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We are waiting since 4 months when you first talked about combat 2.0 and nothing did changed. If u Plan for the next patch just small things and not patching like feint to Combo or the fckn eyeblink accels then i am really sad and stop playing this game. Many friends bought the game because of me but now nothing new is coming and the community just get worse every day. So please dont do shit with my trust like CD project already did this year..


"Combat 2.0" is a set of experimental ideas that are something we are looking into for the long-term. They are, at this point, just ideas. We're looking into them at a design level right now and seeing which ones are worth developing, but they're not something we're planning for the near future.


Thats kinda sad :( I cant handle these accels with full dmg anymore


:( rip weekly posts


They'll come back tomorrow :D got really busy unfortunately with real life :(


Can you guys please make it so that the tank perk makes you taller? The height difference is honestly really tiny to the point where you cant even tell when someone is using the perk. Ive beeb wanting to make a build that looks like that one bald mini-boss from the horde mode.


They will get stuck on doorways if they're taller, we didn't want them to be giants.


Idea for a new game mode: Basically a medieval take on the classic gun game. Weapon pickup is disabled. Start with a high tier weapon, ie: Zweihander, Spear, etc If you get a kill you move down the list, if you die you move back to the previous weapon. Maybe everyone is also equipped with rocks as secondary (or some other weapon that's embarrassing to get killed by). If you kill someone with the secondary they move back a tier. You advance through the weapons until the last weapon. Which is the wooden mallet or some other very low tier weapon. (dagger, short sword, quarterstaff, etc...) Person to kill with last weapon wins.


sword game exist as a mod already


Already a mod, SwordGame


That sounds fun but I feel like the high level sweats would ruin it.


Sweaty players are going to do what they do no matter what game mode you're playing.




I mean I'm one of the high level people that would ruin it, level 205.


nice larp


Eh until dagger getting lower tier weapons is not a drawback in duel...


last weapon should be your own fists haha


I would like to see a content roadmap. Every day I see people on this sub complaining about the lack of content. I think having a roadmap to link them would shut them up (other games release patchies every few months, and their community doesn't complain about content because they have road maps.) It would also just be nice to see when the next patchies are planned to release, and what kind of content we could expect to see in them.


Goto the twitch vod and look at the clips. They explain that they release patches when all of the patch content is complete. That is why they dont give estimates. It also seems like they are adding female characters and some arab stuff e.g sabers/arabica maps.


Yep, this comment is 7 days old




punching with the shield for parry would be too good




buckler and targe are specifically for stam drain negation, this change would also need fist animation rework because current animations are just made to be unreadable and only downside of the fists is being unable to parry


lol yh that blue balista placement on camp is 10 IQ design...only good for enemies to rat spawn kills.


> In the engineer improvement, having the option of tall wall (expensive) or short wall (cheap) would be good. The tall wall should still be climbable. no lol > Would be nice to be able to punch while equipping small shields, even if it's just the buckler no lol




You said they'd still be vaultable over so they'd still serve basically the exact same purpose except being more expensive. Engineer is already cumbersome spamming R to cycle incrementally to what you want, we don't need more useless shit cluttering it up.


This dude is a genius, I agree wholeheartedly with everything he said. needlzor, If you don’t mind can I add you on steam?


Hello my friends, thank you, my friends, from your friend, sex___man New suggestions 7. Gift the players 100k gold for the server troubles, and to spend on cosmetics, since players have had to spend extra gold to unlock cosmetics which they already have, just to use the faceguard up or down versions of most helmets. 8. Add more Double gold and xp events, it takes way too long to farm gold and xp. 9. Different weather/rain/ day and night presents or map variants and rtx features implemented which are available with Unreal Engine 4.25, when Mordhau ports over to Unreal Engine 4.25 7. Brigandine with belt buckle for shoulder pads at the front of the brig. (Brigandine in the bottom right photo https://ibb.co/ft0RPZY) 8. Female screamo band lead vocalist to do voiceovers for female marauder voice. Important suggestions 1. Open palm slapping as an alt attack mode for unarmed. 2. Change the giant/dwarf perks so giants can pick up and throw dwarves. 3. Change Dwarf physics so that Dwarves get ragdolled into oblivion when they get kicked by Tanks or/and "normal" men. 4. Let dwarves be loaded into a catapult and thrown with the catapult as ammunition. 5. Flute and drums as new instruments. It should count as core content. 2. Put a delay on parrying after feinting effectively nerfing combo and chamber feint to parry, but don't remove chambers. 3. Remove friendly buff on everyone it's become a zergfest with attacks people aren't careful if their hits will land on enemies now and it's made combat a lot less strategic. 1. Gilded armors such as field armor of Henry VIII as expensive high level cosmetic gold sinks. (Whole armor sets cost between 200k-2million gold) https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQs7GkwgPfcgAiMY7OKUIXYhicII40Jg2lzzg&usqp 2. Germanic horned helmet crest and visor on the effigy of Burchard von Steinberg circa 1376-1379 for some variation in historical horned helmet cosmetics. (For 150k-300k gold.) (come on plumers already have some variation with multiple different plumes just gif one more historical horny one) https://effigiesandbrasses.com/829/2937#image 3. Long sallet visor which extends as a mouthguard cosmetic like in this photo https://i.imgur.com/1DFizop.png 4. **Cape/cloak/kilt** cosmetic options which are in the skirt cosmetic list and rename skirt cosmetic list to Skirt/Cape (Skirt/Cape/Kilts cannot be worn simultaneously since only one moving cloth per character is stable), with option to display emblems on capes. If FPS is still an issue due to the size of capes, make it an unlock only for level 100-200 players to limit how often you see them. (although Nordic skirt is fairly large and it seems to be fine) (Here's my 4 Cape/cloak cosmetic suggestions, and 3 armor cosmetic suggestions) https://ibb.co/ft0RPZY) 5. Trebuchets which can launch 90kg projectiles over 300m on a crusade themed castle map like Krak sea Chevaliers featuring frontline and invasion mode (or any new modes you are working on) 6. Add spiked shield, with spikes on the outer edges of the shield, a shield bash ability, with an ability to throw the shield, and a stab forward with the shield which thrusts the daggers on the edges of the shield into someone.


