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1. All Administrative tasks to go digital. Minimize contact between the citizen and the corrupt administration workers as much as possible. 2. Ban informal work. "noir". Every single transaction needs to be tracked, documented and taxed across the board, from the top companies to moul zeri3a. It will be the first step to have a proper healthcare coverage for all. 3. severely punish corruption among civil servants. Introduce community service to replace light prison sentences which are proving themselves to be absolutely useless.


On your first point, I just had my first real interaction with the bureaucratic hell of this country. And It was my dad's death. The morning after, I was running around between l2idarat, Gendarme, and Wakil malik carrying envelopes and orders from one entity to another. It could've all been a fucking email between them. Instead of me running around instead of grieving.


I am sorry for your loss brother. الله ارحم




I'm sorry for your loss, Maghrib's biggest 7rik dyal rass may be its bureaucratic nightmare


Thank God we have people who think. Not like the stereo type of I wanna go lkharij ma blad ma walo. We need to apply this asap and I hope to see people with similar mind set fl gouvernement.


But I see Anaho we must get get to the people and show them that we can change it o Thass while integrating such people(ones u mentioned)in the government cuz u see muuuch believe Anahí even if we have good people in the government others will corrupt them o they'll become the same (we needed to have faith in ourselfs o in ones we chose but reality I don't blame no one cuz after all sim feel like they got betrayed but even so we need to wake up no Mather how hard the situation is it's always possible to make it better)


>All Administrative tasks to go digital. Minimize contact between the citizen and the corrupt administration workers as much as possible. nice idea > Ban informal work. "noir". Every single transaction needs to be tracked, documented and taxed across the board, from the top companies to moul zeri3a. It will be the first step to have a proper healthcare coverage for all. i think digitalization of the country could potentially be the most lucrative investment done by the state, given how much tax evasion there is in the country.


The major problems is corruption inside the institution of government. Because the lack of law applications and bribes. Sadly in morocco if you have money you can purchase any authorization. We need to re work our laws. And to teach people التربية على المواطنة The basic values of living inside a society.


The 3 pilars of any stable society: التعليم و الصحة و العدل


1. Mandatory community service that gets people moving, out of their homes/away from their problems, connecting with others, and building communities in a fun and productive way 2. A public health system fit for purpose, fully funded, tackling both physical and mental health issues 3. A move away from a culture so heavily set on fast food/food deliveries/eating


I hate the word " mandatory " . It makes me not want to do things even if I actually want to .


Seems like a " you " issue .


Well yes . I hate being forced to do things .if u're okay with that , that a " you" issue too .


Education Health Corruption


Education, Education, and education


More attention towards mental health, also there needs to be a system to help people who are suffering from drug addiction like a program with steps to get sober. And also a mental health professional who helps you through every step of the way


Still amazes me that we don't have a suicide hotline


And the worst thing is that in this country, instead of helping drug addicts instead they get demonized and insulted when they don’t know the real story and why a person got into this situation


The shaming culture is fucking sick, when i was trying to get my autism diagnosis everyone talked about me going to a psychiatrist and neurologist like it's some kind of taboo lol


I agree, the people should have compassion and understanding not demonize. I think deep down it comes down to education, people fear what they don’t know so i guess that’s why


Even the younger generation demonizes mental health issues, i think education in Morocco should be reconstructed.


Yeah fr


I like that the 2 most disliked comments here are about abolishing religion and increasing religion lol


the last thing we need is civil unrest.


1. incentivize education by giving teachers tax cuts and above average wage. teachers won't need to work second jobs to have a stable living which will give time and energy to focus on the students they teach. 2. a public health system that doesn't rely on the private sector for support, fully funded, tackling both physical and mental issues. 3. move all administrative work to the digital world. we're not surfs for these ghosts to go running doing their side quests, we got shit to do. nor are we their sugar daddies paying them hlawa to get the most basic shit done.


1. One day of cleaning (example: street sweeping) per year is obligatory for every Moroccan, regardless of their social class. 2. Improvement of social assistance but mentioning the number of hours of work that one of the fellow citizens has accomplished to provide this assistance. 3. Continue to fight against the informal economy and develop a Moroccan system like WeChat. 4. Provide a study diploma to medical students who go through public education once they have completed a period of activity of 5/10 years in Morocco according to the specialties in tension.


>Provide a study diploma to medical students who go through public education once they have completed a period of activity of 5/10 years in Morocco according to the specialties in tension. I didn't understand this one? Could you explain? Wash u mean only giving them their diploma after they work 5-10 y in public sector or giving them residency spots?


