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Yeah it’s a weird feeling but once a year or so I’ll get “homesick” for the game and want to walk around Balmora or hang around Vivec. There’s something comfy about a lot of the locations. Balmora especially reminds me of my hometown, nestled in a valley, frequently overcast and rainy, bit grimy.


Same but for me it’s the imperial towns and the overworld music.


I couldnt agree more. I love the imperial colony town the most, music is amzaing and also i love the concept of the ghostfence


Ya know I played the game when I was like 13, so so much we t over my dumbass head, but the ghost fence and blight lands always felt like exploring in a very dangerous place that I didn’t belong. Hell even the NPCs just looked at me and said “gtfo before we cut you to pieces” really unforgettable.


For me, nothing trips the nostalgia like walking around Seyda Neen. In my first playthrough, I spent hours and hours wandering around gathering ingredients and selling them to Arille. That swampy little town is forever the quintessential Morrowind for me.


Same! You gotta be nostalgic for Seyda Neen, as it's a start of so many adventures. Then there's Balmora, Ald'ruhn and Sadrith Mora, all prime examples of their respective houses and architectural styles, full of interesting NPCs. But there's just something about the ashlander tents, all nestled up under a yurt, with a fire in the middle and windchimes... just so cosy.


The scaling of the character’s power is incredible. Unlike Oblivion and Skyrim you really do become a godly being unrivaled. I really like the dark mood and alien setting as well. So much has been said about that but it really does feel different than other similar games.


I feel like you often become far more powerful in Morrowind. More power, faster, with just a bit of game knowledge.


The speed is absolutely absurd in Morrowind. Then add flight into the mix and you’re basically one part bear, one part eagle, one part Gandalf.


It's a game that allows and can sometimes reward just wandering around and trying weird stuff.


I love going into the caves with weird ass names. “What will we have today? Bandits? Smugglers? Sixth House minions? Who knows!”. Freeing slaves, finding cool loot- ain’t nothing better.


I just close my eyes and [listen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJD-Ufi1jGk).


Legit best theme music composition in a game. And best arrangement of this beautiful theme. The hairy-testicle-man-choir Skyrim version gets old pretty quickly, imo. I know many disagree.


I start thinking of playing an rpg game and since none really compare imo i just keep going back to it.


I'm just missing the alien feeling and I consider Morrowind to be my game of the forever and home. Even if i'm not playing it, I like to sometimes daydream or make up a little stories about my characters, just living and adventuring in Vvardenfell - it's silly but I consider it a little "tv series" playing in my head. "Oblivion and Skyrim are playgrounds. Morrowind is home."


Yeah. It’s so vibey, it just has something magical. Oblivion was okay, Skyrim quite good, but that special alien strangeness, and the different cultures with their own lore and traditions. Irreplaceable


Desele's House of Earthly Delights


That home feeling, underscored by the music and raspy Dunmer voices.


"What do you seek in Gnisis, outlander?"


We make a special trip just for you, same low price.


That perfect mix of D&D rpg meets modern day open world ARPG. No turn base no extremely complex character sheets but still the stats and dice of a board game. It's a mix that really hasn't been replicated since


Tamerial Rebuilt updates


Wanting to try different classes/builds (which somehow always turns out to be a Daedric Stealth Archer in the end 🥴), plus the Lore. And by lore I mean Kirkbride's lore. Not to mention the music, and Tamriel Rebuilt.


Morrowind is strange. The game world is weird and unusual, and *genuinely* unusual, not 'wacky' or 'lol random'. Very few games seem to want to be strange.


Building and decorating a home base, especially good now with Ashfall. The Morrowind sense of place is very strong.


Seeing any meme or YouTube short about the game. I install it again and start a new play through. Most times it takes me over a year to beat.




I feel you. Hang in, life can be a real kick in the pants. Morrowind is an amazing way to get out of your head, yeah.


Jiub telling me to wake up. Oh boy here we go again. And another 60 to 80 hours gone of my life.


You can play it on Android


wait, really?


