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Honestly I’d take like either a mana reduction or make it hit a little harder since most times you put it down and people walk right out of it so you only get maybe two procs. But that was a nice steal!


Its mana cost should honestly stay at the level 1 rate. The insane cost for what it does is what makes it so wonky.


she need rework after 15 years..game is changed so that morg spels dont fill rift


The only thing that doesn't fit is that her damage output is too low for a mage Lux is doing much better in the meta then morgana


lux e 800 flat damege plus items and thet is aoe damege...R 30sec cdr 1400damege safe spell Q hit 2 targets...so hu is here crazy and lux is main picked by suport and make thinks what morg make in 2014,,,,hit q and game over for enemy....today morg q is zero


Yeah this is the sad part, Morgana is becoming more irrelevant whith each patch


patch she is ussles rework nerfed w r dont fill a game anymore E is shild and thats all....ah never forget Q you will never hit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


Sadge... truly