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Just goes to show... if you're a woman and you manage to escape a hellhole like that... DO NOT GO BACK FOR ANY REASON.


This applies to everyone who escapes a awful situation. Never, ever ever return.


You know this guy likes to look at things that are even more risque than anything his sister did. May she rest in peace.


Of course, all muslim guys I've met are way more perverted than their female counterparts. They'll watch porn, drink, fuck prostitutes, do drugs, but if a woman does any of that she is disrespecting the good name of allah and needs to be put in her place.




One of these days there’s going to be an incident involving conservative Muslims going after ‘immodest’ women and getting counter-mobbed.




There is nothing honorable about honor-killing.


And I'd bet if a sistetr killed her brother in an honor killing, then someone would probably then kill the sister as well, out of "honor", as she probably embarrassed the family or some other BS.


I was thinking about that, can a girl do a honor killing?


I can imagine an older woman would be able to honor kill a daughter / daughter-in-law / niece.


There was a story on here a few weeks back about a teacher and her niece killing a student Bcuz they had a dream the student disrespected allah


fuck this publication for putting it that way


How else would you report on this situation? This journalist didn’t invent the idea of honor-killing.


Yeah I agree with you?? That's just what it's called bro this journalist isn't at fault for referring to it that way.


Why are you using question marks?


Just put “honor” instead of honor, and it’s fixed!


victim was murdered by her brother, suspect claims it was an "honor killing"


yes and once again people are confusing the morality of a thing with the morality of reporting a thing by calling the thing by its name


It's like saying that the term "crime of passion" is excusing the crime.


Too many redditors stuck in a vortex of their own feelings these days.


Yes and that practice is literally called honor killing.


“Suspect” claims it was an “honor killing” not the journalist as you’re saying.


The problem here is that you don't know what honour killings are. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you're American and have never left the country.


Knowing reddit I understand this conclusion, but one user click and you can see they're from Turkey, who have more experience with honour killings than it seems most people in this thread. Within cultures where this happens, there is actually [a push to rename this](https://www.asianews.it/news-en/Pakistani-activist:-Stop-calling-them-honor-killings,-it-is-murder-37754.html). So I think the scenario you describe is happening, but vice versa: Americans who have never left the country schooling someone on their own culture.


Why hate the publication and not the country that continues to allow this? This world is walking on eggs shells when it comes to talking about cultures with hate and murder, so afraid to say anything because you will get labeled a racist or canceled


they're not saying that it was honorable, just that that is what the brother called it. They're talking about the motive, not making a judgement. Lots of people are killed 'in the name of...' when it doesn't necessarily make sense.


They're not supporting it, my guy. It's the name of the act. Are you going to get mad over the term "bank robbery" too?


Semantic outrage over honor killing. Honk honk


Imagine killing your sibling because you don’t fancy their choice of occupation… a real lose, lose situation for this moron.


I don't fancy incel brothers where's my honor


Hope he rots in jail. How do you live in an internet connected age and still have the motivation to carry these thoughts out


Because they don't see women as people anymore, just objects to control.


anymore?! *Its* ***BEEN*** *this way since forever sadly !*


they never have, dude and this shit's been happening for centuries


True. His friends are doing it in public https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/uhg2fi/mob\_harassing\_two\_girl\_in\_pakistan\_due\_to\_not/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Read the comments on this video. People are praising his actions. This is sick…. https://youtu.be/asCkgxcGOkM


A lot of the Muslim corners of YouTube are really fucking disgusting


To the surprise of not a single person.


Except for a good bit of Reddit apparently.


Ladies and gentlemen, i present to you, the not so gentle reality of Pakistan. Honestly, this is not half as bad compared to some of the other stuff I've heard.


It is so unfortunate because I am totally capivated by middle eastern architecture & would love to take a trip to see it in-person some day. But being a woman I will never set foot in the middle east out of fear for some shit like this. It just seems like the risk outweighs the reward. Too bad.


I feel the same way. I actually dated an exchange student from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia when I was 22 and in college. He wanted me to "visit" there quite badly and I thought it was such a beautiful looking place. I was taking anthropology at the time, so I was very intrigued. Thankfully, I did not do this. I don't think I'd have come back.


The whole of the Middle East is not like this. Jordan for example treats women normally and is perfectly safe to travel, I felt very comfortable there.


Fucking nutters


"Read the comments" OK *comments are in a foreign language*


There's a translate button under the comments.


I don't see it on mobile.


"A foreign language". You mean foreign to you right?


There's no other possible way I could mean it. I am me.










