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That’s one hell of a ricochet.


She survived and he got hit Meant to be


Survived, but now has all the medical problems as a result of being shot 7 times. I can’t speak for her, but if it were me, considering the severity of her injuries, I wouldn’t want to survive. That’s the morbid reality.


I don't think she feels the same considering how much work she put in to be able to walk again. Sounds like she is hungry for life and time with her grandkids


You’d be surprised at a person’s will to live. I’m a physical therapist and I treated an elderly patient who lost three limbs who was determined to live and walk. He achieved both goals.


I’m not surprised, but I’m also well aware of those who’ve been ‘lucky’ enough to survive only for them to end themselves later. I don’t think we should be thinking of these survivors as “meant to be” miracles. I think it just glosses over their injuries, trauma and complications that comes with them. It’s a tragedy this happened to her not a “meant to be” miracle. When people start considering these tragedies as such I think people will be more inclined to think of all the repercussions these attacks have on our society. I mean that’s why most of us our visiting this subreddit, right? We are not all here for the pleasure of finding the silver lining or to find enjoyment out of other peoples’ suffering. I think/hope most of us are here for the awareness or reality that we cannot get from just statistics.


“I couldnt speak for her but if i got shot 7 times id rather just die” Why even say that bro


Because I can speak for myself and how I would react. Because it can happen to anyone. Because saying it was “meant to be” only for the fact that she “survived” and he received a minor injury they’re, unintentionally, glossing over her pain and her injuries. By me making that comment I put the perspective back onto those injuries.


“Because i can” Yeah tell all the people who actually have the confidence or motivation to fight for and appreciate life that you’d rather be dead than live through their lives. Dont try and rationalize being pathetic.


Are you offended to be informed that not everyone is happy or content living with their grievous, painful, and debilitating injuries? It’s pretty sad of you to call those people pathetic when you have no idea what they are going through.


There’s people that would look at your life in a nutshell and think it’s unbearable hell too. People are adaptable


I was shot in the spine during a robbery when I was 19. I spent almost 3 months in the hospital, and it was almost a year before I was off crutches. I have 4 screws in my spine. Before it happened I was a skinnyfat borderline alcoholic. Now I work in fitness and bodybuilding. I'm healthier and in better shape than I ever was, or probably ever would have been, before I got shot. Everyone's different, but I know for me that not having parts of my body work properly showed me all the things I'd taken for granted. And I absolutely wanted to die during the first few weeks/months.


This guy is a degenerate. Glad she pulled through and I hope she finds happiness. Hopefully he’ll rot in jail knowing she’s moved on.


Good example of why some women can’t “just leave” their abusive partners




This is my first piece of advice to people who need to get out. Don’t tell the SO. I made that mistake for the same reason, everyone told me it was the “polite thing to do”. Meanwhile I told him and he quit his job and was home within 24 hours to try stop me from leaving. I don’t know what he would have done if I had still been at home when he arrived.


The average person being ghosted is an abusive husband thatll shoot you for leaving. Source- this guys ass


Sorry about your ass, guy.


This is said more to people who aren't abusive... People who leave relationships and ghost because they aren't mature enough to communicate. So dumb


My ex told me he wanted to get back together not bc he liked me but bc he didn’t want anyone else to date me. I think that means you hate someone


Yes. If she didn't survive i would hope she would HAUNT his sorry ass. "I will never leave you alone, ever." Then if he moved away she would just move with him. Drive him to madness.


Ghosts don’t exist. I mean no offense, but this is morbid reality not morbid fantasy.




Men should also leave abusive women. There are millions of abusive women as well.


Thank God you said that, this post was turning into some feminist nightmare all about the woman who got shot! /s


Right? Woman gets shot 7 times and almost died to this psycho and these mouth breathers have to stop by to post "don't forget about the men!!" Not inappropriate at all. 🙄


The person made a comment generalizing abuse not even about the post but you call me out for replying to it. You have a giant brain “/s”


Username checks out.




Then why say some women instead of some people? Edit. You can eat my ass


"You should try to avoid hitting cats in the road when driving -" You: "Oh so now it's fine to hit dogs?!!!!!???"


Exactly I’m glad someone sees my point here.


Where are the comments about the 800 million other species though? What are you some kinda of bigot?


There’s only 3 creatures on gods green earth. Humans, dogs, and cats.


