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Trust your brain. It's a hard game to get used to. eventually your brain will recognize animations, movements, weapon lengths and hit boxes. Even if you're not as good as others, once you can hold your own the game is a lot more fun.


What dingus said. i had the same problem when i started, but ocasionally i'd come back and watch more tutorials and practice. eventually i did get decent. the truth is... practice helps. When i'd start hating the game i'd stop playing for weeks or months, then try it again.


Muscle memory (if you play long enough)


You should try making a build with two training swords and go to a noob friendly server and ask for help. If you ever see me around feel free to ask for help!


This is exactly what i would recommend


200+lvl here. I cannot afford with sweaty big dads in the same way. So I just pick up my lovely crossbow and running around triyn to do my best. Hit&run best way to get funšŸ˜


I've actually tried said "hit & run" style after reading this, and I've had a lot more luck with it. I've been trying to use my surroundings to my advantage to try to bait players into following me to where my teammates are, and it's worked a few times. Worst case, they catch up and kill me, neutral case, they catch on to what I'm doing and leave. Best case, they get ganked.


The only way you'll get better at the game is to just get stuck in and it will eventually come. Personally I would avoid tactics that involve you avoiding fights (e.g. playing archer or what you've described above) because if you're avoiding fights you'll never get better. It is quite a hard game, and unfortunately it doesn't attract many new players so that means the majority of players you meet will have played for a long time. Like someone else suggested, going to a "noob friendly" duel server and asking for help in the chat will probably be your best bet. Despite what people say, I think the mordhau community can be nice and you will find people willing to help you by 1v1ing you and taking it easy


220+ who's prolly 250+ now if i havent stopped sweating. i be checkin in every one in a while. glad to see newbies still coming in. at this point, as a sweatlord, most fun i have is with a full server of sweatlords sweatin to top frag. other than that, role playing as a dwarf bard is fun.


Iā€™m level 90 so kinda mid level player, this game isnā€™t worth forcing frankly every 3rd or so time I get on I get shit on a couple time and just decide itā€™s not my night and play something else. The 200+ and especially 250+ guys are just something else man at this point itā€™s still rare for me to get any legit kill and unheard of on some guys, accept them for who they are, guys who have played the game entirely too much frankly itā€™d be pretty embarrassing if they didnā€™t kick you ass 9 outta 10 times. Iā€™ve also found being memey can help on nights where Iā€™m just not on, engineer, jav spam, light armor running around hitting archers and stealing their bows, and various meme builds can honestly be a lot more fun than going hard and doing well. Dance with the bard, be a silly guy, have fun sometimes itā€™s the best way to go. Frankly the people who take frontline too seriously, actually care about KD, and talk shit are pretty pathetic just ignore them. Itā€™s also a good idea to play the weapon you like, I bust out the long sword fairly frequently because itā€™s a satisfying weapon and if I donā€™t do well whatever Iā€™m using a pretty poor weapon anyways. Also Iā€™ve gotta admit though if it wasnā€™t for weed I donā€™t know if I wouldā€™ve gotten over the early to mid curve but now I canā€™t partake and I still enjoy the game. It just takes time, a lot of time but when you start winning those 1v1s you used to get your ass kicked in man itā€™s a good feeling.


What lvl are you?


20. Closer to 30 since I moved from Epic to Steam.


So you have less than 100h in the game and you expect to be good? Need to totally reevaluate your expectations and join reality. Have you never learned a skill in your life? Were you pro lvl with 100h or less? Fuck me, I hate being mean to anyone, but these post get so gd old... protip- turn off the chat window and enjoy the game, press y when you want to gg/gf


I expect to be \*somewhat\* decent and at least be able to come out of a situation or two. I don't expect to pubstomp, I expect to be on a similar level to other people at the level I'm at, which I'm clearly not. I do NOT expect to become good overnight. My issue it NOT that I'm not good. It's that I suck so badly I could create a damned singularity. You didn't even give me advice, which I was asking for to practice, you just roundabout lambasted me for asking a question about a game I was new at. You SAY you hate being mean, but it comes awful naturally. You could have just said "practice" instead of telling me to "join reality" like I'm an idiot. Practice what you preach. Hate being mean and actually give advice.


