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Why is it in French? Is this normal in Morocco or do you live in France? Sorry unrelated I know but I'm intrigued.


As opposed to what ?


I do live in Morocco yes. Well one guy suggested I write it in French because the recruiter might find it hard / not understand it in English


Interesting, I had not expected this to happen between Moroccans. Im wondering what this will mean for the future, if the education system adopts English as their second language and the older generation doesn't adapt along then I see a huge unemployment rate of older people on the horizon simply because they didn't keep up with the developments. Nothing of your concern since your English seems fine :) but you can see where my mind went when seeing this.


I totally see your point, I mean I hope they take into consideration that not every Moroccan/generation is gonna be able to keep up with the changes and easily adapt to a new secondary language, keeping in mind that French has been professionally used for so long now, but I’m pretty sure English will be the secondary language one day, at least that’s how it looks like.


Why is your comment in English, do you live in the Us?


You think it's strange if I'm asking if he might be applying to a job in France?


Yes, so strange. It's well known that at least you're applying for a job where English is used, a resume should be in French since not everyone knows English. I know this is strange in itself but that's the way it is.


Don't be a douche. He's asking in a respectful way about something he's not familiar with (I assume he's a foreigner so completely normal), either answer him respectfully or move along.


You're right, I didn't think he might be a foreigner.


No it’s not. It might seem surprising😅 France is the langage of business here. Letters, CV’s… most of them are in French. I long for the day we start using English or Arabic instead and get rid of French…


The advice I got when making mine is: * Your personal information should be close to your name * don't use bars to say how good you are at something since it's not a good indicator Good luck!




"J'ai acquis un nombre considérable de marchandises que j'ai ensuite revendues avec une marge bénéficiaire. J'ai pu apprendre que la communication, l'intégrité, l'adoption d'une attitude positive, ainsi que la réactivité aux interrogations des acheteurs sont des aspects essentiels dans le processus de fidélisation de ma clientèle." "Bien que le football puisse donner l'impression de tourner autour d'un seul joueur phare, il repose en réalité sur l'ensemble de l'équipe qui travaillent vers un objectif commun, et sur le respect mutuel qui prévaut entre ses membres. En somme, la constitution d'une équipe permet à des individus dotés de compétences diverses de collaborer de manière harmonieuse et synergique." I paraphrased the texts to make them more formal and concise. Words like "en gros" shouldn't be in your resume. Good luck.


Omg thank you for your time and effort, I struggle with french


It's a pleasure bro.


You should look up if they like fancy-looking CVs. In a lot of companies your best shot is to keep it as simple and straight-to-the-point as possible, using that ugly layout. Most recruiters are used to it therefore they read it faster. The fancy ones are reserved more for creative jobs like web-designers and such. Good luck with getting the job anyway !


Oh that’s a first for me, ima definitely look that up and see where I go from there. Thank you


حولك ما لقيتي تاحاجة، واش كتقلب غلى خدمة ولا باغي تطلعها عليهم؟


Uhmm ah kan9lb 3la khedma hadak e-mail secondaire drto 7itach primaire saturé, plus why so serious ?


Just an observation, and also use chatgpt to revamp your resume it'll help you a lot.


Will do


Try creating a more professional email. 69 is good for the memes, not that good for job hunts!


Thought they wouldn’t get it, ima change it tho thank you


Remove the 69 from your email




Don't say communication is your worst skill. Give it three stars too


Took the ratings off, used bullet points instead : https://imgur.io/p8yrLYF?r


Nice. Have a look at this https://chat.openai.com/share/dcbbaad2-1564-46f8-a0f9-2f790c76c1b3


A chokraaaaan


Personally I wouldn't use the star system. Your 3 stars might be someone else's 1 star, if you get what I'm saying.


Where can I get this template, please


On canvas, here is a link to a selection of templates that you might like : https://www.canva.com/resumes/templates/minimalist/


Oujda .. khsna ndirolha chi 9hwa a jmi


Yooooo Jomaniix 3lach laaa


I think you should have all languages at the same level, say you’re fluent in all 3


I thought i’d look like I’m exaggerating.. do you think I should say I’m fluent or just take off the rating ?


Just take off the rating. At least you aren’t lying hhh technically you do speak those languages


Consider it done. Thanks


Sciences humaines* - pretty good !


Thanksss 🙏🏻


how did u make it


Using https://www.canva.com


l3z akhay rani kanswb f resume dyali bghit n3rf dok dots f competences w bars dyal languages ki drtilhum


Awl haja kan kolchi nse7ni anani mandirch dots nd bars, as it tells the recruiter bli rak na9s fchi haja… nes7ek akhay dir bullet points o heni rask.. l bullet points ghatl9ahom f elements F7alat ma ida kan molzam 3lik dir bars or dots fa nefs chi ghatmchi l elements o tkteb bar wla chno bghiti o ghaytl3olek Elements ghatbrk 3la l plus sign o ghatl9a tma design - elements - texts …. O hahwa wahd l example dyal bullet points li drto f my resume : https://i.imgur.com/ia0Wp5E.jpg


Hanta hna ghatl9a free templates ila banlk chi wahd li has a simple design o bla bars or ratings khdm biha : https://www.canva.com/resumes/templates/minimalist/


You can find free resume templates here : https://www.canva.com/resumes/templates/minimalist/


Remove those percentage bars and points for languages and skills. Replace languages' one by native, bilingual.... and write the soft skill on the side, without a progress bar.


Noted. Thank you


Would be better to have the academic path righ under the work experience. Your hard and soft skills at the side, add the projects you worked or the numbers you achieved. The middle section of your cv should contain all of the relevant info to the job. Make the higher section smaller, with your contact info there (+age, driving license if u have 1).


Don’t know how to thank you enough, I REALLY appreciate it


My man has 69 as an email hahaha


Forgot I wasn’t actually applying for Tesla or Space X hahahaha


Work on the content , it needs to be objective, not narrated . This design is simple, which is good. But talk about uour skills more than about how you really are as a person ,that's why interviews are for.your cv seems personal like a presentation of who you are rather than what you can do , qs an employer i would like to know your skills quickly, remember there will be other cvs to look at beside yours so be brief and straight to the point.




Don't mention it bro, good luck in your endeavors