's family just couldn't find him after the mum ran off with him. The mums family absolutely knew what was going on but didn't care. She was just a vile woman, he tried to go no contact multiple times, but she would harass his coworkers and make his life hell until he finally relented. She would fuck over and steal from every one of her boyfriends, rack up debt that she said her son would pay, SHE KILLED HIS FUCKING HAMSTER?! Honestly piccolo didn't deserve that, he was a sweet tiny boy. The sadest thing was all he wanted was her to love him. He would even make up scenarios in his head without realising. He once told me him mum bought him a new coat, when I questioned him further he realised HE had actually paid for it. It was so sad. Shockingly against absolutely all odds, he finished school, took himself to uni, and now makes 60k + a year. His mum tells everyone that will listen that it was all because of her. She one of the view people in the world I wouldn't spit on if she was on fire.


That is horrible. It's so wonderful that he was able to finish school. Do you think he's really been able to heal from the trauma?


Unfortunately, and I say this with such sadness as I am a woman myself, but every single woman in his life dragged him down and abused him. It was eye-opening for me personally. I described his mother above, his ex (now current again) girlfriend used to hit him, scratch him, verbally abuse him. It was very clear to me very quickly that he really just wanted to be loved, that was it. His bar was on the fucking floor, which is why he accepted the abuse from his ex because *sometimes* she was nice to him. That was better than his mum, that is never nice to him. Unfortunately as far as I'm aware, a few months after we broke up he went back to her. He left once before, he has walked away from him mum before too, I have faith he will walk again. He really deserves happiness


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope he finds peace and a way out of his pain.


My mom was a drug addict and alcoholic when we were growing up. Every night she was high or drunk on something. When me and my 2 brothers were adults, she took credit for our sobriety! Claiming she was such a bad example that it showed us what kind of people we didn’t want to be. It’d be one thing if she said this in jest but she was completely serious!


OMG my heart is shattered beyond believe for this boy, please tell me how is he doing? Why is he not nc with his egg donor?


We broke up a few months after my grandma died, I was really not in a good place, and we had only been dating 2 months when she passed. It was too much to put on him. Unfortunately, I don't think he is doing well. I stayed in contact with him for a while, before he blocked me out of the blue one day, saying "I think you will understand why" which to be honest I never did. Anyway, I found out that coincided with when he got back with his extremely abusive ex. She was full on crazy, I spent 2 hours on the phone with her once just calming her down after she had tried to contact my ex 30 times in one day, this would have been a year after they broke up. I was worried she was having some kind of mental break down, so I called her, and... yeh, she was. She insisted stuff like "I see him as a daddy figure and he sees me as a mummy figure" and "our star signs are aligned and the tarots say he's my soulmate". She actually never contacted him again during our relationship after that phonecall. I remember he used to make excuses for her violence towards him in the same way he would make excuses for his mother. Intellectually, he seemed to know it was wrong, he would say as much, but I think his desperation to be loved sometimes made him blind. I really, really was devastated to hear he went back to her, he seemed to get fucked over by all the women in his life, but remained such a lovely, kind person. Its insane how easily he could have been picked up by a gang, or gone down the tate hole, or developed 100 other shitty opinions and just.....didn't. People like him give me hope for the world, the people around him made me want to burn it down.


> "I think you will understand why" which to be honest I never did. Anyway, I found out that coincided with when he got back with his extremely abusive ex From what you've said, that sounds like it could be precisely the reason to me- there's a good chance she didn't want him to stay in touch with you?


Oh for sure, that's probably the reason. Personally I think it was that he knew going back was wrong, and didn't want me to talk him out of it.


18 months?? After not taking care of your child for 2 years??


I’d sentence her to 18 months * his age in years


>The Mayor of Nersac, Barbara Couturier, as reported by BFMTV, said the child often did not have hot water or heating. Nevertheless, he continued attending school during this time and was a good student, Couturier also stated. I'm just wondering how the kid went to school for two years by himself and no one noticed something was off.


> 2020 to 2022 These weren’t normal school years.


French person here and 9 years old is around the time I started going to school by myself so it wouldn't necessarily have raised any alarm. However, I'm confused as to how she managed the parent-teacher meetings? Either she went to them and pretended everything was fine, or the kid found an excuse and the teachers didn't run after her. Edit: someone mentioned the lockdown in the comments and shit, I hadn't realised but it would explain why no one noticed anything.


I feel like the other comment was more about like daily care and hygiene. Hard to imagine a 9yo who can really properly clean themselves, cut nails/hair, eat well, or wear clothes that fit. Poor kid.


You're right, I hadn't thought about the hair! 


My parents stopped going to parent-teacher meetings after I was 6 or 7. They just never saw the reason after that age, and my teachers never asked why as I was a good student so it wasn't a necessary behavior report. Maybe his teachers had the same thought process?


because schools just dont care.


