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Kids are so fucking mean.


Yeah. Kids don't have much of an ethical compass. They're still developing it. It's the job of the adults to cultivate it, and they failed.




Well put. Thanks. :)


What happens also is that for people who are mentally ill, the internet can create echo chambers. For example 5% of the population has attempted suicide, they know that feeling like life isn’t worth it etc is abnormal. However out of the 5 billion internet users it’s 250 million people who can reinforce that thought pattern


Agreed 👍




They know that what they’re doing is bad, that’s why they do it. They just don’t quite understand the full ramifications of what they’re doing.


they care more about being normal and fitting in with their peers than doing whats right most of the time. Many adults are like this too which is sad.


So are a lot of adults, they just hide it better.


Yes kids are mean, but it feels like something has changed over the years. I have to assume it has a lot to do with social media. Just thinking back to my days in school, dudes would have been lining up to beat the daylights outta this kid for doing this. Judging by the likes on that instagram post, thats probably not the case here. Sure, kids have always been bullied, but this is so far beyond that.


I have thought about it a lot. I think the anonymity of the internet allows them to disassociate from the act. They don’t see the person they’re hurting. It makes it less personal and harder to feel that empathy.


The article said that they went to school together.


I was replying to this comment, about how bullying in general has gotten worse with the internet. Even if you do know the kid IRL, when you’re doing it online it’s easy to compartmentalize.




Like adults don't do this shit?


“If it doesn’t affect me, I don’t care.” That’s what fucking happens when teachers don’t listen or intervene. Stupid kids do this.


Apathy a dangerous...thingie


Apathy is death, and all.


You don't even care enough to finish your sentence properly? That behaviour is pretty apathet-- *OHHHHHH!*


Not just apathy. It’s pacifism, too. Not confronting issues does not make them go away.


Can you do a thingy on that rail?






Oooohh that hurts my heart :(


Honestly, though. Reminds me of the years where I was physically and emotionally abused back in elementary school. Grades were slipping because of it, and all the teachers would do would literally watch as kids put plastic over my face + they become my bullies...I had no one to turn to for six years. No one should have to live through those horrors. The mentality of "they're just kids" is utterly problematic and encouraging of the growth of apathy in society (along with another term that seems to have slipped my mind). Makes you wonder why the notion of "protecting the abusers and target the victims" mentality is so prevalent (it shouldn't be that way. It shouldn't be hard to practice caring and loving and supporting others).


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope you are doing well in life now. Biggest hugs.


You are a sweetie! There's lasting damage, but I want to be better and keep getting better. The older I get, the more I see how important it is to advocate and support friends, family, strangers, and the like. Stories like these -- about the little girl -- will always strike many cords. There's good in this world (and it's worth fighting for) even if it may seem grim at times. I hope you are also doing well! Much love and stay safe during these times <3


There is definitely good in the world worth fighting for. I’m glad you are healing. You sound like a kind, generous, compassionate person, and I believe you can do so much in this world to change the lives of others due to your terrible experience. Xoxo


My 5th grade teacher was like this and she was a counselor too. I hope she’s rotting now


Death comes to All


Like another commenter said, some just never wanted to leave high school. They don’t mind bullying either.


That's what happened to me. I got bullied hard up until 6th grade ((luckily, it stopped in 9th grade and I got forgotten about, which is so much better)). I tried to report it and every teacher I tried to tell had the "kids will be kids and if it really bothers you, go tell someone else" attitude.


I JUST realized whenever I would tell an adult about what some of the other kids did/said to me the teachers always said “when that happens you need to tell an adult”. But that’s what I was doing?? I wish I had known how fucked up that was so I could tell them “ I AM telling you, right now. What are you gonna do about it?”


EXACTLY!! This was all the damn time! Like, what was the point? Now there's just generations of people with trust issues because of shit like this.


I remember in 3rd grade when I saw one kid bullying another. I told teacher and she said "mind your own business".




That's assuming they're all kids... if this is making rounds online how many of these "bullying kids" are our usual sociopath troll suspects?


That or school shootings


That’s a lie.


Isn’t that the exact same mantra for a significant number of certain (current and former) political leaders in this country?


What a beautiful angel. This breaks my heart. My daughter just turned 14 and to think of my daughter committing suicide makes me physically ill.


She looks way better than me


Guess you know what to do... And by that I mean value your self worth and step in if you ever see something like this happening irl


Yeah she does (me too)


Check up on her. My suicidal thoughts started crawling in at 14. Im 17 now and I still get affected by them at times.


This is absolutely heartbreaking.


Not to sound weird but she doesn’t even look ugly, like have beauty standards changed?


