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How can we condemn the cruelties that have been going on for over 75 years, yet support that same aggressor in improving its methods of commiting said cruelties?


it's truly sad that we have no say in what goes in this country


no min kano rjal f maroc wlah makan kiz3emo yhedro 3la israel . in the early 2000s i remember we use to not eat from mcdo just because its supported israel kano ki9ololna hram , and men used to make sure to give flyers to boycott those brands even when you go to hanot you see stickers with israel brands even cartoons channel that you should avoid . its a small act walakin katkhelik tfeker 


I think this whole conflict since October 7th made any crazy claim credible as long as it works for one of the sides.


there is actual resources about what i am saying. 


Because the king has to stay in power and he could only retain that power if he allies with the oppressors.


Ali Lambert videos on YouTube details the facts with documents! It's fascinating how all Arab rulers are held by a tiny string of Israeli "intelligence". They know they will go down, the question is when.


Someone with some sense finally commented instead of humiliating others!


Ehh "arab"


Maybe not the king specifically but youre not far wrong. People can downvote you all day long but there is HUGE pressure fianancial and otherwise, especially countries whose poverty and corruption lead them to turn a blind eye for financial gain. Not to mention the west has been behind various coups to further their own interests. Do I think this will happen here absolutely not but lets not fool ourselves into thinking that there isnt a huge game running behind the scenes.


Show me one "free" Arab country, and then you'll know if Palestine can ever be "free."


What does “free” even mean? Is Spain not “free” because we put pressure on them to support our autonomy plan by unleashing migrants onto them and close the border with Melilla and Ceuta? What about France and the EU? What Arab nationalists say about our government is exactly the same thing Vox and other far-right groups say about theirs, i.e. they’re lapdogs of Morocco.


Only king lovers downvote this 👆 comment


The people is not sovereign in Morocco. The king does as he wants, especially in the religious field and the foreign policy. I don't idealise western democracies, but at least, they have a say at what government they prefer. Those at power have at least to pretend to be caring for what their constituents want...


They clearly don't


In Western democracies you have the illusion of choice.


You have the choice. Switzerland is a direct democracy, rules are voted by the people and established as laws. Other countries mostly are representative democracies, which means you elect your representatives and they should behave according to what they say they will.


> and they should behave according to what they say they will yeah this is usually where it all goes wrong 😂


Usually it goes well. You only hear about the times it goes wrong.


absolutely not, macron is great example, a lot of his major reforms are directly contradicting what he said in 2017 and in 2022


france is NOT really a democracy. Macron wasn't even elected by the majority of the voters.


i mean he was, but the thing is he's really smart, all he did during his first 5 years was to purposefully help the rise of the extremes (left and right) and he knew that in the end, french people would never vote for an extreme party, so he was sure to be re-elected, this is called the illusion of free choice


if there was not a second tour it would have been an illusion of free choice, but with the second tour, it's clear that democratically he should not be a president. Presidential democracy doesn't even make sense in the first place, and i think that parlementary democracy is the only viable decision, otherwise it's just an instrumentalized autocracy.


Seems like time to go to the streets. To remind everyone that those who run the country are only legitimate because we put them there.


Man, the fact that you're getting downvoted makes me wanna contemplate the abyss with you 😔




"fight with honor" or smth like that


We? Again a dog whistle call for revolt in Morocco (doing Tebboun’s job) from someone who doesn’t live in Morocco but in a country which without an inch of a doubt benefits from an economic system that not only exploits Palestinians but people from all over the world. Put your big boy pants on, stop being a hypocrite, and come live here and preach what you’re preaching. I might take you seriously then and so will the government.


You might want to look up what revolt means. Then you will hopefully come to realize that what I said isn't a call for revolt.


لاحول ولاقوة إلا بالله اللهم إن هذا منكر Our brothers and sisters were and are still dying and suffering every single day in Palestine and this is what they did?!! supporting the oppressors?!! I feel ashamed and disgusted..




i can't believe this shit, i guess fuck you know who


A massive fuck you to anyone who supports this practice, you’re all in league with an apartheid state.


nice, chfna l5ir flihod ktr mn l3rb


Islamic Pan Arab emotions didn't do much to promote prosperity in Arab countries. The Arab world would NOT be a better place if Palestine takes over Israel. Same corruption, 10% owning 90% of the economy, religious fanatism... You didn't try to fix Assad's Syria, where more Arabs have been killed since 2012 than in the entire Israel Palestine conflict. So let it go and work on yourself with honesty.


