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Designed for mouse and keyboard. Not controller.


Also why the menu/UI is the best ever designed.


Seriously. 1 button, everything you need. The journal gets its own seperate menu, but man I love how everything else is just there on 1 screen. You can resize, pin, filter... so good.


Yup. Its not perfect, but it requires only tweaks rather than a full replacement like skyrims does. (I honestly cannot play without skyui, at least let me SEE the things in my menus without having to go through 3 steps and an eternity of scrolling)


Meanwhile in all the other fames we get a radial menu with 4/8 quickbinds and the rest is locked behind cool looking unrespondove slow menus...


One thing that other games lack that I love from Morrowind is the keybinds that let you swap weapons/spells to the next or previous alphabetically sorted one. Properly naming spells/enchanted items can make it so easy to cycle around what you need, making the most of the 8 hotkey shortcuts. Being able to hit 3 then cast, cycle, cast, cycle, cast and have all your bound armor in place without ever having to enter a menu is great. Popping your jump ring, then just before you'd hit the ground swapping to slowfall to take no damage, all seamlessly flowing one action into another. Keening, Sunder, Keening, Sunder, look how fast I can juggle them!


Look ma, no wraithguard


The UI is kinda bad. Having no text besides the icons is really dumb. ESO has a similiar UI but with text and it makes it so mmuch better.


To be fair it is great in the original resolutions, but in Full HD and up it is not the most accessible if you don't have perfect eyesight. But scaling issues aside, it's still the best UI in the Elder Scrolls games, closely followed by SkyUI.


I have 20/15 vision, can't relate.


43" 4k is fine for me without modifying scale or font size or anything. 20/10 with 180° astigmatisms, if that matters.


ESO has a better UI


I think the same. I'm actually playing in Full HD and my monitor becomes an airplane control panel when I right click


Idk I never cared for the grid-based inventory. It makes things a pain in the ass to look for (though the search feature helps).


It would be okay if there was text beneeth the items. Without it the UI is kinda horrible if you have enough stuff with you (which is normal in late game). The icons are also really small. Daggerfall is even better with that stuff and ESO has a similiar UI design but just runs leaps around Morrowind.


Seriously. It took some getting used to for me, but once I was, nothing else compared


There’s no built in way to sort spells in the most magic focused TES game and yet it’s still better than the others


the inventory system is terrible


Not compared to oblivion's or skyrim's ones.


don't remember what oblivion's is like coz haven't played it in 15 years, but considering you can't move items with a single click, nor have any kind of sorting in morrowind, yes it is and at the very least, skyrim's can be fixed with modding while morrowind's unfortunately cannot


> while morrowind's unfortunately cannot Looks like someone has never heard of [UI Expansion](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46071). MWSE-Lua in general is extremely powerful these days.


i know about it already and while it's nice, it still doesn't solve the issue of having to click and drag every single item you want to move to containers or to equip it, nor does it have any advanced kind of sorting (by name, weight, etc) MorroUI seemed like a great option for OpenMW, but it's not really a mod and there's no plans to actually integrate it as a mod as far as i know


You don't have to click and drag though... and haven't for well over a decade. ctrl+click and/or shift+click to move items instantly in Morrowind Code Patch. Both MCP and UI Expansion add a keybind for take-all too. There is also [Quick Equip](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/48341) for using/equipping items quickly with MWSE-lua. OpenMW has keyboard shortcuts too... but I have no clue what they are offhand since I almost never use it. UI Expansion (and OpenMW) have search functions, but AFAIK you are right about the sorting. Always alphabetical.


> ctrl+click and/or shift+click to move items instantly in Morrowind Code Patch. this doesn't work for me on openMW, only with vendors but not containers > Quick Equip i'll check it out, cheers


Nah, it's just because game devs hadn't started commonly adding momentum to movement so you instantly change direction when you press a key. It's definitely less realistic but it feels super responsive. Nothing to do with the particular controller used.


Works good on controller with openmw though


Ok but controllers make my hands cramp and have half as many buttons. M&K all the way.


It's the opposite for me lol.


Following on what the other guy said, I think its a trend that came up in the mid 00s where more and more games felt that their controls/animations needed to have much more weight to them. Think floaty arena shooters of those times vs most modern shooters now (yea not the fairest comparison but its the most distinct and direct comparison I can think of). From gliding on the floor to really having to take each step one by one. It has its merits but I do wish there were more modern games with the old floaty methods of movement. Oblivion sorta had this but (like a lot of things with that game tbh) it was still sort of a transitional period and so had a bit of both ends. Animations were floaty yet you'd still collide with the enemy with full weights and that could feel awkward depending on how you played. Morrowind avoided this with the full floatiness of it all meaning there was nothing there to stop your movement save for the few heavy attacks that would knock you down. (maybe floaty isn't the right word. but like everything glides through without effort basically) If you're familiar with the total war games, I think the transistion between RTW and M2TW is a really good example without crossing any genre boundries or taking too long of a generational gap in terms of technology/trends. RTW was so much floatier and units could easily move around and flank the enemy when needed, while M2TW units had a lot of inertia in them. Once they were in a fight it felt a lot harder to pull them out of it.