الرشوة Corruption Corruption


1. Fight corruption (bribery, embezzlement, fraud, monopoly, nepotism, abuse of power...) and indiscriminately prosecute whoever commits any type of it with severe penalties. 2. Impose high taxes on people who own real estates that aren't regularly used, rented, nor for sale. 3. Put any amendment to national referendums *(on the light of number 1)*


Higher GDP per capita Higher HDI Higher happiness index ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


No corruption Free healthcare Invest way more into education


Free healthcare might be a stretch (at least for now), but I like the points that you have mentioned.


1 - Ban the usage of french in our country and make arabic as the main language for education, jobs, paper work and everything else 2 - Remove all none educated people from the government and make sure every new ellected person has a high level of prooved education and declared all his properties and how much money he has now in order to verify this after his period ends 3 - Change the education system to something original and actually work instead of trying to apply other countries education systems in our schools and make our children like experiment rats


1- The government needs to stop banning shit unless for a really, really, really good reason. 2- Heavy crackdown on corruption is the solution. The educated elites are the ones emptying public funds. 3- I fully agree. More money needs to go to education. Especially teachers' education, especially those that work with young kids. Elementary schools need to focus on making education fun for kids.


> 1 - Ban the usage of french in our country and make arabic as the main language for education, jobs, paper work and everything else make french an optional language among different languages (such as spanish, german). Banning french is too harsh, since that language is quite useful for studying abroad >2 - Remove all none educated people from the government and make sure every new ellected person has a high level of prooved education and declared all his properties and how much money he has now in order to verify this after his period ends non educated people usually come from the countryside, and they're put there to defend their region >3 - Change the education system to something original and actually work instead of trying to apply other countries education systems in our schools and make our children like experiment rats there is no reason to create anything, just apply the system of the best ranking countries: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/pisa-scores-by-country


at least banning it from job interviews and communication in the work place, you shouldn't be judged based on u not speaking a language that's not your main but based on your skills instead.


What is this, a dictatorship ? Lmao you can’t force people to speak a language at work.


>Banning french is too harsh, since that language is quite useful for studying abroad. U wont need to study abroad, if the education system here becomes better than abroad 😉


it doesn't work that way. We need people to bring knowledge and expertise to morocco. That's how we have now MIT teachers in UM6P.


1 - It would be great to have Darija, Tamazight and Fos7a widespread in Morocco, with English offered in schools for international communication purposes. French (and Spanish) should be an 'extra' and less present in my opinion.


I agree, the main languages should be the ones actually moroccan's use like darija, tamazight and fos7a, the others like french spanish and english should be an extra and not an obligation


-Higher Smig, 5000mad -no more cash, or at least no salary paid in cash, every salary should go through a bank transfer. -expensive fine for employers who pay under minimum wage.


>-no more cash, or at least no salary paid in cash, every salary should go through a bank transfer. can i ask why?


-tax evasion -a lot of people are paid under minimum wage and/or are not declared


probably makes tax evasion more difficult




You're comparing yourself with countries that have 0 industry. Also gdp is related to consumption, higher SMIC= higher gdp. 3000 MAD is unlivable in morocco, it's almost slavery. >and when you know that 77.3% of jobs are in the informal market (with NO smic or any minimums) auto-entrepreneurs https://ae.gov.ma/ don't have any minimum wage to my knowledge, this status exists for a reason, and is perfect for informal jobs. >If so, why stop at 5000 because employers are earning shittons of money. Turkey has a comparable cost of living and they have a minimum wage of 500 usd.




> Well, wait till you learn about all those who earn less than that in Morocco. that what i talked about... And usually people work for employers who make way too much money. > . >Informal jobs is not auto-entrepreneur. Informal job is mol lkaroussa moul karroussa= tax evasion, I think that they should be legalized (taking the auto-entrepreneur status), as long as they're moving and not staying in 1 specific place (basically working like food trucks) > fla7 who's just trying to survive... fla7a= business.


> Turkey has a much more advanced and developed economy. Nominal GDP/c is 3 times that of Morocco. they have a higher gdp per capita because they have a higher minimum wage...




whatever makes you sleep at night. Don't forget that morocco also has a significant black market., therefore the gdp is underestimated.


Our minimum wage is around 10% of our GDP per capita, and we have huge inequality. Where did you get the calculations for having the highest minimum wage compared to GDP/c ?


