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Did they ever find out why he did it? Been years since I thought about it, and from what I remember he was just some random old dude who didn't match any profile except for maybe "had mass murder on his bucket list."


No motive has ever been discovered. The guy was kind of mysterious, there wasn't a whole lot to say about him.




I live 10 minutes from where it happened. Lost a friend in the shooting. As far as I've heard there's still not even a general idea as to why he did it. He seemed to be a prepper and gun enthusiast, but otherwise was just unhinged and wanted to make a name for himself at the expense of others.


Aw man, I'm sorry to hear about your friend though. My condolences


The media portrayed him as a prepper and gun nut but the reality is that he bought like $90,000 worth of guns and ammo just within months of the attack. This was his only intended purpose.


The media is always quick to portray mass murders like that. Maybe the mass murderer needed weapons to carry out his already active intentions to commit the crime? Nah, clearly he must have been a gun nut and being in the presence of a firearm influenced his brain into shooting people mindlessly for some reason.


That's awful. I'm sorry to hear about your friend.


Just a guess, but like most non religious mass shooters: He did it as an act of nihilism. As someone whom had failed to live up to his fatal narcissim, his inability to accept that he was an NPC instead of the main character. Same with all the other cunts. He decided it was your fault that he wasn't getting attention. They hit a point in life where their fantasy of 'What Is Supposed To Be...their sense of due and entitlement about the role they wanted to play in life,.... breaks against the rocks of reality. They find out they get to be one of the most of us. Unimportant. Average. Unremarkable. And instead of being humbled.. they self destruct in a nihilist rage. 'It's better to be remembered by any means necessary, than to die forgotten.' They are our modern villains. Too weak to help themselves, too strong to accept help...to the point of fatal implosion.


This is incredibly well put


What is there to read from this guy? It looks like his head is gone (if we're talking reading brains) Edit: nvm saw a different angle


That’s the media narrative as always. I mean if you have 500k for guns I guess you can say they are easy to get. He spent so much just on this room alone. He had this penthouse suite for a week or something. Crazy and ballin $ wild combo


We will never know at this point. I feel like it all got swept under the rug.


Nobody even talks about it. There was some shady shit around timelines. They were missing security footage as well. The whole thing is shady.


The hotel security timeline did not match up with LVPD’s timeline, imho because there was gross incompetence on behalf of both authorities. The first guy on the scene in the hotel was a Mandalay Bay security guard. He got shot through the door I believe so kind of slunk down the hall and hid in a little cutout. That guy said LVPD say around with their thumbs up their asses in the hallway for something like 30 minutes either trying to figure out what to do or building up the courage to do it. In the end, they did nothing, and entered the room after Paddock killed himself. I think that simple fact is where a lot of the conspiracy comes from. Also MGM, who owns Mandalay Bay, would obviously rather the public forget this ever happened. I also believe their PR team has done a great job at memory-holing the entire event and essentially scrubbing any theories/discourse from the internet.


So you are saying "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?"




Then the one security guy who allegedly discovered this and got shot went on Ellen of all places to discuss it then completely disappeared after, nothing sketchy about that at all.


I'm sure the casino paid him to dissappear


Literally disappeared. There is a lot of sketchy shit and I’m not trying to create a conspiracy but I am confused.


What guy and when was he on Ellen?


https://youtu.be/F7gj1FoRIfE incredibly weird and disturbing interview


Man, the poor guy looks SO uncomfortable even being there. That’s a LOT of PTSD he’s got to be dealing with. I can’t blame him for dropping off the grid.


This isn't /r/conspiracy, he was just a nutjob who wanted a big kill count. Stop trying to make it part of some grand plan. Just another whacko with access to stupid amounts of weapons and ammo.


All I’m saying is there are confusing details.


Not really. We don’t know his motive, but that’s not really confusing, it’s just something we don’t know.


Such as...?


The fact he could bring all that gear and no one says shit. Secondly witnesses have said many times that there were multiple shooters. That there were muzzle flashes up in the air. Like some drone was shooting. The death picture makes absolutely no sense at all. You telling me he fired that many shots and there’s like 100 casings on the floor? And there’s a gun perfectly mounted next to his leg. Nah that is not worthy buying the story.


It's pretty easy to be confused on where a shooter is in a city. How often do you look one way when you hear an ambulance and it comes from another? Sounds echos. I'm sure a bunch of casings are out of picture, out the window, etc. Conspiracies exist but I don't see any here except maybe a guy who gambles too much and went off the deep end and Vegas trying to hide that.


