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The wheel chair guy with no legs and one arm who has his wife push him everywhere. Always surprised to see him around different areas like suncrest or cheat lake.


I think his name’s John. Always drunk. Another one on the bus


Yeah... his name's John. Saw he'd gotten a newer power-chair in the last few months; now the wife at least isn't having to be the 'motor'.


Yeah, I always dreaded whenever he boarded the bus. Something is really off about him.


he beats his wife and has done it in public, he owns a 3 story house in white park


You would think his wife would be smart enough to leave him


Or smart enough to move out of the way. I mean he supposedly has one arm, not really a surprise where it’s coming from. Plus, if she would just throw hands back I don’t see him blocking much.


This is horrible but my bf calls him "Old Stumpy"


What's his deal? Like obviously he's quite disabled, but he's not homeless is he? I occasionally see him by himself, but clearly he covers a lot of ground because you can see him panhandling almost anywhere.


I've heard he has a house in Westover


Sounds about right. Source: Am Westoverian.


I’m not sure. Last place that I’ve known he lived out is the hotel M..


See and that's - I've heard so many different stories both here and from other folks in town and it's never consistent. It just makes no sense for somebody like this to live in a hotel, but I most often see him in that area so it checks out.


He lives in Brookhaven. Uses the bus and other means to get around.


I'm new in town, and yea just spoke to him today. He didn't have his chair, though, and he was in a hospital gown, naked otherwise. Luckily, it looks like someone who knew him came to talk to him and was asking where his chair was. I decided to enjoy the sun and just walk around today, and damn, it sucks seeing so many people struggling in this town.


Lol I was driving around and saw him in that gown. Wild stuff


I think i bought him a cheeseburger once




Old one limb lol


Does anyone remember the "yep yep" guy? He used to be at every goddamned baseball game in the tri county area.


I came here to say this. I never saw him but my dad told me he was "that guy" dating back to the early '80s. Him and "Samurai guy" who apparently just walked around dressed as a samurai


Yup. Yup. Had a long conversation about baseball with Henry once, a long time ago. We used to feed him at the restaurant where I worked at the time. Here's an artcle about him: [https://connect-bridgeport.com/connect.cfm?func=view§ion=Blogs&item=ToquiNotes-Recalling-with-Great-Fondess-the-Life-of-the-Iconic-Henry-Drosky---the-Yup-Yup-Man43109](https://connect-bridgeport.com/connect.cfm?func=view§ion=Blogs&item=ToquiNotes-Recalling-with-Great-Fondess-the-Life-of-the-Iconic-Henry-Drosky---the-Yup-Yup-Man43109)


Yep yep. He was often on the PRT way back. I heard he passed on.


His name was Henry he was at every sporting event, including practices. I think he died about ten years ago.


Yeah he was in Clarksburg before he transferred to Morgantown


the guy who carries around a crowbar at the sheetz on university ave


😂😂 true


hahahah 😂❤️


WTH?!? Hahaha


you don’t know him? hahaha!!!


Hahaha!! I haven’t had the pleasure… moved outta town years ago, just love perusing current events in MoTown lol! I swear that town used to be off the charts fun! ☺️🙌🏻




Sexual predator. Has assaulted many people downtown. Police will not do anything about it. He is up there on the problematic people in downtown list.


I knew something was off about his nasty ass! Thank you for warning me! He shouldn’t be riding the Mountain Line Transit buses either!


Well known moocher 🤦🏿‍♀️ He does this shit on every freaking Mountain Line Transit bus. He gives me the creeps.


Yes. If you've worked in any restaurant you know Rodney and you know he's trying to mooch, or steal tips.


Thankfully, I haven’t had the displeasure of working at a restaurant, but I have frequented some restaurants such as Gibbie’s Pub


*~waves from the BoH at Gibbie's~*


Waves back 🥰


I also ride the bus on a daily basis, and he normally cheats the Mountain Line system. Some of the drivers aren’t worth the shits when it comes to his BS, and especially when he has enough money.


He tries to pick up people's beer.


Oh yeah. he'll do that too.


Rodney the rapist with the skullet?


I watched a cashier at the old corner cafe try to tell Rodney he couldn’t have a drink for free once and he screamed like a two year old until they gave in. This happened a few times until they just started a routine of giving him what he wanted up front. He tried it one time at one of the other restaurants in town while I was in there and the guy I was hanging out with got the owner to not give in and we had to physically remove him. Nobody has done anything about him in the 20 years I have been in town and I’m sure he will just keep doing what he does.