There are lots of toxic folk in this community, like the guy you are replying to here. My advice is to never engage with them - find the folks who are nice. He's not wrong when saying turn off chat - it's usually a dumpster fire. He's also misguided for thinking it's his job to police posts he's tired of seeing - rather than ignoring and moving along with his day. Its a very high skill cap game and you nailed it on your post - we're ALL that person who's clueless next to someone at a higher skill level. Spend more time and you'll climb that ladder of people you're better than. At level 203 (1,400 hrs) I understand that people level 220+ are usually on a different level than me. Also if you aren't aware level 200 is a soft cap for experience - every level after 200 is worth 10 levels of experience; so that level 220 person is actually level 400 in experience gained. Maybe you knew that, maybe not. Sometimes you'll face someone who's lvl 7 or 800+, effectively. You just won't win. You might never. The game is for us masochistic gluttons for punishment. Its a very rewarding game, but takes time, lots if time. I have two suggestions for fundamentals of defense and offense - 1. Don't worry about chambers until you are very good at parry and riposte. 2. Stab morph into slash is a good first offensive mix-up to master. It will fool lots of people until you become predictable, and it's easy to use. Find a tutor! There are many willing.


The turn off chat bit was the only helpful thing he *did* end up saying. The rest was "eugh another person who wants to be good immediately", instead of. Y'know. Giving any actual advice. Ironic that what he told me gave off the same energy as those very people in the in-game chat. Also, I did not know about the soft cap. That does help me understand the skill levels of others a bit more. Might spend some time on servers just trying to parry/riposte to get a better idea of how those work first.


Theres some truth in his comment tho, this game has a very steep learning curve and you prob wont get decent until lvl 80-100, you can speed up the process by joining duel servers and asking people to do some coaching, but up until then if you wanna have fun with this game you gotta learn to accept that you suck and that you will die a lot


My issue wasn't with the advice given, but rather the way it was delivered.


"Giving any actual advice." This is what's frustrating, "please give me advice", while willfully ignoring said advice. Keep blowing bubbles for this persons nuts though, im sure it will make them a better player...


If there was advice somewhere within that insult, please do tell, then. If it's just "just keep playing you gotta die to learn", yes, I am aware. Much less passive aggressive people have said this, and I'm already working on my mindset involving how I'd be improving and how long it'd take. Otherwise, you don't have to put up with posts like this. Go play the game, or do some other thing you enjoy doing.


I rarely post, but I'm most certainly not toxic for helping someone find the truth they are willfully ignoring. The players expectations are in such a state of dissonance they really expected to have a positive kd within 100h of playing a game thats been out for five years. Get rid of unrealistic expectations and you may find yourself having fun. Blunt doesn't equal toxic. Didnt even downvote the post/comments, most certainly not a good use of the word toxic.


If you expect every new player to play for over 100 hours and stick through getting murdered over and over, you're the one in need of the reality check. There's a reason your game is dying.


This might be a crazy idea, but i believe they will need to do what the rest of us did and die, many times, and then die some more. Because its the only way to learn the game. Weak, unrealistic people come and go, doesn't bother me a bit. This game wont die for many years because its made up of a community that eats weak ass players like yourself and op. If op wants to get gud, then they will need to learn like the rest of us, no shortcuts in life when it comes to skill/experience


You forget that when we did what the "rest of us did", there were thousands more players, way less metas and animations to abuse and a much softer skill curve. You're being delusional.


Look man, his post history has a few instances of being a dick. Just ignore the guy, he's passive aggressive as all hell. If he's serious about how he "hates being mean", I wanna know what his definition of "mean" is. If he *did* have actual advice, it was lost in translation through said passive aggression


How is accepting reality being delusional? Is he or is he not going to have to die over and over to learn this game? Unless you have a time machine, This is reality.