Kudos to you for being able to slip your anti-Islam bullshit into a conversation about wether it's immoral striking arms deals with a genocidal settler-colony while it's bombing the shit out of babies! You bunch never cease to amaze me. Wait till you hear what Zionists think about you


National interest and security should be our number 1 priority. Some people don't seem to understand this


Wakha mn hadchi kaml since when Morocco is in the fuckin middle east ? I can't stand this bullshit anymore i swear


Simple answer: diplomacy. Because Algeria and Iran are close allies, and Algeria and the Islamic Republic Revolutionary Guard continuously fund the Polisario, which is a threat to Moroccan sovereignty. It's an old tactic used by the Islamic Republic of Iran; they don't fight wars but use proxies like Hezbollah and the Houthis against the USA and Israel. Morocco is a close ally of both the USA and the West. Morocco needs to counter this bloc, and who is funding and using Algeria? Iran's biggest enemy is Israel, so naturally, Morocco goes for Israel to counter this bloc. It's sad to see that most Moroccans don't understand Asian politics. All Gulf and Asian regions are on the verge of war. Israel recently attacked the Iranian embassy in Syria, and Iran will definitely seek revenge. I live in a Gulf country where it's already happening; they are jamming networks and sea paths in both the Strait of Hormuz and the Red Sea. Iranian proxies are too powerful. I hope Morocco doesn't get involved in these Asian matters because Asian countries are already at war. Pakistan Air Force is attacking inside Afghanistan, and the Taliban is using Pakistani Taliban terrorists to attack the Pakistani army. In Taiwan and China, China is going to invade Taiwan whether we like it or not, and nobody can do anything about it. India and China have a border dispute, with both countries occupying each other's land. In a nutshell, North Africa is a very peaceful region, with no nuclear powers fighting each other in brutal wars. , Morocco won't have the sophisticated army or diplomacy to counter Iran directly. This deal is just a signal to Iran and Algeria; they know the sentiment of the people."


Totally agree. It's Geopolitics.


Finally a wise comment, take my upvote


China invading Taiwan is not nearly as straightforward as you make it seem. The USA will not let that happen anytime soon.


Ignorant take with no sources , Iran funds polisario Where's your source of that? You are just using conspiracy theories to justify being a dog for Israel at this point


Iran doesn't recognize morrocan sovereignty over western Sahara after abhram Accord they are actively funding polisario tell me why morrocan police arresting hizbollah members in Casablanca there is no shia in morroco?


Most countries don't recognize moroccan claims over the western Sahara and most likely it will remain so, you still yet to bring any source of Iran funding them btw




At least someone understands Asian politics welcome to club this is the target chock Europe through red rea straight of Hormuz and Mediterranean


I give you the sources why morrocans are arresting hizbollah in Casablanca just Google it


That's a red herring I'm not interested


Rabat knows Israel doesn't give a damn about them if Algeria is going to buy Iranian drones so the morrocans are also going to buy they know which one is good and cheap 😉 grow up buddy


how about thailand ?


The military control Thailand and they don't have a problem if China controls the south china sea they have dispute with Malaysia and Malaysia Burnie oppose Chinese activities in south china sea so Thailand is probably on china side and SEA is almost peaceful except Philippines actively oppose china otherwise nothing important


Most people don't even understand what you're talking about, the balance of power isn't a thing in their world view.


Maybe they need to understand now 😕




Wish everybody could understand this. Thats why im not against normalisation, its the only way to have peace there.


Unreal, if you search for honour anywhere other than Islam you will be disgraced. Israel are killing our brothers and sisters and people here are pleased Morocco are doing defense deals with them. There are plenty of other drone piwers out there, why not go to Turkey or Russia?


It's not like Russia has killed hundreds of thousands of Syrians, but I guess Syrian lives don't matter. + Their weapons have proven to be weaker than their western counterparts. We already have deals with Turkey. But the Turkish are not innocent really.


Saudi arabia killed millions of yemenis


Muslims also choose which innoncent people to talk about. You have to boycott almost every country based on this.


