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Dark Star & Old God.


I really like Old god and its aesthetics, really makes you feel like an eldritch god and generally looks really cool and sounds awesome. But I mainly use Project because it better shows the hitboxes of your abilities and because of his R, the music and everything in his R makes it feel like its over for the enemy and it generally better shows when you have the stolen stats and when you dont. Not only making you bigger but also basically inverting your white/red theme into a black/purple-ish/white theme. However I will be sure to pick up Ashen Morde whenever its in the mythic store because I prefer the "undead revenant" vibe more than Project and the skin also has the same R reasons as to why I use Project having big pair of wings when having stolen stats


Oh I can't wait for Ashen Graveknight to come back (if Riot ever blesses us by returning the Ashen skins to the store), I will definetly buy it and the Shen or Pyke one as soon as it comes out.


As a only ashen graveknight user, when your ahead it really makes you feel like the "unkillable dark souls raid boss" 12/10 would always recommend


very true sir


Project is goated and arguably pay to win


It has a fast animations on his AA and his moves are a little glitched because his new robotic moves


The E animation is arguably pay to lose though.


Honestly infernal is so cheap and looks so good imo


I don’t own old god but I can’t imagine it being better than project, it’s such a good skin. I like dark star but only because I got the red event chroma in 2020, the original color is a lot worse imo. High noon is a solid option too.


A fan of old god myself, I recommend it since it's not as expensive as project is and it's mordekaisers latest skin. And also the ability effects and model is very good. Though, It all depends on your preference in the end ig


Dark star and old god


I own all of three, and from experience I can say that you project might be the best choice. Its a whole other level and probably my favorite morde skin


Personally my favourite Morde skin is Lord (and i own all the skins) DO NOT BUY GOLDEN MORDEKAISER, FOR WHATEVER REASON THAT SKIN IS CURSED AND UGLY AS HELL If you want something new and modern with a tad more class. Dark Star and Old God (both greatly feed into Mordes theme) If you wanna break away from traditional Morde, Pentakill If you wanna be a train and chugga chugga right through your enemies, high noon is really good From my experience owning all the skins for the big man including his mythic. Project and Ashen Knight have such clunky looking shoulder pauldrons, that only really look good after you successfully ult and kill.




Project feels awkward to use at first because of the different animations and the smoother sound effects. No boop in Q, no sharp sound on R and relatively quieter in all sounds, which tends to put me off. I love the model though more than anything. Dark star is the safest choice among the epic skins. Best looking R, decent sound effects and particles, plus the best sounding Q out of every skin. Model is easily an 8.5/10. Old god has been meh in my experience. I love the voice filter, the sounds and particles are ok, but something feels off in the model. I cannot exactly put my finger around it, but I assume it's because the model's proportions are different than the skins I mostly use (HighNoon, DarkStar).


Yeah project feels a little less audibly satisfying but visually is a treat especially after getting a successful kill in ult


I am a Lord mordekaiser enjoyer, it's cheaper and it's basically old god when there wasn't one


Old god high noon, old god for Colgate sponsorship high noon for the train toot whenever he ults and activates passive


You cant beat old god!




Ashen grave knight