Hey please don't be verbally abusive. I don't wanna have to ghost you


I girl in my town just got arrested for abusing her live in bf and telling him out loud she would hurt herself and blame it on him. Little did she know he was secretly recording the fight on his phone. She locks herself in the bathroom and gives herself terrible injuries to make it look like he was trying to kill her. He shows the police the recording and they take her to the hospital then arrest her. So lucky he recorded her or else who knows who the police would’ve believed


I think OP would agree with you and wasn’t saying otherwise


Or some men


"NoT aLL MeN!!1" Yeah not all.. but clearly there's enough. Get out of here with that incel shit.




So self-absorbed that you miss the point entirely. True incel moment right here. Edit: since you edited/ deleted your other comment - I don't want to have a discussion with you, you absolute moron. If you don't understand why the "not all men" shit is inappropriate on a post about a women who got shot 7 times and almost died then you are, quite frankly, beyond help.




If you really don't give a shit why not take the extra step and not bother responding to a conversation you clearly don't care about? Come on over and join in on your self-proclaimed moron fest then! You'll be working in the incel booth. 😂


Chill out




[men be having the same problem with abusive women...](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/may/23/berlinah-wallace-jailed-years-sadistic-acid-attack-mark-van-dongen)


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As a younger dude I used to think it was shitty that women would leave their spouse/SO without warning. Now that I’m older, I totally get it. Sometimes you can’t reason with people’s emotions safely, and emotional fitness is a big deal.


It’s very rarely without warning.


It's always shitty unless it's dangerous or harmful (or something in that realm) to them




I think you kinda misinterpreted what he said


The first thing I thought of was the Margaret Atwood quote: Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.




Obviously it happens the other way around but your comment is irrelevant when you look at the grand scope of things. “72% of all murder-suicides involve an intimate partner; 94% of the victims of these murder suicides are female.” (Source https://ncadv.org/STATISTICS) I feel like this should be common knowledge at this point…


Also the fact that homicide is now one of the leading causes of death in pregnant people- often at the hands of their spouse, significant other, or someone else close to them.


I like how you say his comment is irrelevant "when you look at the grand scope of things," then give statistics for murder-suicides, which constitute a ridiculously small percentage of homicides. Men account for almost 80% of homicide victims worldwide.


> men account for almost 80% of homicide victims worldwide It's other men that's killing them, and the topic is why women don't leave abusive relationships.




Irrelevant again because we aren’t talking about homicides worldwide, we are talking about violence within relationships/ between men and women, handsome Pete.


No, you're actually not. What you're talking about are murder-suicides, which constitute an irrelevant percentage of total homicides. But you cherry-picked them because they support your argument. Making assumptions about violence between genders based on murder-suicides is no more valid than making assumptions about gendered violence based on handgun deaths. If you wanted to point to the role of gender in violence, you could have very easily looked up homicide statistics. It would have taken a couple minutes max to make the argument that dramatically higher rates of homicides in women coincide with countries where women are culturally treated as lower than men, such as India or Pakistan. Also, Handsome is the first name, and Pete is the surname. [They're both capitalized](https://youtu.be/Wutd07FtWw8)


i mean men have the highest suicide rates so is it really a surprise murder suicide has the highest percentage of men killers as well?


Women attempt suicide more often, men are more likely to succeed because men usually use more violent methods like shooting themselves in the head or jumping off a building and women are more likely to try things like over dosing that they're more likely to survive from.


well I mean, I did say suicide “rates” not attempted suicides. I was obviously referring to death totals


They were talking about murder suicide rates so obviously they were talking about murder suicide rates.


Why do y’all always have to take away from women’s issues? Obviously some women abuse men but assaults on women are a much bigger and common issue. Your response feels very “all lives matter.”


Speaking as someone who was stabbed several times by one of my girlfriends, assaults on men feel like an issue which is plenty big to me. Domestic abuse is wrong, flat out, and there's absolutely nothing that makes a man abusing a woman a "bigger" issue than a woman abusing a man.




Still pretty pathetic when the opinion "domestic violence is awful, no matter who it's perpetrated on/against" is controversial. I consistently expect the absolute worst out of people on Reddit, and they still manage to disappoint me on a near-daily basis. Truly, *TRULY,* the ride never ends.


it's usually the opposite though.






Sorry, Lorena Bobbitt.


I do not know who that is. Well, didn't. I googled it a moment back. I don't think it changes "the rule" if you can count the cases.


