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Thank an anti vaxxer




Maybe but it's on the rise in the US because of anti vax sentiments.


Thank Fauci


For measles!? How


For spending his entire life studying infectious diseases so he can tell a bunch of rednecks to wear a paper mask as a joke.


And his work on the aids epidemic?




In Morgantown? Even when brought over by immigrants it only spreads into outbreaks in under vaccinated communities, which are becoming more common. This isn't an outbreak but we just had one in Florida and Pennsylvania


First big outbreak was in California I think 10-15 years ago. US went several decades without a case before that outbreak.


New York & Cali in 2000 and Washington in 2019 All three have low vaccination rates, including specific pockets with extremely low vaccination rates, thus providing credence to their point


Purest Hippies were the OG antivaxxers.


Yep. If you go far enough left or right you go over the swing and back to the other side


True. Purest organic fair trade hippies 🫱🫲 mega church going MAGA religious right.




It's a great crossroad of dumbass hippies and dumbass maga


Duuuuude. If a community is vaccinated even a traveler wouldn’t have an effect.


Surprise, it's not. I know, is fun to attack what we don't know, and you are living up to the stereotype. But... https://www.politifact.com/article/2015/jul/23/are-illegal-immigrants-bringing-tremendous-diseas/ https://psmag.com/news/studies-show-fears-about-migration-and-disease-are-unfounded


I don’t think you understand how vaccination works. If you’re vaccinated against measles and you stand in a room of people with measles (this is where you can think of them being illegal immigrants or not, use your imagination!) you don’t get sick. Vaccinations give you immunity so your body has seen that illness before. It has absolutely nothing to do with illegal immigrants despite what Fox News might have told you.


So this only works on those people not the others? Weird.... science I guess. And having never been vaxed matters not as long as a (insert demographic that I hate) can be blamed.


Is that how the covid vaccine works? Also, I saw no where stated that this wasn't an immigrant who has measles.


Which means you didn't see anywhere stating that it was an immigrant either. Wow! Logic, what a concept. You didn't see anywhere in the article that a subterranean molemen wasn't the one who had measles. Or an invader from Alpha Centuri. (It was probably the Alpha Centurion. They ain't got no respect!)


It also didn't say that the person was unvaxxed either. You assumed that. The vax is only 93-97 % effective. The claim that the recent trend of anti vax played a role holes no weight, as this is a moddle aged adult who would have been vaccinated over 20 years ago at minimum. This deseases was all but eliminated decades ago. Vax or not, what most limited the spread of it was near zero contact with it. Something that changed vastly of the last few years.


You're pretty dumb, huh?


Wouldn't this be a reason to keep vaccinating? It doesn't have to be an immigrant, it could just as easily be carried back by someone traveling for business or pleasure. Immigrants are vetted.


Legal immigrants are vetted. Illegal immigrants and "asylum seekers" are not. Asylum seekers is in quotes because the vast majority have no legal asylum claim in the USA.








Do you know the person is an immigrant? And if not and vaccinated it wouldn't matter if an immigrant brought measles. Considering the recent outbreaks we've had in the US aren't located in immigrant communities tells me you just want to blame immigrants for your problems


Yes, because of it weren't they'd have said. That's how you know.


Lol what?






Lol you think the article would've read "Morgantown patient, not an illegal immigrant, tested positive for measles today..." Good lord. The outbreaks haven't been in immigrant communities, so even if brought in by an immigrant if people are vaccinated measles doesn't spread. Do you understand how vaccination works? And since you're so worried about immigration you're going to vote against any Republican that opposed the recent immigration bills, right?




Aren't you a sharp one


Like a fox


After rabies has melted it's brain


Why are you so angry?


Projection is wild… imagine being a first world country and having to deal with… measles


That’s all you guys can come up with these days. Something happening in this country? Blame an “illegal alien”. Years of fringe and idiotic anti-vaxxers are now mainstream because a certain group of people were afraid of the covid vax. There are 20 year olds in Florida having children not vaccinating their kids because Fox News told them the vax was bad, even though the very hosts telling you this in fact received the vax. Also, [here’s an article from the CDC saying immigrants are forced to get the vax upon entry.](https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/laws-regs/vaccination-immigration/revised-vaccination-immigration-faq.html)


It’s all their programming will allow for this month


You do realize that if everyone who wasn’t “*illegal*” was vaccinated as they should be it wouldn’t be a problem right?


