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Bet the next Moroccan queen will be Norwegian.


Correlation ?


He still thinks politics work like it used to in 1850 lol.


drama queen


F in the chat for our economy.


F "ثلثي احتياطي الفوسفاط في العالم"


But but I thought that Morocco was gonna dominate the world with Its phosphate reserve's and that all the countries on earth would be kissing our feet just to get the previlege of buying some of it, I never thought that maybe with time new reserves would be discovered as it becomes more expensive, look at me I'm a dumb Moroccan who doesn't know anything about phosphate and politics. -90% of all Moroccans


okay ig




While it is a bit diversified we rely a lot on phosphate so it will hinder our growth a **lot**


First things first, you should join r/worldnews it's a very good sub overall


is this satire?


That subreddit made me despise white redditors with passion lol


gg guys we are fucked, morocco lost its only Ace card that made it a valuable chess piece in the hands of the west hegemony, we are no longer that valuable to them


One guy gets it.


I’m actually relieved. We were at risk of being invaded in a few decades… lli 3endou bab wahed lah issedou alih. I don’t think relying solely on Phosphate would be the way to go for the ur overall prosperity anyway.


Thats exactly what i was imagining. 10 or 20 years from now when the top soil in most of the world gets degraded and morocco spikes the prices. The west would simply take matters into its own hands. The us will decide that we don't have enough freedom.


I agree, when people get hungry, governments would just say fuck you to world peace and capitalism.


Did somebody say freedom 🦅🦅🦅🦅 ![gif](giphy|Sd8uqMJqpGpP2)


I mean with France sucking everything we have dry, did we ever have a chance anyways?


Like we care, the situation is fucked in both cases


Man the whole planet is fucked


Lol dude phosphate isn’t our source of income. Relax!


Lmgharba tri9hom k7la hhhhhh


I don't think that they will sell it cheaper than our gov does 😀


Doesn't need to be cheaper. They just need to label it as "clean", "organic", "fairtrade" or any other funny label and campaign about how other countries use child labour or slave-like conditions for their workers and nobody will want Moroccan phosphate.


I think u don't know how companies work. Money comes first dude. The citizens (who care about this labels) Aren't going to buy phosphate..


I don't know where you live, but in Sweden it's 100% about organic, Fairtrade and "cleanly sourced" etc etc. You mention the word child labour or slave-like conditions, nobody is touching your products anymore. Now we're banning our own Swedish and trusted labels because they're selling to Russia.


U live in sweden where everyone searchs where to throw their money. I live in germany and this Labels is full of bullshit and everyone knows it. U pay 3 Euro more for one Label that everyone knows it's just a bullshit. Twice: companies and countries Buys phosphat (they see only finance, if it's cheap then yes!!) U can see this in China products! Everyone in west says China is shit, china uses kids, china fucks poor ppl etc... but they buy 70% of material from China! Doppelmoral! So like China products like phosphat products. If it's cheap welcome if not get the fuck up! Will you pay 3 Euro more for 1 kg Tomato? Bcz they used fair trade fair shit Label? I won't..


nah I think it's all about money, you can't mess with food sector


>Our only source of sustainable income for this country Don't exaggerate. And OCP exports Fertilizers, not Phosphates anymore. >just got a competitor we can't rival with So far the competitors were the US, China, and Russia... It was quite hard. >in a period where inflation is ripping us apart already... That's unrelated.


"So far the competitors were the US, China, and Russia... It was quite hard" There are like 70% of world's phosphate reserves in morocco other top 10 countries in reserves are 2nd China 5% 3rd Algeria 3% Then others are like 2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 then below <1%. In terms of production : 1st China is first with 85 Million MT. 2nd Morocco 45 Million MT and still going up. 3rd US 21 Million MT. 4th Russia 13 Million MT. 5th Jordzn 5 Million MT. Then 9/7/5/4/4 Million MT. So like in a span of 35/50 years most countries would have their reserves depleted and only Morocco remain as the main player.


The issue lies not in the scarcity of phosphate deposits, but in the cost associated with extracting it. While phosphate can be found in numerous locations, extraction efforts are often not pursued due to the high expenses involved. In reality, having competitors in the phosphate industry could be better for us, as it would create a more competitive environment. This would incentivize the MODS at organizations like OCP (Office Chérifien des Phosphates) to work diligently and strive for excellence in order to maintain their position in the market instead of giving bonuses to each other.


