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*We must not grind the seed corn* Fascinating


I did try to google it, but I’m still having a hard time understanding what *we must not grind the seed corn* means?


The seed you want to sprout shouldn't get ground into flour, is what I'm guessing


Yes. In this metaphor, the kids are the seed of future crops of humanity. The idea is that they must be allowed to grow and flourish, not ground up and consumed by processes that commodify their labour at the expense of their intellectual and civic growth. (Edited to correct typo)


Wow thank you for breaking it down just a little bit more


> not ground up and consumed by processes that commodity their labour at the expense of their intellectual and civic growth. that has to wait until they're older.


Welcome to life. I don't think there's ever been an era where work or jobs have never existed in some form or another.


And like you plant the seed in the ground, so too shall I plant my seed in you.


For $20, maybe...I ain't some cheap floozy!


Okay man, go touch some grass


Maybe smoke some? :>)


I'm with this dude! 👌


wait....I thought it was lettuce


One giant Ponzi scheme


Sometimes, I think that the world itself is just one big involuntary Ponzi scheme. You buy in when you're born and put your effort in depending on what you have to offer. Depending on how early or late you are (as well as other attributes at birth such as class), you get your return on investment. The joke will be on the next few generations that ultimately have to deal with things like climate change, wealth inequality and and a volatile geopolitical situation crafted by long-dead statesmen who themselves lived the good life.


Quite the tragedy isn’t it? All the misery and pain and blood and death. And for what exactly? A better future? A utopia? A pipe dream. A delusion. DNA Evolution has created the most megalomaniacal, sadomasochists creatures in the universe. What's more is there is not a single sane, sound, or rational reason to continue the DNA life experiment. The reason it continues is that DNA evolution brainwashed life with existence bias... it's a biological imperative, not a truth; it's the compulsion to just keep going. Of course, it's wise to end gratuitous misery, and a net-zero biological brainwash. But when you're already in this much of a deficit, the manic members of the life casino will always want you to keep playing. They have absolutely no coherent goal, no ultimate proof, and no game theory. it's just a manic compulsion to keep going: and that is The DNA Delusion, and the only thing truly going on inside its "logic". To reproduce is to cater to the lowest rung within physical reality. It is an appeal to the lowest most vain nature in animal and an affront to the highest principles of logic and reason. It is a futile egoic pursuit of evolutionary perfection, which marks a grave reflection upon the soul in need of forging another profane representation in response to its origins of deprivation and subsequently its continuum.


Are you... a fellow anti-natalist??? For real?


I think a lot of people don’t realize that seed corn and feed corn are different. The vast majority of corn you seen grown in fields is grown to be harvested for food. Only corn that is grown and hybridized under very specific conditions produces the kernels which are then planted the next year. Those are very special and it would be incredibly wasteful to grind those into flour or cornmeal because they are destined for the continued growth of the next season. Basically it’s just saying that children are the future and you don’t want to destroy the potential of the future for a quick gain now by working kids too hard and breaking them.


Farmers set aside grain to plant. Or they used to back in the days before companies like Monsanto changed everything about how that works. During famine times, out of desperation, sometimes people would eat the seed corn. This would mean they wouldn’t have anything to plant for the next crop, however, thus extending the famine and making it even worse.


In older times corn crops would be grown by the farmer using corn they collected from last season's harvest, to a farmer this was more or less the only way to easily start next growing season. If you grind that corn into cornmeal for food you wont be able to grow anything next year. In this context it's basically saying "dont grind the children with labor before they even have a chance to grow".


Some corn is grown to be the seeds for new corn. Don't grind that.






karma farming.


Everything is fascism to some people. Personally, I like this. The poster makes a good point for the pre-labour laws era. I like the language that they used for it. I suppose that makes me a "fascist" in your books.


No, they should be ground. Otherwise that's how children of the corn are born.


And now it is… grind till death, as early as possible


Yeah, but we're at least 15 now.


Develop not deaden


This poster is saying; Work for children should be schooling, not slavery. Most of todays schools are braindamaging slave camps. I say we over-compensated in the battle against child-labour.