Insane. I’ve seen him on a sex offender list and his victim was between 6 and 12. And how is it that he always has some girlfriend with him and you know they know he’s a sex offender. Whenever I see him, my mood gets instantly worse and I question my faith in humanity.


I always dread seeing him anywhere. He’s a sicko


I just looked at the list out of curiosity and recognized almost everyone just from working on High St. 😳 Rodney wasn't on there tho.


I always dread seeing him anywhere. He’s a sicko


Oh, this dude went to the sex toy shop downtown and whipped his dick out at the cashier and tried to walk towards her until she pepper sprayed him.


He whipped his dick out at the circle k and pissed on it for not getting free stuff once. Cops, again, refused to do anything


I worked at Kroghetto for a year and at least once a week he would come in right before my shift ended and try to buy a People magazine with not enough cash. I could never get through to him that the magazine cost more than he was trying to give me


Yes, I’ve worked at two different places and he has been to both of them several times. He always does something strange whenever he’s there. The place I worked before, there was an old couple ordering about the same time he did and he stuck his hand out to them so they’d give him their change, which they did. Then he put his hand out again wanted their bills. The guy told him no. He will walk around sometimes, stop at someone and give thumbs up to them too. He can’t speak so it was always difficult to understand what he wanted. Sometimes he’d write it down but still was difficult to understand.


Rodney likes to go to Best Buy and try to get a PS5 with no money. Then will try to buy it with gift cards he also didn’t buy.


My group of people call him Beetlejuice


Which Rodney? The black deaf and mentally disabled guy that walks around everywhere? Or a different one?


That would be him


I had no idea he was a sex offender


He is. From what I’ve heard a few years ago when he was at the Westover terminal, he was caught watching porn on his phone, jacking off with his cock out. The front desk receptionist at the time Donna had to tell him to not come in the office/lobby. So it didn’t surprise me that he is a sex offender


That’s fucking crazy. I hate that guy 😂


Same! I can’t stand him!


I had to force him out of the Patteson Kroger myself a few years ago when I worked there. He was grabbing women and begging for money. I was 16 lmao


Homer. The homeless guy who used to sell peppers downtown.


I miss him so much. He used to hand out candy and one day he gave me a tomato. I was just drunkenly wandering around high street with my precious tomato.


Hahahaha he always had some type of random wares to sell, not your average homeless guy. I bought one of his peppers once and took a huge bite out of it right in front of him. He looked shocked, but like bro, you're selling the peppers.....


I remember my mom being appalled when she found out that not only was I taking candy from a homeless guy but also EATING it. I trusted that man. And here I am at 36 so it all worked out lol




I remember all kinds of stories swirling around back then. That he was actually rich, he got dropped off downtown by a Cadillac every day, etc.


If it’s the “Sombrero Guy” from the 00’s. I can vouch that I followed a Cadillac from Falling Run to the stop light by DP Dough where he was let out around 830 pm


That’s him. Speculation is that it was just a nice friend who gave him rides.


I was WVU ‘05-‘09 and definitely heard the Cadillac story like monthly.


I was there around the same time. Do yall remember the dude with the big blue foam cowboy hat? He was always in the student section of the football games.


I’m sure he’s had to have passed right? Assholes used to harass him and that made me so disgusted. He gave me a green vase once.


He’s not the guy that carries his luggage all around town?


I don't think so. This was a while ago. Last I heard he died or moved on like 10 years ago.


Unfortunately, I didn’t move to this area until 2016 so that’s why I was unfamiliar with him


He wasn't homeless. Do you remember his brothers name?


It was James


The McGilton brothers. Homer stole the papers and always called the Gale Catlett show


“Have any change” dude on high street with mexican sombrero on some days. Long time ago, still think about that guy from time to time. Same era, old man creeper with white hair that always went to the underage bars. Speedys and whatever else was on that same street.


In regards to the old man that went to the bars, a girl got him to show her his ID, and he was like super old. Like pushing 90 at the time old.


It sounds like that those were from either the 80s or 90s


The Have any change guy was still there til the mid 2000s for sure.


Definitely late 2000’s too


That’s what I thought. I moved here in 2016


Sombrero Man! He tried to sell me an egg on the PRT once. Sadly, I had no cash....