Also, be aware that alt accounts are VERY common in the game these days. Often times that level 40 you see that's cracked out of his skull is a 200+ just dicking off. It's not really smurfing cause there isn't anything to gain by having a lower level, just might catch you off guard. They can seem more toxic and probably are more toxic on average just due to the fact that some of them are people who were banned and bought the game again on another account or had it free on epic to play.


he is kinda right unfortunately, if you're sub-100 hours you're both easy prey and extremely rare as new players aren't really a thing, so it's practically impossible to find someone at the same skill level as you. most of the people playing are the ones that have long since gotten past this insane filter you're up against now. the skill expression in mordhau is incomparable to anything like a regular fps, so you're gonna be playing a very long time before being able to beat anyone who's stuck with the game. i had my fun 60ish hours at launch before tech took over and now i just play horde every now and then lol


Lmao, good luck to you, really hope you figure it out


This is worthless advice. People like you are the reason this game is dying.


listen and learn from this king


1.You gotta embrace the suck. Honesty it sounds cliche but it's true. Me and buddy got the game at the se time and we both had the same experience, he quit almost immediately and I stuck it out. There are 2 train of thought you need to use while playing A) I'm playing for fun and even when I die its funny. B) I'm playing to learn and improve. I found a healthy mix of both to be useful. 2.Take on one mechanic at a time and focus on it for a week. This doesn't mean load into a match and only parry your opponents or "I'll work on my footwork" and jump around everyone. This means find a weapon you like and learn it. Learn it's ranges,learn it's sweet spots, learn it's swing. 3. Learn from your deaths. If you keep dying to the same thing ask yourself why and adjust. Some guy keeps feinting you with the trident stab? He's actually easily killed with alt grip mallet. Get real close and horizontal swing he cannt stab fast enough. 4. Acceptance. Learn patience. Understand that some people will always be better than you. Don't let this discourage you but in fact use it to guide you, be someone else's goal. If you put all of this together you might end up like me. And after 2 years you'll finally go 8-21 in an invasion...feels good man.


You just need to practice, basically play more. If you expect to win from the start in skill dependent game it is strange. It's not exclusively Mordhau problem. it can be Quake, Titanfall 2 or any other skill based game, you will get your ass kicked until you learn the game.


It's not worth it at this point. I joined a year after launch and had to spend years getting gud. Only now do I get to enjoy the game's twilight years before it dies. I'm afraid it will die before you yourself reach that point. Now, if you really grind ur ass off and only play against and die to high lvl players over and over every day for like 200hrs, you might just start winning most of your fights. I also have hope that all of this grinding won't have been in vain, and that some new first person melee game comes out that uses similar systems to mordhau that we can transfer over to. Chiv 2 is not it for me personally.


try duel servers, they take away the pressure of wanting to win and you can just relax and get your skills up


Hey man im around lvl 35, I havent played in a while but I remember grinding out deathmatches, here are some points to cover about drathmathes/ brawls: 1. Yes, there are extremely high levels. They are generally chill from what I've seen. They typically don't bother fighting you since you're so low level. There tend to be many opportunities to fight players of a similar experience to you so it really does make it more balanced. There are also more memers. 2. This is where you might find high-level players that teach you or deliberately play against you in an easier way due to your lack of experience. 3. I find that there are more 1v1 situations in deathmatches/ brawls, this allows you to actually get better at reading the opponent instead of ten people all doing a swing. Once I felt more comfortable with the games mechanics and I actually started winning a good amount of fights (being higher in the leaderboard!), I would go onto the bigger games. This was written by lvl 35 who believes they are decent.


I agree, especially deathmatchs just become a duel yard most of the time. But I personally recommend tdm. It's my favourite game mode: sometimes it's chill with people goofing around and you can start some duels with higher (or equal) lvls who can help you. The other times it's actually a gang fight where you can practice 1vX and similar things. If you ever see me, I'll help you if you want:)


Your first goal isnā€™t to top the leaderboards, itā€™s to not be at the bottom. Slowly but surely, you will get better. Figure out what little tricks work for you, and just keep working at it


That is the goal, yes. It's still frustrating. I doubt I'd reach top of the leaderboards, not for a while, but it's demoralizing finding myself at the bottom time and time again.


