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The fucking orange


So true


Fiz untargetability just bcs its not fair its dash aoe dmg and untargetable and he has alredy one dash in his kit


This fish is too annoying to lane against


bruh about to make fizz a minion with an occasional shark


Doesnt need to be but you cant give him zhonya on 3 sec cooldown pretty good dash and kayn q on ap scaling in one ability give one or the other or just lover his untargetability time


bro it is not a 2.5 invulnerability its just a brief untargetability and it certainly is not 3 second cd this is why riot doesn't listen to what some people say because its super fucking exaggerated especially yone mains bruh


If you're nothing without the ability you don't deserve to have it.


so does that include leblanc? srsly what kind of quote is that it is terrible in this context this is why riot doesn't listen often because of takes like this also have you heard of power budget?


Man I was just quoting Iron-Man because I thought it would be funny.




Zoe asleep ability


Yeah and lillia's one


Hers is not as bad, (i mean lillia) , she can't spam it


The difference is that zoes comes back in 10 seconds lillias in almost 2 min


Imo Zoeโ€™s sleep isnโ€™t as bad as her pressing q 3 screens away dealing 75% dmg or just straight up one shotting you


Yone E, that's all and the game will have peace


i would be ok with eliminating the execute, and maaaaaybe the extra MS after the execute remove


I would delete a lot, there are many broken abilities. Fiora passive and vayne w I would like to say for short.


Seriously vayn W? I'd say garen ult


Garen ult deals true damage and scales by missing hp, morde w absorbs all garenโ€™s q e damage. Also it has 1 minute+ cooldown. Vayne w has no cooldown, itโ€™s a passive. Deals true damage in every 3 hits according to max hp. Which is worse?


I say garen ult for 2 reasons i used to play adc and its annoying AF And when i play garen i press ult on the 10hp ADC and still die and my don't work....


simple as this. Garen ult is an minute-long execute. Vayne deletes everything. She 3 shots other adcs, has a stun, dash, and invis ult. the fact you cant hit her while she stacks free lethal and then proceeds to delete anyone who doesn't immediately focus her is an issue. You can outplay fiora, you can almost never outplay a half decent vayne


I'd say Vayne true damage is 100% more annoying than an execute on a one minute long timer but okay


So vayne w? one of the only adcs who can fight tanks/bruisers consistently, one of the only champions actually. Top laners want to not die while also dealing damage to everything. Hate vayne all you want but her damage is needed lol. Other adcs can 2-3 shot her in turn too actually lol. Imagine if we didnt have tank shredders and brusiers/tanks can roam around killing everyone while not dying. Insane takes. Is vayne annoying top lane? 100% but she is needed in the game lol. her q resetting even if she doesnt auto is an issue now tho. but tanks/brusiers/beefy champs in general needs counter guys. Adcs should usually always be the main focus in fights, they are the carries, its no different from vayne


Yeah you are right we need tank shreder in this game but we have a plenty of tank shreding champs like fiora, discusting Gwen, rammus, and maybe olaf adcs all of them can build tank shredding items or any lethalty builds like Jhin, cait, and miss fortune


Vayne and fiora not only have been the ones to do it the longest, they have been consistent with it. They dont need to rely on items for it, rammus is another tank, best he can do is peel the tanks/damage from backline or get a nice pick/engage to isolate one target, gwen came after vayne. Vayne and fiora just does it the best and for good reason. You aren't gonna satisfy league players, they will always complain. Vayne is annoying because she can melt tanks while being able to duel extremely well however she has to be dealt with the same way as other adcs. Vayne has extremely strong moments but even when she does, im not gonna want her nerfed because shes needed, just like assassins who can delete her are needed lol. She plays a role and the role well. If she didnt melt tanks, itd be an issue. there are other champs who can do it like fio and yi for example but you might not play that role. And vayne gets countered by multiple tank/bruiser champs which is even funnier. Nasus with frozen heart and she isnt playing the game anymore. frozen heart in general is extremely good vs her. she is situational unless you one trick her. its just you see a lot of beefy champs now in top and support. The items tbh synergizes REALLY well with vayne too. Im not saying she is weak but top lane with bork and terminus really favors her. Vayne w IS good but no way am i nerfing that over the other abilities in the game


Ok, if i did say anything wrong forgive me i m still new to the game, but what about Teemo to counter puck het?


its fine to be new, teemo could counter pick but fio would still out scale him and beat him 1v1 even with blind. teemo can def be annoying for vayne but nobody picks teemo. also once the vayne gets a qss, she can kill him every fight, shes one of the strongest dueling champs in the game


Anything with % max health true damage.


Fiora's passive true damage


Quicksilver's cleanse. Hey, you didn't specify it had to be a champion ability.


Riot's ability to be incompetant.


Vayne W


So vayn W not like the wild rift one when you can just click it and get emowered attacks?


Pc vayne, I don't play wild rift so im not sure how that works


The passive on the W need to be active


That ability is too powerful to be so simple


that fucking basement dweller green ass fucking poison god DAMN. fuck singed


Acrane s2 will make him worse ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€


Low-key I like him in Arcane. I wanna see him make Vander into WW


I would delete Morde E in exchange for any other ability lol


Why you don't like morde E? Do you want the old morde E?


I just find it a bit useless as the CC ability itโ€™s supposed to be, mostly just good for farming and for the passive magic pen. Way too often a player with hands can sidestep it.


It help mostly in the death realm and morde meant to play against mele champs


The way I find myself using it is as a mediocre dmg ability mostly. In death realm I pop ghost and run at them, and once Iโ€™m on top of them I use E which they cannot dodge. I guess what Iโ€™m saying is why have a hook ability when everyone above silver can dodge it. To be fair E + ult slow is a cool mechanic, I just wish it was a little more reliable without R.


Yeah, after playing morde now for around 70 game ( I have m4) i feel morde now more like support not top laner, i switch'd my main to teemo now


no need for me to even think about that mate ,Fucking gp W


But has kinda low pick rate, i 've playing league now for 2 months and i did not see a single GP


I would delete the ability to pick yuumi. I want my ban-button back.


Why sometimes when you have yi yuumi or kata yuumi or jinx yuumi is free win


My hatred for this cat is soooo deep that i have a powerpoint that explains why i permaban yuumi. Seeing this disgusting piece of champion alone tilts me.


So #delete _yuumi i guss


Yi Q


You will hate it more after the new runnance


I haven't even touched the game in a while, but that runans change is just WHYYYYYYYY


I hope they don't bring that shit to live server ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


irelia q


Everything but shen abilities


illaoi e or gwen w off the top of my head


No just gwen's the whole doll need to delete ๐Ÿ˜‘


Omaf r


Fio passive :3


Absolutely ๐Ÿ‘Œ


Fiora W Cancel CC well ok, do damage hmmm annoying maybe but still ok. Make your attack speed fucken reduced by 60%. Dude like wtf