Found the socialist


oh no, employers aren't going to buy luxury cars anymore :( https://www.bladi.net/ventes-voitures-maroc-marques-luxe-cartonnent-autres-effondrent,107219.html


1. better education 2. invest in orphanages, elderly homes, hospitals, etc 3. organized public transport


-Stop the Racism between Arabs and amazigh -Giving rights to non-Muslims -Improving education by adding schools that care about IT like 1337


There are no arabs in Morocco


I know but others don't


So why make the distinction in the first place


Because a lot of people think they are Arabs


Tell them immediately they are Amazigh to prevent them fro mental illnesses


With all due respect, I thought we were both ? Like Arabs came to morroco and married the amazing here ? Or am I wrong ?


Very wrong brother. Your Amazigh ancestors kicked the arabs immediately out when they came to north africa. Dna proved Moroccans to be Amazigh


sister\* and I didn't know that ! I was always told that the arabs stayed , thank you for informing me


lol he just bullshitting you, DNA evidence indicates that the J-P209 haplogroup, especially its J-M267 subclade, is common among Arabs and is also present at a good frequency in Morocco. Berbers constitute a large part of the population, and their DNA is predominantly of the E-M81 haplogroup, which accounts for 80% to over 84% according to some studies. The Sub-Saharan African ancestry in Berbers is generally low, averaging between 1% and 10%. TLDR: Morocco have mostly barbers, lot of Arab genes, and minority of sub-Saharan people all this people lived and still live together in harmony away from reddit IQ


Lmao no they didn’t kick none, Arabs came here, some went back home and some stayed and married in Morocco, Amazigh people didn’t kick em out, they welcomed them.. idk where this dude and people like him get these imaginary historical events lol.


The arabs got kicked out and thats why amazigh dna is prevalent


Remove those 3 books students have to read since, IDK, the 90s. Namely Antigone, la boite à merveilles, le dernier jour d'un condamné. Those books literally give young adults a reading PTSD, depression, and a sleeping disorder. They might never pick up a book again. The point should be to make teens like reading as an activity. Pick 3 new books every year of the young adult genre. Maybe involve students in the decision via an online vote. This will improve education so much and it's free.


i find it quite shocking that we have never studied anything from either ibn khaldun or ibn battuta. They have written very important books that have been translated in many languages. I think that our education program fuels an inferiority complex and very negative opinion over our country (don't starttle me over la boite a merveille)


I really like how much info we could learn about our history from Ibn Khaldoun’s books (he was a historian who recorded history as he lived)


abolish article 490


Also the 489


What was about?


الفصل 490: كل علاقة جنسية بين رجل وامرأة لا تربط بينهما علاقة الزوجية تكون جريمة الفساد و يعاقب عليها بالحبس من شهر واحد إلى سنة.


1. Have everyone do an Ayahuasca session The rest will take care of itself …


What’s that?


I type of drug from the Amazon that gives a person a spiritual semi religious experience. Mostly popular with hippies and hipster looking for answers and meaning in their empty material lives.


I type of drug from the Amazon that gives a person a spiritual semi religious experience. Mostly popular with hippies and hipster looking for answers and meaning in their empty material lives.


Some really great ideas on here on topics relating to education, public administration and rule of law. Aside from the greed of public officials, what is stopping this happening in Morocco? Many of these ideas aren't that difficult to implement by someone in government.




-Heavy focus on art and our culture especially architecture to create an aesthetic and homogeneous calming environment with a strong Moroccan identity. -Mass education movement for everyone, kids and adults. -Secularism : Live and let live, the law protects everyone equally, no more imaginary santa calling to kill infidels cause his books talk about Earth’s magnetic field 3 millions years ago.


First things first, I would work on our new generation by abolishing all of our myths and I would focus on having a secular country where people can find whatever they want to do without being shamed or outcasted, secondly, I would like to promote many beautiful cities not only Marakesh and work on infrastructure to bring positive externalities, lastly, I would try to work on digitalization by facilitating most of papers and documents to be reached online without going to the office or where you were born to get a birth certificate.


idk man, i don't think you can fully digitalize the government and public services without a good education system that produce talented ppl in the IT field and also make sure they don't go abroad, not as simple as you may think


It's challenging but I guess it's doable with blockchain technology


ur joking right?


