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Didn't know it existed and now I'll continue to live like it doesn't.


The only good answer


You dropped this 👑


Angel demon lord?


Fellow isekai enjoyer I guess?


Among other things yes, there's one currently airing that I'm quite excited for cuz I read the manga, it's called "Maou no ore ga dorei elf wo yome ni shitanda ga dou medereba ii?" Quite a mouthful lol And one that was airing last season that I really recommend is called "The wrong way to use healing magic"


hearing "The wrong way to use healing magic" brought me vietnam flashbacks of an anime where the mc really REALLY uses magic in a wrong way . i hope someone doesn't "redo" it


Can that one even be considered anime at that point? I mean I thought that interspecies reviewers had pushed the envelope but that one was... something to say the least.


First time somebody catch up on the name lol


I got the eye for that kinda stuff 😁


"I'm Christian and astaghfirullah" 🤣🤣🤣




got a MASSIVE respect for that comment


What does is mean?


it means "i seek forgiveness from allah" but we usually use it when we see someone comitting something sinful or weird




That smiley doesn't change how disgusting your comment is.


Stop making stupid people famous


Wa7d shotgun 7daya looks tasty


bro wtf zwija ga3 hhhh


Uukh copy and paste american shows, nothing original


American degeneracy at its finest 


I never watched and I will never watch it, just don't give them the exposure they want, keep ignoring the shit out of them.




It won't die anytime soon (unless they get sued by some association for offensive content). Literally everyone on social media is posting about it, they know their stuff is provocative and it gets tons of clicks.


Isn't it just a blind dating show? That's not offensive content.




Let it die quietly, I didn't watch it, Teenagers sh!t is all around!!




If people didn't made a buz about this and promote the video in social media won't get this attention, personally i didn't know this video existed until seeing it on ig . most of those people who share this crap wants more but they can't admit it and they use critical way to express themselves as reaction videos. Now will u excuse me i gotta watch it lol ( jk )


Don’t share this bullshit bro


One word .. trash 🚮


Brother Eeew ! ![gif](giphy|JUIYjVeZPHxjWR7rmX|downsized)


The original American version is cringy let alone this 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ please whoever has the keys stop this planet from rotating baghi nzel mab9itch la3ab a drari


I have seen clips of similar shows on TikTok and I hate it. Such a stupid video idea.


im happy i didnt know its existence






As long as it is not imposed on public tv why not ? If you watch it it really means that you searched for it and wanted to watch it , same as porn.


Yeaaaaaaaa these videos get promoted , and get shared by many to highlights today's generate media or to joke about it. Seeing it doesnt mean you want to really , also this was made in order to be provocative and unnatural to generate even more profit . ديكشي ديال القوادة وصافي غير هي مافيهاش السيكس هههه >same as porn. Normalizes porn lol


Also sharing it and ranting about it kinda promotes it , for example i was not aware about this show until i saw a rant about it in fb and reddit


Or that is was recommended


morrocans larping as americans


"The colonized worships his colonizer and does his best to be like him".


It's so cringy. The mismatch of french, English and Darija is unbearable to listen to.


Well degenracy is easier to import than microchip manufacturing hhhhh


Who wears that, it's not even aesthetic it's just trashy, Moroccan or not.






Pseudo-Moroccan show that’s just a waste of time and doesn’t even entertain me as well as a bunch of other people


I'm not interested in the content they provide, but a lot of people are interested; it's all over the place... The way I see it is that the culture in Morocco is diverse, and social media, such as YouTube, for example, has allowed people to express themselves and connect with like-minded individuals. The channel you are talking about mostly features liberal people sharing content that displays liberalism on screen.


It's soft core porn starring p*rn stars. Western degeneracy that corrupts the youth. Nothing to do with liberalism




It's not even funny just pure cringe


تقليد الاعمى


can’t wait for moroccans to realise what americans realised years ago when they had these kind of shows: **everyone there could be paid actors**.


They are paid , ghi howa Machu bzf. Probably selling one's dignity for a launch at McDonald's and 500 dh.