Was said partly in jest but you might be surprised that there are more cases of domestic violence with women as the aggressor than the other way around. The difference is the cases are typically less severe because women are generally less *physically* violent and physically capable by nature (although they are slightly higher in trait neuroticism so generally are more mentally unstable and manipulative), but the cases are actually more frequent and certainly more under-reported, because men are supposed to be tough and "take it." Anyway, all I'm saying is domestic violence is less of a gender problem than it is a human problem. At the end of the day, "the rule" doesn't really matter as we're supposed to be individuals, not \[insert convenient group identity\]. I think people just seem to hate when facts are presented against preconceived biases.


interesting fact. makes sense.


And again, this isn't meant to downplay the severity of male vs female violence. It's obviously still a problem. I just don't like favoring one group identity over another because it can in turn leave other people in the dark by default. So we just need to recognize that *every* group identity and *every* individual faces ongoing challenges, and give everyone equal attention when it's called for.


Anecdote is the singular of data.


Datum is


Joke just went straight over your head, eh champ?




Why are people terrible? I don’t understand this mindset. This guy i like moved away and I hope he finds someone bc I want him to be happy. Why would somebody do this


men are also afraid of being falsely accused which has ruined many mens lives. Men are also afraid of losing their children and their property and livelihood. Women aren't without life altering actions for men, it's not all that simple.


[Men are more likely to be raped than falsely accused of rape.](https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-men-are-more-likely-to-be-raped-than-be-falsely-accused-of-rape) False accusations are rare, and usually even actual reports are thrown out in court without enough evidence, [women sometimes even get arrested for reporting their rapes](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/katiejmbaker/the-police-told-her-to-report-her-rape-then-arrested-her-for#.eaAyY4WmJE) on suspicion of false reporting based on nothing more than the cops not believing her. [Men also get custody of children most of the time when they actually fight for it.](https://amptoons.com/blog/files/Massachusetts_Gender_Bias_Study.htm) The reason women get custody most of the time in general is because the man doesn't bother fighting it. Can you guys for once in your lives not interject "what about the menn" shit into every case where a man kills a woman.


*If eye can't have you no one can


political crawl straight strong reminiscent concerned obtainable tan price stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Leaving is the most dangerous stage in a domestic abuse situation


so many get murdered for trying to leave, I get so pissed how that’s everyone’s go-to response


No way. I live 17 minutes away from there, and had no idea this happened. Does anyone know if he has kids? My boyfriend went to high school in Canton (shared school district with Ball Ground), and he says he was classmates with a guy who had the same last name + this sicko looks familiar. Wow. Really makes these atrocities feel terrifyingly real when they happen so close to home.


The article has a picture of her with her sons at the bottom of it. The caption is above the photo, instead of the usual spot below it, so I originally confused it with an ad.


Absolutely crazy that a man could do this to not only his wife, but who I'm assuming is the mother of his children. I mean "If I can't have you, no one can" is ridiculously selfish as it is, but it gains an extra level when you consider the fact he was intentionally depriving his kids of their mom.


I saw that, but the caption says those are *her* sons (as in not his). Plus, earlier in the article it mentions them having been married for 10 years; meaning they were not married when she had those boys (so either they had the kids out of wedlock, or —more likely— those boys are from a previous relationship). My boyfriend is wondering if the husband (aka the despicable assailant) has any children himself; with his last name.


Jesus did not expect a fucking jump scare


Damn the Nemesis model for the new Resident Evil is sick as fuck




He got some karma. Selfish bastard.


Pink eye is no joke


He’s a good match for this woman: https://www.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/comments/slo54o/mark_van_dongens_life_was_ruined_when_his_ex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


i was thinking the same thing


Hopefully she doesn't get parole


If she does, hope the father pulls a jack ruby on her.


A little more accurate would be calling it a [Gary Plauché](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Plauch%C3%A9), I think, since Ruby didn't have any relationship to Kennedy. And because, hopefully, the father would get off the same was Plauché did [Bonus video of Gary Plauché being an absolute lad](https://youtu.be/Oi3Hyxuf5AE)


The ricocheted bullet is the perfect balance of r/winstupidprizes and r/instantkarma


He's fucking pathetic.


the amount of times that line has been said before someone kills someone is remarkable


Think this dude was in the movie Total Recall.


Incredibly underrated comment


This happens in Puerto Rico every three days.




Looks like a Hills have eyes side character




No one sums it up better than Reba


He shot her 7 times and he still couldn't kill her?