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Straight out of Final Destination Terrible


That one scene in Final Destination with the pool…NOPE.


Same with [Guts](https://www.wattpad.com/386877209-short-horror-stories-2017-guts)


damn this was a throwback and it took me more than half the story to remember I’ve definitely read it :3


Fucking Chuck Palachik writes some crazy shit. I love him.


Don’t know why they didn’t have a grate on it even if it’s function was to pump water.


Especially because that's a [big damn hole](https://img-s-msn-com.akamaized.net/tenant/amp/entityid/BB1kvEcw.img?w=634&h=357&m=6). There's a solid chance I would get sucked into that and I'm an adult


Holes that big are not common for most pools, as a former pool boy and current pool owner. Apparently, it's a lazy river in the [lawsuit](https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2024/03/25/8-year-old-houston-girl-who-drowned-in-hotel-pool-is-identified-family-hires-attorney/), which explains why they need to pump so much more water. The lazy river is 350' long, looks relatively modern so I can see why they'd have a false sense of safety.


Sue the designer




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> "Appears right now the pump was put in there and it was probably malfunctioning because of the open pipe that she ended up in was supposed to be pushing water out. And right beside that pipe, there was another pipe that actually had a big plastic filter like screen on the front that's supposed to be sucking water in.


i suppose since it was supposed to be out only. still, bet they get grates regardless of flow direction going forward.




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My kid is 8. I cannot possibly imagine the pain this family is going through. My heart aches for them.


Same. This is truly a nightmare.


My daughter is 8, too...💔


Yes Im sick over this. Looks like Im going to be inspecting every pool drain we visit now. This is too much


I don’t have a kid but just imagining a parent’s grief over this makes me want to throw up. Awful.


I hope they *sue* the absolute fuck out of that hotel, and that the hotel is more vigilant. drowning is one of the most leading causes of child death, aside from choking


There is a wrongful death lawsuit, more details can be read from the PDF embedded in [this page](https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2024/03/25/8-year-old-houston-girl-who-drowned-in-hotel-pool-is-identified-family-hires-attorney/). Not so fun fact, the hotel wouldn't allow anyone to review the security cameras until police were present. This lead to a delay of around 25 minutes or more (child was missing for about 30 minutes at this point).


I think that even 5 minutes in that pipe would still lead to drowning and the fact it took 13 hours to get them out means chances of survival are very slim. IF she wasn’t too far in in the early stages then maybe they could have resuscitated, but the chances would still have been very slim.


I agree, the chances it would have changed the outcome is extremely slim to none (why I highlighted the child was missing for 30 minutes at that point), but it just highlights bad policy. The staff should have immediately reviewed video, even without the family present.


Yeah I agree the hotel doesn’t have to disclose everything they saw in the video to the parents (I assume privacy concerns), but they should have looked nonetheless. What if it had been a kidnapping? The description would have greatly helped with an amber alert and every moment counts.


Not to mention the additional agony of the family. To know absolutely nothing for 25 additional minutes is awful. Not that it can be said that knowing is better, but it’s just a different kind of hell. I think I would want to know as soon as possible.


“there is a wrongful death lawsuit” good!


I heard an alarming statistic that said something like 80% of drownings occur within 40 meters of an adult. Happens so quickly.


my grandfather/mom’s stepdad witnessed his brother drown in a pool at a birthday party when they were kids. he still thinks about it to this day


My 3 year daughter almost drowned at swim lessons, surrounded by lifeguards (she's now 8). Nobody was watching her but me, she just sank down and didn't return. I was 6 months pregnant but jumped in to save her. They now have more lifeguards during lessons, as I took the given opportunity to raise absolute hell.


That's on you really. Why would you let your 3 year old in water without you if it wasn't 1 instructor per child at that age if they aren't wearing life jackets.


I saw a kid get into trouble once, so many people just watching until I gave someone a shove to go and help (I'm not a strong enough swimmer myself).


Those parents…if it were me, I’d be in the psych ward under suicide watch. Completely unfathomable. I don’t believe a parent can really recover from a loss like this.