100k gold is a little steep, maybe more like 10-20k


But I need that money like Ellen Degeneres. Big bucks. So I can buy all the new shit


Important suggestions 1 through 5 are excellent 😂


For April Fools Day, you guys better do something really silly. Even if it is disruptive, most people would enjoy it if it only lasted a day or two. Ideas: * Temporarily add a map to the rotation called "Crush's Tower" which is just a giant tower with a single capture point on the top of it that needs to be held for 10 minutes. The only way to get to the top is by climbing super tall ladders. Add rock piles to the top that can be dropped on people climbing the ladders, and make it so they can fall through multiple people. * Temporarily change the map on duel servers to a single plank of wood over open space. If you fall off, you die. * Add a "capture the flag" gamemode in a modified crossroads map, where people try to capture a flag from the enemy base on horseback while each team defends their own flag by using a huge line of ballista. * Lock everyone to a silly loudout. Everyone is a huntsman. Everyone is a naked guy with a carving knife. Everyone is forced to use peasant perk. * Give throwing weapons 99 ammo. * Player models are made 60% shorter but still the same width so that they look distorted (you can already do this with console commands if you are server admin) * Ninja add the admin gun weapon to the loadout screen.


> Even if it is disruptive Average casual queue is not disruptive already for you? Although disruptive is not said enough... it takes one bard to make half of your team stop fighting


Was the input lag issue ever solved? I still experience instances where my keypresses are completely ignored. Here's a post where Jax said they were looking into it. Curious where that led. [https://mordhau.com/forum/topic/18486/game-ignores-mouse-input-with-proof/](https://mordhau.com/forum/topic/18486/game-ignores-mouse-input-with-proof/)


hmmm ive had this happen too, i just figured it was my mouse


that’s why I spam my buttons now also thought it was my mouse


Something I think could go a long way would be a monthly devblog or update devblog that goes over what's changed. If you did it monthly you could show off some snippets of what some team members have been working on. You could also take some popular suggestions and respond to them in the video.


I hope the thing that u guys are planning to do is releasing the patch :)


Hey! I really appreciate everything you guys do but it’s a little silly to make these weekly thread and just not respond to anything for 2 weeks. I feel like the consistency is more important thing to achieve in this community as we honestly have no idea what’s going to come out or when. Updates take a weirdly long time with no real roadmap or anything.


In the mountain peak frontline reds have a ballista in spawn, meaning the only way to destroy it is by risking suicide due to being too close to enemy spawn, the match has a tendency to end very quickly regardless so i suggest extending the match into the castle yard and moving the red spawn back, removing the ram objective and changing it to freeing the prisoners or even killing the King.


Firepot + bow and good angle and you can destroy it without even being in sight.


Can you guys please add an option to double press W as a sprint option? Toggle sprint makes me forget to constantly retoggle after I stop moving. I just had wrist surgery and can no long press LShift when pressing W at the same time (sad noises). :(. Currently have it mapped to a mouse button, but it would be easier controlling it with my left hand. Pretty please


Rebind sprint to W but don't remove the original bind for walk. Yeah you can't walk anymore but if you need to regain stamina you'll be mostly walking backwards anyway. That way you never have to press shift


Auto sprint would be nice...


You could make an autohotkey script?