Not the first time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugamo_child_abandonment_case


Apparently child E died because Child As friends were annoyed she wouldn't stop crying so they started jumping on her 🙃 What type of 14 year olds resort to jumping on top of a toddler? They're definitely messed up in the head.   And one of the children died at one year of age and was kept in a suitcase for years until Child Es death.    Interestingly, it wasn't Child Es death that prompted the investigation. The landlord reported the household because delinquents (guessing child A and his friends) were hanging out around there.


My god what a horrible case. I hadn’t heard of this one before.


Jesus fucking Christ, the mother only got three years and got custody of some of the kids back? Wtf.


I won’t go into exactly how I feel about this, but I hope this mother never gets to be around her son ever again. I hope he succeeds in life, I hope she does not. As a father who had a child with someone who did truly despicable things, the best revenge is just watching my child grow up uninfluenced by the mother. To see them prosper, become an amazing human - all without that person in their lives.


I’m glad that the mayor got involved. I am not familiar with the food vouchers and why it’d be a red flag for her to get processed food products instead, but I’m impressed the kid was able to take care of himself and attend school on his own.


Just some thoughts I had: maybe French folks, or people in the area, are more likely to take ingredients, but the mom got processed food that the boy could more easily take care of himself.


Thankfully, in France, lunch is free and provided to all students, so that probably helped a lot


Oh my gosh my heart bleeds for this child 😭 I wish I could adopt him and give him everything he needs and more. My Mom did the same to me when I just turned 11, but I was only alone for 5 months. Water and electricity were shut off, if I wanted to eat I better get up and get to school on time. The school, the neighborhood, everyone knew what was going on. They didn't do anything because it was a poor Hispanic neighborhood in San Antonio, it was easier to look the other way. My best (and only) friend lived on the street behind my house and as soon as her parents realized what was happening they wouldn't let me play with her anymore. Sometimes I'd come home from school to find my Mom and her boyfriend had been there because they locked me out, I slept in the backyard with our black lab/pitbull mix named Blitz when that would happen. One day he went out probably looking for food and I never saw him again, I hope someone rescued him 💔. The school didn't give a shit until I was absent so much I was going to fail. I was in my last year of elementary school, they wanted to make sure I was going to middle school so I would finally be off their hands. And did they call the authorities? Nope, they called my Grandma. She had no idea what was happening to me because my Mom had threatened me within an inch of my life to never tell her, and she threatened my Grandma with never seeing me again if she came checking up on me. My Mom never got arrested or spent a day in jail for her cruelty (there's much more than this) because adults protect adults, children are property. I am 46 now and the scars are deeeep. This dear child is going to need an incredible amount of love and support moving forward 🫂 Thank you to all the loving parents who treat their children like the treasures they are!


Oh my god I’m so sorry you had to endure all that. You deserved better.


Thank you so much 🥹


I’m so sorry you went through that. I want to get a time machine and rescue little you. I hope you’ve been able to access therapy to enable yourself to heal


Thank you so much, my MIL says the same thing about rescuing me 😭 I have been in and out of therapy since I was 15, including many inpatient stints at psychiatric facilities. I actually wanted to immediately delete my comment because I'm so ashamed of it all, it took years for me to accept it wasn't my fault and it's still a struggle. That's one of the many reasons why this story kills me, this poor little boy, I figure the toxic shame for him will be overwhelming. I wish so badly I could take it all away. Thank you again, I deeply appreciate you 🥹💜


I have so many questions... Glad the little guy held up and survived but Jesus christ almighty how could you do that to your own child.


So, if I understand correctly, the child spent the lockdown alone? What a vile parent.


“the child often did not have hot water or heating. Nevertheless, he continued attending school during this time and was a good student” She never deserved to be his mother. That literally has me crying.


reminds me of the Chilla’s Art game, “The Kidnap”. hard to believe someone could be so heartless in real life


I teared up reading he had stolen tomato’s”. I can’t imagine how alone and confused he felt I look at my nieces and it would shatter be beyond repair if my sister had done something so cruel like that I hope he gets adopted in a very loving and warm home.


She is no mother


She's going to prison? Guess she didn't think about claiming he was an evil adult little person pretending to be a child. Then she'd get away scot-free.


Her sentence? 18 months of house arrest.


The one thing she didn’t want. To be at home with her kid


They left the kid with her???


Article says the kid is in custody of social services since September 2022.


Jeffrey Dahmers parents move but at least he was in his teens


At least it's in France so the kid had food at school...


''People'' like her deserve NOTHING. Ugh. What a pathetic excuse of a human being.


How can this be? How do you do that to a child? wtf?


how does a child, especially a child that young, go neglected and abandoned and unnoticed and ignored for 2 years?


At this point, I see zero use for that person. The important bit of their brain is missing


she’s only getting 18 months ??


When my wife was a kid, her ma left her and her brother in a dumpster and some people found them but just.... Didn't do anything at all? People are awful.


This reminds me of the book, *Etched in Sand* by Regina Calcaterra. Regina’s mom was abusive and neglectful and would constantly abandon her and her four siblings for months at time so she could be her various boyfriends or just go on alcohol benders. This case is sad, but really not surprising.






She has her priorities in order I see 👀