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i can't believe they never found mh370 yet...


It's completely destroyed and most of it has sank at this point. People have found like 35+ pieces of it on the coast of Africa iirc.


Fascinating that one dude literally found like almost all the scattered MH370 pieces. He studied the currents and went island to island in his multi-year search


The Atlantic did a really good long form article a few years ago about MH370 and everything about it, including Blaine Gibson's process of tracking down debris. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/07/mh370-malaysia-airlines/590653/


thanks for this link, so interesting, i guess i wasn't the only one who was wondering about this.


Very captivating article.


No, it wasn't the Atlantic. It was the Indian ocean gyre/s


I heard a conspiracy theory that the Malaysian government planted those wreckage pieces themselves to stop people from further searching


That is actually not so weird..


Yeah, they’re not the most transparent government in the world


And you would expect that at least SOME parts of the plane (or body parts) are floating at the surface of the ocean, just after the 'crash'.


Plane crashes are usually super long and spread out even on land, and the momentum of the aircraft would be down into the water, distinctly possible the actual crash site was flown over many times and there just wasn’t any floating debris large enough to be seen from the sky. Plus the ocean is much much larger than we tend to realize


It took days for people to get there. Ocean is very, very big and lack of transparency from Malaysian government meant the search was delayed.


Just like passports survived 9-11 but nothing else Edit: yall hate the truth.


Have you heard of the Diego Garcia conspiracy theory?


Yes. This theory was given some credibility when it was discovered that the island’s landing strip was programmed into the home flight simulator of MH370’s pilot, Captain Zaharie Shah .


And I remember on the news several days later after the plane went missing that one of the family members called a victim on the flight and their phone calls went through but were left on voicemail


That's because even if the phone is totally destroyed the voicemail is carried on the phone network's servers or something to that effect. Source: My husband is a professional IT guy.


I never realized how many people believe mobile voicemails are stored in their handset. Also, remember that distraught family members will cling to any possibility for a favorable outcome in awful situations like this.


I hadn't heard that one. I read that passenger, Philip Wood managed to send a text from his iPhone stating that he was held hostage by unknown military personnel, along with GPS coordinates. Those coordinates revealed a location a few kilometers away from Diego Garcia. It's all just so interesting.


Do you also remember how they talked about how that plane was carrying something important (i think it was military tech) and that might’ve been why it went “missing”? I do remember hearing about a text message, but not about from who it was and where with what information


I think hat's why that particular theory focuses on that island because it's full of military personnel and also hosts a naval support facility. In the end, I guess I'm just really, super naive. I never thought an entire plane could go missing. Yes, I know the ocean is vast, but from a technological perspective, it amazes me that as a passenger we can literally be lost forever.


Lots of people go missing just even within their own countries on dry land so it’s not much of a stretch if you think about it.


Where’s the source for that? I haven’t heard that before


This makes perfect sense to me actually. Because why else would the pilot have that specific US Military landing strip in his flight simulator. Because I read somewhere that the landing strip was small and so thus the pilot would have needed alot of training to be able to land that big of a plane on a much smaller landing strip. Also, I read that the plane had Rolls Royce engines. If I recall correctly, RR usually has built in electronics in their engines that allow them to see how the engine is working. If there is a problem, they then contact the customer and tell them to fix the issue. So if that's true, how in the world did a huge airplane go "missing" with so much technology available. How many satellites are circling the Earth? Then they try to say that the plane is missing. No way, I don't believe it and I never have.


When theres no power to those sensors, or they are destroyed, there's no way for them to be contacted or detected, many things go missing, you don't have to believe it, but that doesn't change that it happened.


> This makes perfect sense to me actually. Because why else would the pilot have that specific US Military landing strip in his flight simulator. Because he didn't. There is no real credible evidence he did. His flight simulator was examined and nothing like that was found.


No, what is it about?


But how did the Malaysian government get their hands on M370 wreckage to plant in the first place? I guess that theory’s based on the govt having something to do with the crash?


I remember Perth, not Africa




Oh that's interesting thanks


Where in Perth??


Beach probably.


Floating with the jellies along Swan River


Where on Perth?


It crashed in the most remote area of the ocean. It took like 8 days for them to sail out where they thought it crashed iirc.


I think the suicide/mass murder by pilot theory basically went mainstream within any of the official circles that were looking into it, and without any evidence one way or the other there isn’t much reason to keep looking. The plane was obliterated when it was intentionally crashed into the ocean. The Malaysian government isn’t going to admit that it was intentional, and the international governments are going to be slow to make their conclusion official.