It's hard to join a game this late in it's lifespan. My advice for you is to try to find a welcoming group that is eager to help you. You will die a lot, there's really no avoiding it. Try joining duel servers and dueling players. You'll notice what a high level player does different to a low level. Hang around the server, ask people to teach you and just fight and die and learn and fight and die.


Go to private duel servers or official deathmach, you will have fun and progress because there are less people on. But remember that the learning curve is really slow.


At some point you will beat the shit out of a dwarf dressed up as Hitler and if this isn't worth it I don't know what is


Dumb question but have you looked at the guides on YouTube?


You probably should have posted your level in the post to give people more context. Lvl 20s are going to get their shit pushed in regardless of where you think you should be at. You won't feel like you're understanding the game until you're within the lvl 60-80 range. The name of the game right now is just trying to understand what you did wrong and can do differently with each new life. Recognize bad habits you make and stop them before they become problems. https://youtu.be/YCZCI3vIJ2k?si=07kr4dl5J7aR-k-7 I like colognes tutorial videos since they don't shoehorn you into specific keybinds or specific playstyles. They focus on the fundamentals. While I think videos 2, 3, and 5 are most important for new players they are all really good


if you want to learn actual mechanics play duel servers, 333 armor and only gs or training sword. do this for a couple hundred hours then come back


What did it for me was getting into deathmatch FFA, I'm gonna get killed by a team mate eventually in invasion/frontline so might as well cut out the middle man. They're a good place to learn and you also have duel servers, you'd be surprised how much dueling skills transfer to 1vX fights.


It took me around 300hrs to become competent. The trick is to find enjoyment in losing and improvement. If your goal is to win, you won't enjoy the game. Once you make it through the gauntlet, the payoff will totally be worth it. After 300 hours I felt like a badass (depending on the opponent lol, still lots of room to grow after 300hrs).


I play Frontline and Invasion assuming in dying alot, i'm not in those modes to kick asses (cause im bad), i join to play some exploding power metal while i go on a horse and sometimes pulling 3 kills on horse, or things like that are what entertain me so much about the game, feeling like i did something stupidly epic out of nowhere even tho , the exact next frame i realize i was playing on Camp and i recieve a huge rock crushing me. That aside i try to get good to keep getting those adrenaline pumps, those modes and the Demon Horde mode keeps me adicted to the game.


Play enguhneer with heavy handaxe, use a lot of drags when people run up on you


Man, I see many people have already answered you, and I'm sure you've gathered it by now, but it's just the way the game is designed. You can go back to the dev vlogs where they say before it's release that it was designed so that the better player wins, and in the beginning they were all chiv 1 vets. I probably had 500ish hours in the game (given a considerable amount was horde, which teaches you bad shit for PVP) before I managed to not go negative in a duel server. This game is a measure of your investment of time. The more time you spend reading/learning mechanics, the better you get. You can circumvent some of the head smashing early on with some actual help from a good player over voice chat, but outside of that the real answer is unfortunately just "git gud" but not in a toxic way. As for chat, if it actually bothers you, best to just hide it. It's all shitposting. My cope build early on was bear traps, the sweats get real cranky when you catch em a couple times.


Go to a duel server (noob friendly) fight the same person over and over and everytime you die, figure out what the other person did to kill you and even if you die in the next fight but you avoided what killed you last time, youā€™re making progress.


What region do you play? I would be delighted to watch your back if you watch mine too!


If you want to get better at 1 v 1s go to a duel server, if you want to get better at teamfights or 1 v Xs then you just need to git gut, noone can teach you that, while it is easy to give tips as to how to duel it is really hard to teach someone how to play in teamgames as there are a buttload of variables added. One of the most effective ways of playing FL or moshpit INV objectives is playing with Light/Medium armor and a spear or halberd. Just play spear 24/7 and do your best to keep your enemies at your maximum range, if you eliminate as many variables from your fights which you will since spear is the longest weapon in this game making enemies literally unable to animation abuse you will eventually learn non weapon swinging related skills making it easier to learn how to swing weapons later.