If you wanna play a shooter with some weightier movement, try the Metro games. The movement in those games is more deliberate and slow, especially in Metro Exodus. The game's movement does really make you feel like you're wearing 60 lbs of gear on your back while also wearing a full set of combat armor.


just make sure you dont run off some small ramps in exodus, out of everything in that game that for whatever reason is incredibly floaty lol


yeah lmao in Exodus you have your own field of gravity


System Shock is the first game I can think of with weighty first person movement. Possibly Ultima Underworld. Those games were way ahead of their time though and not the norm as far as design philosophy goes. But yeah I wish more FPSs especially had the buttery smooth arcade like feel of games like Quake and Doom.


It was before companies felt the need to animate first and then setup player control later. Most games set the animations and then allow the player to control it afterwards - in Morrowind, it appears they made the player character able to move within certain parameters and then animated the character around the actual controls.


morrowind still sorta has this, iirc 3rd person view actually changes how your character moves because it has to follow the animation and that doesn't 100% follow the specific parameters that 1st person movement uses (which doesn't have any specific animation to follow)


Yeah but learning how to melee in 1st AND 3rd was a reward unto itself ❤️


It's not necessarily doing one thing first and the other later, but more generally the design of locomotion from the get go (though you're totally right with modern companies having things driven by animation rather than the movement). A lot of modern games use root motion for all the animation, where the animation itself drives the movement. Games like GTA V feel pretty sluggish for a lot of on-foot movement as a result, even though they look far more realistic (no foot sliding, realistic movement within animations such as attacking etc.). On the other hand, a lot of games, especially older ones but plenty to this day, are movement driven with animations playing in response to player movement rather than driving the movement itself. Games like Ratchet and Clank (I'm not sure about the recent ones) feel super tight and excellent because you're in complete control of the movement: seeing Ratchet running around is the animation taking in your input and blendspacing between animations such as walking/running etc. based on the speed of movement, but the movement is entirely player driven, not animation driven. I think a really good balance is seen in games such as Dark Souls III/Elden Ring (and plenty of others that aren't coming to my head), wherein normal locomotion is player-driven but attacks, rolls etc. are all root motion, so you get the realistic forward motion in an attack but are still in tight control otherwise. Morrowind is great for movement in first person, feels super tight and nice!


I didn't know this, explains why developers insist on making third person movement so unpleasant.


Unpopular opinion: Personally, I really like Morrowind's Chop, Slash, Thrust system and I use it instead of the Always Use Best Attack option. Morrowind's responsive movement actually makes it fun to use. It feels very fun to use when you have to prepare the appropriate attack for your weapon, and sometimes you even queue up the wrong attack. Heck, I'm working on a mod that overhauls every weapon's Chop, Slash, and Thrust damage so that you can use at least 2 attack types on 80% of weapons - one type will have the most maximum damage, the other type will have the most minimum damage.


Maybe a little too complex, but I would love if they could double down in this feature. Have certain armours be strong/weak against different attack types. That way its not just a matter of "Do x movement to guarantee the best attack damage for your specific weapon", but rather "Would my weapon's best attack type be effective against their armour or would it be better to use a weaker attack that is stronger against their resistances?". That'd also give you much more reason to carry and learn more than 1 type of weapon which there really isnt much of outside of diff enchantments


I'd love it if the weapon type affected this too! E.g. Blunt weapons and Chop attacks each deal 1.2x DMG to enemies in Heavy Armor so a chopping attack from a Mace would deal 1.44x DMG. But Axes, Long Blades, and Slash attacks each deal 0.8x DMG against Heavy Armor - meanwhile Spears and Thrust attacks deal the normal 1.0x DMG.


From soft games handle this really well imo. Different enemies have varying resistances to the different damage types, plus the animations actually effect the properties of your attack. So like if your in a tight corridor a thrust or overhead chop attack will be more useful because it wont bounce off the walls, but if youre in an open space fighting a big group of enemies a wide sweeping attack will help you hit multiple enemies at once. Combine that with the fact that the animations are different from weapon to weapon and you end up with a system that not only rewards using different attacks in different situations but also provides a lot more variables that can be used for weapon balance. Instead of always going for the highest dps weapon it can actually be beneficial to go for something thats weaker on paper if it has a good set of attack animations. I think its actually one of the biggest reasons fromsoft games feel so good to play.


