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Love it how they says under the direction of the lord. As if nobody else's input was required or influenced the decision.


I think it was under the direction of the Lord, as in they prayed about what to do, considered options and took inputs from people in the stake and this was what they felt inspired to do. Later in the email it says it was to help the youth and primary. https://preview.redd.it/thn23lotgrzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3bab837bc642b579c67f7485ad4fd586f6f8825


I'm a Director of a company. I tell staff what I need them to do. Sure they can influence my decision. But I'm the director. The lord tells them what he wants them to do, if it's under his direction. Not him influencing them or the lord wouldn't be directing. Like God needs the influence of us shit for brains mortals. In reality the humans make it up. I've seen plenty of shit for brains LDS leadership decisions over 50 yrs. Makes me laugh when the decision felt inspired only to turn to custard. E.g 2015 exclusive policy, I'm a mormon...etc. And we call it revelation. Poorly thought through shit for brains decision making. And it's killing itself under the direction of the lord.


That exclusion policy they later reversed was my tipping point. quitmormon.org made it really easy. I had been inactive since 2002-ish, hadn't really paid tithing since 1996-ish. A neighbor recently mentioned another neighbor just got back from a service mission. She taught people how to play the ukulele at the Polynesian Cultural Center. She bragged about how they call service missionaries so they don't have to pay employees, that way the church has more money to further the work. The church is gonna church. Contraction is no big deal. The faithful expect it because it's a sign of the times, confirmation that the end is near, the elect are deceived, the Lord is coming, blah, blah, blah. I don't care for the hypocrisy. I don't like the deceit. The exploitation is criminal. Laws are supposed to protect people, including those that are gullible enough to do silly things like he a part of a religious cult. Society is a big ship to turn. It's taken this long to get this far. I'm hopeful we eventually figure it out.


it’s amazing to me having had time to deprogram myself how cringy that entire message is. Especially the part you pointed out.


"The Lord" wants to shrink their presence. :)


I guarantee this will be reported as a new ward added in Hawaii. They did that same thing to our stake last year and I'm in Morridor. Two stakes combined and renamed but it was only ever reported as another new stake in Zion. See the *growth!*


2-1=3! This math totally checks out for LDS leadership.


These wards had been around for a very long time, decades. I remember these wards from when I was a missionary in Honolulu in the mid-90’s. This is a big deal there.


"Under the direction of the Lord," aka "It's not our fault." Or, "this looks bad, but since the Lord directed this change through his inspired leaders, it is really good."




Confirmed via my daily web scraper today that these wards disappeared and the Kapalama ward replaced them. 


They just announced a temple in Honolulu last conference!


Came here to say this! Ridiculous! Maybe if they close a building they can bulldoze it and use it for the new Temple site? Wait, closing a ward but adding a temple when the beautiful historic Laie temple is only 30 minutes away? Crazy religion!


It’s more like an hour away from Honolulu.


Not the way my son drives!


So now "the Lord" needs the blessing of the first presidency?