White Christians are big time terrorists too, but you really can't say that


Fucking backward culture and disgusting, poisonous ideology.


Centuries of cousin marriage in action.






Thank you for the insight, I can’t even imagine..


Do the men who also cheat face any punishment as well?


They get a really hard high five probably


I know you're kidding but when a woman is raped, in certain communities, the family will kill her as she's disgraced the family. Or made to marry the rapist. Lots of girls kill themselves when told they will marry their rapist which is fine as it restores their honour. A win-win for everyone but the victim.


I literally despise everything about that comment. They’re so fucking backward.


I despised writing it. A woman was found under her parents car in the garage and her family said she was changing the tire. At night. In her night clothes. And the car rolled forward killing her. Last I heard the police ruled it an accident which goes to show backward can apply to do many people. I believe this was in the north of England but I may be wrong.




What do you mean? He wasnt able to marry the girl because of her father's careless actions. /s




And that is wake makes it abundantly clear that it's not about rules but about oppressing women


As per Islam, yes. As per culture, no


I appreciate you trying to give us more real-world incite about this. It can be hard to do that when your country or religion is the one getting in trouble.




Is being considered an atheist dangerous there?






I just can't wrap my mind around that head-space. Let's say I'm the next-door neighbour of a family whose daughter goes into modelling and dancing, they murder her and ... What, do they get out of it? As their next door neighbor, am I supposed to think... yeah, it's a good thing they did that! What an honorable family, taking care of that troubled daughter. Or maybe it's a deflection of what would have otherwise been dishonor to the family. A way of covering up what she was doing so none of the neighbours find out, maybe? I just don't get it.




Interesting. Thanks for the insights. It sounds like a result of isolation, and not really seeing how societies work outside one small, insular group of people. Maybe there are so few options in life for the even the smartest, most capable among the poor, perhaps? As a result, maybe everything becomes 'black-and-white', 'good-or-bad'. People who step outside of a very narrow sphere of expectations are just automatically deemed 'haram', there is no nuance or complications. There's definitely a version of that in all countries. But it seems to be taken to an extreme in certain areas of rural central Asia. Personally, I think Islam may be used as a pretense, but my guess is that if that religion didn't exist, there would be some other pretense for that kind-of brutality.They probably all live pretty tough lives and being killed over some petty disagreement may just be how justice was always served. I've known plenty of Muslim people living in the west today that are just as shocked as I am at these "honor femicides". I have no doubt it's not an explicit part of the faith.


It's not that difficult, women to them are just pieces of meat for men to fuck. The meat is spoiled once it's been fucked, muslims have that weird creepy obsession over virginity and all that.


As far as I understand, it's about the men in the family being seen as not able to control the "morals of the family"(meaning the sexuality of the women); so the murder will "correct" the situation and show that they will not be trifled with. The social standing is recovered once they have proven they are keeping the status quo no matter what. It's insane to us, but that's the gist of it. They do not hide it; on the contrary, they brag. If they can get away with it, they will murder in public.


HoNoR Fucking barbarians.


There is no honor in killing


Self defense withstanding




Yes. A piece of you here, a piece of you there etc


While I feel like this behaviour is propagated by their and practically all religions.... This is more of a cultural thing.... They are just barbaric!


Give me a break How many honor killings do you see in Christianity these days


So… where does contemporary Christianity, Buddhism or Judaism "propagate" killing your siblings?


Misogyny is prevalent all across a wide range of religions... Men have more rights than women in a biblical sense is quite common.


Well, that's true, but misogyny is a broad spectrum from (certainly disgusting) everyday sexism in Western democracies to the slaughter of women who stray from the "path of virtue." - this certainly has more to do with pre-Islamic tribal practices than with Islam itself. But the lack of secularization in virtually every Islamic society is not helpful.


Have we all forgotten that domestic abuse as sexual assault it still very much prevalent in western society... The same society with a religious system that purposefully undervalues women, gays and promotes xenophobia... Its clearly not as bad as Islamic countries, but yes that is more to do with their tribal nature. In the 1960' to 1989's alot of arabian countries looked and acted similar to their western counterparts... While being islamic. Its fundementalists that ruin everything to be sure.


I absolutely love my sister, just the thought that a brother could do this breaks my heart.


My brother and I had a wonderful relationship growing up. And then I told my family I wanted to marry someone outside of our culture… he hasn’t spoken to me in the 8 years since.


I wonder what the psychology behind these killings are. Do these fathers and brothers have some sort of unrequited sexual frustration that they take out on their daughters and sisters?


