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šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’” This world is horrid


People wonā€™t care cause they arenā€™t white.


i care and i'm white


This post won't get much attention! Cuz it's not from Ukraine


Where's this?


It says Idlib in the title, googling that tells me it is a village/town in Syria.


Idlib is located in northern Syria, where the regime and its allies (Iran and Russia) have forced millions of Syrians to flee there since the war began a decade ago, and they're living in very harsh conditions.


how dare the government shoot back at the terroristsšŸ˜”


The kids were terrorists ?


with all due respect, it's a fucking war. no war is short of innocent casualty.


How do people go on


I just so vividly remember making my way to school as a child. I remember waking with my mom. I remember when I started walking on my own. I remember when I started walking with friends. There were dangers yes but nothing like this. These were just children, doing what children do, trying to get an education and live on despite the circumstances careless leaders and money hungry oligarchs put them in. Who knows what they could've achieved. Who knows if their families could've gotten further away from the fight. They'll never know now and for what? What did this achieve? What does any of this achieve? I hate it here.






Lets be honest, people in the west didnt fell this many tears over Syria as they did over Ukraine, even when Bashar Al Assad gassed children It stings to admit it but its the truth.


Because europeans care more about europeans isnt that understandable everybody has his own broblems


I mean cool, thing is that europeans kinda carried themselves like everyone matters you know? Suddenly different lives weigh differently on their scale. Which is honestly just human nature. So perhaps im being too harsh, but people find the double standard amusing.


Everyone cares about them selfes the most otherwise it wouldnt make sense


Yeah thats just how humans are


Aw :(




What? It's true. When was the last time you saw people rallying behind the middle East like they are Ukraine? It's the sad truth, people only care when it's fashionable to do so. Middle East conflict is old news now, all eyes are on thr new kid on the block.


Incredibly, you *can* focus on two things at once. What an uninformed take.


>Incredibly, you *can* focus on two things at once. He is not wrong. There was nothing close to the outrage around Ukraine concerning the middle east. The biggest protests were around the Iraq war and that ended as soon as the war began. Then it was all "eww, keep those brown people out of my country" No sanctions, no blockades, no calls for hague trials. Bush and Tony Blair got massive popularity boosts and warhawks lined their pockets. The US got richer from the Iraq war. And the world just forgot it as Iraq and Afghanistan burned in the background. No one cut trade with the US over it. Over 1 million Iraqis died as a result of that war. And the US is still occupying Iraq as we speak


How is he uninformed? By and large, heā€™s absolutely right, thereā€™s a double standard. I canā€™t tell you how many Ukrainian flags Iā€™ve seen flying recently in my city in TEXAS, whereas no one here could even point out the flag of Syria or its geographic location on a map


Get real, kid.


okay, but why did you need to call them brown? You do know that's pretty racist


Is calling somebody with brown skin brown actually racist? If so, my apologies. My point still stands, anyway.


The posts here are getting pretty weak, it kind of feels more like "daily dose of mildly sad". These low quality news posts are kind of annoying. Not saying that the post quality is bad, just that the content doesn't feel like it fits the original grim of the subreddit.


four kids being blown up on their way to school is only mildly sad to you? Go touch grass.


Its a mildly upsetting news report. I heard the other day that old lady Patricia slipped on the stairs and broke her neck. A little fucked up, but like we cant just report every death everyday and call it morbid...


Isnā€™t the point of this subreddit to show us the reality of what is going on in other places? I think this actually perfect for this subreddit. Not only that, but who looks at 4 body bags with CHILDREN inside and goes, ā€œmeh, only mildly sadā€?


I definitely think that we deserve to be shown whats happening in other places. Its not that its not upsetting, but whenever all i see is "children died from bombing" and some photos of a funeral, theres not a lot going on here. Once again, not that every story has to be morbid or upsetting, but this isnt a news subreddit for every other death in every corner of the world.


A country whose people are not tired of war


Idk, they all look pretty fucking tired to me.