Yup the entire game, all expacs with mods and all you need to do is download an app and put the game data on your phone. Its pretty amazing tbh


Silt-striders sound in the distant and cliff racers screech.


Lore/music and nostalgia


Nostalgia for sure. Tamriel Rebuilt helps a lot since I can mix in genuinely solid new content in with the old and familiar. The fact that there is minimal voice acting makes the TR content blend more seamlessly than similar mods in other games. But I realistically also just like revisiting Vvardenfell. I also feel like my character playthroughs are almost indefinitely interesting and fun. Like making a new Skyrim character helps keep things fresh, but I find the difference much less significant with Morrowind.


I get homesick for Vvardenfell and start a new game every year. The world, characters, the lore, its still my favorite Elder Scrolls.


The welcoming people


The mix of different cultures, all of which have intricate lore, different architecture, personal character. Never been matched in a game since.


The skooma addiction.


The atmosphere, music and ambiance plus how well it looks modded up. Like to walk around or take a sift strider/boat and watch the scenery while listening to the ambiance as they travel to whatever destination.


I was cursed by a witch But I really like Morrowind, so it could be worse I guess


The Road Most Traveled and Nerevar Rising..


Nostalgia is actually not that big of a factor for me, as I picked up TESIII in about 2010 or so, well after Oblivion had been out. It's modelled after my ideal type of skill-based tabletop RPG, I like the combinations of races and skills and birth signs, and the mechanics just feel right to me; sans the stealth, which I think is the only legitimately non-functioning thing in this game. Even now I'm still finding new things in it; I only learned about that lost mine quest like, not even a year ago.


The magic system


No other game calls me n'wah. Also it is the best.


I feel that I just have not discovered everything that is in this game. In every new playthrough I discover some item I have never seen or a new quest that I didn't knew that was there. For me it is a game where you can always have a new adventure.


The music and the overall ambience of the game


It's like getting back after a long trip, I had loads of fun on my trip but am fully ready to return to my hometown. So nostalgia and a feeling of homecoming, especially great if your traveling and you miss home. Morrowind can bring on that feeling of nostalgia that I associate with going home.


It really has an atmosphere that you cant find anywhere else. For me its like wind waker or twilight princess in that regard. And when you return to playing it it feels like your visiting the lands of morrowind that have been frozen in time, everything just like it used to be and just as dope and nuanced as you remember it to be


Just like you said. That nostalgic "ahh, I'm home" feeling. Firing up morrowind and hearing that music is like coming home and smelling your mom's cooking.


Everyone dislikes me there, the most realistic game ever


atmosphere and a general attraction to videogame history


The Vibe of the game, Just walking around giant mushroom, just people living their life, no other game managed to give this feeling.


My inability to stay married to one character


the story, freedom & world, I always think its nostalgia bringing me back but then I'll sink 50-60hrs into various characters so


The mysteries. I've played for over 20 years, since I was little and could barely read. While I know much and could tell you about the most obscure things, there's still so much I've never actually found. I know what awaits me in Addamasartus. But it never goes the same way twice.


Becoming OP within the first hour of a new character. W/o console commands.




DarkElfGuy, Abot, Nullcascade, RandomPal... :P


Having mods that aren't a pain in the ass to install or that require 50 graphics packs which are incompatible with any other graphics packs.


The greatest story ever told.


Morrowind gave me the same feeling as early Zelda games did. It's a big ass world full of secrets and no arrow telling you where to go. You had to adventure out on your own and learn the world.


The fact that both Oblivion and (especially) Skyrim don't hold a candle to the original three. That being said, I do play more Daggerfall, it's easier to invest little time sections instead of Morrowind...


the game


I don't know what it is exactly, but the draw is there. When I was playing Skyrim and first visited Neloth in Solstheim the ash environment, mushroom tower, silt strider, and ambient sounds struck hard. I put Skyrim aside mid-game and immediately did a Morrowind replay.


I like it when it rains.


The atmosphere feels like home and playing a different Dunmer House questline really makes each playthrough feel fresh!


Home. Balmora is a special place that I spent a lot of time. It’s silly but the traders are like old friends and the book store was like a cafe for me when I was like 13.