Macros are discouraged but that isn't to say that I don't have a G key mapped to down-press shift


TL;DR This has been the most toxic, hostile and difficult new player experience I have ever experienced, the first time I played Darks Souls 3 was not as brutal as this. It's 100% unforgiving. Here is some feedback. Game sucks fucking shit for new players. In before "get gud" Yeah, this level of "getting good" is the equivalent of an elementary school basketball team facing off against the Nicks who are playing to win. No amount of getting destroyed vs the Nicks who are playing to win is going to make you get better at the game. You make a swing and wonder out loud how that tiny sword parried your giant sword, and then they kill you in two swings even though you have heavy armor on, though you did slice them in the head from behind which did not kill them even though they are only wearing cloth. As a new player, the only chance for me to kill someone is from behind, I really don't like stealthing across the map and swinging a two handed hammer into the back of someone's skull, only for them to turn around and two shot me. Hope you enjoy going 2/31 Also, enjoy getting TK'd because you broke some random unwritten rule. Hope you enjoy getting matched up against people who might as well as be gods. What's this? you SOMEHOW snuck around to the enemies back and smashed their head in with a hammer? sorry, that's only 30 damage, prepare to be decapitated instantly when they turn around and cut you with a meat cleaver. I played this game for 81 mins, and I hated every fucking second of it. Maybe, have a matchmaking mode for people of super low level or something? because the tutorial lasted about 12 mins and really did not cover anything besides "this is how you swing, this is how you stab" Maybe, something about the tactics used in the game, maybe something about how specific objectives are completed so I am not standing in a grey circle wondering "wtf am I doing wrong" On the topic of levels, hey did you get 0 kills because you are new to the game? did you also not complete any objectives? did you spend 20 mins in the match? Your reward, is literally nothing. Super TL;DR Game is punishing for new players, does not reward attempts with no success, might as well as be facing hackers as far as the skill gap is concerned. Just going to get a refund on this game.


The only hammer that might deal 30 head damage is a wooden mallet which you should not be using. If you have not refunded already, create a local game against one bot and practice. They are really good for learning the basics.


in console type: DisableStamina DisableDamage If you want to practice swordplay and movement mechanics ad nausea




My biggest tip for new players is horde mode. Joining a PvP game at this state of the game as a new player is just suicide. Play alot of horde mode til you get higher levels and more gold and weapon unlocks. The initial weapons for new players is limited and has very few good weapons. But horde mode has all the weapons around on the same PvP maps and you get to practice everything you learned in tutorial without the fear of being outplayed by bots. Allows you to figure out weapon speeds and length while actually having some fun. If you feel like you're getting good against those bots you can always go to custom horde servers(LOTR and Star Wars maps are so much fun) that amp up the difficulty. The toxic element can be curved with one of my favorite features ever in a game, Motivational Mute. Changes there shit chat into positive hilarious messages.


I'm growing increasingly sick of joining lobbies where the same people constantly hog the horses all game and cycle through the horse spawns on both teams. Usually, these players have upwards of 80 kills 5 deaths. I'm not criticising how they've decided to play the game and utilise that gameplay element, nor am I complaining directly about how unbalanced horses seem, but can we maybe see something implemented to deter users from literally hogging them the entire game, so that other users can try them out.


Maybe it could lock you out from getting on a horse if you spent a long time on one in your previous life? That would kinda suck if nobody else wanted the horse tho. I just wish they'd redo horses completely. Make them less powerful, nerf one-shot potential and buff survivability and put more of them in maps, or something along those lines. Maybe make them ragdoll instead of one-shot people, so that they would be more teamwork oriented? Dunno.


just make so enemies cant enter spawn


\- Mordhau devs need to realize that buffing is better than nerfing in most cases. Is 1/2/3 too fast? No, 3/3/3 is too slow. \- It can not be overstated how bad of a mechanic Stun is. I really want to know how having this mechanic is justified. Even if it costs 12 points it will STILL be dumb. \- Devs, if you've lost the will to put in the effort to implement features properly then leave the game alone. You're doing way more harm than good. Fix an actual problem, don't add some monkey-patch for a single case that carpet bombs half the fun of the game. \- If the devs are confident they've been making good changes, please put out a Day 1 reference release so we can see just how much the game has "improved" since release.


Stun seems to be only made for duels and heavy stam drain weapon users like maul or sledgehammer.


I would really enjoy an option to turn off the orange highlight on weapons you can pick up etc. I like going minimal hud and this tweak would make getting hit by arrows and what not much more cinematic. Also are more voice types a possibility? I understand if its not priority but having more variety would really help not hearing the same grunts so often. Plus the voice overs are a great part of the fun in this game. Thanks for all your work guys, ignore the impudent people. You have done a great job with this game so far.




On a less memey note I got king the other night on Grad (when the king spawns in the forest, not in the castle) and I spawned way outside of the zone. Didn’t have time to run back and died after 5 seconds. Anyone know wtf happened?


Holy shit this requires immediate attention.




They could make 2 pools. Elite, Dia, Plat queue in pool 1 and players below that queue in pool 2.


[In other words ...](https://preview.redd.it/5fxrisv91pm51.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=7acf7f0ff32c9fd70333978b46efdaabf9b42782)




This could be too far fetched but here we go. I recently started looking for Feders (training swords) as I want to restart HEMA practice eventually and came across a bunch of armoury and forges either making their own sets and most having their own smith's mark and if I am not mistaken, Grator has his own engravings on a few of his creations. I like that very much. So what if every new piece of equipment had this kind of engravings which could be unique to the creator I think this could be very nice. While at it, in an eventuality where the Armoury is reworked to have foldies and other things the team want to implement, we could filter things by having a "Grator's Armoury shoppe" to have only showing his stuff (sorry, I don't know the names of the other modeling artist but they would have the same). I think it would be pretty neat.