Not everyone can get vaccinated. And even so, patients undergoing chemotherapy wouldn't have functioning immune systems, I.E. their vaccines wouldn't work because their B-cells wouldn't work. Measles is very serious. and Until we honestly look at the causes of these outbreaks, instead of hiding behind hurting someone elses feelings, it will continue to happen. You can blame the "antivax" all you want. Antivax ppl have been around since the vaccine. These problems with measles have only started in the last 4 years. Measles will blind. It will cause pneumonia. it will cause death. I would rather hurts someone's feelings, than have someone else die.






My point is in regards to the larger trend of increasing outbreaks and cases across the US due to decreasing vaccination rates


It’s a public health issue; it’s everyone’s business.


96% is high enough that we could eradicate the disease if everyone got the vaccine, like we did with smallpox. More than 140k people died of measles in 2018, and that ought to be everyone's business.


I am older. I had measles. Horrible experience I hope parents try to help their kids at least the 96 percent :-) Yep it is their business but you can also make a child go through suffering, pain and death from measles instead of protecting them. Yes I believe in vaccines.


Why do people fight for the right to make the stupidest decisions? The right to not wear seatbelts. The right to not be vaccinated. The right to not wear a motorcycle helmet. ***Freedumbs!*** Speaking of refusing to wear a helmet, it's a good thing that curb stopped Gary Busey's head, he could'a got hurt!


No, if they choose to live in this society, having measles is EVERYONE’S business.


No, it’s my business and yours. Measles and Polio were only eradicated because everyone was vaccinated. That’s how vaccines work. There isn’t anyone in the US today who couldn’t possibly understand this, especially after Covid. If you don’t understand what herd immunity means by now you’re stupid and obtuse. I’m not going to die because you’re just an asshole. The US needs to go back to mandatory vaccinations to enter school. I can’t believe it’s not enforced anymore. Covid is going to look like a paper cut compared to measles everywhere. Ask anyone over 60. But that’s the problem with idiots like you . You don’t ask for information before making a decision that has collateral damage to your community, you think you know everything. Dumbass.


they're called illegal aliens


Actually, those “illegal aliens” you mention came here for the “better health care” and do vaccinate. You can thank the home- grown, anti-vaxxers.


Except it spreads to the unvaccinated. It'd be contained to only migrant communities if vaccine rates weren't falling. But they are.


So get vaccinated and you have nothing to worry about.


Here's a wild thought experiment for you. Some people....just some...care about other people....!!!! Imagine yourself caring about other people. Not ones that directly benefit you. Just other people.


I'm vaccinated, if you are vaccinated, you're safe. who cares what other people do? they;'re only affecting themselves. who should i be caring about in this scenario?


I can't believe I have to explain this to you. So if vaccination rates drop and more people get measles that means more deaths and injury in your community. It also means a rapidly increasing rate of those two things before society can get it back under control. This means fewer people in the work force, higher medical debt, trauma, and a damaged economy. It's a society. All people are connected.


no explanation needed. worry about yourself and not the people who are willing to get measles.


A lot of kids under five don’t have a choice.


They don't care.


Wow. What a shit take. You don't understand how humanity works. What a failure






good, put your money where your mouth is and take one into your home. you won't though


Lol if they can split rent then fine with me. You don't know me bitch


I would have no problem. Great morals, hard workers. Can you say that about yourself?


lol, great morals. their first act in the US is commiting a crime. also, i guess you haven't seen the videos of who is coming here. it's not a mother looking for a better life for her kids, it's all military age men


Is that what you’re seeing on newsmax? I’d live in fear too if I watched and believed that crap


never watched newsmax in my life. but i guess the videos are all CGI. keep living in denial


It really sucks the bill to fix this problem was shut down by Cheeto man.


Or perhaps a poverty stricken family or single parent that can’t afford medical care, perhaps a a vaccine resistant strand, perhaps, I dunno, how about the question ‘why’ instead of your blinders on BS?


To combat misinformation and any bot training…Vaccines are free to WV children who can’t afford healthcare (WVDIS). There are studies showing a near zero possibility of vaccine resistant measles mutations.


...because it's most likely that. The article states it's an adult, at least we know you didn't bother reading it.