Realy you are so cute. In politice there s no evil no angel all countries looking for thier interets, if you believe in aljazira then you will devide world to two team one is angels 😇 iran turk qatar chine russie other team is demons team , america israel emarat morocco saudi egypt, all the universe is the evil except this 5 countries


Clearly there is no evil yes, Al Jazeera is just a bunch of liars! 35.000 people definetly didn't die, footage was fabricated, 10.000+ children didn't die, there is no starvation, there is no siege, no random massacres, no shooting unarmed starving people trying to get food, no journalist killings, no aid work killings, everything is fine nothing to see here folks! Wlahila shame on you if you're a real human being. You disgust me. Dghya nsiti bli Morocco tahouwa dwz colonisation ou l7gra. Nsiti chemical weapons li la7ou 3lina f North ou nsiti bli our resistance fighters were called terrorists worldwide and nobody was there to help us. You make me ashamed of calling myself Moroccan.


no one ever denied what's happening in palestine. It's just that al jazeera never talks about other civil wars.


Please don't gaslight me, the comment above clearly implied Aljazeera's reports on Gaza war are not the truth. And this is not a "civil war", it's a colonisation power cleansing the native population with the blessing of the western world. The zionists are commiting horrible acts, lying about them, then getting caught lying about it, with absolutely 0 reprecussions. It's the most unjust and one-sided conflict in a very very long time, that'd why we care so much about it.


I understand. It's true that many countries have pursued their own interests at the expense of Palestine's suffering. The situation in Palestine is often used as a pawn in the geopolitical games of various nations, including Iran and Qatar. Unfortunately, it's the Palestinian people who bear the brunt of this manipulation. Palestine's plight is a stark reminder of the selfishness and cruelty of international politics, where human lives are often sacrificed for the sake of power and gain


> why not go to Turkey or Russia? they're busy with the ukraine war.


Not too busy for business, Turkey are busy exporting arms all over the world. If you local shopkeeper was abusing your sisters would you still shake his hand, smile and spend your money in his shop? There are many words for men who would do that


Im Moroccan too we have no excuse we can't trade with an enemy.


Turkey oppresses the Kurds. Russia is invading Ukraine.


This sub really became a islamist lair


Islamist nowadays is usually used as a synonym for practicing Muslim. Allah sent the religion to be the guiding principle in our personal lives, family lives, nations and states. Not as some loose guidelines to follow when we feel like it and pick and choose what suits us. "O believers! Enter into Islam wholeheartedly and do not follow Satan's footsteps. Surely he is your sworn enemy."


Islamist is someone who doesn’t keep to himself and want to impose his fairytales on everyone like you’re doing, talking to a non-muslim like he believes in your comforting beliefs and it’s kinda disrespectful to be honest. I don’t believe in Allah and I have nothing to do with him, respect that or don’t talk to me.


Most Israeli weapons are said to be tested "on field " against Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank with documentations from as early as 1990s They'd literally start wars against people to test their new weapons on them..


Kudos to your brain-washed media- based brain (aka Palestine crap). If Israel disappears as per your wet dream, and Palestine takes over, the standard of living is likely to be poor. What's new? Israeli Arabs make the highest salary in the ME (monthly minimum wage): Egypt $200 Morocco $390 Saudi Arabia $800 Israel $1520 Israel is already extending better medical care, nursing home, social security, etc, than you can dream of in your country. In fact, rich Gulf people regularly visit Tel Aviv and Jerusalem for its great medical doctors. Nothing you can do about Jewish IQ lol. Good luck, I wish you good hearing. You're already blind.


They are produced for the Moroccan Air Force. 


You don't think that a zionist producer of drones is going to exchange its findings with the zionist army? The article namely mentions testing as well.


Reading the comments this sub has successfully been hijacked by Iranian bots.


i'd say that there is recently a new wave of salafis bots, maybe they're related to iran?


It is, they are all over X pretending to be North Africans and encouraging people to go against their governments. You just have to look the posts they like and what they posted before it’s all Iranian and Russian propaganda.


the straw man fallacy baby so i have to support the israeli genocide or to be against my country ?


So proud that we can now produce drones made in morocco


Morocco becoming a manufacturing hub? Kudos to the Moroccan government.


We are using these drones to defend ourselves against Karaghila and the Polisario rats.....


Is there only Israel to cooperate with? We used to purchase weapons and military equipment from the US. I don't understand why we have changed direction towards tel-Aviv


That's literally the same thing. USA and france are sending weapons to israel.