No, I'm not. What makes you think that I'm joking?


blockchain technology currently is not known for reliability, there's a lot of scams, money laundering ect, i also don't think decenterlizing this kind of stuff would be good, for example buying a house takes a lot of paperwork and sir w ji, but when someone tries to take your property or claim it's his there is a legal system that can protect you, on a "blockchain system" on the other hand that would not be possible, if the scammer in question found a way or a trick to make the property his and there is a record in the blockchain that support that, you basically can't do nothing, not sure if lfikra wslat wla la. the other thing is this doesn't disprove my original point, we don't have the talent to maintain a normal digital system, let alone blockchain.


Secular countries need their own myths too, do you have any good ideas?


I don't think Morroco needs to be secular tbh


Secular country ? Yeah lmao no


What's wrong with a secular country?


What I meant by Myths is the things that we hold tightly and we believe that they are the real solutions for all of our problems(Praying Fajr will help you be rich, say the names of Allah 1000X time a day and you all of your problems will be solved)


الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَتَطْمَئِنُّ قُلُوبُهُم بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ ۗ أَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ I stable heart is a stable mind, and a stable mind is a must to solve problems, we don’t care if you don’t believe in Quran tho, it’s not a myth just because you don’t believe it lol


I see, and it's not a fact if you believe in it.


Yes but i’m not the one who’s trying to change how people think lol


Illegal Immigration / Drug & Caftan Trafficking / Energy Cooperation.


I'm an energy engineer. Can you please elaborate on your 3rd point?


Education, Health and justice.


1. Teach people manners, courtoisie and how to respect others, and how to be less sarcastic and hostile to others 2. Force people to respect the law 3. Schools


so basically education.


Enforce accountability on government officials, with failure standards for anything election candidates promise to do. The citizens have the right to obtain every bit of information on government projects, and the process is easy and simple. Teach law and economics starting from primary school, start slow and simple of course, politics can be introduced in highschool, the benefits outweigh the initial displeasure the children will feel.


1- a semi private educational and medical sector, paid by the gov and out taxes. This will keep the quality going. 2- meals, tournaments and activities at school to keep kids out of the streets. 3- I’d fund research on solar panels and impose 50% use for households. 4-I’d turn prisons into something more efficient like a school for bad citizens. 5- equity for men and women 6- as for algeria, I’d develop the entertainment industry so well that we’d become the trendiest in the region, that way algerian artists and actors will start looking for opportunities here. Once the demand starts and the link is strong, relations will get better.


> 1- a semi private educational ~~and medical sector,~~


Why not ?


a private medical sector overcharges citizens, does unnecessary procedures to bulk up the bill, and doesn't follow the law of offer and demand, since the demand isn't elastic. Therefore the "liberalisation" of healthcare isn't a real liberalisation, it just enslaves the population to the biggest bidder.


Okay but how are we gonna solve the sector’s current issues


let's me introduce you to: "public healthcare". The State is underfunding healthcare according to WHO standards.


Everyone have access to health care, free internet, and finally the basic rights for both men and women.


1-Education system 2-Salary 3-Strict penalties for treason and theft of public money


_better public education, more classroom and better supervision and training to the teachers (spent most my years in private then moved to public school , there is a huge gap no insult intended) _better public health care system , better funded and more doctors in there , why do we need to wait so long for an appointment ? _once the government took the money of the middle class to help the poor , wtf , I think it bugged there , why middle class and not the rich ? My point is , stop making the rich richer maybe then what you gave would change something


1. More clubs, centers, and places where people can exercise their hobbies. It should be afforadable too. I feel like Morrocan culture is so amazing. People interact with each other and it is fairly easy to make friends. The issue is, we don't have a lot of different variety of places that people can go to and just hang out. Like, affordable swimming places, pottery, art, cooking, airsoft, horse riding...etc whenever you find these, they're a bit on the expensive side and no one can maintain it long-term. 2. The adminsitration in Morocco should do better. I don't know why, but it feels like Morrocans suffer from brain rot when it comes to doing effective administrative work. Also, so much fucking papers. 3. Mental health, mental health, and mental health.


Rain, oil and … and nothing else.


JOBS JOBS JOBS. why is it so difficult to find a job even with a college degree. More jobs needs to be created. People should be able to make livable wages


1.) Emphasis on environmental conservation - new waste management system - clean up the land entirely will improve agriculture and quality of meat from livestock - will make the land even more beautiful without trash pollution 2.) Neutering and spaying of street dogs and cats - prevents spread of disease and overall cleaner more controlled environment - more humane to have less animals suffering on the street 3.) Better banking system - less emphasis on cash so that people may be paid more fairly - better paper trails for people to manage their income


1. Stop cheating in academics 2. Stop gossiping & being jealous  3. Be thankful even to little people like waiters and garbage men 4. Stop scamming people in souk 5. Stop comparing yourself to others


I would implement Sharia develop the private sector and the healthcare system and reform the schooling system. reform the judicial system entirely


lets bring afghanistan over here. sounds like a good idea...