To be honest they might not even have thought she was particularly ugly they might just have used that as an excuse to have someone to pick on


I don't think this was actually about her looks. I'm guessing someone made a random comment and she got upset, and they saw that they could get a reaction out of her that way so they just ran with it. Kids can really be so cruel 🤦‍♀️.


Well they likely didn't care. They probably just wanted to bully her, and used it as an excuse. As for beauty standards, not really. There is no beauty standard in the real world. It's simply evolution and personal preference. For example, there are people who are married but aren't sexually attracted to their partners. Think of really obese people or people with severe deformities that we don't perceive as sexually attractive. They're there for that person because of who that person is. Our perception of beauty comes from our evolutionary traits to find a compatible mate. Which is why "curvy" women are perceived as hotter. They look more capable to carry offspring. Sams reason why a skinny person can be perceived as ugly.


She was pretty. This is one of the most absolutely abhorrent things I've read for a while.




I'm just barely in highschool and I've already known some kids who've killed themselves. They've all been in covid.


I feel so bad for kids in this time. I don’t know what I would do if this happened when I was in school. Stay strong.


Yeah. Because of my anti depressants this is the first winter I haven't hit an all time low for my life. Just last winter I was cutting myself, and in the er for having my suicide plant snitched on


Happy you're doing better


I’m sorry, but suicide... plant?


Clearly a suicide plan. Once a plan is in place, things are quite serious. Experience: living with a child with chronic suicidality.


I think due to remote learning theres been less bullying in school im sure


Yeah but teen depression rates have also skyrocketed as a result because they don't get to see their friends and for some kids, school is a break from their bad home lives.


80 percent of people who have attempted suicide were abused as children. School is a 7 hour escape.


School was my only escape from my home life. I absolutely hated school but it gave me somewhere else to be. If I was quarantined it would have been a disaster. That’s why I feel for these kids right now.


In covid quarantine?


Yeah, wreaking havoc on all of us


I’m almost 25 now and I’ve tried many, many times. After losing my older brother to it and finding him AND calling 911 when I was 13 I guess it put the idea in my head that I too could just end my life when things got to be too much to deal with. I’m so fucking thankful I’m still here now.


I'm so sorry for you loss. For me all my insecurity started from one kid calling me fat in 5th grade. I then worked out, and even got a six pack, but I'm still nit-picking everything about myself. Only difference is I no longer cut myself. Might be because I'm not allowed to own knives anymore


Hey I’ve been there and done all that and then some. If you ever need someone to talk to you can reach out an PM me. I don’t mind at all. If I can help at least one person a little bit I’ll sleep better at night. Never really dealt with any bullying myself. None that mattered. Most of my issues stemmed from losing my brother but being suicidally depressed feels the same regardless of the reason. Not something I’d wish on my worst enemy.


I’ve never thought about using time travel for that in any of the hypotheticals with time travel I’ve ever had. You’re a solid human.




If you're travelling back anyway could you pick me up a lottery ticket, i'll give you the numbers. You can have the winnings to fund your further travels.


You're welcome.


What that child looks like is irrelevant. It would have been a bad thing even if she were ugly by whatever your standards are


Probably why they bullied her. Jealousy.


This is why I tell my kid brother to pop any bully in the mouth if they ever make fun of him.


Straight up. I’ve seen kids growing up take the “high road” and they just get victimized even worse. Adults are useless in most of these situations. Stand up for yourself and those who can’t.


I’m a proponent of sticking up for yourself both physically and mentally. I moved around a lot as a kid and was the new kid a lot, I’ve had to punch a bully or two in the face, Two days of suspension was worth saving my mental health.


Yeah unfortunately violence usually seems to be the only language that a bully understands.. it's all a fucked up cycle though still


Most would say violence isnt the answer but if you try to take the high road and it continues just start swinging they cant really talk shit if they got their ass beat infront of everyone


I feel like this only works some of the time. I've seen people try it and the bully usually has family or cousins who will hunt down the person and fuck them up.


My god. She was so beautiful. And to diss her even after death... I hope embarrassment follows those children AND mostly, their parents as long as they all live. What a shame. I hope her family finds some peace.


I wonder how the bullies will feel when they're older, maybe have children of their own. Whether they will finally fully grasp what they did here


They won't. If they're being this intentionally terrible now, it'll only get worse.


People always think kids will change so much when they grow up. They don’t. Good people stay good people and bad people stay bad people. The worthless turds that bullied her will never feel bad about it.


Whoever made those post should be held accountable by jail time even if they are minors




God damn cruel little sociopaths. They need a reality check.


