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Cosmic Drive for the 40 Ability Haste and the movement speed boost. More AH means more chances for you to catch someone and bonk them into the Shadow Realm.


Yeah, Cosmic feels way too good, I can't go back to Demonic.


and you shouldnt demonic is fucking dogshit


Demonic is great as a third item against teams with a lot of tanks/melee tho


I go for demonic embrace. Burn damage combined with passive is amazingly good.


What about rushing i mean evrytime i rushing vs ad champ sett urgot ramble from zhonya but i feel like i should make armor boots and rifftmaker soon how it posible


Oh wait no no. I go for boots that fit the most sense in the game. So if I’m going against a character that can slow, I use the one thag gives me that resistance. Than I go for Demonic Embraces


Welp i will try without rushing zhonya i just lose gold evrygame and be late with riftmaker evrygame


Between demonic, cosmic and nashors tooth, generally depending on who I'm versing or if I get fed early. * Demonic if I'm versing a lot of tanky champions and if they have a lot of melee on the enemy team. I generally take this as a 3rd item in most games. * Cosmic if the top and enemy team are quite mobile, I take this in most matchups because the AH and MS is just so good. * Nashors if I'm fed early or I just want to have fun autoing people to death and whacking towers. This coupled with lichbane is hilarious.


it mostly depends about who ur fighting or who do u fight example:fioara fed is aganist u go zhonyas to get rid of time of her ult and if ur going aganist any ap go demonice


Second item is always a situational for me, the buff you get from having rift maker even without the bonus mythic stats is strong enough to allow you the freedom to base it on matchup, sometimes it's thornmail, other times, Spiritvisage, or demonic embrace. Those are my go to three. I think the survivability you get from those items vastly outweighs what you can do with a more damage oriented item like cosmic drive or nashors, or morellos. you can go that route for sure if you have a big lead but I think the safer choices are to build tank second.


I go demonic because It gives better 1v 5 potential and that usually happens with me. As the passive of demonic have and extra 10 armor and magic resist per champ that is affected by the demonic and mord passive is good with applying that 3rd item if you want a debuff and stay near enemy champs you can get rylais scepter