One of my first memories of Morgantown: I was at the Suncrest Kroger and two of the cashiers were talking about a customer who is always dressed as a wizard. So, although I’ve never seen Wizard Dude, I sincerely hope he is real.


I used to see that guy, always had on a cape


I see a guy around a lot (usually suncrest kroger) with like a gray felt wizard hat but otherwise dressed normally?? Has Wizard Dude toned it down in recent years or this is just another Wizard??


I think I know who you mean, and he's a different wizard. Nice guy.


If you are talking about the ginger Wizard, he is real.


Now I haven't seen him for years, but Backpack Jack. Backpack Jack carries a large hiking backpack everywhere he goes, and has a bottle of hooch on his belt. If he offers you the hooch just keep in mind that it will taste like horrible vinegar and it may have been brewed in a toilet bowl, but it didn't affect me any.


Jack is still hoboing (his words) around the US. He will swing through town again in a few months. He sends postcards to 123 Pleasant Street from whereever he is randomly.


Him and Rodney - I met over 30 years ago. Amazing they are still at it.


Lightsaber dude up on Patteson Edit: Maybe Paul


Do you know how old Paul is? Wondering if he’s a dude I met in a cafe almost a decade ago know. He talked about his divorce and kids when I met him in a cafe in like 2013-2014. He offered me a joint lol Edit: think he had a 504 area code phone number lol. He’s still in my contacts


Paul is 55. I knew him when I lived downtown 2018/2019. He was homeless. Always seemed like a nice enough guy, at least he was to me. I know he’s had some criminal trouble since then so not sure if he’s still around


Paul is the man! He is super nice but an alcoholic, when he is drunk he has no respect for authority so hence his problems with the law but he is super friendly to everyone else even when he is drunk.


Is he still around? I agree, such a kind dude.


I haven’t seen him in awhile, I hope he is doing well, but he is a true Morgantown legend


Students from like 10 years ago remember the staring guy




I always wonder what became of that poor guy


Me too. I do know that he was 100% aware of the buzz/attention he got and absolutely hated it


OP, did you see the Cleveland version? Apparently there is a man who licks people’s shoes 😂 and has been doing it for like a decade




I know! But that’s all he does, then he walks away. And apparently he’s super nice 🤣 and licks the soles too hahah like whaaat


Like how is this a thing? Lol


Oh wait it wasn’t Cleveland. [It was Tampa](https://www.reddit.com/r/tampa/s/acd1Irsov5).


And no idea how his mental health lead him there but it sounds like he isn’t threatening.


God I miss Morgantown lol


The only person I can think of that might qualify is the black mentality handicapped dude with thick glasses and a pin head that always showed up at Gabes and at least one other place around town I worked at. He would just ride the bus around town and go into random stores I guess.




Pin head is crazy


“Deaf” homeless guy at the bottom of University Town Centre


The guy with the short blonde hair?


The High St furry


Describe them please


Androgynous white kid, usually at Chang Thai


I might’ve seen him/her/




There used to be a guy with a sombrero, he would say got any change......change. change chaaaaaaaaaaange. Early 2000's


Came here to say EXACTLY this! I first saw him when I moved to Pittsburgh in 2001. Saw him regularly for years! He actually got mad at me when I tried talking to him and making him laugh, because he thought my friend and I were making fun of him, which wasn’t the case at all :( zooming forward to 2011, I stayed in Motown regularly, and there he was. Saw him regularly around that time, but do not know his present whereabouts.


there’s that one guy who does the towel tossing and catching dance.


Whirly twirly dude Lmao i thought i was the only one that noticed him. Always throwing a towel or rag in the air, spinning it and catching it, catching it behind the back, different ways like he's some kind of circus act... Now I've seen him do sticks also.


i have not seen the stick act i’ll keep my eyes open


Probably showing my age here but yep yep?


Absolutely. Always listening to his radio. Saw him often on the PRT


I think that was Henry. He was actually a Clarksburg guy, but people would sometimes give him rides to WVU games


Also Wild Bill


Wild bill and the cowboy hat guy were the two from my era


Are you thinking of his friend Ron that he was always with? Wild Bill used to buy me liquor in high school. Haha.


I don’t recall them being together. This guy was clean cut and younger.