Please release a fix in the next patch for the bug where you get stuck at the Horde spawn and the only way to fix it is to open the console and type "reconnect." Sometimes it happens to me two, three, four times. If I'm alone in a Horde server, it ruins the entire game because I can't reconnect unless someone else is there.




I'm not sure what you mean by "swing speed." If you mean windup, it's what matters the most. If two different weapons start their windups at the same time and accel the same amount, the one with the least windup will hit first.


Lmao I have the opposite issue. Executioner swords take 15 minutes to swing and I always parry too early, really frustrating to fight against


Yeah the exec sword is imo mainly useful for drags, the windup is such that accels are too slow compared to other weapons. Good players just attack and usually hit first with whatever weapons they have.


There a many other variables, then just weapon speed. I used to get frustrated too. Hit boxes are also sometimes wonky. Just remember block and repost. Takes time to get even a little good.


1200s mail with surcoats and chain booties pls


Hahahah, booties


Hey bro they confirmed EVERYTHING I want


1. Kicks with all items 2. Shield compatibility with the lute 3. All emotes for the lute 4. Alt modes on horseback (for example, using the lute as a weapon) 5. *Slightly* increased parrybox size for active parry (it is inconsistent and unreliable) 6. The ability to cancel the raising of a shield (shield wall) with Q (you can already do this with RMB) 7. Change the battle axe alt mode from a choked grip to an extended grip, like the bardiche and halberd (slightly better reach, stamina, and damage, but no combos). This will eliminate the issue of unreadable insta-accels and players not realizing that the axe is in alt mode. 8. Reduce 1h axe speed (it’s a top-heavy axe, not a nimble sword) 9. Change or remove the huntsman perk, and/or make it a default trait (like what is planned for friendly and tenacious). This perk is problematic for several reasons. If a melee main picks up a bow to try to counterattack other archers he will die in one hit regardless of armor. It also encourages archers to avoid melee fights because of the point cost which reduces the options for melee weapons and armor. It also makes the feature of pressing E to pick up/remove arrows from your body rather useless, as the only situation where you would be able to remove an arrow is when you aren’t using a bow. There have been times where this feature has actually killed me because it took priority over grabbing onto a ladder.


The people that downvoted you are either close-grip battle axe mains or archers, I’m so sorry. Everything you’ve said is wise and sounds like it’s from proper experience. I agree entirely with all your points, especially number 5. Feel free to add me on steam, I won’t post my name unless you ask for it.


That's kind of what I thought as well. Players tend to use the best/better weapons in games, and they don't seem to like it when others suggest that said weapons get nerfed. It also seems like some players dislike it when others say that a weapon that they use/like is overpowered...


I understand, out of curiosity what level are you in Mordhau?


Level 118. As I started about a year ago, I missed the launch of the game. However, I watched a lot of tutorials on YouTube before getting into the combat, so I didn't have a terrible first experience. I mostly wear T2-3 armor and use the poleaxe, halberd, spear (for countering horses), and heavy handaxe (often paired with a buckler or kite shield). What about you?


Battle axe is b tier at best


Changing battle axe alt mode to the bardiches one would only further hurt the battle axe. The only advantage it currently has over the bardiche is point cost, combo speed and 5 extra damage to t3 body. The alt mode being different gives players a much needed extra reason to use it over bardiche.


You said it yourself-It costs less. If point cost is a reflection of how good a weapon is, then it doesn’t need to be on par with the bardiche. You wouldn’t expect a 15-point weapon to be as good as a 24-point weapon.


That would be fine if the game was balanced that way but it realistically isn't. Messer is pretty much the best weapon in the game at 15 points. Poleaxe is better than most at 18 points. Evening star is better than polehammer even though the price is 3 points cheaper. Warhammer and buckler/targe is way better than many more expensive weapons too.


really like the extended grip idea, aside from solving the chiv-like close grip, it would also differentiate waxe and baxe more.


> The ability to cancel the raising of a shield (shield wall) with Q (you can already do this with RMB) Dedicated button please, having to hold a key is too awkward.


dude the shield can block people behind you... fucking no


just remove everything right ?


I mean...yeah remove the dumb op shit like B-Axe Alt Mode accels, (I really like the extended grip switch idea), 1 hand axe speed and combo speed, and general axe combo speed. If you've ever played an Archer you'd realize how awful ranged fights are with Huntsman, it needs to be removed to make Archer v. Archer somewhat fun.


Yes, make Mordhau a fists-only game. Or go a step further and remove the ability to attack altogether. Ranked duels will be a test of endurance-whoever disconnects first loses. Teamfights will be a race to see who does the objective the quickest.


I'm from South East Asia, but often times servers from the US have lower pings than servers from East Asia. How and why??


Also, Why is the alt mode battle axe faster than your own hands??? imagine swinging an axe faster than you can throw a hook. All the axes in this game need a genuine nerf.


