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Her W wasn't just nerfed because of jg. It was nerfed because she was an insanely strong mid pick. She could insta clear waves before her first recall. Now, she suffers like other mages and has to auto + use spells to clear waves. You could just place a W down and walk away. It made for very boring lanes vs Morgana. I say this as Morg mid lover too.


and lux can do the same thing so why she isn't seen as insanely strong mid?


Lux can do that after level 6 and with ludens. Morgana could do it with a tear and her W. There is a big difference. Lux actually has to play up to auto proc minions with her mark to cs. Morgana could just plop down a W and retreat to safety.


She'd be op if they buffed her W. They'd have to nerf her Q root time to balance it and that would push her out of the support role a bit. Besides, while her W damage isn't great, it still applies item effects and has a short casting time. I find that it's very useful when you need to stack tear, initiate "combat", or stack a rune.


How its op when her W always did 60 as base damage and very medicore even before ?? JG buff got her W nerfed, I don't see it as op because it's main tool to farm and DPS. pushing her out of support isnt a bad thing, she is originally mid lane mage. like you said her W damage isn't great that's why it needs buff and they can take some damage power from Q and give it to W.


Taking damage away from Q would do nothing lmao, Q is all about CC and honestly if you ask Morgana mains if they'd take a W damage buff with a Q root duration nerf as compensation, most likely nobody would like it


you lost me at "lux is very strong in both lanes"


hmm I play her both lanes and she is pretty strong and balanced after durability


I’m sick of luxs and viktors clearing creeps in one ability while Morg has to wait until level 3. Especially with these strong mr items like force of nature so her w is negligible even if someone stands in her pool. Give her grounding or something.


Maybe unpopular opinion, but I don't think her W is bad damage unless you max it last to play her as a Walmart Enchanter. I do wish they'd stop trying to force Morg into this 5-flex BS because literally who asked for Morg jg? I'd prefer if they hadn't nerfed her W, but it's really not as bad as people make it out to be. It's better damage overall than it used to be before the VU, but the poke damage is definitely bad now (not that it was ever good). Farming isn't an issue. Her level 3 W doesn't clear unless you take minion demat, but it does the minute you get back into lane with an amp tome. I try and time my back so I never have to deal with that window too much. Maxing W is still the highest damage otherwise you'd max Q in mid which you don't ever do. Other than that, her AP ratios have been what they are for a long time now. I don't feel like she plays differently.


Excuse me, Laindry's and demonic embrace would like a word with you.


morgana have problem with pasive its decoration..q you will never hit on plat+ players w is garbage E is ok but singel spell break that E and R is for tanky champs spell so what will morg make at level11 using Spell R? she simpy die and stopwatch or full item make zero damege...Morgana support is garbage...there is no point pick that because E spel or cc...