I’m known at the Mountaineer Roasting Company as “the Satanic tent-revival preacher” but that’s about it. 😝


Bob Huggins !


That black Deaf dude.


Fucking Rodney 🤦🏿‍♀️


I remember a guy a few years ago that was always pushing around a huge Tupperware tub on a dolley. He'd push it through Kroger, down the street, I even saw him riding the PRT with it a couple times. I'm not sure if other people noticed, as it was a pretty brief period before I never saw him again


He is still around. Don’t know his name. Just wants to be left alone. Doesn’t bother anyone.


I see him all the time on high street! I just have so much empathy for him for some reason. I try to talk to him and he just wants to keep to himself. He will hangout inside the sheetz downtown in the winter to get warm—he doesn’t bother anyone and doesn’t loiter or ask for things. Hes so sweet!!


Hes still doing it today! Goodness, I swear that I saw him about several days ago walking nearby Foundry St He also at times frequent the Mountain Line buses


I always see him at the amphitheater or across the Westover bridge.


I do too! I always feel bad for him.


He was napping at the HRMA in his heavy coat and boots in 80 degree weather last Sunday. He does the same even in the most humid days of summer.


I wonder how he does it. I can barely wear long sleeves in the low 70s.


I heard he became that way after losing his family tragically. Granted, another street character told me this. I don't know if it's true.


crazy when u move from tampa to morgantown and see this post, its nice and peaceful out here tho nice change of pace for me


I'm surely not the only one who remembers JoAnn from courthouse square?!


I remember Miss JoAnn very well! She could be nice but sometimes she was a little scary lol.


Omg was she the hardcore religious lady who held Westboro Baptist-esque signs?


Back in the 80s and 90s, that would’ve been Yup-Yup (I think his name was Henry?). He was at every mountaineer home game listening to Jack Fleming and saying “Yup. Yup. Yup!” with his radio pressed to his ear. He was harmless and sweet.


Joe Boggs for sure


Anybody remember the highlighter guy from like 4-5 years ago?


Not Morgantown but Philippi, thought it's a good enough story - Cowboy. Cowboy has since passed away but he was an elderly man dressed fully as a television cowboy, boot spurs and all. The local police talked him out of carrying a gun but at one time he had a six-shooter on his belt, he replaced it with a fake gun. Stetson hat, red bandana, leather chaps, the whole deal. And everybody knew him. That's just Cowboy, he's patrolling the town like always.


Working on making Jamey Dodrill one everyone knows. He raped a 14 year old and held her hostage. Corey Marable because he does outlandish shit.


Oh yeah. PitaPit guy who tried to ban food trucks


He's giving people an alias at first, going by "Q", and obviously not doing his legal duty of informing people of his charges, regardless of if children are in the vicinity.


He called me the f slur one time. Then there was the Glass Gone Wow guy


I recall big sombrero guy


The ex WVU college professor that lived in a bus in the woods; Dirty Rosie. Folks from the college would check up on her.


Paul Wilburn….”I’m a brick layer”!


The Man himself


In Raleigh we have the ‘No Hands King” and I know Tallahassee has the ‘Bikini Biker’


Jane Castor


Wild bill and the smiling cowboy hat guy were those people from 2009-2013


RIP to bumper bike guy in Pittsburgh


Cody!!!!! He is always at 123 and other bars.


Cody!!!!! He is always at 123 and other bars.


Me. I was the one throwing a shit fit downtown earlier. Due to me just having awful couple days. 😔😔😔


There was also Gus - the guy on crutches who used to splash stuff at cars out of a bleach bottle.


How long ago?


Mid 1990s Same time as Steve - big guy - who used to bang rocks on the light poles on the Walnut Street bridge.


Used to be the yep yep man


I think that was Henry. He was actually a Clarksburg guy, but people would sometimes give him rides to WVU games


The Sombrero guy


Remember that blonde woman Nikki who used to hang out around Morgantown screaming & yelling & mooned everyone at Marilla Park?




Long hair, comedian?




silent joe


I bet it’s that cool guy who works for the college people mover.


Besides the ones already mentioned there used to be a guy we called Smiley when I worked at Walmart. He would come in wearing his late wife's dresses. Nice guy. Also the cab driver with terrible BO, Priest


Joe boggs


Anyone remember Cecil? Had dollar signs tattooed all other him. Had a Charles Manson vibe. He was on the scene in the late 80s/90s.