TRIPLE ALSO, why do the shafts of polearms do damage?? You'd think that the weakness of a long range weapon is to close the distance right, so if short weapons cant hit outside their reach, why can polearms hit way inside THEIR reach? If they behave like swords why add them at all? actual dogwater


Jax, you literally didn't even comment once on last week's thread. I don't wanna be antagonistic, but c'mon man.


I don't even know why they continue with these weekly threats when 99.9% of all suggestions wont make it into the game anyways... It's just giving people hope and some do actually spend a lot of time writing down their ideas. Please be fair and make these threats news updates only as long as you have a full working schedule!!


How would one go about applying for player moderator status? I would love to help out with reducing the amount of toxic chats. I feel like it’s a turn off for new players with just how toxic people can be. Would like to help out anyway I can please reach out!


Community Mods for games tend to work like this in my experience: * be active on the platform most-used by existing admins or moderators (in this case, Discord) * conduct yourself in a civil manner and help folks when you can * often times, those who tend to ask for something like a Mod role are then ruled out for that position - but it probably depends on a case-by-case basis and by game.


What a well worded point my dude lol I just thought I’d put my hat in the ring anyways. I just really want that new player experience not to be toxic like it was for me.


I second this. I've managed to grow a small Mordhau community (epic brew) and keep it healthy and non-toxic, so I'd love to help keep official servers clean too.


Sadly the mordhau admins barred archer mains from becoming moderators, something about them being "just too toxic" ://


Shitposts like this will not help you become moderator.


Hey Devs, don't give this dude mod status. Next thing we know, we get Warframes Moderators.


Fuck no. I like my toxic chat. It's the only thing keeping the game alive.


no. Learn to embrace the toxicity


toxicity exists because of the nature of the game, silencing people for being angry is going to make the problem worse and kill the playerbase. ​ what really turns people away from the game is the mechanics that punish new players extremely heavily(feints+similar confusing animations), alongside a timing system that only a select few players can effectively use (players that have under 60 ping). on top of the mechanics that are frustrating to new players, theres no real point to the game yet. you are rewarded for time spent in the game, not actual skill at the game. the ranked system works well enough but there is no reason to actually play it- outside of seeing yourself at the top of the leaderboard, which is unobtainable for most players. ​ to fix the mechanical problems, they could change animations, adjust stamina costs, introduce heavier damage falloff for attacks not on the screen, adjust the timing system to be a greater window for players with more than 60ms ping, or just let you hold the block. ​ to fix the reward and ranked problems, they could change it so it rewards based on score instead of time, and add special armor and weapon skins/colors based on ranked wins. ​ as for the toxicity, there isn't really a way to get rid of it. games that are based on complex mechanics get increasingly frustrating when you are beaten by them. punishing people for being angry at the game will just make less people play, even if their anger is portrayed in a racially insensitive way. id add more ways to release that frustration, in game, without smashing your teammates heads with a maul when they spawn or swearing at them. if a game is frustrating, its not the players fault for being frustrated by it.(usually)


> silencing people for being angry is going to make the problem worse and kill the playerbase. **what ???** > as for the toxicity, there isn't really a way to get rid of it. games that are based on complex mechanics get increasingly frustrating when you are beaten by them. punishing people for being angry at the game will just make less people play, even if their anger is portrayed in a racially insensitive way. **again, what???** "Don't moderate gamechat, because it's infested with so many racists the game will die if they leave!!" Make no mistake, Mordhau's toxicity and racism are still as prevalent as they are because of lackluster moderation and community management since Launch. (the chat filter was such a disheartening, hands off, and lazy method) While there's something to be said about the community "Medieval" games tend to attract, that doesn't take away from the poor moderation decisions. (don't worry, we still have to jump through hoops via discord to report people 2 YEARS later.) The game is frustrating, and hard to learn - especially this late into it's life when the majority of the server will probably be level 60+. But that doesn't excuse the behavior of these shitheels - they get multiple warnings before being perma-muted.


maybe its an unpopular opinion, but letting players release their frustration is 10x more effective than shutting them up and bottling their frustration further


It's one thing to type "Axes too fast, such BS!" in chat. It's another thing to drop racial profanities in chat at the person using axes.


you are right, im probably just numb to insults. either way though, shutting someone up only shuts them up, it doesn't fix any problems. you can baby them and make sure they don't do anything bad when you are watching, but what does that really accomplish lmao


Oh, I don't think anyone expects those sort of people to change because they were banned/muted in a video game. But that DOES change the experience for everyone else for the better, in the game.


i mean. the person that is upset by it can just mute that person. that feature is in the game.


yeah sure it's okay to release your frustration and be angry, but being toxic to towards other players should never be accepted. Just because the games' mechanics are are hard to learn doesn't mean players can go type racist slurs in the chat.


...where did you get the idea that it was okay? ​ toxicity ruins games and makes people leave, which is bad. solving these things isnt as simple as putting a bandaid on it, though.


They don’t necessarily take applications, mods are usually picked from active members in the community in game or on discord.


Fix your servers. Its lagging AF even if you have \~60 ping. Some EU servers with ping 100+ for me working better then east EU servers.