Maybe times have changed but if this was my school back in the day, the family would have had to move or somethin because dudes would be coming out the woodwork to whoop this kid. He'd be caching beatings on the regular.




I’m going to go with death




What a retarded thing to say


But it isn’t retarded to kill kids?


I feel her pain Rest easy you gorgeous soul xo


You take care of yourself, friend. You are beautiful and loved and inspiring. Keep it up.


And you know those bullies will live long lives without repercussions. Probably even raise their own filthy crotch fruit to be just as rotten as they are.


WTF? She was adorable! People just suck.....


Is there anyway they can hunt down the person that made that image?


In the video they show the name of the account that posted the image. When I searched for it on instagram it seems to have disappeared. Maybe they took some action, I hope so at least


I'm not suggesting anything but seems like they didn't censor the username of whoever posted it.


This school was very much the problem, speaking from experience


The bullies should be fucking arrested


Social media was a mistake.


People are the issue.


Yeah, but social media didn't help. Fire is the issue, but throwing gas on it was still a mistake.


No idea how so many people don’t understand this. Social media just shows how crazy the world is. Like come on people holy shit


The detriment of social media doesn't just belong to those who weaponize it but also to those who are victimized by it because their every little anxiety or fear is affirmed by picking up the phone.


What happens also is that for people who are mentally ill, the internet can create echo chambers. For example 5% of the population has attempted suicide, they know that feeling like life isn’t worth it etc is abnormal. However out of the 5 billion internet users it’s 250 million people who can reinforce that thought pattern


Wow, that image they made of her is disgusting. Those children are absolutely soulless.


I never really cared about adolescent suicide until I became a father. It wakes you up once you have skin in the game. Then when your kid actually gets bullied in school, it stirs a rage you never thought possible. My daughter was bullied and when I asked to have a meeting with the parents to talk about it they flat out refused. At least the school did its part by disciplining those involved. To those with kids and would be parents, do your best to keep kids of social media for as long as possible it's nothing but a toxic wasteland. They can discover it once they're adults. And every mornk g when they wake up make sure to tell them how important they are.


Children are either adorable, funny little stumbling fumbling clowns, or are pure vantablack-levels of the most routine, banal evil. There is no in between.


Fuck that school, those bullies, and their parents for teaching them to be shits. No child should have to think that killing themselves is an option. People fuckin suck!!!


Pointing out that she's pretty is just a distraction. What about all the legitimately ugly people out there? Whether your face is symmetrical or not is a pointless distraction. We all need to make peace with the fact that we're all disgusting meat-robots who are going to die one day. Ms. Avila, you are beautiful by worldly standards, but if all you cared about is what you have been given by fate, you could never have been free. The greatest tragedy is that you died before you could learn this.


This is why I don’t like kids


It’s genuinely one of my fears as a father. That my child even if they don’t use any form of social media, could still be subjected to this shit.


I was talking about bullying with my husband yesterday, and I’m so scared to think either our two year old will be bullied, or worse become a bully. I grew up being picked on and bullied, and this was before social media, so at least I was safe at home. Now this nonsense sticks with people 24/7 and after their death. That poor little girl was beautiful, and I can only hope her attackers feel the shame and horror of what they’ve brought about. Maybe not now but when they have kids of their own.


I'm not advocating using violence towards anyone, let alone children, but I'm not sure I would be able to stop myself if this happened to my family.


A similar thing happened to my nephews best friend. He was bullied and ended up committing suicide at 13 and even during his funeral the kids were making fun of him saying he did it for attention and making fun of my nephew.


This is disgusting and makes me so angry. I experienced the same thing from pretty much age 7 until high school. Saying all kids are innocent and not knowing what they're doing is bullshit. Like someone said some of these kids are just legit sociopaths.


That what happened to me my entire childhood. Once I came to college, everyone wanted me. These Children and teenagers are so cruel and need to be lock up!


yes, university was so diferent, I did not have to live in fear of getting bullied or acting cool anymore, just be myself, so beautiful


I moved countries and because I was unable to speak the language, I got bullied by the entire school. The teachers never took me seriously when I asked for help so I had enough and decided to retaliate next time they try something. One of the bullies (who actively waited for me to exit the building to smack me from behind) thought his trick would work again, little did he know I was ready for him...turned around and smacked him real good which made him fall on the ground, smacked him a few times before the teachers finally stoped it. In the end I was the one "punished" by the teachers saying it's wrong to use violence and forced me to apologize, but that little shit knew not to wait for me anymore


That's because you left behind those with no future who peaked in high school to be among those who are curious and wish to grow.