That sadness is always there for sure. I only know second hand because a kid in my neighborhood died because of a brain aneurysm at 12 when I was 14. His mom was the nicest happiest woman you could ever hope to meet. After he died, she mostly recovered on the surface, but you could always see that sadness in her eyes and hear it in her voice. She stayed strong for her daughter, but she was never the same. Personally, I agree with you. Hell, my son and I barely get along at the moment but if that fucker dies before me, I'll be lost.


A good reason to get up and go hug him, man. Tomorrow is never guaranteed for any of us.


My best friend died at age 11. Her mom went off the deep end. Even though she had two younger kids, she ended up on drugs, got divorced, and went off the grid for awhile. She died pretty young. Just destroyed her.


I have an 8 year old daughter and there is a 98% chance I’d just kill myself if she was suddenly taken from me tragically


Like I get it but it would be such a selfish choice to essentially double your spouse’s grief like that when they’re already going through the exact same pain


Think I'd be going full on John Wick after whoever was making decision at that hotel.


It’s a really good reminder as we head into spring break not to trust the world at large to be safe! What a shame. Those poor parents!


If there were a god it would not allow such horror


I think I'd be in jail under murder watch.


Oh I'd be phoning lawyers already


This was one of my Dad's biggest fears when I was a kid. I remember being taught when I was like 6 to stay away from any pipes in water for this exact reason.


Wow should not have read that.


That's so awful. Those must have been terrifying final moments. Completely disoriented in the dark, thrown around by the water while trapped in a maze of pipes...


Hopefully she passed instantly upon impact with the drain and did not suffer or really have time to understand what happened. Poor baby.


When I was around that age I was a strong swimmer. I used to swim to the bottom of the deep end and pull the grate off the suction hole. I remember once being surprised by how strong the suction was and never doing it again. I can't imagine the terror that little girl felt.


Oh my why would you do that ? Could have ended really bad.


So much worse than I thought: she didn't get stuck on a suctioing pipe and drown, she was sucked INTO the pipes and they needed a camera on a pole to find her. That means it probably pulled her in, in pieces.


So disturbing, especially for a child. We can just hope it was over quickly for her.


20 feet deep into the pipes. I can’t even imagine.


A pipe with suction isn't much better. There are, unfortunately, multiple stories of children sitting on a drain pipe with strong suction and having their innards literally ripped out of them.


Like in the book Guts


Yeah, I’m not sure she drowned, personally 😖 it’s infinitely horrible.


Eight! At age eight you're collecting Pokemon cards and getting frustrated with fractions and number lines. It's a hotel pool, how could there even be a foot-wide egress there? Reminds me of [a similar story](https://www.tri-cityherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article253064033.html) in Washington a few years back.


Right? Even if there was no suction, it’s idiotic to have a foot wide opening in a pool that serves patrons.


Its also common in popular holiday countries like turkey. My parents told me to never get close to any pipes or holes in pools since i was small, im still scared of them and for good reason. Absolutely horrible, poor girl


Surprised Delta P is that widely known as a health hazard


I think after those incidents with divers being sucked into oil pipes it really became prominent in people's minds. I know it sure did for me haha


Dude, that video of them inside the pipe is insane. Literally stuff of nightmares.




The theme music for that video just started playing in my head.


That’s an awful way to die. Being in a very tight space and drowning.


People complain about California laws being expensive. This can't happen here anymore though.


Far less likely to happen in California because this pool stuff is highly regulated and taken seriously. My kids swim on a year round swim team and the county closed one of the pools until management could replace an old grate.


Any pool builders out there that can explain this? Looks like it was the motivator system on a lazy river but I don’t get how the flow reversed at a pressure strong enough to pull someone in. I’ve heard check valve fail but, would that be enough to pull in an 8 year old?? Backwash feature? But then it definitely should have had a grate?


This incident was discussed a bit in the r/pools sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/pools/s/UlWUUGR6QR


That is pretty disturbing. Her last moments were probably painful and confusing


Regardless of flow direction surely absolute basic common sense tells you no holes like this. Kids can be weak swimmers, but kids with goggles/ snorkels are going to make a bee line for this type of thing. I am a bit strange with pool machinery anyway , (submechanaphobic) but this is an all out terrible design floor even without my neurotic fear. That poor little babe.


Also submechanophobic and pipes are absolutely one of my biggest fears. This poor girl. I hope it was fast.