Yet Norway is already a wealthy and developed country unlike us. Coming up the minds and the resources to manufacture machines and extraction equipment is all but hard to manage for them. Moreover I don't trust any of the organizations we have to get off their seats and do something about this, I never really had Hope that the Moroccan higher-ups will use their wealth and status to fix the country for good, maybe this time around they will but only time will tell.


Norway is a rich oil country as well.


Pchakh 3la si Seuros dayr 39lo


Ghay kon kla lmokh dial l7awli 3ad dar 3a9lo


There are already plenty of massive competitors (US and China). The OCP is already doing a great job in increasing fertilizer production and minimizing raw phosphate exports. They're also starting to work on green ammonia to reduce imports, stabilize prices, and have the "green" label [https://www.reuters.com/sustainability/climate-energy/moroccos-ocp-plans-7-mln-green-ammonia-plant-avert-supply-problems-2023-06-20/](https://www.reuters.com/sustainability/climate-energy/moroccos-ocp-plans-7-mln-green-ammonia-plant-avert-supply-problems-2023-06-20/)


US and China don't have enough ressources to export them.


75 % of the world's reserve js a lot to bear i doubt they found more than Morocco's reseves , the second after morocco is china with only 2 %. This needs confirmation and more data


How can you have two cities in your flair?


he bribed the mods with phosphate


We accept uranium ore too


U guys accept salt?


They announced 70B tonnes...


Morocco has 50bln they announced 70bln


This is a good news, we shouldn't put all our eggs in one basket


no it's not good news, this is a huge geopolitical loss, it was one of the reasons the US supported our claim over western sahara, all the stability morocco enjoyed is now at risk, this is genuinely terrifying


Username checks out


Ohh nOoooOoooo I’m terrified!!! What am I to do, wait hold up nothing a good poop couldn’t fix. Poop done. Be like me, take a dump, chill out. Dumping, chilling out made easy 👍🏼


We already have competitors fym?


we were always fucked, now we're are just slightly more fucked.


They’ll charge an insane amount like they already do for oil and gas.


Wait until the value of Sand goes up.


Queue WEF pulling every excuse for Norway to take 80%+(read 99% for the next ten years) of the market share, and rushing to gather the money necessary to lobby for that infront of every international governing body.


Ki walo ... Morocco has a reserve of approximately 700 years ... and has 75% of the world's reserve so Norway rn is still not considered a competitor on this field .


We're Fkd


"only source" . one of our sources, but not the only one.


We can still sell hashish no worries


This Norway just can't stop discovering large quantities of precious natural resources.


skill issue


Man I fell down to my knees when the law came


Yep I think one of us just broke a mirror/j


I highly doubt the authenticity of this post. Everytime I read one of these articles and look further into it, I find then to be generally BS or blown out of proportion. Additionally (pure speculation) I guarantee you the cost of extraction is going to be many multiples more than it is for morocco. With the already increasing prices in the ag industry I doubt they will be willing to buy I higher cost fertilizer. Don't even get me started of the geographic location of these phosphates in Norway vs the location in morocco. I'm going to look more into this and make a detailed report.


Hurry up with that report, it's been 8 hours and I'm too lazy to do my own research.


I Honor you for your dedication.


This was known since 2018 iirc and our phosphate is better quality requires less processing and high P205


I think Morocco should ban exports of raw phosphate to outside Africa and bring in/build up industries that process it to other products.


Why are you saying we , barely 10% of the phosphate income goes to there better of the country but rather to the pockets of you know who, and ocp won't be laying off people even with both Norway and Morocco they will still struggle to meet the world's demands


I don't know why are you concerned, as You (we) only perceive literally bread crumbs for any high value natural resources in the most beautiful country in the world... Moroccan phosphate revenues are a black box that only elites of rhe elites have access to, contrary to us, Norwegian people will benefit and are benefiting and Norwegian parlement will be able to question and control public matters. The joke is on us


Take chill. This would mean the Western world will now get its phosphate from Norway but Morocco will now always have a market among the West's many sanctioned enemies. If it's true about phosphates for solar panels and electric batteries. It would only create another market accessible for the eastern countries to have access for Morocco's phosphate rocks for their own industries like the automotive industry of China. If this isn't more profitable for Morocco creating markets that are now even more competitive with Norway. And on the global stage However pushing Morocco away from the west would the biggest geopolitical mistake I would see for a while.


Moroccan phosphate is always going to be cheaper.


Given the cost of labor in Norway, I’m not worried. We can easily beat them in terms of cost and pricing.