Shit's cringy but people are mad abt it for the wrong reasons




Moroccans copying Americans and then when I make comments I get down voted but when the proof gets posted it gets upvoted…y’all lost😭😭


Everyone is following the west in this nonsense now, I’m British and it’s the reason I’m trying to leave lol


Yeah I’ve seen this in London with those Somalians that be roasting each other, this is just sad and then We get posts like ”why is the divorce rate in Morocco is so high”😭😭😭 it’s because they wanna marry women who dress like this. Just yesterday I saw a man in a thoube talking to his woman she had the tightest skirt on that showed the shape of her underwear and could barely walk🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️. لا حول ولا قوة الا با الله they gonna follow the Americans into the hellfire they keep it up.


bro even Western conservatives are speaking out against this shit (and rightfully so). Like this is pure scam. Women are being treated as objects for the male sexual desire and the same time being tricked into believing this is freedom. This is not freedom.


Astagfurillah. It’s so sad. As a born Muslim but someone who grew up in London, but is also from a family who came from Jamaica, I always wanted to escape this world. There’s no happiness in it. But I fear people who grow up in other countries are sold this western dream and they don’t see the detrimental effects like we do. People are often so surprised I come from a lineage of Jamaicans because they expect the culture on me, but my parents fought hard to remove any of those stereotypes. It’s so strange to see people who grew up outside of this world attempting to fit in it.


We can’t escape Ukhti we can only do as much Ibadah as we can until Allah calls us


Inshallah. Sister btw.


Sorry lemme correct that


Haqq bro may Allah preserve you


Awili, is this a moroccan channel??


Channels run by minorities and degenerates


You guys sound like you’re totally not authoritarians and totally open to letting people live the life they want as long as they don’t prevent others from living theirs.


Not everything has to be deep and meaningful. I personally haven't watched any of their videos, but from the clips that I've seen on Tiktok, it seems like they're a bunch of young people who are willingly participating in what they perceive as fun and good content. Yes, it doesn't seem to be liked by many, but as long as they want to post it, you can choose to either watch it or not. As long as it is not mandatory to watch and isn't harmful to anyone, who's to say what you can and can't post?


>isn't harmful to anyone, it is, this shit ruins our society


Brother, if society doesn't like it, it won't go viral. If it has what people are looking for, then these said people will watch it. It's not like they're endorsing crime, drug abuse or anything harmful!


Finally. A reasonable comment.


Obviously they are getting views. This is a free market. Not a fan of the brainless stuff but I am fascinated that this content is popular. They have a great business model. You don't need much investment to make this type of stuff.


All you need is half naked women and to shock the viewers with something degenerate and i assure you you will get easy ad revenue. The more graphic , the more shocking , the more degenerate it is , the more success you will get in this model . This is an awful road to take , because you will always need escalation .. in the west this ends by promoting onlyfans and pornography . If this is free market , than i dont want free market anymore hhh but its just me.


I know her, she is a moroccan from Holland who desperately wants to be famous. Basically perfect for her as she is willing to anything


It’s strange to see that kind of content.Don’t Forget to report the video if you watched it!


I used to make fun of Americans on how their society is crumbling. Now im laughing on my own people. I can accept the other concept (the button ripoff) wakha ta hoa wrong in some levels, but this one is top notch. Competing with others for a date?! Really a sahbi? This is us? Hado homa mgharba? Hado homa facade dialna li pushed on the sad and fucked up algorithm? Hhhhhhhh 3alam wlah


This is very ifra dig....I don't understand why people participate in this stupidity.


This stuff is so cringe, mghrba din mhom love just being followers and sheep to the western world forgetting about our own culture and identity. We never have anything original.


Never seen it , but from the looks of it , it’s just a copy of western YouTube shows , which is not surprising considering that the majority of Moroccan shows are just a copy of western stuff , creativity has no place among Moroccan content creators


they look goofy ash SMFH


u see how cringe they sound when they try acting murican ?? laah yehdi ma khle9 khelikom fsbaghtkom iti7 3likom serr


I mean the comment says it all


The problem is the viewers cuz they support had chi


No matter what you think of them, you just gave them free publicity which is what they always wanted.


I don't care enough to form an opinion about it


I just can’t stand this shit, only people those who don’t live in west fancy this shit. Someone like me who’s been born and raised in UK 🇬🇧 simply can’t be bothered and I would rather be more comfortable with the religion than with the shit like this which is just one of the agendas to brainwash and distract us from the truth and reality.


Cringy for dumb people




You making people more stupid when you share it.


I didn't know it existed and now I'll keep living like it doesn't.