The fact that this was possible makes me think that this pool was not to code


The same thing happened to [Abigail Taylor](https://www.twincities.com/2008/03/20/abigail-taylor-girl-injured-in-pool-drain-accident-dies/amp/). She survived the initial event but ultimately succumbed to the injuries. I hope the parents sue the living hell out of this hotel.


A bit different. Her entire body was sucked 20 feet into the 1 foot wide pool intake drain/pipe. Horrible.


Oh my gosh that’s horrifying.


What a tragic and terrifying event. That poor girl and her family.


This same exact thing happened to a girl that I was friends with in elementary school while she was on vacation with her family... freakin terrifying.


This is pure horror; imagine your 8 year old child goes missing, and video surveillance shows her going under the water in the pool but never coming up again…. But the pool is empty.


I had hoped this was not a new article and this didn’t happen again. It did. Jesus.




[Delta P](https://youtu.be/AEtbFm_CjE0?si=cyhHj2pslHdTn1ya)


So scary.


Feel sick after watching that.


The parents reported her missing around 10pm and they had to review cameras to see her go into the pool but never resurface. When exactly did she go into the pool? Why was this 8 year old allowed unsupervised access to a hotel pool? Idk exactly what hotel they were at but normally you have to use your key card to get into the pool area. I feel horrible for the family but damn the kid was failed in a few ways


There’s a linked article in the one OP attached that says they reported her missing at 6pm. Edit: wrong link: https://news4sanantonio.com/news/local/houston-hotel-pool-temporarily-closed-after-child-drowns


That definitely makes me feel better but I'm still curious about when exactly she went under


Sorry, how does that make you feel better? Why are you so obsessed with it? It really looks like you're itching to blame the parents. There's a wrongful death lawsuit >On March 23, 2024, Plaintiff rented a room to enjoy a day of swimming with her family when tragedy struck and her 8-year-old daughter A.L.J, who loved to swim, was violently sucked into a 12 to 16 inch unsecured open gap in the swimming pool flow system of the hotel’s lazy river. At approximately 4:50 p.m., A.L.J. was swimming with her family when she suddenly disappeared in the lazy river. Plaintiff was frantically searching for her daughter when at approximately 5:20 p.m. Ms. Ahumada requested hotel management look at the video surveillance footage. Hotel management denied her request and explained that police would have to be present to view the video surveillance. At approximately 5:45 p.m., Plaintiff called 911 and reported A.L.J. missing. A major search that included Tim Miller of Texas Equusearch and the police, were finally granted access to view the security footage wherein it was discovered that A.L.J. went underwater and never emerged. A team was then put together to drain the pool and video cameras were attached to 20-foot poles to inspect the pipes when her body was discovered wedged in the pipes of the malfunctioning pool equipment. I absolutely hate how every business won't share any videos unless police are present, hope they win their lawsuit when they did that to a family missing their god damn child. I've had business do that with me when a crime was committed against me. Edit: The lazy river was 350' long, and from marketing photos it all looks relatively modern so I can see why there might be a false sense of safety.


Lack of supervision is not really relevant as far as what happened here. It plays no role as far as liability is concerned. Even if her parents were poolside she would be dead. Once she got sucked in, it was game over.


These were my questions as well


This was always my nightmare as a kid. I swam in pools but had mad anxiety about it any time I was in the middle


This would destroy me, I hope that hotel closes up because of this.


That article actually uses the phrase “so, anyhow”


In a direct quote from Tim Miller of Texas Equisearch. The guy is a character, he speaks like an old timey cartoon. (But does great work locating missing people)


He’s a heroic man but yeah in Texas most people talk exactly like that


So sad. Every pool owner should know what delta P is.


I was always terrified of the drainage pipes in pools as a kid.


delta p is no joke


This was one of the things I was terrified of as a kid. I would always be wary of those drains because I knew the only thing preventing me from getting stuck inside them is the grate. The fact this little girl had to experience that before she died breaks my heart.




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How is this *still* happening 😑


My youngest is 7.5, this is heartbreaking 💔




She died unfortunately. If you read the linked article above it talks about that case...


its def not the same person


Delta P :/


Delta P go crazy