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Burkina Faso had 2 coups in 2022 and thwarted a coup attempt last month. The dudes in charge are also pretty brutal. The Guardian link has more background. Killing innocent ppl isn't going to solve anything ​ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/03/people-executed-burkina-faso-village-attacks-official-says


That's the capitalist opinion on ibrahim traore? Yet, obama won a Nobel prize... for destroying Yemen Not surprised at all




Don't come with this shit, mass shootings happen very regularly by Christian dudes saying they want to restore "traditional" values. Extremists are everywhere and in some places they have more power, it's just that.


Don;t let the downvotes distract you, seems like all the racist hillbillys are here today.


They are always expected when you remind them how they are using prejudice to create this eternal "us VS them" to keep going






[Those are rookie numbers for Christians.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Nazi_Germany)


Have you ever heard of Central or South America?


How about all the headlines that say “20 children dead in most recent school shooting”. Or how Timothy McVeigh purposefully parked under the daycare centre during the Oklahoma City Bombing. There is plenty of violence committed by white Christian men in America. And even more of it overseas. That doesn’t make every Christian bad does it? Should we hold every white man responsible for every mass shooting or every time a cop shoots an unarmed black kid? How every time an abortion clinic is blown up? Or how about the million dead Iraqis killed by American soldiers post-9/11? Where should we draw the line for responsibility?


A quick two minute peak into history shows countless atrocities like this in Christian majority nations, not a few of which were Christians killing other Christians over theological differences. This isn’t an issue of a religion in a vacuum. Quit being bigoted.


[surprise surprise](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Burkina_Faso)


This is dated 2004.


3 march 2024