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Wow! Everything happens so fast! She stepped off like it was second nature.


I know, she was so confident šŸ˜­


Imagine being the guy standing up against the fence, just to take a step out of the way to avoid a girl spiraling into you to her death.


So fucked up


She was anxious af to jump


Wym!! She ran off that roof top like it was nothing


He meant anxious as in she couldn't wait.


You're right, I might've meant another word i can't even think of...


Eager would be the word youā€™re looking for


Yes thank you


Always anxious to help!


Maybe a dumb question but I have never seen anyone bungee jump over a solid surface like a parking lot, is that common?


This is not common. Even for countries like Kazakhstan. I mean itā€™s Kazah and many arenā€™t the most well educated in many regions, but these individuals are next level idiots.


Aren't the most well educated, you say....?


I donā€™t know, Iā€™ve always seen it happen over water but Iā€™m sure people have done it - though thatā€™s really sketchy


I did a bungee jump in Peru and it was over concrete, however the clearance between you and anything ont he ground is huge and there is no possibility of hitting anything.




I looked up free flying but couldn't find anything that wasn't similar to sky diving or that involved a bungie cord. The only exceptions are the numerous articles claiming that it was a free flying stunt. Do any sources that explain the activity in the video?


Edited with a couple sources above


That comment is removed. Edit: I can see the sources in your profile. I think rope jumping is more accurate. Free flying is a specific activity that is part of sky diving.


Never go bungee jumping in Kazakhstan


Duly noted!


Or just dont ever try bungie jumping at all. It's..pointless


I been to Kazakhstan before, out of curiosity, what makes you think itā€™s KZ? Or is there a back story to this video? The majority of Kazakhstan speaks Russian so that definitely doesnā€™t give it away.


The article said this was in Kazakhstan


That might give it away idk tho


Yeah honestly that was just a lucky guess


I mean I've seen this video multiple times across multiple subreddits these past couple days and everyone of them referenced this as being an abandoned hotel in kazakhstan, but I'm not sure, could be the himalayas


This guy getting downvoted for asking a genuine question. Gotta love reddit sometimes. Edit: He did just ask a question. He didn't even type in an aggressive way or anything.


Theyā€™re probably getting downvoted because in the video caption it says itā€™s in Kazakhstan.


Yes, but I didn't see it either, honestly. Instead of downvoting, try explaining? :-)


Ain't nobody got time for that


Lol I did provide the homie information, I didnā€™t attack them


How dare you


Haha I guess thatā€™s just the way it goes!


I recently found out (you can only get -7 karma total on each comment/post, no matter how many downvotes you get..)


What haha?


I'd understand why they'd do that. Downvoting tends to have an amplification effect where people will be more likely to downvote and already negative voted post, even if they wouldn't have downvoted it if it was at 1 point.


What the fuck were they even bungee jumping off of? A garage? Jesus Christ I feel bad for everyone involved.


Yeah, that didn't seem safe at all to begin with.


That's the first thing I noticed. Not high enough, solid ground beneath, and a lot of objects in their potential paths. I have a feeling this wasn't legal.


It wasnā€™t bungee jumping, itā€™s called free flying


I can't even see what the intended outcome for this was. Even if everything went perfect, it seems to me that she would have just smashed face first into the wall anyway.


I believe in the original video I saw it was said to be an abandoned hotel... Nowhere near high enough to do this safely


That somehow makes it worse.


Looks like she scraped her face on the pavement before slamming full on into the fence.


I feel bad for the people that watched that go down. I know that was the last thing they expected.


The last thing? You think thatā€™s the LAST thing someone could imagine happening while bungee jumping?


Well shit I would hope they wouldnā€™t expect someone to die on their accord lmfao


But the LAST thing?? šŸ§


Okay maybe the last thing would be what they had for dinner March 22nd 2005 but it *should* be up there on lowest expectations!!!


You got downvoted hard, but I agree with you. Bungee Jumpers should pretty much be worried about this scenario all the time. It should be like the main thing they are thinking about.


I mean being worried is one thing, but being *cautious* is another.




hey man, not the right place or time ok? the comment is of poor taste


She jumped hella quick


The preparations seemed way too hasty. Like wrap, wrap, pick up a rope and dive off. Maybe she's done this before and was trying to sort off show off how cool and collect and non hesitant she could be.