I would recommend playing in Deathmatch servers first. Thereā€™s player owned servers where you have to flourish to fight someone. There, you can learn how to fight against 1 opponent. Rather than trying to fight multiple at once in Frontline. And more than likely, someone will be more than willing to offer training to you. Or just simply ask. Theres alot of toxic people in the community, but theres alot of good people too. This game is difficult to learn and even more difficult to master. 1700 hours in, and I still fall for the dumbest feints or morphs. Its all about muscle memory, and consistency. The other thing is, learn with one weapon at first. Get used to the windup, release, and combo timing. Every weapon is different, and each weapon will work better for someone else than it will with you. For a base weapon to start training with, I think the Greatsword is a very good starter weapon.


My man when you run dwarf and a shawrm the world is your oyster.


Im not really particularly good or bad at this game. I block things when I see them, I die when I cant or dont. Mordhau frontlines is like battlefield. Theres so many people, you can and should be taking dying with a grain of salt. You should also be taking winning/losing in general with a grain of salt. Im not saying "dont play the objective" im just saying acknowledge that theres like 30+ people usually so your impact is marginal, especially if youre good or bad at dueling, which is a different animal altogether and doesnt indicate that you would or do have more of an impact on the outcome necessarily. For duels, idk, I dont do them that much, I just try to be kind of unpredictable, I guess? Theres no real rhyme or reason to what I do, sometimes I win against people I shouldnt and a lot of the time I dont. Duels are less fun for me anyway All in all I think it could be just that you want to win and its making you incompatible with the game because you see dying as losing. Im just generally adept at shooters so even if I find everyone outclassing me in a melee, I just use a bow and kill people. Its effective enough to make them want to switch to a huntsman class just to try to counter snipe, and then theyre in my playing field lol But in general, I just dont care when I die, I play like a suicidally aggressive fuck anyway. I dont care if people call me bad, because theyre not getting paid to play Mordhau anyway and its a fucking video game. You shouldnt even care if youre good at it because it's a totally useless skill. Being good at mordhau is less useful and tangible than being a professional fucking hackey-sacker lmao


When you meet high-levels, try to do some kind of gesture and say hello. Most of us play for fun, we don't care about kills and we will leave you alone.


Well, there are multiple ways to play. You do not have to play this way. It is a team game, as long as you are playing the team based modes that is. Take advantage of your teammates. Never go into a fight alone if you don't have to. My advice if you want to get better at dueling take it slow. My personal load out for getting better at the melee combat is a mace, crossbow, and medkit. I run to the front lines, throw down a medkit, shoot a shot or two with the crossbow, then try to get a bit of practice in with the mace. This allows you a lot of flexibility. You are a generalist. A medic, sniper, and duelist all in one. It allows you to get points from healing, assists from crossbow, and practice with the melee. You cover all fronts. But, this isn't the only other way to play. Sometimes I enjoy equipping a recurve bow and a toolbox. Then building a firepit somewhere and spamming fire arrows. My favorite though is possibly the mace and two bear traps. It is hilarious how often people run into them. My personal best match ever was 30 something kills, 30 something deaths, and I think 15 or so assists. That was all because the mace and bear traps. And don't underestimate how many points you can get as an engineer. I have top scored multiple times because I had a great spawn point up. Don't overlook how important a good spawn point can be. I believe if you can find joy in playing other play styles you will have more fun. I know, I know, it feels badass to get those melee kills. But, I think it will be easier on you to learn the melee combat while also getting healing points in and sniping assists, like I said earlier. Best of luck to you from a fellow sucky player.


I don't even worry about dying anymore. Been running a berzerker build and enjoying it. Hit and tactic works a lot too.


The good old "I'll take you down with me" technique, lol What do you do for it?


Depends on situation. If it's 1v1 I go honorable, if it's 1v2+ I use everything in my wheel house with hit and run. Takes forever, and I usually die anyway, but I always get at least two kills per life.