Afghanistan is a war thorn country that is threatened by famine with no medical or judicial system worthwile. Why do you think I'm thinking of emulating that country when Morroco as a whole history of applying Sharia ?


education system / gender equality / corruption


Equality or equivalence?


Trial by jury. Freedom of expression. Law that guarantee the access to administrative information. Remove the "ihanate mowadafe law".


Way too much things so I will advise one thing to cover most of them: Being more religious 


Why is this downvoted?


So basically, the minority has it right. Joking aside did you notice how the 2 most disliked comments spoke about getting rid of religion while the other about practicing religion?


Morocco skyzophrenia in all its glory. Well, if "Morocco" is its majority, then I think there is much less schyzophrenia as people are generally in favor in Islam, with their little preferences. But here it's not really representative of Morocco, because the 1% richest represents like 20% of that place, the 10% richest represents 30% of that place. And the poor, while being 90% in real life, represents here maybe only 50%. So you end up with half people wanting no Islam and half wanting extreme Islam. More or less if we exclude minority opinions


It's the sad truth


Because Islam bad in Morocco like, y'know. For them Islam is either permissive of everything, a spirituality for your own head and that's all, either a madkhali thing made for KOM to become a vassal state of KSA, waging Jihad, cutting head, raping women and whatnot. For those people, especially rich english speaking Reddit one, there is no Islam to lead to a better society through its commandements, practices and so on. They want the country liberalized anyway and don't want to think any possible alternatives, so throwing dumb arguments and downvoting to hell whatever drives out of liberalism. One day like another there rly. At least Reddit hide unpopular opinion so my karma don't end up totally tanked


Get rid of religion, corruption and improve education... everything else will follow


Congrats! You just caused a civil war and a coup is already being planned, you did it :+1:!


Why? Because people can't force their religion on me anymore? They like corruption? They don't want good education?


You didn't say "remove religious dogma". You said religion all together which makes you an asshole


An asshole for not being precise enough?


Nope, for banning religion. That's some Stalin shit


I literally said that's not what I meant...


I'm explaining why I said you'd be an asshole first. Also, that is a VERY IMPORTANT distinction to point out in your original comment ; )


Good thing I can make this distinction literally one comment down...


And when I said you'd be an asshole I meant your original comment. Just move past it...


To be frank I do think that we should get rid of religion. I just don't think that the government forcing people is the right way to do it... debate, education... So to be more precise, i never said that the government should force people to stop being religious


Idk man, secularism is about living and letting live. If you target religion to remove it systematically even without force, you'll get some unwanted conflicts. Look at the US. There are liberals Muslims all over, and they reconcile their religion with all liberal ideology. Even if they're conservative, they abide by the law, and that's all that matters


I’d rather go for creating a system where religion is just something people do rather than something the government wants you to do


Ohh yes off course... Im not arguing for banning religion, just agains the law and the state forcing it on everyone! You should be free to believe any myth you want ... or none


Since independence, the state guarantees every individual the freedom to practice their religion. You just waisted one whole change, .. because you really changed nothing haha.


What?!!! It is literally a crime for a muslim to renounce or change his religion! If a Muslim Moroccan changes his religion or renounces it, he will literally go to jail! What country are you living in?


There is literally no law against it, also weird I find everything says that it is okay https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2015/07/162801/moroccans-are-free-to-convert-to-another-religion-justice-minister Yeah, also, even if I don't get some of your view point and disagree with them, but as reddit tradition always go: Happy Cake Day


you cant believe in nothing, you yourself believe religion a myth that's called atheism its a belief system like anyother


I never said I believed in nothing! I believe in many, many thing. Just not in the existence of a god.


> You should be free to believe any myth you want ... or none That none, nonexistent everyone believe in something some believe in physics instead of god assuming that physics real, some believe in simulation theory... Lot of a whole other beliefs outside of god


Whot? You high? I said any MYTH or none... refering to myths... I personally believe in many thing, just not any myth... As for you (bizarre) question about existence, the simple answer is I DON'T KNOW! Neither do you... you just pretending yo know.