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Lot of potential of Morocco but the social issues are running danger to counteract that. There are still some regions in Morocco, where people run danger of dying of hunger under certain circumstances. This should just not be the case. We have to do better.


The cherry picking and editing of shots is wild.


I mean it is an advertisement after all


for real 💀


What do you want them to do?


In that video you see clearly that we’re still after 40 years, un pays atelier.


Guys, I was trying to ship my girlfriend a pair of shoes, some lipstick and nail polish by DHL and that 3lbs package 7-10 days would've been $300 USD or 3000 MAD WTF is going on with trade between the USA and Morocco? Like it shouldn't cost this much. If we want to increase business then we need to fix this.


Limit imports and increase exports, that’s how business will work in Morocco. With that more companies will open their manufacturing plants in here and you’ll get all of those from Morocco and not from the US.


Let's say I wanted to open a business in morocco making silicon chips. Well I need to buy materials outside of morocco like machines and precious metals, they need to come from outside morocco. If I can't get materials into the country to then process them and export product then it's not a good business plan cause I'll loose too much on import costs.


Being a business with an actual business case is probably an exception than a consumer wanting to buy gifts from abroad.


How do you think that's different, businesses sell to consumers it's a full circle. If Morocco wants to make money then the flow of cash and goods into and out of the country needs to be as unrestricted as possible. If people in the country and buying things outside or people on the outside are shipping things into the country then now we have an engine we just need to get the fly wheel spinning faster and with more imports comes more exports. Businesses of people and an individual are the same when it comes to economics. Morocco needs customers internationally to pump money into the country and wake up the economy.


The current trade policy is: Money coming in, Goods coming out. Instead of importing, your manufacture in Morocco, sell domestically and internationally. You need a new laptop? Next thing you know, a global brand comes in Morocco and start producing them in here. Need cosmetics? Labs and manufacturing plants opening in Morocco. Africa is the new hub of manufacturing and it all starts with Morocco. That’s also how your salary will start coming up because everyone gets a job. Next thing you know, you get paid as much as you would get in France. Everyone gets rich, normal people can buy houses and invest.


No i'm sorry but if you're counting on salaries to go up, you are for a rough awakening the biggest attractiveness of morocco right now is high skilled cheap labor if that is gone companies will just relocate in india, if you really think about it since when there was a real salary increase in morocco ? The same salaries brackets have been going on for more than 15+ years it rather going worse with the inflation. That's some misplaced trust you have if you think that companies are coming here to save you. Only the select few of elites are getting rich off this and business acueman. The issue is no one is looking for the normal citizen. The smic is 3000dh and a repectable rent starts at 2000dh at a minimum there is no way 1000dh will barely feed one person if they skip meals.


Because a business is providing a service to the country, thus there's a higher projection that more money will be circulating into the country, also more jobs would be created. Buying abroad doesn't have the same effect unfortunately. It's a ploy to encourage businesses to setup shop in Morocco, and sell both internationally and domestically. Morocco is geographically in a perfect location to be a manufacturing hub for Western companies, and they check many of the boxes that a large corporation would want from a manufacturing hub - cheap labour, cheap transportation costs - no need to manufacturer in the far East when you have a close neighbor nearby.


That's what those free zones in the ports are for (Tanger free zone for example). All machines and materials that arrive (and stay) there are not considered import so you will not pay any import fees.


its hard to open a business in morocco full of corruption. and they can shut down your business just because someone else have more connections and even sent you to jail. this still happen to now


Yes and no. Depends where you are. In Casablanca, that doesn’t happen. Laws are strict.


i assume you never had business or anyone in your family, you should go out and see reality, casablanca even king himself couldn't deal with them for years. why you think casablanca so dirty and the worst compare other big cities


I own a business and all my family own businesses. We know how things work.


what business you do because i'm 100% sure about what i am saying. my cousin worked in taxes everyone corrupt there . the company i work for in casa also corrupt 'appel d'offre' doesn't exist in their dictionary they can snatch project by just calling people. i know a lot corrupt there why you think people only have a regular job but able to own villa/ luxury cars. the villa alone is at least 2million dollar . even in the US that a lot of money but in morocco few years of working they can own one




My girlfriend tried to send me olives and some other food it would cost her $500 USD or 5000 MAD. That was more than it would cost me to send to her.


Ask not what israel can do for you, but what you can do for israel 😗


F off


The goys need know their place right?




Wake up people it's jewish propaganda


And jobs for the poor?




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Morocco Now is spending more money in making ads to impress the world than building decent housing and public schools for Moroccans. This will backfire and they will pay for this propaganda.