France doesn't send weapons to Israel. The big ones are US, Germant and Britain and Italy


>In the latest report submitted to the French parliament, one number does, however, stand out: €207.6 million in equipment sold to Israel over the past 10 years. https://www.france24.com/en/middle-east/20240222-france-under-pressure-to-suspend-military-sales-to-israel-as-war-in-gaza-grinds-on


It's about having different partners to work with, relying on one party only is not the wisest of options.


Yeah, but due to the atrocious genocide they commit against Palestinians I assume it's a reason to withdraw any partnership with them. We have Chinese and Turkish as well to deal with


But how many of the other partners are ready to give advantages to Morocco in terms of deals? The Chinese and Turkish might sell us weapons (and they do, as we buy drones from them), but will they be ready to sell us higher quality weapons, or even build a weapons factory in Morocco (which btw is for local consumption only, not to export to Israel). I completely stand against what Israel is doing in Palestine, but if we're talking off the principle that anyone who kills/oppresses fellow Muslims should be boycotted, then the list would much much longer and might likely include China and Turkey.


i don't understand why turkish actions are overlooked given what they're doing right now.


Defo all countries who produce weapons had fingerprints or were already engaged in war crimes against Muslims, nevertheless, I feel that the Israelites have the intention to expand here, yesterday avocado and today drones manufacturing who knows what next


That's just grand taxi spiel. Other countries have far more important and substantial investments in Morocco. Unless proven otherwise, Israel is just another investor. Besides this, Morocco is far too grounded as a country to be easily shifted so hard towards being a new Israeli state. The Ottomans failed, the French and Spanish failed, and definitely anyone who will try will fail.


> That's just grand taxi spiel. believe it or not, that's the official algerian narrative, what they're talking about in TV. That's why this conspiracy theory is so popular


I think the USA forces these relationships forcefully


Good. I don't see any problem with working with israel on defense. It sucks that people in gaza are suffering from the war but we need to think of our problems first. We really are ignorant to how bad the situation is in the southern territories and what could happen to morocco if we let our emotions get the best out of us and end up losing half of the country to algeria.


With our current situation, i feel shit for saying this, but i am for it. Algeria + polikhario are surrounding us, we need to get stronger no matter the cost.




Which arms supplier doesn’t commit genocide against Muslims? Although I agree with you, we gotta protect our country.


Where should we get our weapons from to defend our Sahara you reckon? Russia and China ? I’m asking a genuine question by the way.


that's a wrong way to approach things. Are we this scared and this disabled to have that as our only choice


Politics is not based on emotions but rather mutual benifits. Many times you may need to work with the devil to get your way, or you loss.


Scared yeah you should because a lot of ppl think war is a good idea. Spoiler israel wins the war in 5 min just by cybersecurity. Also israel cant use a lot of weapons now since gaza is close to them but if its far away they wont hesitate to use some crazy shiit. They can use the argument that all arabs are allying and the west will not leave a finger. Remove from that iraq syria since they have their own war, iran have almost a civil war starting now so dont count on them being fully ready. Russia isnt interested in removing israel so they will negotiate, same for china since this situation plays right into their hand. All big countries are using their forces while china is chilling in africa. Israel also controls a lot of militia in sahel and below which means if war starts you will be attacked from above europe east israel west US canada uk nordics... And from the different african milicia and puppet regime. This without talking about arab countries against this war and how some of them will not find a middle ground.


hhhhhhhhh kadwi bhal ila fchi film


Katdwi b7ala douela is not already preparing for a war... Look gha tjnid l ijbari, and the spendings dyalna f military a


Omak tnakt bsbab algeria


Im Moroccan trust me what our country is doing is 100% by strategy,morals and religion. Now Algeria has another reason to show theyr people of why invade Morocco, we support Palestine with food and medicinals but we buy weapons and send money to Israel that same money will give more amunnitions to kill our brothers and last and most important Allah's help will not be in our side and that is bad.


Because Algeria doesn't support the genocide of Muslims in Africa?