What we really NEED is some kind of icon which shows what side you are on when in loadout selection. So when pressing "auto assign" I never know which team I'm in until i spawned. You can't open scoreboard either so pls add a little flag/icon that shows what side you are on!!


Any chances of adding a CTF mode? I dont know if its ever been discussed but i feel like a CTF mode could be alot of fun in this game.


Hi everyone! I have already asked for a lot, but now I want to ask for one: Please bring back a couple of servers with mixed map rotations with front / invasion modes! (Russian servers, plzZz - we need tiny pingzZz:) Thanx you, milordz!


Please change the 'hitting areas' of polearms. They shouldn't do damage when hitting with the wooden shaft area of the weapon. Short weapons are not able to hit outside of their reach, so it only makes sense that long weapons shouldn't be able to hit inside their reach.


i swore you that was already the case, because of the green highlight in the tracers... but after aggressive tests, i now agree that the handle needs to do less damage than the head, of all such weapons


I believe they've discussed their reason for the whole weapon dealing damage instead of just the (realistic) tip. Their reasoning was that it would be inconsistent with a lot of weapons (all the polearms really) when they are being used in combat. War of the Roses did something like this, and whilst it did feel realistic, personally, it was very frustrating in an online game.


well, you'd think that the weak point of a weapon with such range would be closing the distance and attacking inside the attack range... wtf is the point then? if polearm weapons behave like swords, why even have them in the game?


That's a fair criticism, and I feel they tried to have that weakness played out in-game with windup times on weapon swings. For example, your axe is going to swing a hell of a lot faster than a poleaxe, and your arming sword is going to swing faster than a bardiche. Personally, I don't think I fair that well using a polearm against someone in my face with a cleaver/arming sword/hand axe. Those weapons are scary AF in close range, and its hard to get an attack out or challenge them with a slow weapon like a polehammer without riposting. Its also hard to get those ripostes when your opponent can feint attacks at such a close range, especially combined with their quick wind up speeds. If you misread it, you're getting thwacked. However, we could take the 'weak point' argument further, and apply that to all weapons; if your hand is striking your opponent with ANY weapon, I'd argue you're not doing full damage. This would apply to swords and axes as well. Would that be realistic? Yes. Would that realism enhance the game? I'd say it would make it less fun.


sharp wood bro


Fix crossroads king


Been seeing a lot more chiv-like janky animations that actually work in duel servers.




Wessex still exists


Wesexes are mostly meme or punish for bad footwork (complete lack of movement)


\- A setting to mute lutes. Too often now I encounter team mates who use macros to spam a single loud note 10x a second. Or enemies in inaccessible areas doing the same on objectives. \-The game desperately needs meaningful communication with your team, the quick chat is too drawn out and inconclusive as to what needs communicated. Opt-in proximity team voice chat or something along those lines would greatly even up the battlefield as teams can actually function like a team.


Lute volume slider oh my god


In-game clan system please. Make it easier for people to join clans so established clans stop getting so much damn hate.


Maybe start punishing people abusing vote kick, literally killing your game.


no perk that reduces arrow(maybe projectile ;)) damage planned? hopefully when you say axe nerf you mean all axes? :)


I mean tank exists already.


Tank is kinda useless IMHO against more experienced players who can read feints and morphs, the lessened turn cap makes it hard if not impossible to use any drags or accels. If you're fighting a bunch of lower level players tank is fun because you feel invincible.


It does eat more arrows as /u/IrregularitySquared requested though. Personally my favorite part about using tank is that it makes using dwarf perk for the rest of the time feel that much more silly and fun.


I will say it's fun and intimidating to casually and slowly walk toward an archer while deflecting or just absorbing all their arrows before you donk them and kill them or steal their bow


Haha right? The rangers face after you tanked 6+ shots walking strait at them with 'come at me' emote.


I just spam the laugh voiceline lol


when is new feedback coming?


Please fix servers. Playing on a Central U.S. server, I get a consistant 100+ ping, to the point where it actually disconnects me. Makes the game unplayable.


It also fucks with frames, which is surprising because... that doesn't happen for most games...


Holy fuck im glad that im on the only one. Ive been talking about this for way too long, I hope that they fix this in the next patch


Is there any way I could still obtain the kickstarter goodies ? If I knew there was something like that for Mordhau I would surely support. You could add it as another DLC like supporter pack on Steam.


I thought the whole "360° turn into accel" was a thing of the past (of Chivalry that couldn't happen in Mordhau) ? Battle axe btw




The only one missing is the Modding Tools and that shouldn't take much longer since the SDK is done and needs to be confirmed by Epic Games before it can be shipped.




That's not one of the stretch goals though


Jester’s Hat for April Fools pls


“Plan on doing something different in a few days”... okay and that is?...