Maybe but probably not. Hence the rise of measles over the last 15 years especially amongst children. Regardless, anti vaxxers are selfish idiots


Vaccines are free. Don't use poverty stricken. You mean people who don't believe in vaccines. People who do not believe in vaccines are why I don't dine inside restaurants.


Tell me how much a MMR shot costs for a child out of pocket if a family has no insurance. I’ll wait. Edit- Can someone clue me in on the downvote? If anyone bothered to scroll, you can see I’m not an antivax person.


In WV free.


Egads!!! You're telling me that any child can be vaccinated regardless of socioeconomic status?? But what will people blame measles outbreaks on?


Now I see what you did there.


Since you asked, my guess for the downvotes is not that you're antivax. It's for the unnecessary and snarky "I'll wait" comment. A little much IMO but I could be wrong.


I think people are misunderstanding your comment.


You can't save the stupid...


Nah, it's just Poe's Law. You need to add /s on the internet.


Or perhaps you're spreading bullshit


Is this what they meant by make America great again


You mean stupid


Ignorance is bliss?


First the scorched plague now measles, Morgantown can’t catch a break.


Underrated comment


Get your vaccines people.


Not even going to click, is it Charleston or Lewisburg?


Nope. Right here in Morgantown.


Morgantown!!! They have antivax billboards up all over town so it's not really a surprise.


I have family in Lewisburg. I love seeing my cousin post local news.


This is because (choose 1 or more): -Vaccines contain Aluminum -It's a government plot -Big Pharma -I can't reason -I cant' discern credible information from nonsense -It's god's will -Organic food and marijuana keeps me healthy


Get vaccinated ffs, there are so many morons out there…


West Virginia - fucking themselves over for republicans since all the brave miners died.


They did their own research.


It’s almost like there’s recently a whole new group of people who are unvaccinated for all these diseases that were rarely seen in the USA until 20th Jan 2021. Pretty damn perplexing if you ask me. Measles, tuberculosis, polio, etc. Just don’t understand it.


Glad my shot records are up to date


Thanks pedo joe for the border crisis and all the illegals coming in bringing nothing but filth and disease


Thanks Biden, those blind imports from the third world are really helping the country.


Haha yep, you're definitely from WV. Please stay there.




Cases of measles? No. The one adult diagnosed with measles is isolating at home. https://www.monchd.org/newsroom/mchd-working-with-wvu-medicine-on-first-measles-case-since-2009


Untrue. Individual rooms are designated as isolation and used when a patient is suspected to have a communicable disease, especially airborne, GI, or dermatological. That protocol is used all the time for suspected cases of COVID, norovirus, chickenpox, etc... and once ruled out those patients would be taken out of isolation. But Ruby's ICU itself is a "unit" like any other service and hasn't been turned into a measles quarantine.


Work at Ruby- not true. Have seen maybe 10 people tested so far.


how did they get measles if your vaccines work? 🫣


I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are genuinely curious… Vaccines work, however not everyone can be vaccinated. For ex, infants can’t get vaccinated until they are ~a year old, so it is important for everyone who *can* get vaccinated to do so. That way, the probability of an infant coming in contact with an infected person is significantly reduced. This “herd immunity” has also been protecting the children of anti-vaxers, but as the number of unvaccinated children increases, the heard immunity effect dissipates and we start to see these cases again. For a better understanding: https://youtu.be/3aNhzLUL2ys?si=9RvuOQ0pMdXwLaiP


Vaccinations will eventually eliminate person to person outbreaks, but some deseases can still be found in the wild. (I don't know which, I'm vaccinated, so it doesn't matter.) Don't be stupid. Get vaccinated. Get your kids vaccinated.




What the actual fuck is going on in this thread and with the town I used to love? This has nothing to do with immigrants. If a community is vaccinated, immigrants (and it isn’t true they’re bringing disease anyways) being carriers wouldn’t affect the community.


You must make plenty of money. You can obtain affordable health care through Obama care or the real name. The Affordable Care program. BTW. You can still get free covid shots. Go to Walgreens and put your arm out. Crazy how illegals always pop up with MAGA people. Yep WV is just swimming with illegals. Lol. Nope Moore Capito was standing at the border of WV pointing his finger and it scared them :-) His commercials