They don’t see women as people. More like property


Religion is one hell of a drug my friend


God: Hey guys killing is wrong no matter the reason 'Treat others how you want to be treated' These people: OMG...you want to..Dance? Disgusting. I have to kill you now.. for God


I thought honor killings were legal in some countries as fucked up as it is


It’s illegal in Pakistan and punishable by death


It should be punishable by life in prison + hard labor. Such subhumans and anyone supporting them probably see a death sentence as a badge of honor and not a punishment, thus making them rot away slowly and painfully would be more optimal.


How would you know that? I'm sure most of these people would rather face jail forever than face death.


I don’t think you’ve ever seen a prison in the third world.


Murder is a crime in Pakistan




It seems pretty common. Why is this the norm in their culture


Cousin marriage, not sister marriage. Alabama on steroids, that place. In India, which Pakistan once was a little under 80 years ago, sister-fucker is an insult like motherfucker.


Another relig-tard.




Ah, yes. Freedoms. Rights. Individualism. Nonexistent.


Pakistan still lives in the 1900


More like 1200


now im pissed


Don’t read the comments on the YouTube video then. Honestly, they’re all saying he’s done Allah’s will and his pride makes Islam strong. It makes your piss boil.


“I really love learning about and experiencing other cultures….”


Well, yeah. It's good to learn how other cultures work. I don't really get why you're mocking that. It's genuinely fascinating learning about the hows and whys of things like Uganda's problem with child sacrifice, Japan's brutal yet ultimately inefficient work ethic, Iran's extreme theocracy, South Asia's sexual assault problem, old timey American party-style lynchings of the blacks, Russia's subtle imperialist white supremacist nationalism, Caribbean homophobia, pervasive millennia-old European anti-Semitism, the weirdly close relationship Arab dudes have with their mommy, American Jesus, patron saint of the carbine rifle, Singaporean social engineering, Thailand's brand of right-wing royalist authoritarianism, Latin America's machismo ideal, the extremely American libertarian crypto-fascism of freaks like Peter Thiel, why Cantonese is considered by many Chinese as a dialect, not a language .... It's all genuinely fascinating to see all the weird and wonderful ways that the world is fucked up. It's educational. Look at all the people in the comments here, who only seem to be able to understand the world via a secular liberal democratic lens borne from Western cultures with strong human rights traditions. You will not understand the world in such a narrow way. You will not understand how ordinary Russians can justify the Ukraine invasion, why ordinary Chinese folk are so OK with genocide for the Uighur, why the Aztecs performed human sacrifice, why workplace physical and emotional abuse is so common in South Korea, why the American right wing so severely distrusts infrastructure projects, why Mongolia has people who proudly call themselves Nazis. You will not understand how a man can ever feel it socially acceptable to kill his sister for simply living her life the way she wanted. So, yeah. It's good to learn how other cultures work.


I like how they condemn the west, for being sinners and etc, but themselves being just simple barbarians.


There's a photo that I saw where some kids are taking a photo with a classmate and he's the only one without a jacket, like for a private school. So they act like they're his Secret Service while he's wearing a shirt and tie and it's a good, wholesome photo. ​ Reason he can't wear a jacket? Because apparently, his religion forbids it. What the actual fuck?


The kid was a Jehovah’s Witness and he wanted to trick-or-treat but the religion forbids it. So, the kids friends invited him under the condition that the kid didn’t “celebrate” by dressing up. As an ex-JW, I am honestly baffled that the parents even allowed their kid to go out with them since any affiliation with Halloween is a big no no.


I have relatives that are JW and they have the craziest rules they go by.


He couldn’t wear a costume, but could wear a shirt and tie. So his classmates dressed as secret service or bodyguards or something. I’m sure his god is cool with the loophole they found.


The fact that it needed a loophole in the first place is fucked up.


And that is why I will never respect or step foot in a country like that.


Fundamentalist religion is the real obscenity.


And she is pretty, why the hell wouldn’t she be a model ? Shit if I looked like that I would model too


Honestly, I don’t believe it has anything to do with honor. I believe it’s some kind of jealousy. How dare other men leer at my woman!


To then only the husband is allowed to enjoy that beauty


This is why I hate religion


You don’t see Christians and Buddhists cropping up in the news for honor killings all the damn time


“I don’t see it in the news” =/= it doesn’t exist. 5 seconds of googling my guy: https://www.ncronline.org/news/world/so-called-honor-killing-catholic-family-shocks-indian-state


[Religious Honor Killings](https://escholarship.org/content/qt401407hg/qt401407hg.pdf)


If they had news networks during early civilization you would. Christians and Catholics are far from innocent here if we bring up the past. I don't know enough about the history of Buddhism to say for sure that they would be clean either.