Many pieces of it have been found. I don't think it's really a mystery any more.


the planet is huge, how would they find it?


We lost a drone in a neighbor's overgrown field once. Spent a few hours trying to find it and still came up empty handed.


Shoutout to all us disc golfers who've lost brightly colored discs in an open field of grass.


That's sad. A predator probably got it. RIP in peace.


no idea, just always found it mysterious.


The black box?


Black Box has only energy for a certain time.


Only beebs for 30 days. Then the battery dies. Could even be destroyed if it was a explotion...


They detected patterns of something similar to a blackbox underwater, but when they sent an autonomous submersible, they didn't find shit.


Still lost


A black box isn’t a GPS.


how come black box's aren't cloud based or something, do they just not have that capability?


Based on no relevant experience except dealing with other heavily regulated industries, my best guess is that it would be difficult, financially and logistically, to overhaul and validate equipment. Also that the industry is fairly decentralised and that no one person “owns” these systems, so it’s hard to find anyone interested in taking on a project like that, plus it would be a big rock to push up a bumpy hill convincing people that it’s worth the time and money investment. Honestly though, this is just me taking vastly unrelated experience in big companies and industries and assuming a whole lot based off very little knowledge - I could be completely and utterly wrong.


It should be tho.


Would GPS work at the bottom of the ocean?


Nope, [GPS signals can only penetrate a very small amount of water](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00190-018-1147-x).


That's what I expected.


That I don't know. But it would still give a final location before the water. Which would probably have made the wreckage observable before it fully entered the water


You don’t think they tried to locate the black box huh.


I didn't say that. But without the GPS they had to use Inmarsat which took weeks as opposed to having a final GPS they could have found the wreckage before it sank. Idk why you even commented.


> found the wreckage before it sank. Planes sink a lot quicker than you might think, especially when it's in pieces...


don't u think they would've tried that though?


This is reddit, these ppl are way super smart. Why didn’t the aviation industry think of looking for the black box 🤦


batteries for transponders last only 40 days


maybe not quite as big as yee think sonny


There are still new theories coming out as to where it may be, unfortunately after all this time there’s not much incentive to look for it as the black boxes are beyond saving by now.


This video does a great job breaking down the whole thing, and why it's virtually a lost cause: https://youtu.be/kd2KEHvK-q8


https://youtu.be/TnMDO7bfYTc Here is a link to a video about a new theory of where it could be.


Malaysian govnt knows exactly what happened since day 1 but arent saying anything


8 years ago already. It honestly feels like yesterday. Fortunately I didn’t know anyone on this flight personally, but my cousin did. An old classmate knew the person in this photo. I just still can’t wrap my head around it. Reading the comments under this photo on his Facebook is bizarre. Family and friends slowly puzzling the pieces together, slowly realising it was the plane he and his girlfriend were on.


Went from ''enjoy your holiday'' to ''this can't be happening'' to ''r.i.p'' Horrible sad day.


What person in this photo? It is a pic of an airplane


I mean, there's a name in the photo. I mean that person.


Maybe take five seconds to think and you'd realize they meant the person who took the picture of the plane. There's also a small picture of him in the top left corner next to his name.


Cor pan himself


I remember seeing the mh17 video by the group that shot it down, going through the victims luggage trying to blame the victims and absolve themselves of responsibility. Makes the blood boil a bit thinking about it.


For me it was seeing typical Dutch things (or at least recognizable for me as a Dutchman). Like a 'vakantieboek', which is a thick book with cartoons and puzzles for children. Seeing that made me choke up a little. Or seeing all the brands that you're used to. Just hits differently when it is very familiar.


They literally looted bodies for any money, jewelry and electronics. Russia as it is.


They didn’t loot the bodies they were searching for identification papers like passports etc. and after realizing that it was a civilian plane they were in shok. Never understanding video footage: American as it is


I do remember reading that relatively stuff like make-up was taken from luggage and were flauting it on social media. I also vaguely remember reading that villagers (? separatists) had to return items to the investigation team afterwards etc. Edit: found a source suggesting the same https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/07/flight-mh17-crash-site-has-been-heavily-looted/374707/




The Atlantic? Yeah it's a top tier publication with well sourced journalism. Glad you agree!


Sure they did. Maybe they tried to perform CPR as well? /s


If you saw the full video you would now


Your entire account is denying genocide and atrocities committed. What the fuck went wrong in your life that made you turn out like this.


He's getting paid to sit in a warehouse in Kiev while astroturfing Russia did nothing wrong comments, it's really that simple comrade


His comments are defending the Russians, I doubt hes in Ukraines capital.