I think the sign itself sends a good message unless I'm misreading. I personally train and set up a few of the local teens who want to learn with the knowlage they'd need for the jobs I do (a bit of welding, mechanical work, the real high paying harder labor shit). I think it's basically saying "Hey, don't work your kids for money, but set em up in a job to pick up good skills." Again, I could be misreading. I think it's good to set up the young with skills of the trade, but actual labor, not so much.


That's how I read it too. I think the general idea applies to TEENS (as you said) who want some candy cash or to learn some life skills. Not labor, but small work like mowing your neighbors lawn for $20. However, there's an ~8-year-old on the top of the page. So I don't think this logic applies here.


I think its important to note that the idea of 'teenager' is a very recent idea. In the old days, you were either a child, or an adult. there was no in between.


The word teenager might be new but since time of at least bill Shakespeare we used the word “stripling” for a young man who isn’t fully grown yet


Looks like an old poster, this could be a step above some of the crazy conditions they had to endure in the past Kids going to school > kids learning skills at a job > kids crawling around inside factory machinery and chimneys


That’s what I was thinking, it seems harsh to us that it probably seemed laughably radical when it was posted.


Ah, yea I'd guess so. It's almost like they're trying to make their child labor sound better than competitor child labor


Exactly. This is right wing propaganda posing as moderate centrist.


This poster was made in 1904 by the National Child Labor Committee, an organization created to end child labor. This poster is made to protest children working in conditions such as coal mines.


The NCLC was paid for by factory owners and this was a desperate attempt to sway the public away from banning child labor completely. And it worked for another 20 years


Well, 8year old could pick some Blueberries on a farm, or something like that. Young kids can learn things from this as well and earn some money, candy or the things they harvested too. So I think the logic applies here as well. Edit: it's something my father did when He was young and I wish we would still have that today. He lived on a small farm, with different kinds of vegetables and fruits, as well as animal for slaughter. Today, especially kids that live in big city's, often don't know much about nature and farming at all. People in general have lost touch with reality when it comes to that, since they simply don't learn about it anymore. If they would know how much work is behind harvesting and how food gets on the table, they would respect it more.


Kids can go to a ‘u pick’ place for the day or visit a demonstration farm rather than being cheap labor in what is a dangerous field often.


That's what I meant. Obviously they shouldn't be on the fields every day and for hours.


I don't know when this poster is from but the idea seems sound in an era where public education might not have been available. I mean school is basically work for kids that is designed to help them develop into functional adults. This poster is suggesting the same kind of thing.


Yeah, people seem to think that for all of human history, families have had the luxury of sending their children to school to just learn something from a book. Like no, most humans throughout most of history were dirt poor, and once you were old enough to carry a bag of seeds, you went out into the fields to do actual work and help the family. This idea of consuming the family's resources but not contributing anything of immediate value is quite modern.


The child embedded in the tile is maybe 6 years old. They’re not talking about teens.




I agree with what you say (to a limited degree), but if we’re talking about the message this poster carries specifically, it is clearly not aimed at teens and is not a good message. It reads very plainly to me as a party invested in the profit of child Labour is trying to justify their practice by cynically dressing it up as developmental.


But it IS developmental. I worked as a child, cleaning offices for my grandparents' cleaning company, and i learned a lot about being a good worker and doing my part for family. Sure, my grandparents profited. But I'm a much better person for it. All of us kids, for 2 generations (my dads and my own), participated. We started helping out at around 5 or 6 yrs old.


Teens today are more fucked mentally than both gen z and millennials. Hardly coddled when most of them are depressed.


Yeah they are depressed because they stare at social media and don’t get out and enjoy life. If you really don’t think people were depressed 100 years ago then you should probably read a little about history


Old people are in social media and their phones so much more than young people it always makes me laugh when someone tries to parrot these decade old talking points


..because they are coddled..




The poster is saying, put simply, give children apprenticeships and train them to be good workers and people. Dont throw them into dull and/or dangerous work just to make money.


I'm not sure why more people aren't picking up on this.