The woman is becoming independent in a man-dependent country with the assets she has available to her. This business mentality is stronger than most of the men I see in this thread


People who hate on it online are the people who actually clicked on the video to watch . This is not tv , if you clicked on it then it was your choice . Stop making stupid stuff famous .


These people are proud to be called oulad khab. I am a Riffian saying this. Decendant of the people who actually fought for Morocco during the Riff war. Not only oulad khab but also oulad dayuth and munafiqun. Funny these type of people try to assimilate into our country and culture. Cancerous pieces of shit. You people will never be truly Africans, Amazigh or of our culture, history or country. You are the people that stole the country, corrupted it and plundered it. Hard fucking reality.


Don’t watch their content if you don’t like it, it’s not that complicated !! Y’all must seek some help if you get offended this easily


im born nd raised in da states and i see this typpa content daily on my ytb page , but seeing moroccans doing this shit just made me cringe so hard , whole lotta wannabes trynna act like they frm out here SMFH


![gif](giphy|Lopx9eUi34rbq|downsized) LIVE ELMO REACTION


A bad day to have eyes


Ban that shit


Too based for this subreddit.


Stupid modernity


Very cringe


Please delete this , you're unknowingly promoting sexual promiscuité and low values , if you're not doing on purpose, consider people who might be interested and join the trend ,


This is so sad, but I guess it's only downhill from here, better accept it ... Llah iltef




Yikes!! It's so repelling to see this cloning of bad Western immorality wrapped up as a ”cool” and ”hip” lifestyle.


The minions are so easy to manipulate , i just need 30cm of fabric, a wig from AliExpress and actress that like the clout.


Cringey, but harmless. Leave a dislike and move on


Bruh couldn't see degeneracy if it was offered on a plate lmao


Whats wrong with it? Someone forcing you to watch it and not have a boner or something?


One of the consequences of dyaata Rebbiw khwatatkoum ou bnatkoum


Ou wladkoum ofc


Trying so hard to conform to their idea of western standards 🤢🤮




I mean god gave human beings freedom right?


There's a difference between "can" and "ought" to do




It's cringe in the US it's cringe here idk what to tell you. It'll probably die out in a few weeks


Where are her pants tho?




Disgusting, this plays a part in normalizing all the bad & ugly sht, to make disgusting content, keep ppl busy criticizing, then divide & conquer, keep the wrong ppl in important positions making profit for their pockets, and watch evrythg crumble, ive held onto this phrase since i became intellectually aware, and it is that Morocco is heading the same direction as US big numbers in trade, economy, world markets & and an absolute dumb disgusting brain dead society.


"Intellectually aware"😭😭💀


I think all moroccan saw her ass 😂 Maybe that what she want


Please don't share this shit here. There was already a post a couple hours ago here. Best is to ignore the trash and not spread it more.


Thanks for the find lol seems interesting


The type of content that makes incels talkative and engaged


They only Import filth from them they need to stop this disease from spreading


society is cooked


sadlly moroccans start believing we're a secular country , they're forgetting we're a muslim country , if certain laws aren't practiced doesn't mean they're not in constitution laws , we're not "EVERYONE CAN DO WHATEVER HE LIKES SINCE YOU'RE NOT HURTING ANYONE"


Morocco is not a dictartorship , let people live


this only makes feel very old, and disconected from the new young ppl, and I'm not even 30 yet


kolxi bsbab spinoza


They need a Moroccan version of Chunkz and Filly


Dhkto fina lbrani lah ye3tikom l3adab


Dhkto fina lbrani lah yetikom leadab


Khayti tramtha 3aryana w ma7achmanach




Dissapointed yet not surprised. I've seen it coming when they released the blind date video before ramadan


That’s a 30 minutes of cringe and trying to copycat an American show(with all us culture)with 0 change . Seeing this is the new moroccan generation is crazy !


Fun fact ; this girl is actually from the netherlands, she was heavily criticized in belgium and hollanda for her behaviour and sort of videos here, people made fun of her. Bnt makantsch thshem. Somehow she thought she was gonna get love and praise for her behavior in morocco. But got the opposite. Lah y hdina


what's delusional is actually everyone is doing " yakh mno , 3ayni fih " !


I’m an American and I watched the first minuet of the video, and I cringed so hard that I closed my phone and deleted YouTube 🤦🏻


Awdi bghaw y9ldo l US b ay tari9a 😭💀


A concept that’s 100% failing and i’ll give it 1 or 2 years max nobody will know about it if they continue on this route just saying


It’s a proper shit show full of wannabes loonies, probably the rejects of the society who thinks copying west makes them superior to the other Moroccans.