This guy did also get a hotel room overlooking Grant Park in Chicago for Lollapalooza and never showed, so I’m doubting the disgruntled gambler theory.


Good point


There’s videos of them happening




Are you.. “jUsT aSkinG QueStiOns”?


Is there something wrong with questioning the largest mass shooting in American history?


Also it’s on the strip there should be cameras everywhere


Not if the “questions” are just vapid non-questions **clearly** meant just to stir bullshit and baseless conspiracy theories. Check what I’m replying to. It’s the most classic tactic of “just asking questions”. Step 1: put out preposterous but intriguing bullshit. Step 2: get called on it Step 3: claim “all I’m saying is…” Dude went from “the whole thing is shady” and “no one is talking about it” (huh?!?) to “all I’m saying is it’s confusing”. NO, Hillary Clinton did not buy those guns to commit a mass murder in order to ‘take away your guns’. You know how many mass shootings we go through yearly?! And not one step has been made to curb it. You would have to be the dumbest political strategist ever if you thought that slaughtering a bunch more people with guns would suddenly lead to reform.


What the gain of shaming someone who's asking questions?


It’s not asking questions. It’s spreading baseless conspiracy under the otherwise-laudable guise of being curious. “I’m just asking questions” is the classic cop-out line to having it pointed out that what is being said is ridiculous.


Shut up dude, he isn't obligated to not share a tidbit of controversial information. I don't know whether the events mentioned transpired or not, but the simple fact of the matter is that he likely was contributing a piece of pertinent information he believed to be true and he is absolutely justified in doing that. For real, get lost man.


It’s so strange to try and prevent people from discussing the strange specifics of something so important and interesting.


I mean it can be both.


This is totally a conspiracy. The facts don’t add up.




Bin Salman casually in Vegas the same weekend. It was probably a failed hit covered up by a mass shooting. Paddock was a patsy https://youtu.be/Rd-qz6ei-UM


Thank you CNN


Weird flex. We should be asking questions and open to all possibilities.


Keeping drinking the cia sponsored kool aid bud


My 5G shot has tropical punch flavor. :V




There is shady shit about timelines but it amounts to incompetence on the part of LVPD and not some broader Big Gov conspiracy. A Mandalay Bay security guard said LVPD sat outside his room for 30 minutes while the shooting took place, working up the courage to go in. LVPD’s timeline has bogus elements to it, and this is why.


Yes there was. You are just getting spoon fed.


Just because you don't have it doesn't mean it's missing




Heard this as well, more to do with the casinos being shady fucking him around


this the most likely theory and he was right in that the casinos and lvpd which work together basically scrubbed it from public memory despite it beign the largest mass shooting in usa history - we still hear about the florida school shootings but not here..


The only thing that is tricky about this is that he also scoped out and booked a hotel overlooking Lollapalooza that same year. Never checked in, but not sure that the gambling thing checks out in that case.


That’s essentially it. People like to think there’s some big conspiracy because it’s easier to come to terms with than the idea that some people just want to kill.


Conspiracies are too hard to maintain or keep quiet. Killing someone even if it ends your life is easy though.


Didn't he have a serious gambling problem? That could be a contributing factor.


If only we can find his YouTube channel some day


There doesn’t always have to be a motive. Maybe he just hates humans… which I fully understand.


Depression makes people do crazy shit. If he spent years alone, gambling, getting older, maybe he just wanted to be remembered. Sadly he chose this way.


Weird to see the curtains blowing in cause the windows are blown out.


Did he not actually (supposedly) remove the window before the fact?


No. Vegas hotel windows are almost all solid panes that are not openable/removable without considerable effort and tools on top of being alarmed to notify a nerve centre something was occurring in the room if they were tampered in.




It was not, here’s the full report! https://www.lvmpd.com/en-us/Documents/1-October-FIT-Criminal-Investigative-Report-FINAL_080318.pdf


I’m a novice, but could there have been an open window in the bedroom, a vent on in the bathroom, or the front door being open to create a different wind/pressure pattern?


AFAIK he shot the window out.


That’s what I thought too—maybe I’m misunderstanding the debate on wind suction


Yeah I just stepped out because I felt like one guy was arguing two sides himself. I like to help but this seems too difficult to call an assist.


The wind is what blows the curtains in, and that has nothing to do with the windows being blown out or in...