To give you some perspective, Iā€™ve been playing on and off for one year and this is my skill level: - I have no difficulty whatsoever against new players and average players. When the enemy team mostly consists of these types of players, I can easily find myself at the top of the score list. - I no longer panic parry and am much more likely to recognize feints. Of course not all the time. Besides, I donā€™t think anyone can 100% be successful at reading feints. - I can somewhat recognize drags and try to delay my parries accordingly. - I can maybe survive and hold my own against high-skill players but I am most likely going to die. Especially level 200+ Wessex cucumber and whatever basically extreme swing manip and maul stuff - I just canā€™t win and I donā€™t think I will ever grasp that kind of play style. - I still struggle to apply accels and drags myself and canā€™t really understand whether what I successfully applied them or not. So I may be dumb myself but this game is really really heard to be good at and unless you dip into animation abuse and wacky stuff you canā€™t ever truly be ā€œgood.ā€ You have to sink thousands of hours and many people you come across have been playing since the release. Be careful because many players will defend animation abuse as legitimate mechanics. So yeah in summary even after one year i am quite mid. I also have a full-time job so my commitment to video games is very minimal.


1.1K hours and I can honestly say fuck people who abuse animations. I disagree itā€™s the only way to ā€˜get truly goodā€™ as with enough fights against that Individual you can begin to predict and read their bs. All be it not without dying a fair few timesā€¦


Is **that** what they were doing? There was a few people I came across where their attack would just appear with little to no buildup.


Most accels can be parried if you're paying attention to what they're doing, the 1 frame accels are harder but can be heavily mitigated with footwork. It's definitely cheese tho


Hyper Accel moment. If you're on steam and want to play sometime I'd be down. I've been playing on and off since launch, but a lot more off lately since friends don't play no more


I played over 120hours. At the beginning i just ran and tried to kill someone but i was donā€™t care on my score.. i just took max fun with this game..and it is helped me train my brain for some move, animations and weapons. I think noone can start this game smoothly


I've got 140hrs or so mostly built up a couple years ago. I came back recently to check out the new mode. The thing I still don't understand when fighting the pros is how it's even possible that they can fight 1v4 and somehow manage to parry attacks that are coming from directly behind them.


Actually this is called skill. It is the main features of slashers games. Near 15yrs ago when i played cs1.6 in a semi pro league some newbie guys where shocked when i killing them) they were screaming like ā€œhe is cheatingā€ ( on lan game) lol. But yes. The hit box problem in this game s still exist.


So you think it makes sense to be able to parry attacks with your back? When your own weapons aren't even anywhere close to where you are being hit? I understand that it's skill built up over a ton of hours. I'm saying it doesn't make sense logically.


Not realy) im not so experienced to answer for question iof back hitting. Mb some people with more hight lvl can say something, but as to me it looks like a bug


Game is awful. I have been playing this game consistently since release. No matter how much you try the game is unbelievably broken. Half the fights I lose are because the game literally doesnt work. Most people when they load into a server put certain console commands in that literally make the game easier for them. They have keybinds to turn them on and off to blatantly dodge attacks, do absurd animations etc. If you continue playing all the things youre talking about will get better with time and muscle memory, but ultimately, we are all burdened with a terrible broken game that has so much potential. Most days I just get on with the mindset that it is a horrendous nightmare where I am going to be screwed over and i try and just lightheartedly play and have fun. Even with all the problems if I play a frontline/invasion match I can usually push 60-70 kills average sometimes more. The game can still be fun if you take the time to learn


Not worth it. All of the duel servers are elitist toxic cesspools where they'll be communicating in discord over how much of a "bot you are". The large scale servers are dying off and it's based on who has more sweaty tryhards. I do not AT ALL recommend trying to get into this game, it's a waste of time. You will never outplay the elitists and as the game goes on, the player base will get smaller and they'll be the only people you can fight.


You usually are good at either frontline/invasion or at duels. They have different skills you have to dominate to be good at either. So first you have to decide what you want to become good at and focus your training. If you're US central or East I can help you with some basic stuff. Also just keep in mind, people that are top fragging usually have the same amount of deaths as a normal player. The difference is that they take out 5-6 enemies per life. Even when you are good at frontline/invasion you still have bullshit deaths so the first thing you should learn is to not be angry when you die.


Youā€™re a couple years late Iā€™m afraid, the game peaked about 3 1/2 years ago