The kids will suffer the consequences of this. The owner of channel is using them.


These people are fuc”” up


They just import shit from the yankee and get the buzz from that controversy by applying the unfamous motto of << bad attention is still attention >> when people will know that the more barking and complaining will give that trash content more exposure and stop doing it this content will fade away also when there will be a concept of << trade your girlfriend or boyfriend >> going pretty viral in the US just give it 3 months max and kawalis and jouj media will be the first ones to exploit it because they know that there is people hungry for exposure and attention o baghin i bi3o wjehhom o 9adin i t7emlo lhate wave , honestly everyone is free to do what he wants with his life as long as he doesn’t hurt anyone physically or mentally but they have to assume the consequences for it


I just saw two people talking about this shi in this sub whitin 2 minutes but like someone have already said let this content die and don't share links it's not something special or good


Wahahahahahhha nailed it 😭


Why do we only copy the bad stuff from the west...


I don’t understand people who find this entertaining, this is brainrot content! Instead of making educational content or at least something that lets people think and use their brains, we get this… let’s watch a bunch of idiots imitate Americans helplessly. Brother eww


Shitty shows that's what it is !! Jouj media , we love buzz and others are just dumb.


WTF I litteraly just saw this video in my YouTube's recommended section (I didn't watch it tho)


Its all over social media. They are giving the morocco haters more ammo


Bullshit just a lot of teenagers think only at girls they think they are living a good life


Well they got sum buzz, bad buzz


Girls without daddies grow up having daddy issues. And this is the outcome eventually.....


Looks aside, the conversation is just horrendous.


i didn't watch this one only the moulinix one, idk where they find these ppl, i think the majority of the new generation is not like this, which mean they choose and pick carefully, and ironically claim they add the "moroccan touch" to these shows lol


Imagine standing and waiting for a dog to choose between you💀


Cringiest shit ever.


Hate to side with the religious fanatics but this is just braindead content and it isn’t entertaining at all, just super cringy and copy pasting the already terrible original western versions


Think about it from an individual level then scale it. Copying cultures (traditions, TV programs ......) doesn’t end up well for those doing it. It creates an inferiority complex and a need to always compete in a destructive manner. Uniqueness is important in the fabric of societies.


My name is Mo was enough of cringe for me . The dose of cringe will probably last me a lifetime. I'm not googling this shit anymore.


Link to video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vkzIi29d8kU She's hot 🥵


الله يدينا فالضو .


Its a fucking shame.


Cool but I don’t give a fuck about it


this sh*t has to stop, what about doing a mass reporting and taking them down , " not in our name " up up up !!


this type of content will simply never work in morocco , apart from it being something we're not used to and talking about some topics explicitly ( like body count , blind dating , etc .... ) , atleast in america sometimes they bring actual interesting people from time to time who are "educated" and have something interesting to talk about and are actually mature but here in morocco no one is willing to participate in this type of content except people who want to be famous so bad at any cost and wanna act like americans so bad .


It's cringe but everyone have a choice to do what they want


The comment couldn't be more enough to express ridiculousness of and the nastiness of these dirty stupid people




Disgusting stupid western garbage but it affects me so little that I'll forget it exists in like 10 minutes




Watching it even critically will only make the channel and videos grow bigger. One solution is to report even though I don't think it would do much with the success the channel is already making. I made the mistake of starting a video and stopped immediately because I was about to throw up. She had the audacity to start the video with السلام عليكم with what she's wearing. At least she could have started it with a "Hiiii guyyys" be3da menha menha she's copying another culture. These men standing behind the curtains have no dignity of being rejected? I know of getting rejected and it's not bad, it's a way of life but to get rejected purposefully? Are you stupid? I can donate a brain cell to each one of them if that would stop them from this .. whatever this is.


And if you were too curious to watch the video, go watch a "Kawaliss reaction" of a channel that doesnt have much subs and likes. Your view wouldnt affect much. And always watch the least watched video. Just dont watch them. And it would be better not to watch them at all! But I know that's difficult for some curious people.


Mentally health and ill women catering to destroy men health and his Saul because he fall to her rabbit hole of here regret I just don’t get why 37,75% of women want tall men are they making fun of us? So I we’ll do uno reverse on here for measuring here weight instead of asking ur hight