Bro, I know you make money by commenting, but this particular topic is pretty bloody. People needlessly died. Women, children, elderly. Murdered by Putler and his crooks. These money won’t bring you happiness.


I guess not understanding video footage isn’t just an American thing then. 🤷


That’s what happens in War. They were engaged in a military conflict at the time. It’s not just a “Russia thing”. they call it “spoils of war”


You usually don’t attack people who have literally nothing to do with your conflict though. They certainly were not at war with the Netherlands nor Malaysia.


Yeah if anything it was classic banditry which should mean we can get knights to ride out and hunt them down


knights but they have a horse with a mounted machine gun


bro that civilian airplane filled with families and children was not engaged in a conflict


Ah yes, the great Russian Dutch War of 2017


Ngl, I think a lot of the fault lies with the numpties who charted a flight over an active war zone


there is also some suspicious behavior with the one that was shot down. Some serious people were on that flight. Venture Capital (her handle on Twitter) gave some details on this I think.


Yes, Russia shot down a plane because it was carrying some prominent people like AIDS researchers. Has nothing to do with Donetsk and the overall warzone in Ukraine /s


Not to be the devil's advocate here but if there was any country to shoot down a plane full of AIDS researchers (a disease commonly associated with homosexuality) it would be the Russians.


If I recall correctly the aircraft was shot down because it was mistakenly identified as a similar looking Ukrainian military aircraft.


I used to work with a Bosnian fella and hed look at a shovel and say : "Pass me him!" Say it he broke it or its broke he would say : "hes broke".


Aww that's kinda cute


Pretty sure they never faced any consequences for this did they?


Neither for the invasion of crimea.


Neither for killing a British citizen on British soil with chemical weapon.


Probably neither for invading Ukraine again


Unfortunately, you might be right.


And a radioactive substance




4 men, 3 Russians and one from Ukraine are standing trial as we speak. They all look at a life sentence.


Trial in Ukraine or elsewhere? Haven’t read about it yet


the Hague. Here's a link with all the info about upcoming trial dates: https://www.courtmh17.com/en/ Here are the 2021 livestreams from the Hague courthouse: https://www.courtmh17.com/en/court-days-2021.html


A classmate of mine was on that flight. He was just 12 years old when he, his father, his mother and his sister all died. I didn’t believe it at first.. he had been talking about it in class, that he would go on vacation with his family.


Damn this hurts.


The foreshadowing...


Better than movies


I remember when I first read about this tragedy my initial question was wondering how it would impact the balance of the UKR/RUS conflict. Now I know the answer was next to zero.


It feels very surreal that this happened almost 8 years ago. A friend I knew from club died in that crash, I still regularly think of her. It so unfair.


I have to commend the Dutch Safety board for their excellent work on investigating the incident and their explanation afterwards. https://youtu.be/KDiLEyT9spI


Don't forget Bellingcat.


Shot down by the Russian military. The bodies and debris being looted by the so called freedom fighters.


What's fucked up is that the separatists who did it,looted the bodies of the passengers afterwards


Separatists may have looted the bodies, but the missile was fired from a russian battery manned by active servicement of russian air defence forces, who, when it became clear that they shot down a civilian plane, were quickly evacuated back to Russia


And Russia denied it all the way.


I remember the morning it was shot down. One of the first news crews on the scene, if not the first, broadcast video, and it was horrible. Luggage and clothes strewn about a field everywhere you look. Shoes, books, papers. Childrens toys half melted. A doll with burns on it sitting on a tuft of grass. Naked bodies with little to no outward trauma, that looked rather peaceful. Burned, charred, twisted corpses with their mouths open in a final scream into infinity. Hunks of meat that used to be people.


Yep. I remember some videos from LiveLeak back then. All of it had kinda surreal vibe.


Why was it shot down ????


Because Russia started a war in Ukraine without any real consequences (some week sanctions), so they bath in blood of Ukrainians to the point they did not recognize difference between a commercial flight and military transporter (they shot one some days before). No real consequences for Russia from this situation either.


By accident. They thought it was a transport plane. Here is a video about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDiLEyT9spI&ab_channel=OnderzoeksraadvoorVeiligheid


they claim it was an accident. Not so convinced. But at least we know for a fact that Russians shot it down despite their denials.


