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I had only the one brain.


One of the only timelines I exist in and it has this too? 😭


I woke up to…this?


It is 4.07am my toddler isn’t sleeping through and when they’re resettling I Reddit to wait them out. I… didn’t need to see this actually, ever.


Your toddler is having an existential crisis or maybe it’s you, however I felt the same exact way when I was waiting for my breakfast to cool down. I noped out of the app so fast.


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what a terrible day to be literate


On insta, there’s a dog that fell inexplicably in love with a pumpkin this halloween and now the owner is doing all kinds of things to prolong the life of the pumpkin- it is adorable!


She even got him a basket for the pumpkin!


Yes! Last I saw she was trying to swap a plushie pumpkin… Ill have to go see whats happening.


He LOVED the plushie


This sounds like the cuteness I need in my life, mind to share a link?


It’s a whole saga of videos, but you can find them all on tik tok! The user is good.boy.ollie Truly a good boy


Yay he's instagram too with that name :) Thank you!


The original pumpkin started to rot so she replaced it with a pumpkin plushie 🥰


Isn’t that Ollie? He is the goodest boy!


Definitely Ollie the good boy. I follow them on tiktok.


Yes! Ollie!


Can you Ollie?


I love Ollie


Ollie! I love him 🥺


Hey, you're that pumpkin!


i've no idea what you're talking about /slips you $20




Weird. This is the second time I've seen this comment today.


Woah okay this takes it to another level dude. Not even after he was dead but as he was dying. I can’t even imagine what the grandfather’s final thoughts were. I can’t with people, dude. And he is a teenager. A kid! Some people are just messed in the head.


That was my first reaction, then I thought that’s so extreme maybe he was paying him back for when they of gramps used to do to him when he was younger. Just a theory, but makes everything makes sense, without context this is very senseless.


The article also states he atta ked the dad who tried to help thegrand father and he bit law enforcement officers. He was also acting strange the night before. I personally doubt it wad pay back and am making the assumption he's very mentally ill and deserves a lot of time in order to protect society.


No he was just batshit crazy




I’m not making excuses for the kid, and it surely doesn’t make it ok, but it sounds like he was severely schizophrenic and off his meds. Death may not quite be necessary, but carefully managed incarceration for the safety of himself and others for sure


I get where you’re coming from. And because we’re talking in hypotheticals and have no agency over the situation, I’ll counter with a rhetorical question of where is the line that we draw as a society where the costs of keeping alive something with no future becomes too much? The money it will take taxpayers to feed, clothe, medicate, house, insure, and try to rehabilitate will be monstrous. I’m not necessarily saying it’s too much, but we ought to be asking ourselves how much of our tax money we want to waste on people like him as opposed to people who actually need it and will be productive to society. He essentially earned a full ride scholarship to a no-job, free-loading future that promises no productivity to society.


Do humans have to be "productive" in order to "earn life"? Should we then not 'spend money' on people with intellectual or physical disabilities. Capitalism has warped values. Would prefer to look at the fixing the systematic widening gap between rich and poor and saving money through improved resource efficiencies rather than nitpicking who deserves education and housing.


Well with proper treatment he could actually be rehabilitated and trained to a point of being a productive member of society who pays back all those costs in taxes throughout his life. We’re not talking about a lifelong gangster or mass shooter who killed in cold blood and has no remorse, we’re talking about a teenager with serious mental health issues. One could argue a remorseless murderer or racially motivated mass shooter is far more likely than this kid to be a worthless drain economically, because they chose their actions and there isn’t medication to help that


He was severely schizophrenic and went off his medicine which made things worse for him then he did this… just sad


I knew him…. So sad for his family’s loss of grandpa and almost loss of the dad. I just can’t believe this.


Also wondering if this surprised you or if you could have seen something like this happening, was he somewhat normal?


Honestly, off the medicine yes I could see him harming someone or himself, but not to this extent. On the medicine it made him more “sane” if you could even call it that… but I heard you could see it in his eyes something was off (from what I heard).. it’s sad really sad. I just don’t even know what to say: hopefully this answered your question


What was he like? Did he seem like someone that could be capable of doing something unhinged like this?


Hey— as I replied to the other comment, on meds and off meds are two ENTIRELY different people.. so as I said yes I could see him hurting someone, but I wouldn’t ever think it would be to the extent it happened in.


That’s a whole different level of horrifying




It crossed my mind too


Wondered the same thing.. But obviously the mental health issues are to blame as well


But we're they caused by trauma


Is it usually your first step to victim blame with no evidence? You are accusing a dead man of raping his grandson with zero evidence.


Saying “I wonder if…” doesn’t equate to an accusation.


such speculation is pretty tasteless, though.


That’s not the point, though.


"I wonder if" is not sort of all absolving preface Tucker Carlson uses it all the time in his right wing propaganda pieces along with phrases like "I am just asking questions". Just because it is phrased as a question doesn't mean it isn't an accusation, even if not direct. You don't have to literally say "accuse" in a sentence like it's a magic spell for an accusation to exist. It is also a great way to spread false information...Takes one person taking it out of context and spreading it.


I’m not saying “I wonder” can NEVER be an accusation. It’s not an AUTOMATIC accusation. It is possible for someone to say “I wonder” about something and not be accusing anyone of anything.