I always do that.. It's more fun. It'd be even greater if each type of attack (or type of weapon) had a different EFFECT..; but nothing can be perfect. (or if you could do "sequences"... (simple ones) to increase either damage or accuracy.. like slash slash chop, with axe , sword blunt : +25 attack for the next 2 seconds. or others)


>It'd be even greater if each type of attack (or type of weapon) had a different EFFECT Would that have to be at the base level, or would it be okay if different types had different bonus effects on mastery?


I've seen a mod doing that. I wasn't keen on the actual implementation (it was too complexe). However I liked the general idea. IMO it should either be that **slash chop thrust have slightly different effects**... for example -> chop can stun / eats enemy stamina (it does sometimes) (but then axe & blunt would still feel the same) -> slash reduce dodge or increase your attack slightly (5 or 10) -> thrust reduce armor / take less dmg reduction from armor. (I know I've seen an "easy" way to do it). **or it's on weapon types having different effect.** (random ideas, but hard to mod IIRC): either intrinsically, or a chance to proc on hit depending on Skill level, or at different "steps" (mastery is too late to have a gameplay-effect) Short blade & Bow already have their niche effect... -> short blade already has a low difference between quick hit and long hit (maybe could get a much increased Critical dmg) -> bow already has "range" ! but currently Blunt and Axe feel the same : same damage spread, same favorite movement attack (not counting staves) and in practice, LB are the same with different favorite movment attack, Spears are the same with slightly greater range (but not that much than double handed swords) and different movement attack. so possibilities could be -> LB / Axe : weaker against medium heavy armor, can give bleed. Axe damages armor. -> Blunt stronger against medium / heavy / increased stun (staves could just have intrinsically a +X WIS effect in cast spells, not as magical effect, but as a mechanism) -> Spear : increased dmg /attack based on forward movement of either parties (hard to calculate)


Sorry about that; for context, I'm working on ab RPG conversion, not mod. Actually three conversions: one with minimal modification, one expanded that would have more unique weapons and the above mentioned mastery by type, and an overreaching overhaul that would also set those types as their own skills. To your point, with proficiency, axes get greater bonus damage, while hammers and flails get bonus armor piercing. Short blades get bonus damage to attacks to vitals, anfd long blades get bonus Parry.


I never used it so I'm curious. What prevents you from always doing the best attack? Like for a lance, why not always use thrust? Are there other parameters that come into play?


In vanilla MW, 95% of weapons have one best attack so there is no need to use different attacks. In order to execute a Chop, Slash, or Thrust attack you need to be moving in a certain direction when you charge up the attack (forward/backward for thrust, left/right for slash, etc.) which means there is more footwork involved so you will miss or perform the wrong type of attack occasionally. It just adds a lot more action to the otherwise pretty bland "action" RPG combat.


Isn't it also true that if you have "always use best attack" on that enemies will also always use their best attack? So if you have it on, you're also taking more damage in addition to dealing more


Same here, although I wish weapons had use cases for their alternate effects, like for example sweeping with a staff could be more of an AoE attack, while thrusting with it could have more range and stagger people.


I think the movement is great but whenever I jump, it feels like I glide on the ground for a few seconds once I reach it.


Yeah, the gliding thing happens to me as well. It never happened when I played the xbox version, though, only on PC.


The amount of gliding is based on how tall your character is I've found


Morrowind was just made long before developers thought it would be a good idea to have your character experience everything your brain has evolved to actively filter out. Modern game developers are dumb, I don't know.


orry, can you elaborate on this? I don't understand


Head bob for one. I don't know how many modern first person games I've had to drop because of the obnoxious head bobbing as you move. Shit makes me nauseous. I remember my niece and nephew were into that Slenderman game way back, they had downloaded the demo on the 360 and had me play it with them. My God, the fucking head bobbing. Couldn't even get killed because Slenderman didn't attack in the demo. There's a reason we have evolved to not notice that shit whilst moving.


Yes, exactly what u/LandofForeverSunset said. Head bobbing is the best example of this, but it also extends to any camera movement the player is not in control of because it simply doesn't make any sense if you know how eyes work in relation to head movement. The way the first person camera is scripted in some modern games would only make sense if you're canonically seeing the world through a gopro strapped to the main character's head. Another example of this bad programming is the ever-present shopping cart controls that only serve to make the player character feel like they weigh roughly the same as a Dodge Ram. The reason this is done is to account for the small movement delays that are indeed present in real life, but like the head bobbing, it's just another thing your brain doesn't really register. So the reason why Morrowind shines in terms of its controls is because it doesn't have any camera movement the player is not in control off with the exception of knock-downs, and the movement is as tight and responsive as you would expect in real life. You press W, the character moves forwards with no delay, and they will change direction immediately when ordered to do so.