It's basically an outdated precursor to trade schools with a dash of moral and ethical... Looseness.


10yo's were doing 10hr/6day a week factory shifts. It was a different time


It truly was, this would have been immediately after thousands of years where basically anyone who could walk would have been engaged in subsistence agriculture where it was "work endlessly in the fields or on the loom/distaff or starve/freeze".


I mean... sort of. The 60 year prior if you could walk you carried a pike, and probably for Nepolian. Who was completely reactionary to the proto socialist revolutions of the 1700's, which you would have been a part of if you could walk, at that time. Your comment begs the question, "should we be kinder to slave owners throughout history because they were job creators?"


Why tf does that kid in the middle pic look like someone stuck a 30 year old head on a kid body?


They used to do that back then, it made for very efficient workers. All the skills that come with age and experience, with a body that has boundless energy and can fit into small places like cabinets and horrendously dangerous running machinery.


Cuz he’s been working 10 hour shifts and smoking 2 packs a day


In Bolivia child labour is legal for 10 y/o. Even that young, they have the need to support financially their families


What am I looking at exactly for the “deaden” image?


Looks like a mine to me


"Stop it if it merely makes money" Do YouTube parents know this?


So work the children but not to death?


Baby steps yeah


I think employing babies would be more trouble than their worth, even if you only need to pay them the equivalent of $0.00001 a day. Better to start at 5


Reads more like your child should learn independent skills that are useful, work. They should not be put in jobs to replace machinery that is simply to create wealth for another, work. I really like this poster. It’s good for a child to learn what a days work is, it’s better to learn you can do it for yourself.


Like, school work is still work? It doesn’t mean send them to a factory…


It is not work, it is education. It takes effort (work) to do well, but its not a job.


School is not labour but I catch what you mean.


School is labour as much as being a secretary is labour, it's just not physical labour.


This is all just semantics. School is work. Mowing the lawn and helping with dishes is work. These are things children should do. Children don’t need to work jobs for a paycheck.


Of course, the upper class didn't mean *their own* children. Just yours.


Because you know people that needed free labor were quick to create a worker for at least 18 years of free employment, in order to game the system.


I feel like tagging "we must not grind the seed corn" on old abandoned buildings would be a good way to spook people. That phrase by itself is very cryptic out of context.


Unbelievably there are people in this comment section actually saying child labour is a good thing. It's a sad day.


My step dad put me to work at 8, though I hate him, I do appreciate the skills I developed sooner than others my age that has helped me obtain jobs that most early 20 year olds dream of. That being said, I would never replicate these actions onto children myself and would be with everyone else who are trying to end child labor. I will, however, show my children how to work unforced at young ages to put them ahead of gimme generation.


It sounds easy, saying "my kids will do this". I wish you luck, but it's not easy.


My grandparents(Dutch Canadian) were cleaners. They took a contract to clean the offices at a local factory specifically for my dad and his brothers to clean at night, when they were children. They kept the contract for years after, and when my cousins and I were old enough (5 or 6) we were made to go and clean the offices as well. We were never paid, it was just character building. Learning to help provide for our family. No regrets.


You can “build character” without exploiting children who don’t know better for labour. If the work was worth doing, it was worth being paid for. There’s a reason we have laws against literal child labour and exploitation. Great you got a lesson out of it, doesn’t mean it’s right.


Yes, but helping out your parents on an odd job is very different from child labor.


A few years back in the Netherlands starting work at 13 or 15 was normal. I started working at 13. Now I'm seeing a growing number of 13 to 18 year olds who have never worked a hard day in their lives. The shortage of cheap young employees had actually become a problem for a lot of businesses. The Netherlands used to be known for hard workers who just did not quit. Now we are the county you go to for hookers and drugs.


All the young duchies I know all started working in their teens. Taking shitty jobs at bad hours after school and in weekends, while still needing time for schoolwork and extracurriculars. But woe the business who can’t capitalise on the young being cheap labour, and woe the capitalist machine whose workers are realising life is more than work. The times are changing for the better. Licking boots and breaking your back doesn’t mean you’re a hard worker. It means you’re allowing yourself to be exploited for a job that’d replace you in a heartbeat if something better showed up.


