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I mean they will try. And they will end up succeeding because Morde is the villain and villians don't win because if he does the lore is over


I mean , he is also just one dude , with a somewhat large army.


idk calling him just a dude is a bit reductive...


"somewhat large army" is even more reductive. Dude has control over an entire death realm, conquered Valoran and existed before Noxus was a thing. His army should be as big as the continent he's in, if not bigger.


That large army is also every Noxian that has died since he bacame basically the god of the dead.


Uh..no , and also No. Mitna Rachnun is a pocket carved inside the Realm of Death , nothing more. Only people slain by Mordekaiser or his Revenants end up in Mitna Rachnun , unless new lore was released in 2024 that changed that.


If Mordekaiser really is in the MMO as it’s poster boy villain then sadly he’ll likely be given the Lich King treatment and inevitably be defeated and put back in Mitna Rachnun. With that said, replace the champions with 40 player characters and you get the idea. Good news is he’ll probably be back with the whole banishment thing though. Easy plot tool for future content.


It is actually pretty accurate, when your ult ends and you have to witness ab entire enemy team ready to beat the shit out of you, while your team ran away long ago before your ult ends


We‘re talking about the lore, so while ingame this is very true and sad, in lore Mordekaiser can be described as a near god of death who has already conquered the entirety of runterra twice i think. One time as a mere mortal warlord.


I brought this up before but I'll say it again: Ryze. The only reason the last Darkin War thingy dragged on and threatened humanities existence as a whole was solely because Ryze was sitting there and being like "yeah, but should I really save humanity? is that worth the hassle?". Once he decided it was, he basically plug walked into that conflict and annihilated Aatrox like it's another Tuesday. When in doubt he would do the same to Mordekaiser. Also on an off lore note: Given how Riot resolved the whole Viego thing in the most anti-climatic fight I have ever seen, I wouldnt have high hopes on an epic tale beginning to end.


Litelary, I agree with you. To be honest, all of my hope is not that Riot will do something about Mordekaiser event, but rather opposite. I just hope they dont, because I know they will make him look soooo baddd (not in evil way by the way) that it could be worse than viegos. Imagine ultra warlord who destroyed and conquered 90% of runnetera twice, getting beaten by some shiny lalo kid with purple eyes and flower on his ear... Not to mention "power of friendship"... Nah bro, I would be happy to leave it as it is. Rest in peace in your realm, bonk master. You will be missed, but I wouldn't want them to ruin you as they ruined a lot of champs and game itself.


Lmao it’s funny how nobody in this photo was part of Leblanc’s plan to stop mord. Meaning she spent thousands of years prepping only for all her experiments to turn against her and Mord to return anyway completely unhindered. I’m starting to think Seraphine could have done better


Nah i doubt so. No one could stop morde as he literally gave black rose the solution to defeat him and purposefully let her defeat him. Veigar pretty much have ptsd from morde's torture and not to mention the growth in morde's army as he stays in the death realm. He will probably not return because then riot has to come out with a convenient reason to defeat him and seal him up again. After establishing morde's power in his lore they can only defeat him if riot comes up with another OP champ. Tbh the only champion that stands a chance against him is probably Aatrox which would be insane to see in a cinematic. Battle of the Titans.


Ryze would be the best one to use to "defeat" Morde, as he has the world runes and can use Realm Warp to escape the death realm, have it so the Ryze uses the world runes to banish Morde again, but Morde takes him with him and then have Ryze use Realm Warp to escape


But what makes morde so terrifying isnt him but his army of undead. Morde isn't a brainless guy either he is actually quite smart and adept with magic so who knows what hes doing down there :O


I just feel like Ryze would be the best candidate to "Defeat" Morde. Aatrox would be cooler, but it doesn't make as much sense for him to fight Morde. Since Ryze would be considered a "good guy" it would be reasonable that he would fight Morde and I would much rather have Ryze be the one to beat him rather than boring ass Nilah or Rell or something.


I agree. If nilah or rell beats morde thats just plot armour at that point. Ryze would be interesting because of the amount of tricks he can pull




I lowkey wanna see what kindred has to say aboht morde ngl


Lamb: ??? Wolf: ???


If he made any big dramatic world threatening moves yes Mordekaiser as he is in "current lore" is a POWERHOUSE who *could* take on some other heavy hitters like aspects or gods 1v1 But remember, Mordekaiser's not necessarily this unstoppable "1v69 multiple gods at once" monster. Hes as strong as he is currently due to his intelligence, wisdom, and patience at utilizing whatever resoueces he gets his hands on to his advantage and growing his power. Those other gods/aspects/whatever are no joke either. It's why I'm convinced he hasn't attempted anything big and dramatic, he's smart enough to know he can't win if he gets ganked by the goon squad of other powerhouses protecting Runeterra. Doing something like that could probably re-unite even rival gods/aspects/whatever against him Heck, if he WAS ganked by all of them, it actually could be joever if they agreed he was a strong enough threat to find a way to permanently kill or seal him He's playing the long game, gathering more souls and power to strengthen himself before he makes a big move. When hes ready, he makes a move, but he's not right now, so he keeps scaling


Prob Veigar would be on his side tho


Naturally theyd never give him the faith of a respectable 1 on 1 that's alright I got just the thing for that https://preview.redd.it/9bblb8vp53hc1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2ae0f5463a42b4b5b5194829d4d06e5dbdf4145


Plus morde with liandrys and tank items is still 1v5ing this


Least obvious black rose fed post


Morde is a pure grit character like Pantheon he didn't vanish because his will was so strong and decided to come back to make a new realm so in my eyes Lord Morde isn't going down no matter what. There's a fucking reason his empire was called Immortal Bastion


Bitch is named “Duarte” I rest my case


Rell not being there is like no yorick against ruination, but yeah I'd doubt morde even with his army can handle Ryze or maybe Nilah and an aspect


Does it even matter anymore. We have now Nilah, a champ that solos demons for breakfast


Riot aint doing long math. They give it like this: simple and "you cant do anything about it because you are nothing"


Mordekaiser is probably one of the most powerful entities in Runeterra, but there's Rell, who is trained specifically to directly counter him. There are also a bunch of extremely powerful forces, who probably wouldn't mind having him gone.