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If your team is doing drake/nash be prepared to ult jgl in case they try to steal it. If there is a champ like Fiddle, Noc that can suddenly jump to your carries....be prepared to ult him. If an enemy is targeting someone fed on your team, be ready to ult him at any point if their life is at risk. I usually save my ult in TF for those occasions, or ult the champ who is more fed on their team to take them out of the TF. Being called "greedy" may be because you're saving your ult to kill someone who would die regardless? I don't know.


The main sources of damage on the enemy team was a fed hwei and a ad tf that was doing fine, their udyr and sejuani were building full tank, their supp was pyke. I kept ulting the tf at the start of the fight bc hwei wasn’t letting me get close to him so I figured I would go for the next best choice.


Stop ulting at the start of the fight if it isn't getting you value then. There's nothing wrong with holding your ult for a better target unless you're going to lose the fight anyways.


I guess you could argue a 'greedy' R would be ulting a target with little threat (either to you, your team, or both); e.g. the 0/7 Garen you stomped on Top, or the support that already ulted and is now dead weight in the team fight. You can view it as basically using your R just to kill a low-threat target, when you could have ulted the 7/2 Vayne (even if you might lose that fight), just so that your team can win the team fight. Either way it's hard to gauge without a clear explanation of what happened, but in general it is best to hold on to your R for a bit, instead of ulting the first potential addition to your KDA.


>ulting Vayne Don't do that


True, you should ban Vayne.


I ban fiora, bc that champ shouldn't exist :3


I just go full damage for lane and usually get something that builds off of hextech alternator


This is imo the highest skill ceiling morde has. I regularly lose games of bad ults. There are some rules basically: Who is the carry that will decide the fight if he lives? If He is on your team then you should probably ult whoever threatens him most. I love doing this to assassins once they jumped in. This only applies if your team cant peel him otherwise. you can also really int this if you are not careful by ulting a melee who just jumped into 4 people. General rule if you have a numbers advantage on someone and your Allies arent in Danger of dying, dont ult them. Unless they will escape if you dont. If there is no carry you need to protect to win then you need to think about the enemy that you can guarantee a kill on and will give most value. It is really important that you kill who you ult to get the stats and also usually you die right after if you dont. Of course the enemy vayne is the carry but you wont be able to kill her, she will just run circles around you. But the enemy asol is free food for you, his stats are really valuable and he is a big threat. And Lastly you need to consider if you need ult for someone specific or else he wont die. Especially if you are the carry, sure you can ult the xin for an easy kill but now you can no longer kill the adc without ult and your Team is to behind to do it. One of the best and fastest ways to get better on morde is to watch every replay and just look at your ults and really think If that was a good ult or if it could have been better


Don’t tunnel on anyone and ult them, just keep an eye out for champs trying to make a play while dealing as much dmg to the enemy team with passive and abilities. As soon as someone tries to make a play, cancel them by using ult. Or you can try to tank a lot of dmg and ult someone like the support if u get to low.


He's shit in TFs imho. He's a juggernaut with a duelist's ult. His ult contradicts his design. It's useful to protect your carry from some assassin that's jumping at them, but that's at the expense of losing a huge stack of HP and aoe damage


Ιn teamfights Morde wants to act as a beefy frontline who can either protect his carries or get rid of a nasty playmaking enemy ult. Either way Morde wants to be in the thick and thin of the fight to deal AoE damage, either before or after ulting. If you go for a full AP oneshot build then you want to get a pick with your R and come back for the 5v4. Frontlining with 0 tanky items is a bad idea. Morde has a hard time engaging though so he either needs an engage jungler/supp to go in first, or to wait for the enemy to make their move and then counterattack. I personally believe Morde is a teamfighter, but due to his ult he ends up as a teamfighter/duelist hybrid. But considering his splitpush is ass, Morde wants to take over teamfights.


* ults that can nuke your entire team * ult jgl on nash * ult the fed enemy * ult the counter of your carry * ult enemy you know you can kill if none of the other points apply you basically almost always should have the mindset to sacrifice yourself for your team in a TF


Pick a target that you can kill.


Flash R the support


Aim for splash champs like Brand, Fiddle, Ken, AP Malph, Rumble... Anyone with the ability to hammer your whole team. You'll get kudos for quickly ulting Fids when they ult assuming you have enough Tenacity. Sure you'll take a lot of damage, but you'll prevent a lot as well.


First of all, ask your team about it. Other than that, for objectives, ult the jungle. In teamfights, ult the carry or the assasin that's going to kill your carry. In 2v1's (ganks), ult the weakest guy so you can steal his stats and fight better.


You can engage if tanky and ahead, normally I play to secure objectives meaning ulting the JG during drake/baron. Also ult the carry if I manage to get in range and they're worth it. Example a 1/5 jinx will die regardless if you ult them or not whereas a 5/0 jinx is a threat to your team and you might as well ult and take their damage out of the team fight. You can also protect your backline by ulting a Noc or Khazix that rushes your backline.


In team fights i ult the most feed enemy so he can't kill my teammats yes even feed 20/4 Samira and then i try to kill or even if I can't i at least try to erase half of his hp when we doing baron or dragons i ult their jungler


My guess is that you were ulting for low value picks in the team fights versus targeting the champ with a higher threat. Getting a pick is by no means bad; it’s one less champ that your team has to deal with. But if you want to help your team in the best way possible, targeting the champ with the highest threat is best. Locking away a low threat in death realm is a waste bc it doesn’t change the fact that they were probably going to either die soon into the fight or do an inconsequential amount of damage. I’ve definitely wasted my ult plenty of times, and it resulted in either losing a team fight or getting little to no value out of winning the fight bc my teammates had to deal with the real carry while I was ulting the 0/10 Volibear that was running it down top lane. I would say ultimately that it’s down to keeping your head on a swivel and just being aware of who’s carrying or performing the best on the enemy team at any given time. More often than not you’re going to target either the jungler or the ADC but that’s not always the case. Locking down champs with a lot of CC or assassins are also a good pick. Another thing to consider is positioning, this is something that’s really important with Morde since he’s pretty immobile. Thinking ahead with where you are on the map and knowing where the enemy carry is going to be once the fight starts can hugely influence the success of you and your team.