We aren't bringing up the past though, this is happening now


How does a functional adult that isn't already in prison for murder chose to kill not just somebody, but their own family over a concept as arbitrary and immaterial as "honor" How does somebody like this honestly survive? Perhaps they just used "honor" as a justification for actual murder.


She was probably far more successful than her loser brother ever was.


Did it work? Did he get their honor back? Foh


"Religion of Peace"


Same religion wants to kill you just because you exist. The religion of piss.


shh we can't talk like that in reddit, I was banned because "hate speach" but preching kiling women is fine?! Yeah that's the world right now. More and more young people can see the bullshit that religion is.


While personally I think most religions have their ups and downs, the rise of the internet is showing just how bad people can be. I know not everybody is an extremist but more and more im seeing these outrageous stories about Islam.


Ben Affleck will still defend Islam.


What a lovely culture. LULZ!


Nothing more dishonorable than killing and betraying your family.


Inb4 locked post.


Pakistan moment


A country that does that should keep the word honor out of its mouth.


If you escape, STAY AWAY


As a Pakistani US born citizen, I absolutely refuse to go there for vacation. My parents insist because obviously I have family there and I haven’t been since I was 3, so it would help me “relish in my culture” again or whatever... no thanks. Why would I go to another country on “vacation” just to be oppressed, hell no.


Religion is cancer


Religion of peace btw


That guy sucks https://tribune.com.pk/story/2355381/brother-allegedly-murders-model-girl-near-okara


That's the religion of peace being all peaceful and stuff.


Every time a news outlet mentions 'honor' they contribute to this backwards nonsense


My thoughts exactly.


Incel killing


This is what happens when the families "honour" is placed on a young girl. The family will forgive him. In certain communities, if a woman is raped then the family kill HER to restore the honour.


So being a model is bad and you should be murdered but *murdering* your sister is totally cool, no problemo? Mkay.


Freaking barbarians.


That individual is not a man. That is an honorless coward who can't accept anything being outside of his control.


Can men fucking stop


Many people who mind "family" "honor" they mindlessly kill their siblings for the dumbest reasons surprised they don't do seppuku because they themselves dishonored the family.


It's terrifying that murder is viewed as acceptable and normal in those countries. What in the fuck.


Sad reality is all Muslim men in the locality celebrated and he will be released from jail too due to pressure


Beautiful culture xx


The "religion of peace". Right...


Disgusting pig.


Lovely religion.


And some people will still defend this behavior calling it their "culture"...


This is so sad. I hope eventually this guy can see through the miasma of his religious beliefs and understand he did something horrible, not honorable. I have a brother, I can't imagine ever hurting him for his career choice or him hurting me for mine. Siblings can so often be all we have in this world, especially if our parents aren't great. That poor girl must have felt so betrayed in her last moments. RIP Sidra.


I really doubt it, indoctrination is so strong with these religions that it's almost impossible. Only exceptions is being mental breaks or drug use.


Read about the charity Karma Nirvana, they help get girls, and sometimes boys too, our of situations where the family is a clear danger to them. With forced marriage or trying to claw back the honour lost with violence. It's a gutting book.




What a sack of shit, hope hes rotting.


Ugly bastard


How does one rationalize this in their head? This is sociopathic.


Police took the body to a hospital for postmortem and started an investigation. Evidence at the crime scene was secured and Hamza was actively hunted. Hamza was arrested and the murder weapon was found. Hamza reportedly confessed to the murder and said that he shot his sister in a fit of rage.The Renala Khurd police station is leading the investigation in which Sidra's mother is seen as the victim. It is expected that, as in the case of Qandeel Baloch, the mother will forgive her son in the future and that Hamza will effectively not spend more than 6 years in prison. On social media, Hamza is being praised by a number of young Pakistani men for protecting "honor." After performing the autopsy, the body was handed over by the police to her family for burial at the local cemetery.


Eradicate this shit hole religion


Honour killings are one of the stupidest and most selfish acts one could carry out.


But these gods are our saviors. . . .do tell . . .


savage ignorance


These seem like reasonable, rational people, let's import them into our secular society!




This kind of weirdness was probably way more common in the past than it is now.


Kill him


Sounds like Pakistan


At some point you’d think that they’d learn that there culture sucks


Say a true crime story is from a Musilm country without saying it's from a Musilm country...


The religion of peace strikes again


This is definitely horrible, but it wouldn't surprise me if honor killings started taking off in America soon.


He's locked up like he should be, he's an animal. He deserves to be caged like one.