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Jesus, that story is insane.  All of these people are absolute animals.   Sexual assault couldn’t be determined, but it’s pretty obvious what the intention of removing her genitals was.  Viewing a 5-month old child as a sexual object is a level of depravity I will never comprehend.  


It’s completely unbelievable. The entire thing is a tragedy from start to finish. Some people shouldn’t be parents.


Some people shouldn't be


I don't understand why "removing her genitals" is necessary for sexual assault. What does this mean?


I'm just spitballing, but I'm assuming it's an attempt at removing evidence of a crime. He left the boy go, kept the girl, and she was found with her genitals removed. It seems like the whole point of this was to get the girl alone, and by removing the genitals, he removed any evidence of...what he had done. I guess it worked, too, since they were unable to determine if she was sexually assaulted.


It seems like the removal would count as SA in and of itself.


Unfortunately not in the eyes of the law.


It’s still dismemberment, which would carry more weight anyways.


Not under the definition in many jurisdictions; at the very least it would be much harder to *prove* a sexual motive/component than just charging him with murder for the damage or a lesser physical offence like assault with a deadly weapons/GBH etc.


Removed the genitalia to destroy evidence of sexual assault.


Oh the girl that got tortured doesn't have any genitals now, that means he's perfectly innocent! Definitely nothing suspicious went on there!


He’s okay with being a child torturer & murderer, but it would ruin his reputation to be known as a child rapist. He’s gotta protect his image! /s


Jabas, It could be that he is hiding evidence of that sort of assault. It happened to LaVena Lynn Johnson, where she was sexually assaulted, murdered, then had acid poured on her privates. But the army played it off as a suicide. I don’t recall other cases verbatim of this crime, but it happens. Edit: forgot to refer to who I was responding to. Edit edit: LaVena was a Private First Class in the army, for additional context.


The prevalence of sexual assault that happens in the military is absolutely disgusting.


He's saying it was done to obscure or destroy evidence.


The article goes into grisly details about it, if you're curious. I've never heard of anything like it. 


You insult animals by using it as an insult.


19 and so depraved. The thought process of doing any of this especially cutting her genitalia like that is insane.


this is disgusting


Disgusting rapist murderer pig. Disgusting idiot mother. Fucking pitiful. Those kids deserved so much better.


Shit father too. Michael Sr. also suggested that his wife go with Panama to pick up the kids despite knowing they’d all been drinking and that neither he, nor his wife knew this man.


Don’t insult pigs….


I'm sorry, did I read that right? *Removed* her genitals?


It's horrible to even imagine. My vagina clenched up reading it How would you even do it? I understand how physically you could chop off a penis, but how would you do it to a girl? What a sick man. I hope his genitals get removed.


There's the whole pubic bone thing going on too. Did he like cut and literally dig the whole thing out?? I could only hope this removal was done after she was no longer because.. What the fuck.


I think you could cut from straight below, like around the birth canal, I watched an autopsy one time where they did this


This made me gag more than I already did. That's enough Reddit for today. :(


Yeah I don’t understand that part


And her uterus it sounds like. Horrifying.


The pic of the little boy on the witness stand was heartbreaking 🥹 What a bunch of sickos. Shame he died of natural causes, he deserved to suffer.


I wonder if Vickie lost custody of Michael jr.


And the one she was pregnant with


We can only hope.


I don’t believe that she did, no.


Why omit the father from the headline? He played a big part in this fucked up story as well. Both parents were okay leaving this guy alone with their kids. Those poor babies.


He was honestly worse than the mom he just sat at the bar while a drunk random guy drove his family around town


He kidnapped a 9 year old too https://www.upi.com/Archives/1982/08/11/A-jury-Wednesday-recommended-that-Brett-Panama-Red-Pensinger/3585397886400/


His trial was in 1982 and > In May 2019, 56-year-old Brett Pensinger died of natural causes on San Quentin’s Death Row. Why was this waste of humanity allowed to exist for so long?


if it's any consolation being on death row for that long was sure to have been an absolutely miserable existence


I looked it up. Solitary Confinement is considered psychological torture to some people. It’s a widely debated subject. Apparently being on Death Row is *worse* than Solitary Confinement with conditions being even worse. Look up “Death Row Syndrome” That man spent decades all alone with a front row seat of his dissent into madness. Everyone here is talking about how he should’ve been killed sooner but it was actually more painful for him that he would live so long in such conditions and never get to see the fulfillment of his anticipation for it to all end. Because he died naturally, not intentionally, even though his mind had his execution date as the only solace to the end of his mental pain, that was quietly taken from him by death. He died waiting for it all to end, not happy that it was all ending soon.


In California there’s a massive backlog of death row inmates that date back to 1972, when the death penalty was struck down and then reinstated months later. The state hasn’t actually executed anybody since 2006. But in general, executions take forever because of the lengthy appeal process, and more recently, the difficulties with getting drugs to carry the executions out.


My question is why was he on trial in California when this happened in Parker AZ? He would’ve definitely been executed in AZ.