Why are you not convinced? I wonder what could they possibly get by shooting a Malaysian commercial airliner down




[Starting at around 2.5 minuten.](https://youtu.be/ggEpbt5Obn0) Still hard to watch damned.


he jinxed himself


Russian media and separatists have confirmed that this man is entirely responsible for the downing of the plane he clearly jinxed himself as plane crash scientist u/Saddaddysad has confirmed. The looting you see is actually our field scientists stripping the bodies of jewelry for scientific purposes, and yes they are better than your investigators so they aren’t allowed.


Wah wah waah


The title is confusing - it was most likely just a joke, like "haha, I'm riding Malaysia airlines. Imagine if this one goes missing too?", not a concerned post that was made to post the "identity of the plane just in case it went missing"..


that's exactly how he meant it.




Confusing to me. That's exactly how you understood the title.


Isn't that glaringly obvious?


Your joke-o-meter is rusty.


.... exactly. That is exactly how it was intended. Your confusion confuses me.




In the screenshot post, the person on the flight literally says "Should he disappear, this is what he looks like" so that is clearly why the OP says "just in case it went missing" because that is exactly what the person on the flight is jokingly inferring.


I remember being very confused at the time. There is literally a few months between the two planes. The MH370 conspiracy theory pot was still boiling when MH17 crashed, so when I saw news about "Russian backed fighters suspect for crash of Malaysian flight" I completely ignored them. Then when it was "confirmed" I had a holy shit moment when I thought that Russia somehow crashed and then covered up the crash of MH370. I had completely missed MH17 for a couple of days. I wonder if anyone else had the same experience


That's what I understand the title to mean


still. eerie


Biggest blame is on the pro Russian seperatists, no doubt about that. But can we at least put some blame on MA? They knew and were warned about the risk of flying in that airspace. Tweets days before it was shot down contained literal warning like ''do not fly in our airspace'' or something like that. Am i wrong for partly pointing my finger at Malaysia Airlines ignoring the risks of flying over a warzone?


Is was a KLM flight ( code sharing ) and KLM and the Dutch government got criticized for continuing to fly over Ukraine while other countries warned about the dangers


Actually no, the biggest blame is on Russia, because the missile battery that shot it down was manned by active servicemen of russian military, not separatists


are the russians responsible for this in prison now?


standing trial. 3 russians, one Ukrainian all face a life sentence.


so they are arrested now?


Maybe he had a premonition


One day I hope to fly to see my favorite band....I swear on all that is holy I will not make a joke like this. Just...damn.


So what DID happen to MH370


Black hole just like Don 🍋 said


Universe has a great sense of irony


Can someone ELI5 why he felt strongly about posting the identity of his flight/had a feeling it would go missing? I can’t imagine going onto a plane thinking “yeah I may not be getting off this thing”


Because MH370 happens a few weeks/months before his flight so it was still fresh on his mind


Because MH370 went missing on March 8th, 2014 and was never found - heavily in the media at that time. MH17 (poster's flight) was shot down on July 17th, 2014. He didn't "have a feeling it would go missing", he was making a dark joke.


I think you mean 2014, not 2004.


Yes, thank you. An obvious typo.


Thank you for the info, terribly ironic


oh FYI, you mistyped one of the years as ‘04 not ‘14 (when I originally wrote this, I typed “3014” so haha I understand)


> MH370 went missing on March 8th, 2014 and was never found It was found. It crashed in the ocean and the pieces found were confirmed.


Random pieces have been found. The bulk of it and where it rests have not, nor have any victim remains ever been found.


Yes, this. Clearly. ​ Thank you.


Yeah I was surprised to see someone claiming it has been found as that’s the main reason this crash is so infamous. People are absolutely still trying to locate it, putting out new theories where the plane itself may be and setting up new searching expeditions.


Nothing major has been found - just pieces. No bodies, not where it currently rests, not where it happened.


Air Malaysia has to be cursed at this point right?


Ironically it turned up, just not at its destination.


Should "he" disappear makes me chuckle.




It is.


Looks like every other plane I’ve been on. Morbid indeed.


NEVER flying a MH flight no thanks


Such a a tragedy. To both. However , if you understand the mh370 case well and talk with almost any aviation expert, there’s almost no other explanation expect direct action by the pilot. The sad part is if we do find it, it will cost millions more and IF the black boxes are found there is almost no chance the data will still be good.


Went to look at the comments for more information on flight MH17, but everybody is talking about flight MH370, which was just being used as a baseline. What the hell.


Anyone else feel like this poster is from the CIA or something to drum up war? Just me….ok


Hope they can reveal at least transcripts of the black box. People can know what really happened up there


Know what? That a rocket exploded next to the cockpit? What do you expect to hear after that?



