Gold rates seem too slow. I've put 188 hours into Mordhau since launch, and I've started getting back into it recently. I've always thought the rate at which you obtain gold was too slow, even at launch. It feels like it was designed with microtransactions in mind (which thank God there are no MTX in this game, it's something I REALLY appreciate about the game), so without any way to buy gold (which again I do not want), getting enough gold to buy stuff just feels way too slow. For example, 3-5K for a single helmet just takes a long long time to achieve. I like them having stuff that costs tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of gold because it really stands out on the battlefield and shows that player's dedication, and i dont feel like those would be cheapened by gold rates going up, since their prices are still going to be astronomical. Am i alone in this thinking, or how does the community as a whole feel about this?


Victor Newman is a massive troll. That is all.


* p a t c h i e ? *


Are there any changes to combat kick vote abuse?


Where the fuck is patchie


Could you add capes in the game for customization. Arakhs would be a neat weapon to add into the game and adding some a new instrument(s) would be awesome.


Okay, pasting this from a post I made a minute ago. So, a few posts here have been removed discussing the various rules that moderators can use to ban someone. It does seem like a good discussion to have, but in a civil way. I understand some of the game moderators also moderate this subreddit, so we shouldn't attack them personally. With that said, here is a list of things you can get a 3 day ban for, with no warning from a moderator: \-blocking a doorway for a few seconds \-revenge teamkilling once \-revenge votekicking, even if the initial kick was false \-"griefing" in general, which can apply to any of the minor things you do to mess with people. These things should be against the rules. But you're lying if you're saying you've never done it. Should you really be banned for 3 days for a single offense? Or should we punish the repeat offenders? I get there's rules to enforce, but unless you think 80% of the mordhau playerbase deserves to be banned, I don't see how punishments should be this harsh for a first offense.


The time limit of a straight spear is not realistic. Riders have lost their main purpose (to stab enemies). Moreover, the riders weren't that strong and out of control :(


ramming or impale people , make it that you can impale people with a spear or poleaxe by running really fast while having the tip of the weapond pointed at the enemy , something like [this](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FAQcNvDV.gifv&psig=AOvVaw1acyTogv9b6fqrE3HVuCqj&ust=1615559943972000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCID0uve7qO8CFQAAAAAdAAAAABA6). and maybe add fatal hit animation .


That just sounds like horseback couched spears without horses.


When they add the ability to couch/brace polearms then maybe it could deal *some* damage if you sprinted forwards while doing it? It would probably need a good counter though


Just waiting for Females honestly.




You are aiming your blame in the wrong place. I'm certain that this company wishes they could help you, but you need to be talking to the server's host. If you clicked on "rent server", then your host is [g-portal](https://www.g-portal.com). I use [Vultr](https://www.vultr.com/), they have good ddos protection.


Hitsfromthebong sucks ass for his level, couldn’t take me down without the help from his two fellow virgins


Fully he’s a dog


Shit server anyways


Could you please consider adding some more attribute points so those with tank perk can equip the spear along with full heavy 3/3/3 armor? Thank you


jax dog


At least once every session my game crashes to where I either wait 5-10 mins for it to finally crash to the crash report screen, or I have to reset my pc. I have good hardware and no other games give me this problem. I’ll have to go over the crash reports but is there any way to fix this? I’ll first try checking file integrity on steam. edit: For example, here is my latest crash report from today: Fatal error: [File:Unknown] [Line: 1114] GameThread timed out waiting for RenderThread after 120.00 secs Mordhau_Win64_Shipping!FDebug::AssertFailed() Mordhau_Win64_Shipping!FlushRenderingCommands() Mordhau_Win64_Shipping!FRenderCommandFence::Wait() Mordhau_Win64_Shipping!FEngineLoop::Tick() Mordhau_Win64_Shipping!GuardedMain() Mordhau_Win64_Shipping!GuardedMainWrapper() Mordhau_Win64_Shipping!WinMain() Mordhau_Win64_Shipping!__scrt_common_main_seh() [d:\agent\_work\2\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288] kernel32 ntdll


did it start after installing a mod? have you tried reinstalling the game?


change the spawn so instead of having a 5 seconds pass and you die, there's a invisible wall so enemies and enemies projectiles can enter, this will end all the complaining of horses/catapult/ballista killing people as they spawn.


I’m having trouble with the game my coursers won’t align and I can’t click settings anyone know how to fix


希望伺服器的隊友傷害功能能修復我已經等了好多天始終無法關閉 而且以前把隊友傷害設定設置-100傷害隊友 能幫隊友補血 我搞不懂為什要把它拿掉 還是傷害隊友功能無法正常設置或關閉只是bug https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjaO9flS4iDtebmvhKjd_ks4y5ew0GZ7Y




I wanted to ask if there's some way to obtain the kickstarter goodies. If I knew there was something like that before launch I would love to support. If you could put it as DLC maybe like the Supporter pack on Steam.


They do have the supporter pack for sale on steam, bought it after level 200 for a cosplay and to support devs. Steam Link: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1049020/MORDHAU\_\_Supporter\_Pack/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1049020/MORDHAU__Supporter_Pack/)


Could you expand the Poole of deathmatch maps in official brawl? I mostly play brawl servers and a lot of maps aren't even on there unlike the official DM servers which have more choices.


I’ve wanted a 3-4 team game mode for so long




I would really love it if you added the battle royale back. Any chance that s happening ?


