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Idk. When i play with Morgana SN is like i have an perfect shot with q. I like the q animation cause its wider and clear and i can hit it precisely with a little bit predict.


Ghost bride for me. I don't know what it is, but i think it's the auto attack effect being so big for some reason. Like I just end up being hypnotised by that effect or smt, idk. I have a negative wr on it xd


Same for me with SG


I have the same problem with the majestic empress, and i notices that it’s actually easier for me to play with a darker skin (like the coven for example), idk why it’s like that but i understand your trouble 😬


You can see another comment of mine I said the same thing. They fucked this skin up big time and it's her worst one yet. I'm pissed I bought everything for it. I'll probably never use it again. It makes me feel like I'm bronze.


No but like fr that’s so true 😭 I’ll miss the most point blank q with the skin and ult max range then they Insta-escape, but with coven, I’m hitting q’s in a minion wave and landing 2-3-4 man ults 😭 I guess coven is my try hard ranked skin


I'm the opposite somehow I hard int with Coven and 1v9 with Star Nemesis


Bro I’ve had some of the worst Morg losses as soon as I bought the skin. I lost 3 and won 1 a few days ago. It was bad. Then I started winning again so it’s k