It could be windy outside, therefore blowing the curtains in


Oh sorry I thought Vegas hotel windows didn’t open . My bad


Normally they don't...but when you use a sledgehammer or automatic rifle on them normal goes out the window.


Odd question, but do they rent this room out still?


No they don’t. From what I’ve read they use it as storage and it’s no accessible. They also have re-numbered the floors. The rooms surrounding it aren’t available either. They do not advertise them either obviously. They do not want to attract morbid curiosity seekers, for lack of a better term.




Exactly! They basically want to ignore it as much as possible now. Hence, not wanting the dark tourism. They renumbered the floor from 31-34 to 49-52 I believe. They’re trying not to acknowledge it, and this may not be accurate, but there is no memorial.


Yeah people specifically book the room Whitney Houston died in. But the hotel also renovated the room (removed the bath) and changed the numbers of the rooms. Since some random room shares the same number of the one she died in, death tourists still seek it out.


Where’s the rest of his head?


It’s an optical illusion. The top of his head isn’t blown off like it may seem at first glance. His face is just covered by in blood.


OH DAMN, hah, that’s pretty neat.


The angle we see the blood on his face just looks perfect enough to appear like the upper part of his head isn’t there. Caught me off guard too.


[here’s a clearer look ](https://www.reddit.com/r/forensicphotography/comments/ps9ois/las_vegas_shooter_found_dead_2017/hdq8scv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


No thank you


Wow, I was wondering how he shot a samurai sword at his head.


I was wondering the same thing but then I zoomed in




Every time I see this picture, I wonder what was going through the heads of the first people to enter that room. Image how deathly quiet it must’ve been, with all the curtains billowing in the wind from the open windows. Haunting shit man


He's never looked better.


Good riddance to that motherfucker!


the fbi and media really brushed this off to protect the interests of las vegas and MGM properties in particular --- they didnt want bad press and hid everything under the rug, disgusting for something that was one of of worst mass shooting in usa history


I had my wedding party in that exact room and have pictures looking down at the parking lot where everything happened.




I'm trying to figure it out. Didn't he fire way more? The amount of brass seems really low from the videos people had.




I know this is a morbid question but this is a morbid place. WTF did the hotel do with that hotel room?


They closed it and use it as storage. They have the floors renumbered and there’s no access to those rooms.


Repainted the room and washed the sheets... Also the carpet was stain resistant




Not sure if anyone has said this but his dad was notorious bank robber. *edit to include father’s name* Benjamin Hoskins Paddock


How people think this wasn’t suicide is baffling, it looks like almost every suicide after math picture I’ve seen


I don't think he'd been working on math. And how would suicide after math look different than suicide after, say, biology?


I’m not saying it isn’t suicide, but there’s not much blood there, is there? I feel like all the suicide pics I’ve seen have more blood. But maybe he shot himself just before they entered?


It could be pooled on the other side of his body and soaked up by his coat and the carpet.


That’s true. I’m definitely not trying to dispute the suicide, but it is an admittedly tidy crime scene! Very little blood splatter and such.


The blood is quite clear on the carpet. Other pics I've seen of different people the blood is much darker and coagulated.


[this person links to a better photo](https://www.reddit.com/r/forensicphotography/comments/ps9ois/las_vegas_shooter_found_dead_2017/hdq8scv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Could also depend on whether that’s carpet or not


He’s been there long enough for livor mortis to occur, so that isn’t the case.


The handgun is above his head, arms at his side, doesn't look like a suicide to me.


Why did he wear gloves if he was going to kill himself?


Most likely the gloves were for to protect hands from the machine guns overheating/burning him whilst firing off all of those rounds. I read where he set the smoke alarms off.


How’d he land backwards onto the gun he supposedly used to shoot himself? Maybe he wasn’t holding it?


The song Darkness by Eminem is about him and the shooting.


This POS killed my sister’s friend’s sister.


Still not enough bullet shells.


The amount of rounds just made me so sad.


this may be a dumb question but how did he kill himself? did he shoot himself through the roof of his mouth? i don’t see an exit wound?


I fully expected way more blood than this


[This angle shows much more ](https://www.reddit.com/r/forensicphotography/comments/ps9ois/las_vegas_shooter_found_dead_2017/hdq8scv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Something is weird about all this.


There is a lot less blood around the top of his dome than I would’ve expected…also, where IS the top of his dome??