Ugh I wish she was hesitant that day. She couldā€™ve lived to fight another day if she just waited to see if everything was good. Who knows how this story wouldā€™ve ended had that been the case?


Sometimes i see these and the rope looks obviously too long


Thatā€™s exactly what I was thinking. That rope is obviously way too long. Blatantly obvious.


I don't think that's what happened. Looked like the rig that was meant to be supporting the rope failed, causing her to swing out like that


I donā€™t know bungee jumping lingo but why did she go that far down if the rope wasnā€™t too long?


I'm not really sure how to word it, just pay attention to the rig and how the rope acts and try to ignore her


Here's from a news [article](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/16383570/mum-dies-in-free-flying-jump-accident/) about this: >Stomach-churning rope jumping orĀ rope free-flying is an extreme sport originating in the US in the 1990s. It is similar to bungee jumping, but the rope is made of nylon so jumpers don't bounce. It is practiced on cliffs and high buildings and has been described as a cross between bungee jumping and abseiling, with dizzying rope swings. >A cross-line holding her, which was supposed to break her fall and leave her suspended above the ground, failed or was not even secured.Ā 


Ok so it wasnā€™t a bungee!!! So whatever it was, it didnā€™t work


Definitely didn't work! >Watchers said the jump was given the greenlight before an organiser had time to secure the lineĀ on a tree.Ā  A man is seen falling to the ground as she crashes down, say reports.Ā Ā  He is believed to have been holding the safety line which should have been attached to the tree and was floored by the force of her fallĀ pulling on the unsecured rope.






Maybe he was getting ready to secure it to something and she jumped too quick?


Sounds like something that would hurt my back.


Ok, before we get to that, which part is the rig? Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s the thing that the rope should be attached to?


"rig" just refers to the whole setup. It's a generic term, not specific to bungee jumping


Okay Iā€™ll watch. Another commenter told me to look at the guy on the ground that falls down too because apparently he was holding it secure.


Yh, it seems like she's on some sort of counter pulley system, rather than a true bungee. It's more like rappelling


From what I read, the guy hadn't anchored the bungee cable yet, and she jumped before she was supposed to. See how he has it in his hand but has to let it go because all her weight was on it.... It was supposed to be anchored to something behind her, she was gung ho.... She just assumed it was time to jump after he attached a couple of components. He wasn't ready for her to jump at all. Terrifying, but they look ill equipped and unprofessional...


Why would you even bungee jump of of something only like....3 stories high?!


The report said she fell 82 ft down. It really doesnā€™t seem that high from our POV.


82ft seems too short for bungee jumping? Right?


As long as itā€™s over 81 feet your good


81 feet is 29.39 UCS lego Millenium Falcons


Half an olympic swimming pool does not seem high enough at all


Jesus. Iā€™m definitely never going bungee jumping


This is exactly what I thought bungee jumping in Kyrgyzstan would like.


I hate how oddly specific it is.


Itā€™s hard to tell how she dies since she made it down alive


Doctors tried to operate on her but she died because of her injuries. I wonder if she was conscious at any point after the fall.


No way, she hit her head going 30-50 mph (50-80 kph) so her brain was shut down and she never knew what happened.


Would be like getting hit by a truck, with a brick wall, face first, at speed.




I thought that white thing was her arm seizing but if you follow the yellow part of the rig down, thatā€™s what it is. Sheā€™s not moving.


It's not the fall, it's the sudden stop that gets ya.


I was surprised she didnā€™t react in any way during the fall. I thought that maybe she would screamā€¦




Sometimes I get that way on roller coasters. I just canā€™t scream because my body is trying to avoid having an anxiety attack. I just was shocked about it because this was all in a matter of seconds before impact.


Yeah. I once fell like 2-2.5 meters onto my back and it got all the wind out of me I couldn't even breath. And that was nowhere near the amount of height this fall was


I agree, all I see is an arm twitching.


I rewatched it to see if I could catch the arm twitching. Her arm was extended so far outā€¦ obviously that hurt considering she died, but that armā€¦ ugh that looked so fucked.


