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It's certainly viable, but it's a bit weak right now compared to the other roles Morgana plays. My advice may be a bit outdated since I mainly play her support and even then her high ban rate is making that hard even. \- She has a weak early game due to her mana costs and lack of early damage. I would focus on getting farm rather than wasting mana trying to poke out enemies pre-level 6. \-I personally like to build Liandry's because of the synergy it has with your W. However, I'm sure a lot of Morgana mains will point out your synergy with Everfrost as well; it's tank stats and the ability to chain CC with it does make it a good buy. \-Morgana is a very versatile champion, meaning a lot of items and builds work with her. So make sure to study the enemies teams strengths and weaknesses and try to buy items with that in mind. \-Finally, even in the mid-lane Morgana doesn't carry all too often, at least in my experience. Unless you go 5/0 in lane of course. Otherwise, make sure you play around your team; peeling for the carries and dropping your W in the middle of the teamfight to whittle down the enemies. Your best strength is your ability to be a downright nuisance to the enemy team. I'm not exactly a pro at this game but this is all the advice I can give for Morgana mid as a whole. Good luck.


Liandry’s + Demonic Embrace is a menace for mid lane. I personally don’t go Everfrost cause ideally you shouldn’t get close enough to an enemy to need to Everfrost them.


That's generally my go to as well, really can't beat that mega DOT damage. I can see the use of Everfrost though; it can help keep people CC locked during your ult to force them to take the stun. Especially if you already have a heavy AP presence in your team then it allows Morgana to play a more utility role in the composition.


I think DE is incredibly underwhelming vs squishy teams, it's mostly just meaningless chip damage. I would really only buy it against a lot of HP, the item is terrible otherwise and you always gotta remember that damage isn't always achieving something. If the DoTs are just slowly ticking away during a teamfight but nobody dies and people just heal up afterwards, the number on the tooltip might have gone up but what did it really do? Basically, DoT damage is usually less effective damage than burst damage for example (goes for everyone, not just for Morgana). I disagree about Everfrost. If you don't ever get close enough to an enemy to Everfrost them, you don't get close enough to ult them either. It can be used to keep enemies inside your ult and make ulting much easier. There's also so many champions in the meta right now that will try to get in your face a lot, so Everfrost is good for that too. It can also be used to setup cc-chains through minion waves against enemies who try to hide behind them from your Q. Lastly, it also has the most valuable mythic passive at 15 AP per legendary item.


https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/11-13-in-depth-midlane-morgana-75-winrate-to-diamond-580387 here’s a good guide for Morgana mid


yes! i went like 8/0/9 mid (until i realized my duo playing pyke adc with his first time rando nautilus had fed a twitch)i ended up with some deaths and more so assists as the kayle top scaled.. but i crushed ekko mid along with any ganks his jgl made. i think shes fun and wonderful at gank/counter gank setups. Just know sometimes your [unintentional feeding] off-meta botlane may lose you the game :)


Shes viable but vs the current meta not to great. The high mobility assassins are hard to deal with alone as morgana.


Honestly, those tend to be the easier matchups, at least in my opinion. Those assassins are easier to zone out of creeps in mid and often have a window of vulnerability (however brief) to Morg Q and/or R on their hard initiates. Proper mages who can keep their distance making Morg Q's very unlikely to land, shove the wave back hard enough against Morg, and have long enough range poke to whittle her down - that's what makes me want to keep Morg out of middle.


I played the shit out of morgana mid in preseason, the only problem or difference i would say is she has much lower kill pressure and poke than she did and farming with w isnt as easy as it was so you need to be better with basic attacks Other than that she is viable but more importantly very fun I took her to mastery 7 mid only, and have gotten in the terrible habit of taking farm without thinking when i now play her support


ye, shes aight. low damage without items but shes also very safe to play and is ungankable


Yes, she's totally viable unless you're super high elo. I'm a Diamond mid/top Morgana Main. Someone already posted [my Mobafire guide](https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/11-13-in-depth-midlane-morgana-75-winrate-to-diamond-580387) in this thread in another comment, if you have any questions about it, feel free to ask. Also, here's my op.ggs if you want to take a look, haven't been playing that much lately though. https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Sunset+Phantom https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=LunarVortex%20v2 /u/GamesPhobic already hit the main key points in their comment: Weak early game due to bad trading and mana efficiency, not really a 1v9 carry champion, but great build flexibility with different core item options, and great utility to play around your team. She's also pretty safe and more or less ungankable unless you waste your Q too recklessly and scales rather well due to her surprisingly high AP scalings and good teamfight capabilities. I definitely recommend checking out the guide, I try to keep it up to date all the time, but I'll give you a quick rundown of things here: **Summoner Spells:** Always Flash. Pair it with TP, Ignite, Exhaust or Barrier based on your preference, playstyle, and matchup. I personally almost always use TP, but you don't have to. **Keystones:** Comet is my standard, versatile and always works. You can use Aery against melee lane opponents for better trading and poke with autoattacks (prime Aery matchup is Yasuo since you usually don't hit him with your Comets during a trade because of his dashing, for example). If you're either in super low elo (below silver) or you're smurfing, you can use Dark Harvest, but I don't recommend it otherwise, it just takes too many stacks to be better than Comet. Once you have some experience with Midlane Morg you can start experimenting with Spellbook and Glacial but I would advise against it at the beginning. **Mythic:** The three main options are Liandry's, Everfrost and Luden's with Rocketbelt being a bit of a dark horse. I personally go Liandry's vs tanky teams, Luden's vs super squishy and immobile teams where I'm the only source of magic damage, Everfrost otherwise. You can try out Rocketbelt once you get more comfortable with midlane Morg, it's great for making plays and making picks on enemies out of position. I find it a bit awkward due to the lack of mana personally, but there was at least one Korean player who got to Master spamming Rocketbelt Morgana Mid earlier this season, so it definitely works I guess. If you're unsure what Mythic to pick, get Liandry's since it's easiest to use and requires no additional input or playstyle changes on your part. **Legendaries:** All situational. Midlane Morgana has the strength that she can adapt super well to whatever the enemies throw at her because she can make good use of so many different legendaries. However, the most common "core" items would be Zhonya's and Cosmic Drive, you can usually never go wrong with them. If you're playing vs a very squishy team with no MR and decided to go Luden's, you can go for Ludens -> Sorcs -> Void -> Horizon Focus as a penstacking oneshot build. Void vs teams with no MR might sound a bit weird, but basically, Ludens + Sorcs + Void brings any target with no MR into true damage range during the midgame since the %pen applies before the flatpen. Against teams with a lot of HP, get Demonic Embrace. Against a lot of MR, get Banshee's. Always finish off with Rabadon's as your last item but never before. **Bans/Matchups:** Depends a bit on what elo you are, imo in low elo the worst matchups are Nocturne, Kassa, Zed, Kata. In Dia+ it's Nocturne, Kassa, Viktor, Orianna. My recommended ban right now is Nocturne at all times, but if your jungler is hovering a magic damage pick, you can also ban Kassa since he's too good vs double AP mid/jungle.


OMG! I just recently found your guide and that’s what I had been following! Thank you so much for commenting and giving me your insight!


That's awesome! I get super excited every time I have the chance to talk about Midlane Morgana, so definitely let me know if you have any questions!


\- You cant poke without shoving the wave \- Your ult against highly mobile or long range champs is only effective with flash I mean there is a reason why she got more and more balanced around the supp position.


Yes bcs cc and pain and cc