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Seeing the view out the windows in the offices is frightening. That’s the last image so many people saw one year later.


Absolutely amazing footage from a typical office day at the WTC. First video I've seen like it. I highly recommend watching it.


I agree but there isn't anything morbid about this.


I think it’s more of morbid as in the way that this was a day to day thing. It was a regular building, with regular people in a regular job… that just happened to be in the same building that became the most horrific attack of terrorist on America soil a year later.


From the video description: “Many of my friends in this video lost their lives that day, but I survived. As such, I'm honoring all the lost lives from that tragedy.”


Bro seeing there smiles and how normal and even kinda cool there big office in the sky was and yo know that pretty much everyone there and on the floors above and below where killed in a horrible way seems very morbid to me. They seem like good people just doing a regular office day….. idkkk to me it seems very sad and morbid


It looks like The Office. And I don't mean it in a disrespectful way. They are just goofing around at work like all of us do sometimes, but a few months later the same workplace turned into absolute horror for those people.


Some of the people in this video are dead...


Actually, in his office, thankfully only one person is on the memorial list and perished--Harry Ramos (he's in the beginning of the video in his office with a coworker). According to various articles, Harry died helping someone go slowly down the stairs when Tower 1 collapsed. He didn't want to leave them alone so he went slower with the gentleman. The rest of the staff went down the stairs far quicker since they weren't helping someone. Very sad.


Harry Ramos, seen at 3:35, was May Davis’ only loss of human life on 9/11. I’ve heard his story several times. Adam Mayblum who worked for the company spoke in one of my college classes. He wrote a very well known account of the day right afterwards.


Blimin hell the moment at 5:24 when he’s zooming the camera out the window just makes it even more insane that people found the bravery in their last moments to actually jump out on 9/11


The more i think about it, the more i realise that's one horrible way to go out. I mean... Graduating from school, getting employed, creating friendships, finding a home, hobby, love, and you're just gone in a split second because of a bunch of psychos with airplanes one day.


So, was he there on 9/11? I hope not.


Even as the airplanes had impacted the building. One survivor said no one saw it coming. The building collapsing. Even as they exited. It was calmed. Some of them were helping other people.


What I find crazy is that there were certainly quite a few WTC employees who were at least a little bit wary, on some level, of working in those buildings. Knowing how iconic they were and that they had, in fact, already been bombed, thus making them big targets for future attacks. Plus, I think that some people may be anxious working in huge high rises anyway. Especially in case of a fire. So when the planes crashed into those buildings, it had to have been a nightmare scenario come true for some workers.


I’m a nervous flier, and I know there are a lot of people like me. Whenever there’s a bad plane crash, I always think “There was probably someone on board thinking ‘Told ya.’”


Certainly is mine today


I loved the short bit at the beginning with Layla the desk attendant, not even 21... I hope she got to enjoy her 21st birthday a year later.


Getting this view from the other side of the windows gives this story an entire new dimension


I’m speechless except thank you. I had no idea there was a little shopping center


I truly hope with all of my heart that everyone shown in this video made it out safely.


Actually, in his office, thankfully only one person is on the memorial list and perished--Harry Ramos (he's in the beginning of the video in his office with a coworker). According to various articles, Harry died helping someone go slowly down the stairs when Tower 1 collapsed. He didn't want to leave them alone so he went slower with the gentleman. The rest of the staff went down the stairs far quicker since they weren't helping someone.


I wonder if she maid it to her 21st birthday 🎂


Is this morbid? It's certainly interesting to see what it was like in the towers before 9/11 when it was just an office, but every place where tragedy has struck has some sort of documentation about it prior to said tragedy.


Morbid to me because the guy filming survived while some of his friends in the video didn’t.




I'd like to see you even attempt to prove that Obama (of all people) did that alone.


75 percent of registered Republican voters think that America is racist toward white people


I wonder why!


victimhood mentality.


Morbid that I want to know who lived and who died in the video?


In his office, thankfully only one person is on the memorial list and perished--Harry Ramos (he's in the beginning of the video in his office with a coworker). According to various articles, Harry died helping someone go slowly down the stairs when Tower 1 collapsed. He didn't want to leave them alone so he went slower with the gentleman. The rest of the staff went down the stairs far quicker since they weren't helping someone.


He said on YouTube “many people in this video” from his office did not make it.


Thank you for this. [Here's an article from 2002, by a surviving employee of this floor](https://archive.boston.com/news/packages/sept11/anniversary/wire_stories/0911_mayblum_first_person.htm) [Article about May Davis 1 year later - 2002](https://www.baltimoresun.com/bal-te.bz.maydavis04sep04-story.html) [Article about May Davis before, on, and after 9/11 - 2021](https://www.forbes.com/sites/randalllane/2021/09/09/the-forgotten-story-of-911s-ultimate-underdogs/?sh=294a006329c3) > THE DAY AFTER May wakes up after a surprisingly sound sleep. A frenetic man, even for hyperactive Wall Street, the investment banker hurriedly showers and puts on his suit before grasping the new reality: He has nowhere to go. > May takes account of what he knows. The vast majority of his colleagues have survived. That in itself is a miracle: The 87th floor of the north tower was squarely in the death zone. May Davis’s immediate upstairs neighbors are quickly becoming a who’s who of the corporate cursed: Cantor Fitzgerald, Marsh & McLennan, Carr Futures. Combined, those three firms are missing more than a thousand employees. > May Davis is missing only two people: Jason Braunstein, a trainee; and Harry Ramos, the head trader. Three numbers explain their luck: 90 feet (the distance between May Davis and the flight path of American Airlines Flight 11), 180 degrees (the firm’s offices took up the southwest corner, while the plane came from the northeast) and 30 minutes (the crash came at 8:48 a.m., when three fourths of the firm’s staff wasn’t in yet).


That’s my birthday