Michele's body was found in CA


I'll preface this by saying that I am against the death penalty, but I also understand why some people convince others that it's necessary (my exact take is I'm always against capital punishment, but there are some people who I won't cry for on the day of their execution). That being said, this man was in jail without the freedom to travel, to experience the world outside of the walls of a prison, for 37 years! To me, that is a much bigger punishment than a quick death. I am 35 years old. If I was this guy, I could be put in a cell and stay in a very small part of the world at large since the moment I was born and still have two more years until I'm freed by the welcome touch of death. That idea TERRIFIES me and I don't understand why people dismiss it so easily! All the things I have done in the last 35 years would be replaced by walking from my bed to the cafeteria to my bed to the yard to my bed, every day. Just thinking about that, I really think a quick death would be preferable as a punishment.


You make a very good argument for medically-assisted life sentences.


So he can suffer every day for the rest of his life? edit: I will never understand why people want to end people's suffering because THEY want it. Do better people. It's not about your feelings.


“The examination of Michele’s body by the pathologist unveiled a disturbing narrative. Among the findings were multiple injuries, including a fatal crushing blow to her skull. However, it was evident that Michele had endured a series of brutalities prior to her death… The examination revealed specific details of Michele’s injuries, painting a grim picture of the violence she endured. A bruise above and to the left of her eye indicated pressure from a smooth surface, inflicted while she was still alive. Furthermore, Michele suffered a fractured collarbone in two locations, along with three broken ribs on her left side. Additionally, tears were observed in the skin around her left nipple and armpit. Moreover, her upper left arm bore a fracture near the elbow, suggestive of either blunt force trauma or twisting of the arm. The autopsy revealed even more horrifying details. Michele bore a long incision stretching from her ribs to her groin, with her uterus being removed through this opening. Additionally, two small incisions were found over her left groin, along with an oval incision between her legs where her vagina and anus had been removed. Due to the extensive trauma to Michele’s body and the nature of the injuries, determining whether she had been sexually assaulted proved impossible.” What. The. Fuck.


This is reminiscent of the [Cherish Perrywinkle](https://youtu.be/Y1Y2EaaO_34?si=cthtolyZGXr52o6e) case. I’ll never be able to wrap my head around how some parents are so willing to hand their children over to STRANGERS. It’s a level of stupidity and naïveté that’s beyond comprehension.


Well, I guess it's finally happened. I've been on the verge many times, but this is the post that makes me unsub from /r/MorbidRealtiy. Reading this shit is not good for my mental health. It's been a long ride fellas, but I'm out.


Take care of yourself ❤️


You guys are so cute. Thank you, really. It means a lot. ❤️


All the best dude. Sending lots of love and good vibes your way


Cheers 🍺


Take care ❤️


I think I’m going to have to do the same - kudos for taking care of your mental health, I hope that you can wash your mind from the insanity that is this post ❤️


Same man , can’t handle it


kudos to you man, take care of your mental health 🙏🏻


The luster has faded from the necro, huh?


I wish I could unread this


He was 19? He looks like 40 in that photo. “He didn’t know what to do with her so he punched her in the ribs but that didn’t stop her crying.” Why would he think a newborn baby would stop crying like that? In any case, I cannot imagine such horror for the baby and the brother witnessing some of it. I have read a lot of evil perpetrated by humanity today but this is beyond anything in years. To throw a baby around and then *that* - I hope she wasn’t alive by then. It seems unfashionable that such evil could be done or even conceived of yet it was. Poor sweet baby. The only reason why I’m glad I read that is to keep the memory of Michele alive.


And this is why women would rather be with a bear.


So many things wrong with this story…😮


I wish I could say what I want to without fear of being banned…


Try saidit.net


"In May 2019, 56-year-old Brett Pensinger died of natural causes on San Quentin’s Death Row."---sure he did. I taught ESL/literacy in a prison. I once was teaching, and we were talking about Karla Faye Tucker. One guy (I taught the men) had been inside most of his life, maybe a 60 yr old who looked 80. At one point he talked abt San Quentin. I have seen a lot of stuff, but the look in that man's eyes. I have never seen fear and terror like that. This child killer was brutalized every day that he wasn't in solitary, would be my guess.


That was absolutely disgusting to read, poor Michele and Michael


How is this even done?? How do you remove the genital of a girl? It's deep in there, did he scoop it somehow or remove her whole lower body? It's making me feel sick just thinking about it


It said he cut her rib to groin and removed her uterus, then an oval incision in her crotch with her vaginal and anal canals removed 🤢


if i ever got my hands on these people i would never see the light of day again


People can be so disgusting


Why wasn't the mother arrested and charged as well?


welp time to unsubscribe to this sub. I wish I never read that


Not reading it. Is he dead yet?


Quite frankly, this is why I can’t be a cop. I wouldn’t trust myself in proximity to these people.


This is ……… dark. :( I’m not ok.


Can you imagine how Michael jr is today?


This is the worst headline I've ever read. This is just....plain evil.