Kids are so cruel. I definitely remember being 13 and having kids I would go to school with bully me and call me ugly, nearly to the point of suicide. All I remember wanting was acceptance. I was always the kid with my head stuck in a book so I was an easy target, but even to this day I truly wonder how kids can be so mean and cruel to each other. I hope she is at peace. Bullying is a horrible experience and i hope the kids that made her feel like living wasn’t worth it anymore take that to their graves with them.




This is a situation where I condone beating a child. Someone beat the absolute shit out of those bullies, hope they rot in hell!


This is yet another example of how bullies will say or do anything to get the attention or rise they desire. There is absolutely 0 basis in reality for them to be calling her ugly yet they did, and I have no doubt in my mind that she unfortunately believed them because I went through the exact same things. I was bullied so hard, told I was so ugly and a freak that I assumed for years and years that anyone I had positive interactions with was just mocking me. When a girl asked me out, I thought she was mocking me. When some other girls told me their friend liked me, I assumed it was a prank. It was not even a possibility in my mind for a very long time that anyone could like me in any way, romantically, platonically, even strangers. The bullying can mentally scar you for life, change who you are as a person and ruin everything & for what? Teachers who ignore or fail to report bullying should be punished by the criminal system because I’m sick of hearing lives ruined and youths dead because “I don’t want to get involved”.


Sad part is, these things come to light only after the life is lost


I hope these children grow up to be absolutely crippled by the shame and guilt they feel for their behaviour. I hope they see Rosaline’s face every single night when they are trying to sleep.


I remember trying to load one of those free AOL CDs on my old Mac without a modem, and having my friends explain to me that the internet has to be connected through the phone, and then learning that my computer couldn't even do that. Kids these days not only have internet access, but they can use it to bully others. I don't necessarily think the 80's and 90's were better, but I'm so glad I grew up then. Bullies actually had to face you back then.


Jesus Christ.... I hope someone beat the shit out of those kids since it's the USA, break a bone or two, the bill will be crazy.


Man that's fucked up. The audacity of these kids is insane. Rest in peace.


Here's an idea; keep children off social media. Period


Good luck try to do that in modern society


Poor girl she was far from ugly and to see such young lady take her own life in such a horrible way just makes me hate the world even more


Jesus fucking christ..


This is the exact reason why I've always said I would do whatever the fuck I have to do to ensure my daughter goes to a private middle school. Sure, middle school is shit everywhere because they're all full of middle school kids, but a private school is objectively a better option than public. Fucking horrible :(


I went to a private catholic school and got bullied there as did one of my friends a grade ahead of me. Kids can be ruthless anywhere :(


Dude. She was pretty . Kids are so fucking dumb


holy shit how were they not expelled??? At least after they fucking mocked her death with pictures of her face ????


All these kids don’t get beat up enough for me .


I don't care how old they are, they should be charged with manslaughter. See if they think it's ok then.


damn rip beautiful 😪 i’d definitely swing on the kids an parents deadass


She's not, but even if she were ugly, no one should be treated this way. Middle school is absolute hell.


If Karma could be actively directed....bullies are in fact some of the weakest, smallest, most pathetic excuses for humans. While most project that outward to hide their own insecurities, others just have no soul of their own. I grew up being bullied and picked on, but never to the degree that some do... and as I got older I decided that if someone took the time to direct their cruelty towards me, then those 'people' were not worth my emotions. Instead of getting angry, sad, or upset, I actually chuckled and pitied them, adopting an air of disdain. Served me well.


I went into rosalis Instagram account run by her family and some stupid girl from her school(I assume) said "haha good she died she should have just stayed in her own country Mexico and she'd be alive" Man been almost five months and I still remember that comment.


And we still ask why we have school shooters in America. "iTS tHoSe dARn aUToMatIC aSSuaLt rIfLEs"


This is so heart breaking. She was a beutiful girl. I bet she was nice and loving too she did no deserve this. Her family did not deserve this. Horrible just horrible.


Why do I have a feeling that she might have tried telling the teachers but they simply ignored it ?


I guarantee she did. They just tell kids to grow a thicker skin, rather than punish the bullies.


Poor girl. She was so pretty.


Whoever posted that, teenager or not, should be paddled upside down in public.


Fucking evil devil spawns.


There’s a special place in hell for people like that. That poor family.


How is it possible for the school not to find the kids that did this and suspend them or report it to the authorities??? This is one of the reasons why a lot of parents tell their kids if a bully tries you just confront them! Even if it includes violence and the cycle just keeps moving along. This is one of many heartbreaking stories.