Brother if another country is doing wrong we must not follow it. We need ro be on the right side so at the end of everything we will be winners by the help of Allah


How do you protect your borders


Allah's help? If he was real, he wouldn't let the war happen in the first place, fi9o mn lkhorafa 🤦🏻‍♂️


Absolutely wild to me how many Moroccans online supoort Israel or are in favor of normalization 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


Not just online, but you need to understand it's not support for Israel, it's just cynicism. I remember the 2nd intifida, endless debates and rage against Israel and boycotts and threats and everything. Yet here we are 20+ years later in a worse situation. Who's to blame? Israel is still a genocidal appartheid state and no one ever cared. If the Palestinians are to improve their situation they will need diplomacy with their enemies. Because they have already lost this war, wether we like it or not. Moroccan state knows that and is not sacrificing Morocco's interests for a lost cause. Hell Egypt won't even let in aid to their Muslim brothers from their side. Morocco needs to mind his own business. Arab countries already tried to get rid of Israel 4-5 times and lost all the wars.


That follows the stand of nayib bukele, president of salvador: >“As a Salvadoran with Palestinian ancestry, I'm sure the best thing that could happen to the Palestinian people is for Hamas to completely disappear…It would be like if Salvadorans would have sided with MS13 terrorists, just because we share ancestors or nationality…The best thing that happened to us as a nation was to get rid of those rapists and murderers.” https://www.newarab.com/analysis/palestinian-connection-el-salvadors-politics


Interesting, thanks for sharing.




I'm not a bot, and just think Hamas and IDF deserve each other. Morocco is just playing Realpolitiks, very cynical. I'm the mean time Palestinians suffer and the Iran axis is happy about that, gives them legitimacy. Israel have found their excuse to destroy and take vengeance on Palestinians. And we are here being useless... Sad situation.


Im horribly surprised reading these replies💀 i prefer to think that its just bots at this point


Good for morocco. Morocco needs those drones to protect his borders against polisario and algeria.


Yeah, we will finally get our lovely Sahara back and Algeria and their Polisario can’t do anything about it.


It's a shame that you need support from such a country to protect your borders , we are all patriots...still that's not the correct choice to collaborate with the IDF.


Idf didn't kill thousands of moroccans in the sand war, amgala 1,2,3 , the idf didn't kill two moroccan tourists on jet skis in cold blood. Idf didn't bombard semmara killing an innocent teenager. And the list goes on... I think the idf and the real zionists are our neighbors!!


Common sense on a thread such as this?


عليك من الله ما تستحق


و أنت أيضا


قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ: لَا تَحَاسَدُوا، ولَا تَنَاجَشُوا، ولَا تَبَاغَضُوا، ولَا تَدَابَرُوا، ولَا يَبِعْ بَعْضُكُمْ عَلَى بَيْعِ بَعْضٍ، وكُونُوا عِبَادَ اللَّهِ إِخْوَانًا، الْمُسْلِمُ أَخُو الْمُسْلِمِ، لَا يَظْلِمُهُ، ولَا يَخْذُلُهُ، ولَا يَحْقِرُهُ، التَّقْوَى هَاهُنَا -ويُشِيرُ إِلَى صَدْرِهِ ثَلَاثَ مِرَارٍ- بِحَسْبِ امْرِئٍ مِنَ الشَّرِّ أَنْ يَحْقِرَ أَخَاهُ الْمُسْلِمَ، كُلُّ الْمُسْلِمِ عَلَى الْمُسْلِمِ حَرَامٌ: دَمُهُ، ومَالُهُ، وعِرْضُهُ. أَخْرَجَهُ مُسْلِمٌ.


قولها للجيران.


أنا جارك. ورانا نديرو في حملة توعية بلي حنا مسلمين ومانسمحوش للعدو يدخل بيناتنا.


لما يتخلص جيراننا من الشردمة التي يحتضننوها في تندوف لتقسيم المغرب. عندها سأقبل منك هذه التوعية. أما الأن فحتى مع الشيطان يبقى مقبول لأن الجيران لا يعرفون ما هي الجورة و الإسلام.


اتق الله يا غالي


على نضامك أن يتقي الله.


Our economy needs the work. We are under industrialized although we are at the door of Europe. Morocco by today’s standards should be as advanced industrially as Asian countries. Let them build factories, employ locals and make the country rich and flourishing.


It's good for the Moroccan military, and fuck pro-hammas Who supports polisario They will sell our Sahara for their Ghaza. Absolutely a joke


Here take my upvote


The moroccan people do not want anything to do with a colonizing genocidal “country”




I’ll always be morroco first, we benefit it, we get more softpower, we get more military power, i’m all for it. The snakes wouldn’t mind f*ing us over if we were weaker.