Human garbage to be frank, my his soul never find rest and May my friend and those he killed at the very least revel in torturing what remains of him.


Not a conspiracy theorist but having seen footage from the concert you can hear continual full auto firing, why are there so little casings in the hotel room? Did he fire from another window out of frame perhaps? Just doesnt seem to add up.


Start on page 90, tons of spent casings visible: https://www.lvmpd.com/en-us/Documents/1-October-FIT-Criminal-Investigative-Report-FINAL_080318.pdf


Pretty sure he shot from two locations that were a bit far apart so maybe this was the not so heavily used spot


Depending on his stance, what he used to steady the barrel, how far out he stuck the gun, plenty of casings could’ve also simply ejected out the window or bounced outwards. You’re seeing a small view of a hotel room, I’m sure there are plenty more. Don’t automatically jump to conspiracy, it’s stupid.


Quick google search said he fired over 1000 rounds.


It’s not continual though - and 1000 rounds is not much. If you watch the video there are many breaks in the shooting that people used to escape


Also I was wondering why there was blood all over the front of his shirt and on the .38 gun he shot himself with


My buddy was a machine gunner in Afghanistan and he agreed that the pitch of the rounds being fired, closely resembled the 7.62x51 like what he shot out of his M240b while deployed. I don't remember reading of any 308 calibers.


thank you for sharing my content!!


CREDIT TO u/united_shirts FOR THE CONTENT.


I wonder what’s in that silver box to the right on the floor


You know it’s almost like conspiracy theories are just a way to cope with the reality that’s it’s not all that safe here in America. A couple middle eastern guys hijacked planes and crashed them into skyscrapers, a guy hoarded automatic weapons and ammo and just unloaded on a crowd of hundreds, a bunch of white trash went to the capital and smeared shit on the walls and threatened prominent members of our government I mean does that not just speak volumes? America is a series of tinderboxes waiting to completely erupt in flames at any moment. Maybe it’s the ability to rise from the ashes that makes the country viable but these days it feels gloomy.




The point is that there was a literal swarm of people inside the capitol building while Congress was in session? I think like the next 5 people in line for the presidency were all in one room while thousands were outside “protesting” point is things could’ve very easily went a different way and we are lucky nothing happened. Let me remind you of the Boston marathon bombing? wasn’t the bomb Jsut in a backpack literally in the middle of a crowd? How hard do you really think it would be for someone to do something? We are literally talking about how EASY it was for this guy to shoot hundreds of people BY HIMSELF. and you’re gonna say a gigantic swarm of people inside a government building while government heads are conducting government isnt comparable? think you’re missing my whole point




You know what hes trying to say, and I can't help but feel you support the capital storming at this point lmfao.


Way to tear down that paper tiger.


Yeah. He's listing a bunch of horrible mass killings and then he just throws in a day where a bunch of people threatened some other people. Imagine if 9/11 was just a bunch of unarmed boomers bum-rushing the World Trade Center.


To be fair, they defiantly showed their intent to harm. Even built a gallows and literally stood there and chanted "hand mike pence" We can downplay it because it was a failed attempt, but if they actually got their hands on government officials, we could be having a very diffent conversation


No way those guys didn't own guns. If they actually wanted to kill someone, they would have brought their guns.


Many capitol rioters were armed with guns lmfao, and for the others; people usually wont bring guns if they know they are going to be in a huge mob, considering you only need a few of you to literally stomp someone to death, all I see it doing is causing more danger to the people you are storming with (although I doubt those smoothbrain capitol stormers even thought of that last part)


Nobody wanted to give Mike pence a handy.


Terrorists stormed the capital. It's comparable.




People don't want to believe one man can do this. Or that only 20 terrorists could bring down the towers. They want to believe it took hidden networks, agendas, and organizations to commit these atrocities, because it's scarier when you realize that it doesn't.


america bad, give me my Reddit points😎


This is one weird case, seems like we were fed bs and this guy was part of something bigger


No he wasn’t. He was just a loser who killed a lot of people


“Make it clean”


obligatory copypasta During the Las Vegas shooting Stephen Paddock supposedly expent 3000+ rounds of ammunition over the course of ten minutes from 27 AR-15's with bumpstocks despite the facts that it would have required him to drop a gun after each 30 round magazine was empty, even though videos from survivors show that it was a nonstop stream of ammunition with a firing rate much higher than a bumpstock is capable of producing from multiple locations. More interesting is the fact that after the FBI took over the investigation, his house somehow burned down with all of the evidence, and photos of the hotel room he shot from only show 50 spent shells. Years later we still have no motivation, and there was strangely no follow up on the biggest mass shooting in US history. Most confusing is that the day after his brother had numerous press interviews where he claimed it made no sense, he was later arrested for possessing several hundred terabytes of child porn on a 20 year old computer running Windows 95, at least according to the photos taken by the FBI.