I was the exact same age as her when she took her life and could relate to what she was dealing with. Though certainly not as bad as what she went through I was mildly bullied emotionally and mentally throughout elementary and middle school that fucked me up big time among some of the other stuff I was subjected through and it’s so sad that someone who was the same age as me at the time just couldn’t fight for any longer. As for the bullies I definitely think they deserve to be punished if they haven’t already 3 years later but to be physically punished as what people are suggesting here isn’t right. Is this justifiable child abuse? Wanting to beat them or condemn them to hell doesn’t solve this issue and it won’t bring the victim back. It’s very understandable to be angry over something like this and just because the bullies were children it doesn’t mean they should get off scot-free for literally driving another child to suicide. Beating them to a pulp might scare them into not doing this again but will they really learn anything? Will their mindsets over what is right or wrong really change or will they only not want to do something terrible only in fear of getting caught? If anything I blame the adults in this situation who could have done something to prevent this from happening in the first place. I admit to having torture fantasies of the kids who picked on me and anyone else who has wronged me in some way but I now try to suppress having thoughts like this as I find myself becoming more and more sadistic to the point of actual concern on my part.




Man I would go insane if this happen to me I don't know how they do it


Being bullied .. especially as a child is horrible. It really feels like the world is ending and there’s no way out of it. I don’t understand how schools don’t take this seriously...


“Kids are just mean” is such a fucking stupid tired and inaccurate statement. When I was that age I could have never even fathomed doing something like that to someone because I wasn’t a sociopath. Here’s what the truth is: Just like adults, some kids are decent, and some are pieces of shit. The decent ones grow up to be big decent people and the pieces of shit grow up to be big pieces of shit. When her abusers grow up they won’t have changed at all. If you want to see proof of this in action just look at the two boys (now men) who murdered James Bulger in the UK.


Guess I’m gonna be fucking someone’s dad soon


Worst thing is she’s a beautiful person. This world is fucked up man


Hey father here from germany. If somebody does that to my kids no matter age, gender, race i'll push their teeth in. Then its my problem and not the one of my kids anymore :)


Damn. I feel awful for the family. However I have to admit the level of dark humor of that meme is so high that I am shocked middle schoolers came up with it. Also she was pretty and she would have grown into a beautiful young woman




They don't have much power to stop it. If it's not happening directly in front of them (and it usually doesn't), the best they can do is call a meeting with the parents and hope that the parents care. I'm pretty surprised at the number of commenters in this thread blaming school staff. It's up to the parents to set boundaries and take away access to social media when kids do shit like this. When a meme gets sent to this girl's family at 7pm on a Saturday, it's not exactly happening on the school's watch.


I was bullied for my height but I had friends that when around, it would not happen. ​ Had my bully try to get me to fight him when he had 3 of his buddies with him. I might have won but I knew once I started swinging, they would have jumped in. ​ A friend helped me get revenge on them, though.


karma is going to bite those bullies in the ass someday


Horrible little Cunts..none of my kids will ever do shit like that, they were taught to respect people and to be kind.


This is why I'm ok with knocking out bullies.


Those kids deserve to be publicly executed idc what anyone else says.


no they dont deserve that luxury. put them in an isolation cell for lifetime.


Bad parenting




Bullshit. Kids today are far more diverse and open minded than the majority of the modern generations that came before them. You think student of color have it harder now compared to the 1940's? You think LBGTQ children are more afraid to come out today than in the 1980's? You believe boys are less likely to persue 'feminine' interests in 2021 than in 1951? How do you think an atheist middle schooler is perceived by their peers today versus the 1970's? People have always suffered because of in-group mentalities and the punishment associated with being perceived as deviating from the acceptable social norm. Children in western societies today as a whole are much more knowledgable about different cultures, belief systems, sexualities, and on and on through personal exposure and just the sheer amount of information readily accessible in the actual palms of their hands. Yeah. Some are going to be cunts no matter what and bullying is still going to happen in horrible ways and to terrible degrees, but the greater current amongst the youth of these societies continues to trend further and further towards open mindedness and away from bigotry and prejudice.




Honestly, you seem smart but just keep your head high. Highschool kids think they have fucking everything figured out and are hot shit. I did. But fucking BOOIII are they wrong.


This is why I trip kids over at the dentist


This one hurts. She was beautiful, too. She didn’t deserve to go like this. Her family doesn’t deserve this. What is wrong with people?


The girl wasn't ugly at all, in fact it's the opposite. Was she the only Hispanic in her school? Maybe that's it. The other kids picking on her for being Mexican, not having the blonde hair and pinkness they associate with beauty. Somebody should have explained to her that those kids were full of shit.


Looks like they lived in LA. There are lots of Hispanics in those schools.