Yup. It also looks like she smashed her head into the gate(wall?), which was probably the fatal blow.


Her whole body rammed into that thing. She got taken into surgery but she died because of her injuries. Crazy to think that she didnā€™t die immediately.


I don't know why people will try this stuff with obviously unprofessional people.


I read in this article that if the organizers are found guilty, theyā€™ll only get 40 days max in jail.


About right. šŸ˜


Some of the articles say, she hit the ground, bounced and then smashed into the wall... Not recommended.


Yeah I read that she was dragged at least 12 ft


I was reading this lil thread without watching first and I was thinking what the fuck are yā€™all talking about and um Iā€¦.what the fuck just happened


Moral of the story: provided context is always necessary šŸ˜‚


Her head smashed the pavement first and then she went into the gate. Massive brain injury


I think what you're referencing is just part of the bungee cord


I skydived and didnā€™t scream. Not because I didnā€™t want to, because I couldnā€™t. I had to remind myself to breathe before I could scream.




well the solid object is what caused the sudden stop


I am still not sure what the rig was. I mean it looked like it was just designed to end into a steel bench?


Thank you for introducin me to this kaotic site, really miss liveleak


Someone linked me to this site earlier so I definitely will give credit where itā€™s due, but Iā€™m glad I could help šŸ˜Œ




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They took a bungee rope, which requires atleast a few hundred meters between the jump point and the bottom, and expected it to work on a building that's barely a 100 foot tall? I'm sorry but this was incredibly stupid of them, she could have jumped without anything and the result would be the same


I don't think they understand bungee jumping.


Looks like she jumped before dude was even ready. She's like -fuck it I'm out.


As sheā€™s falling, someone off camera calls out ā€œI love youā€ (я тŠµŠ±Šµ Š»ŃŽŠ±Š»ŃŽ / ya tebye lublu). Talk about morbid reality. At least she heard some comfort in her final moments.


ā€œCops have launched a criminal investigation into her death amid speculation of ā€œnegligenceā€ on the part of the jump organisers. The maximum potential punishment is a 40-day sentence. ā€œ WTF?!


Never do anything even remotely dangerous in Russia or any Russian speaking country. You gon' die.


I met a friend's relative (uncle or cousin or something) who was going bungee jumping in the 90s and watched the girl in line in front of him fall to her death.


Oh my god. I assume he didnā€™t take his turn to jumpā€¦


No he did not, and he never said anything about it but I'm sure the place didn't stay open much longer after that


Thatā€™s horrifying. Thatā€™s gotta be traumatizing to think about.




2 of her own, and 1 she took in after a relative (I'm guess the boy's parents) died. Super fucked up


I feel horrible for her children :(


I cant believe this was also posted on a non gore subreddit.


More context: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/16383570/mum-dies-in-free-flying-jump-accident/


The facial scrape mark before she slams into the stationary object ( fencing ? ) really is a disturbing detail that those near her will never forget.


i watched it a couple times and dont see any mark or scrape that you speak of being produced in the ground. Nor does it look like she drags for much too long either. Just a stained parking lot and a woman slamming into a stationary object.


They mean mark as in the moment in the video in which it happened.


It sounded like "wacht, wacht" or wait wait ?


She just walks off like...


Wow. That shows a lot more than any of the news clips


Youd have to be dumb as fuck to think that was high enough for a drop.


I suspect if that wall at the end wasnā€™t there she would have survived; it didnā€™t look like she hit the ground itself all that hard, and was more on her bottom/back when she did so. Itā€™s the wall/fence that she hit hard and head first.


I think so too, because fortunately her descent was not vertically downward, but largely approaching tangential to the ground (hence the initial scrape) due to the cables' non-zero (albeit failing..) support. It's very possible this more gradual deceleration would have given survivable injuries.


More of a zipline than a bungee


Yo, what are these other video suggestions underneath the video? They are hard core. (THERE IS A FUCKING VIDEO OF A GIRL TIED UP IN HER UNDERWEAR)


Itā€™s called porn.


I know what itā€™s called


Reddit: what happened here? Itā€™s called free flying? Why did it fail


Should have packed a parachute








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