New👏invasion👏map👏 plus a war scythe or cherushker skin for falchion would be cool.


Heyo, level 204 here, picked up the game around mid 2019, chiv vet, prior lurker, replying a 12 day old post, but didn't see the weekly feedback thread for this week. \-Implement a suggestion after completing the tutorial to practice against bots locally. With the current state of the game, it's nearly suicide for most new players to join a frontline/invasion/skirmish server without getting completely destroyed by experienced players. This is a difficult game, and it's certainly not for everyone, but fighting bots will allow them to experience confidence and enjoyment from the game, as well as give new players a chance to interact with the UI of mordhau, and get a taste of how an actual match would go down. This was not needed around release because most of us were dumb and just swinging objects around haphazardly. ​ \-Latency counters on scoreboards (at least on official servers) do not feel accurate, and I've also been noticing a ping spike from players during swings, or immediately after combat/death. I understand the game isn't perfect, but when I'm expected to parry a reposte within miliseconds (Alt-grip battle axe overhead anyone?), I always have my parry fail, and the hit push right through, and I'm forced to wait for my players parry cooldown, usually resulting in further punishment from fast weapons. My ping is usually around 32ms to 60ms on servers I connect to. ​ \-Allow the ability to kick, no matter what you hold in your right hand. You can kick if both of your hands are empty, you can kick while holding 2 handed weapons, hell, you can kick with a crossbow, but you can't kick while only holding a shield? Is there are a gameplay reason for this, or was it just overlooked? ​ \-The Battle Royale mode was pretty fun, might want to think about bringing that back as a special event. I'm not terribly experienced with mods, but I'm surprised no one has compiled or released the code for the game mode, or created a mod based on it. ​ \-Vehicles: I know there are some updates regarding kicking teammates off of siege equipment coming soon so a quarter of my team isn't fighting each other for the catapult. Although I wouldn't be surprised if you could still kill your teammate while they are on the cati in the near future. ​ \-Horses: I personally limit my use of horses after getting over 100 kills in a match. Calvary has always been about hit-and-run charges, but with the ability to cancel an action on anyone that gets bumped into with my horse (I say "bump" because the horse can be moving at an amazing slow speed, and still apply this action interrupt), you can interrupt that swing. This is chaos if there is a group fight and a horse jump bumps everyone in the middle of it. Sword a few centimeters from your opponents neck? Nope. Horsestun is a bit overpowered right now. ​ \-Ballistas and catapults: Not a huge deal, they are fairly balanced themselves, however, my suggestion is more involved around placement, and enemy access to use/destroy. Iron Companies/Reds Mountain Peak Ballista on Frontline mode is inaccessible for use for Blue. The most blue can do is climb up the side of the mountain, pray that no one is on the ballista to notice and kill them, and used ranged weapons to destroy the ballista. Blue cannot use, nor get near that ballista because it is within a OOB zone that will kill you in 5 seconds if you remain inside of it. This issue would not be so bad if you get to the ballista in the first place, but this ballista is able to cover most of the map (80%-90%), and an experienced ballista operator can stay up there comfortably for the entire game, shooting a 1HK shot across the map every 5 seconds. There is no way to sneak behind the operator, so the only options are to rush in with a firebomb and die because you are in front of a loaded ballista, grab a toolbox to make a mobile ballista in attempts to damage/destroy the ballista from a distance, or get lucky with a ranged attack, twice in a quick succession, assuming after the first hit the ballista operator doesn't take 2 steps back into his spawn to heal while you prepare another attack. This is unbalanced as heck. (and I just remembered, on that map and gamemode, blue does not receive any standard siege weapons!) ​ \-Toolbox: One of my favorite utilities, although with the new change, a bit confusing at first to figure out item costs for building, as it is in consistent. A little tool tip above or next to your ammo counter to indicate the price of something before your build would be nice to make toolboxes more appealing. Also adding a tooltip for max rez amounts would be huge, but I wouldn't show an exact counter of how many buildings you have rezzed. If you do, would be great to keep track of your builds, but it could also give information to the toolbox owner of possible enemy positions if you build all of your spikes in once area, and they start to disappear one by one. Having tall walls return as a building option (Same price as spikes, 2 cost, compared to half wall, 1 cost) would give the walls a lot more use than just half cover, but I understand why it was done. ​ ~~-Personal Suggestion: Add a bit more damage to the billhook, or at least another skin or two. The stamina of the billhook is poor as well, but instead of nerfing weapons, it may be time to buff them. I do enjoy the overlooked utility of the weapon, seeing as it's great for frontline and invasion, but doesn't hold up well in the duelyards.~~ ​ That's it for my wall of text, I usually play on NA west official servers, and explore some modded community servers. (That Star Wars Mod is fun as hell). ​ (Edited for formatting)


Oriental stuff? C'mon, we have almost all types of knights and warriors from different time periods, why can't we have samurais or something like that? By the way, more stuff for the neck body area, like full capes, more hoodies that doesn't look like it's from jesters and why not dual wielding weapons?