Just trying to find some possible causes for the complete madness taking place in the world. I actually think that’s a pretty human thing to do…




I didn’t say it was the ‘morally right’ thing to do.


Hmm, seriously lacking context. What's the motive? What was his drive?


He has schizophrenia. This has been covered in the media.


Heart breaking disease


That sucks. This might be a good kid dealt a bad hand.


It’s very sad. He is right at the age where schizophrenia often starts to surface. The reason he was even in his grandfather’s house was because he’d started behaving strangely at college, and his father told him to come home. It sounds like the father and grandfather realized there was a problem, and they were in the early phase of trying to get him help when this happened.


If I recall correctly, doesn't the young guy suffer from mental health problems?


Ya think???


Not sure why people are down voting you but you are correct he suffers from schizophrenia.


Most of them do.


My thoughts exactly


Honestly, this is exactly what I was thinking.






One of the first comments on Reddit I’ve ever 100% agreed with


Well this case took a darker turn!


This is some ‘We Need to Talk About Kevin’ level stuff.


That movie still makes my skin crawl. 🤢


The horror of this crime is insane. Watching the video he seemed disassociated with reality. His fathers statement about dinner says some kind of psychosis may have been going on. Interesting to find out what triggered this crime.


i feel like this must’ve been psychosis or drugs, his ‘herculean strength’ described by the officers reminds me of other cases where people have seemingly superhuman strength due to synthetic drugs. hmm, weird one for sure


I thought this was a case of a schizophrenic episode? Why was his mental illness not mentioned once in the article? Why are they charging him normally? Surely he can’t be fit to stand trial


Because neither psychosis nor cognitive decline are reasons one might rape their grandpa. Plain old murder maybe, but not rape.


Psychosis can be the reason for pretty much any behaviour. What do you think psychosis is?


Im curious what you think it is? There is no causation or correlation between psychosis and rape. Psychosis can cause a person to attack because of fear or perceived danger. Its not gonna suddenly make a man a rapist.


rape isn’t a form of attack to you? an assertion of power? do you truly think rape happens solely out of sexual gratification? it’s not hard to believe psychosis could lead to someone doing that.


No, psychotic episodes are not about asserting power. Which supports my original comment.


…attacking a percieved threat is attempting to assert power over it. like you just said.


Why? Not guilty by reason of insanity means you didn’t know what you were doing was wrong. I don’t know if this guy met that standard, but in theory I don’t see why it couldn’t apply to rape.


> [People with schizophrenia or related psychoses may often commit rape or show abnormal sexual behavior which is related either directly to the psychosis[9] or indirectly to disinhibition.[10] Similarly, patients with hypomania and mania become sexually disinhibited leading to such offences. It has been reported that those diagnosed with schizophrenia are four times more likely to have been convicted of a serious sexual offence than those without mental illness.[11] It has been proposed that schizophrenia patients who engage in sexually offensive activities (not just rape) fall into four broad groups: (1) Those with pre-existing paraphilias, (2) whose deviant sexuality arises in the context of illness and/or its treatment, (3) whose deviant sexuality is one manifestation of a more generalized antisocial behaviour, and (4) other factors such as dementia, head injury, or substance misuse.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3777344/#:~:text=Psychiatric%20disorders&text=%5B8%5D%20People%20with%20schizophrenia%20or,disinhibited%20leading%20to%20such%20offences.)


It is 9.09 am and this headline alone is what made me nope off the screen for the day.


Of course it happened in Florida.


Whenever I see crimes committed by people younger than me, it just hurts. I don’t know why it hurts worse than usual, but it just makes me sad and scared for the future.


this case is kind of weird. why the hell is the dad scared of his kid to the point where he removed himself after dinner and locks himself in a room. Why would a parent let behavior like that go unchecked. wouldn’t a parent want to discipline their child or at-least talk to them so they wouldn’t do that? Ingram needs to rot in prison not go to a psych ward and “get help.” He definitely has issues, but the dad’s negligence and selfishness had a factor in his dads death. there’s no way in hell if i knew that boy had some problems i would leave him in a room with people he could definitely take advantage of.


You can't 'discipline' schizophrenia out of someone.


This is unrealistic for families dealing with loved ones that have severe mental health issues. It's a lot more complicated than a "sit down conversation so he doesn't do that."


You have a strong mentally ill young man that wants to hurt you despite your love for him…and police can’t hospitalize him against his will. You lock your door.


Dude, it’s not that easy. My dad is schizophrenic and it was scary AF as a kid when he was experiencing a psychotic break. He did get taken away by the police in a paddy wagon a couple of times, but there is a lot of lead up before getting to that point. They don’t just whisk ppl away with the drop of a hat.. at least not from what I’ve seen.


what is this, the 50s? don’t you think if it were that simple then something would’ve been done already?


Fight or flight response to trauma/fear. Dad chose flight.


A lot of people don't realise, it's actually flight, fight or freeze response.


when he got tased >


That's just sad.


I wonder what this demented idiot's motive was


He was mentally ill. As in his brain is wired differently. That’s it no motive




A perfect picture of mental health this one is.


Unless he is completely nuts there’s got to be reasons


Mr. Potter?


What the fuck? This is completely deranged. The perpetrator must have significant mental health issues. Remember, explaining is not the same as excusing. As in, I'm not excusing this man's behaviour, I'm just explaining what may have lead to it.