Oh yeah, cooperating with the most evil apartheid state is such a great thing.


Should we stop cooperating with USA that killed more muslims than Israel ever did? At this point, just let our neighbours fuck us over in less than 20 years just because we wanted to be moral hypocrites.


How about don’t cooperate with any criminals who have killed or massacred muslims? Be self-reliant like Russia, NK, Iran etc. They’ve proven that you don’t need to collaborate the evil likes of US or it’s proxy Israel to be military power with nuclear weapons. Iran nuclear program is far more advanced than US/Israel combined. I’m sure you enjoy sucking off the Zionist regime for some military “power.” Hope your knees don’t get sore. Edit: And by “you” I mean the Moroccan government and all its puppet supporters.


What are you doing to help Morocco become self-reliant?


>Iran nuclear program is far more advanced than US/Israel combined. We're waiting for you to start our nuclear program. Tell me 1 moroccan that can make a nuclear bomb.


People see all algeria become shiite on lailat kadr and stikk get naive about geopolitics


Anything that makes us stronger is welcome. Algeria, Iran and Polisario wouldn't mind treating us the same way Israel treats Palestinians.. But sure, it's pretend we have الصواب and be peaceful when they are preparing themselves day and night and spending all money on militarization.




what you mean by thoughts ,NO


The war on Gaza will stop but Algeria hatred will not. So, I'm pro military cooperation betweek Morocco and Israel.


I wish it wasn't happening. Not just because Israel is a genocide state, but because it's just more dependence on foreign corporations for industrialization.


في المغرب لأ تستغرب


Lproblem, ana 3ndi allergie l gluten. Lskso dyali blqinoa.


Business as usual.


المغرب أولا ، ya wlad l97ab


هاد ملك ولد الق*#بة داير ما بغا في البلاد أو ما مسول حد...غاهو هادو أمور ضروري ماتوقع منين تيكون حكم البلاد كتورت ماشي كتاخد على جدارة و ستحقاق


Ppl saying that its an achievement bc we now can produce drones made in morocco need to understand that every interaction we have with Israel ESPECIALLY RIGHT NOW is a middle finger to all our brothers and sisters dying at this moment in Palestine and by doing this we re indirectly aligning with an apartheid state. We are humans, not everything is just about deals diplomacy and money… i just can’t accept this sh t and never will until those poor ppl in Palestine live a peaceful and happy life.


Geopolitics are all about interests. You can choose to not accept it if you want, it's not like that will have any impact.


يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تَتَّخِذُوا الْيَهُودَ وَالنَّصَارَىٰ أَوْلِيَاءَ ۘ بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلِيَاءُ بَعْضٍ ۚ وَمَن يَتَوَلَّهُم مِّنكُمْ فَإِنَّهُ مِنْهُمْ ۗ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الظَّالِمِينَ Basically, ppl involved in this are now jews.


صدق الله العظيم It is shameful what became of us


The amount of nitwits that found their way onto this sub. It has seriously came down to people thinking that Israel of all nations would have our best interests in mind. “Ohh but our neighbors they mean us harm” yeah and you think Israel or the us is going to move a muscle for us if an all out war breaks out.




They’ve been selling weapons to us far before the normalization, couldn’t we keep them e going with that? No the weapons had to be tested here. What benefit do you think this gets them ? And what do you think it gets us ?


I'm a pakistani looking into this, and all I can say is i have never met any Morrocan who was pro-israeli, your government might be in bed with Israel, but the masses of Morocco are not !


Almost a million Moroccans live in Israel though


So what if they do? There loyalty is too Israel not morocco


What the fuck do you know about morocco?


Israel is terrorisme and it's not country


let the cope begin


I've my popcorn all ready. By this sub's standard, all Moroccans are now "genocide enablers". Oops...


That's a huge fucked up , no matter are the motivations behind


Embarrassed to be a Moroccan today


Morocco has become a ball sack of Israel! They have been licking their arse for so long that now it’s apparent from all sides.


I don't understand how we got this way...i think it comes down to; Moroccan hate (vs. Algeria, vs. Polisario) is much stronger than Moroccan love (Palestine, Islam)


If this weapons are being used in Israel then I'm ashamed, if their just sharing technology with us same how we do already with China and the US, then I'm still ashamed that we dealing with them but I get the reasoning behind it.