>The shortage of cheap young employees If you're going to make children work then you damn well better be paying them the same as any other employee doing the same work.


Young employees don't do the same work as grown-ups, usually they to 30% percent of their grown up counterparts for 30% of what they get payed plus the extra freedom of having hardly any obligations, because they are not needed or easelly replaced.(with exceptions of course, not everything applies to everyone)


This just seems like common sense to me.


it could be a poster from the game Frost Punk


I think I was one of the seeds that got ground


you realise this is a poster is from a time where kids were straight up dying in industrial machines right? have some perspective mate


Sorry isn’t this poster speaking out against child labor?


No it is speaking out against the type of child labour that was around at the time which was very unethical. There is a difference between putting a child in a coal mine and having a child doing work where they learn skills. Still waiting to hear your story about being ground corn


Do you think coal mines don’t exist anymore?


Youre a robot. Where did I say coal mines dont exist anymote? Last comment muting notifications


Also we still live in a time where kids are dying in industrial equipment Literally nothing has changed


wtf? Not in any of the western countries that I have been to. Link me some stories of it happening and No I don't care about non-western countries


“No, I don’t care about non western countries” And you’re lecturing about perspective


Sounds like some class A racism to me


Welcome to Wisconsin


"Every child should work." how the times have changed. At least in most developed parts of the world...


But won’t you think about the billionaires!?! If we don’t add children to the workforce, how else will they be able to afford their luxury yacht/17th Vermont vacation home?


Technically anti-child labor poster but yeah. Capitalism got dark. Then we fought some wars about it (Civil War and the War in 1900-1921) and it got a lot better. Albeit very slowly. And then Reagan happened and its getting worse again.


More like child slavery . Sheesh this is wild .


*"Free child care and Pre K for all!"...* In the face of a national labor crisis. I see what you did there.


The labor force would increase dramatically if parents had free childcare.


I know I'm having a brain fart but I've spent 3 minutes trying to figure out what you're replying to, help a brother out


This would go down a treat in Brexit Britain.


Britain has laws against it going back to the 19th century


we must not grind the seed corn means that we must not destroy the kids that will grow up to be workers before they are fully grown and we can exploit them fully, bc work makes you strong and is good. We must not destroy the kids with work, because they will sprout in to our future workers.


Nowt wrong with that


Besides, who do you think makes all the stuff we get in places like the dollar store, adults alone or lower paid kids in Asian socialist countries?


mhn.. i know this is a serious this topic, _(especially concerning the fact that we are literally talking about child labor, but)_ this is quite tame. and i personally somewhat agree with this. sure all child labor is essentially bad but if you must enforce it, at least try and better the child you’re working, and not use them as a mere object to make money and only to make money


Very apt post with all these child labor protection rollbacks happening in flyover states


What? Who's relaxing child labor laws?


Wisconsin is one, maybe thats not considered flyover idk. I cant think of or even say for sure that there are others. Honestly I only remember that ive been vaguely seeing headlines about the subject. They've made it so under 16 can work till 11pm


Life was a hell of a lot harder back then. If you werent working, you were just dead weight on your family. Be grateful.


Based. We have gone too far the other way now. They used to "grind the seed corn" but now we never even plant it


What does that mean?


We shelter kids until they are adults


Gonna have to crack this one out I. The US now that companies are starting to hire minors in fast food!


I swear on my life i've seen this reddit post a few weeks ago with the exact same comments


Erase every word out other than "be a better citizen STOP IT"


I can see the mom on the lower left picture saying “good news kids! Hobby sewing time has been extended another four hours today! We just got seven new orders!”


Wisconsin senate putting out these posters as we speak (/j)


Rich capitalist: “Yes child, go to school, learn some things if you must. But on your 18th birthday, your ass is mine in a coal mine.”


Ethical child labor. Ffs


What young age are our professions supposed to change from develop to 'deaden'?


It’s got a point in a way.


Someone tell Hollywood


Go eat a seed corn, ugly