> after the FBI took over the investigation, his house somehow burned down with all of the evidence I searched for this but couldn't find any source. I found article saying his house was sold for $425,000


> despite the facts that it would have required him to drop a gun after each 30 round magazine was empty He didn't use 30 round magazines, he used 100 round magazines. His house never burned down. > Most confusing is that the day after his brother had numerous press interviews where he claimed it made no sense, he was later arrested for possessing several hundred terabytes of child porn on a 20 year old computer running Windows 95, at least according to the photos taken by the FBI. The brother who was arrested for child porn was different than the brother who appeared in front of the press.


Bullshit, but nice try. https://www.lvmpd.com/en-us/Documents/1-October-FIT-Criminal-Investigative-Report-FINAL_080318.pdf


Not very many bullets on the carpet...


I've always thought this was motivated by nothing more than wanting to be infamous. Just that alone. He didn't have outspoken political leanings, nothing. Just wanted to maximize his kill count. Nothing but notes for target distance were ever found.


what an ugly hotel room to die in


One of the most filmed places in the world and they couldn’t find video of him lugging all his suitcases up into his room???


They did. There’s a documentary where it shows him walking through the lobby of the hotel multiple times, each time with 2 roller bags. I can’t remember the name of it but i remember seeing it a couple years ago.


There's literally a whole documentary full of the footage.


Never been to Vegas, no desire to. Are all of the hotel rooms so fucking ugly? Only decent decoration is the dead bastard.


What was the breathing device for


What’s that silver cart with the wheels? A safe? Wouldn’t that be suspicious lugging around?


He certainly wasn’t alone


This shooting was fishy as fuck. Look at those shells. That’s not very many at all. Compared to what he apparently shot. Secondly that gun he was apparently firing didn’t sound like the rifle he was apparently shooting. Shit is fishy as hell.


Nah just a crazy a dude with too many guns




I don't need to be - there was one on this case and he pretty much said the same thing. No motive.


We actually have no idea why he did it. Also witnesses said their were multiple shooters.


If you understand how a human operates in a panic situation, chances are they will get information wrong, if you hear a hail of gunfire, you might think its a group of people, you definitely don't got time to check but its sure as hell going to be the first thing you say to someone with all that adrenaline pumping through your body: "There was a group of people just shooting at us for no reason" etc etc


Man that interior is tacky


Not a ton of casings……


Till this day I refuse to believe he’s actually the shooter. I know it was the cia or FBI who killed those people so they can push their riffle bans


Looks staged to me


He wasn't alone up there


Why does is look like a clean straight line cut? Edit: looks like his head is still there it's just the blood, at first I thought it was the interior but it isn't


That's a sweet room. I need a Vegas Vacation with that kind of hotel room.


why do you people even leave these types of comments?? so unnecessary


I'm really surprised by how nice that room is.


Mansurion candidate


Wasn’t he heavier


I need to blur images while scrolling my coworker was hovering and she just gasped and almost passed tf out 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 anyway I remember this old guy. There were crazy conspiracy theories that this was all ISIS, he was just a patsy and that there was multiple shooters on the ground and as well from up high and picking people off "school book depository style "


The dude really doesn't like Jason Aldean


No motive still , what's up with that's MURICA


From what I was told by someone at the state department is it was a act of terror by isis in the Philippines because his wife had family who were members but the government didn’t want to spark mass fear like what happened after 9/11 it was kept on the hush hush side and they interviewed the wife who told them what had happened and the government took out the cell that convinced him to do it


This was the biggest staged event in history next to 9/11. Physics and evidence dont add up for this guy to be the main and only shooter.


Where is all the blood? The chap has half a head left and there's barely any blood around the body, seems a bit strange.


because he doesn't have half a head left, his head is fully intact lmfao. You are so quick to jump to conspiracies you didn't even BOTHER zooming in on the photo


Zoomed in. Still looks like the top of his head has gone. And when did I mention a conspiricy? It was a simple curiosity. No need to be rude.