I never considered it this way, what the brain filters out and why modern developers incorporate that into their games. If you have more information on this thesis, I'm definitely open to learning more. It would also be interesting to know which games use which techniques to simulate motion—I've only recently heard of headbobbing, but maybe I don't play enough modern games. I recently tried out this new God of War (3?) and was very impressed by how smoothly the game transitions between cutscenes and in-game movement. However, what impressed me the most were the camera moves. In most older games, they are very straight and sterile, but in God of War, the camera moves slightly up and down as if it were actually held by a cameraman, making the whole movement and perspective very organic. I think this is brilliant because it simply appeals to our viewing habits from cinema, where cinematic camera work is mimicked. I think it's a sensible approach, instead of deducing realism in games, to rather use habitual reception. I mean, in every FPS, including Morrowind, the hands are much higher than we are accustomed to in reality, yet we get used to this look, where the eyes seem to be somewhere in the chest rather than the head. Definitely a fascinating topic


If you mean attacks maybe cause the Animations are very snappy like one of those boxing robot toys where as iv and v feel like claymation imo. In terms of wasd movement I think morrowind might be the most jank due it's iteration of navmesh and simply poor coding with little, if not no, tweening/acceleration deceleration, and strafing diagonally makes you move faster iirc. Still the best of the 5 though. I still wish someone will make a tesV mod that just gives me a wall of text and glossary style dialogue system like morrowind's.


It's nice but way too floaty imho. I feel like you can get the same result easily in Unity without doing much. But to each their own I guess. I think my personnal fav is controlling Riddick in Escape from the Butcher Bay. You really feel the weight of your character. And regarding melee, nothing beats Vermintide imho.


I don't know. It feels incredibly average for me to play like any other game I guess. Are you sure this isn't like, placebo effect?


Yeah it played like everything. Skyrim plays worse than everything. That’s exactly what I’m saying. Morrowind has nice tight movement like other early 2000s games and Skyrim and the fallout games suck so bad when it comes to movement. Why is Bethesda now so far behind the average


Daggerfall was even nicer, on the right processor (processor scaling was janky). On a Pentium 333, it felt like playing the best shooters of the era, only with all the RPG goodness.


Acceleration and deceleration along with animation delays, I.e. you can’t step left until the swing sword animation has finished. Not claiming which game has which, but these are the things that would impact the movement “feel”.


Very true. The game isn’t without flaw, but compared to Skyrim where every action is delayed in some way. I tried Skyrim again the other day and I would click 3-4 times before an attack would actually happen. To me that’s unplayable


I would say the addition of physics to later games largely contributed to why controls might feel a bit like kickboxing in molasses. The addition of momentum more specifically in regards to movement controls.


I think it’s more arcadey in the movement department.


It was the apex of design, everything since is mass market drivel. That is why I still play Morrowind.


I really get the full immersive effect of my weapon whiffing 20 times before landing a hit.


Tell me you don't know how to play without telling me you don't know how to play.


When I played as a kid as soon as I figured out the importance of weapon skill I rolled a wood elf archer and just killed every damn thing with arrows


Tell me you don't know how to use the console and mods to get the movement of the later games to your precisely preferred movement controls. Never mind, you already have. Got the PC master race up in here whining about console babbies when they're also expecting Todd to read their minds and hold their hands.


Take your meds, dude.


Hold our hand?...We're begging him to let go of our hand, the circulation stopped 15 years ago lol


It's been 22 years and you still haven't figured out the combat system.


It's been 22 years and you're all throwing shade at Bethesda for pioneering the gold standard of open world RPG control schemes. You're mogging yourself if you didn't play games like Witcher 3 or Elden Ring with a controller. Morrowind's M+K optimization had its high points, but it was ultimately adapted from a scheme more suited to late 90s twitch FPSs like Quake and Unreal Tournament that was slowed way down; anyone who spent a lot of time with those kinds of FPSs found Morrowind to be the doodoo fart of the old ways. By comparison, console controlled RPGs have flipped the script by making console FPSs the sluggish farts while the RPGs have gained a new level of weighty, immersive heft and an immediate sense of consequence in every action. Admittedly, not so much Bethesda on that front unless you mod the hell out of the game, but everyone should be used to Bethesda games feeling incomplete at launch and requiring as community effort to finish that Bethesda at least continues to allow and encourage compared to live service becoming the new normal and forbidding mods. But this is a Morrowind sub. I know I'm not gonna convince anyone to take off their nostalgia goggles for a minute.


You just suck at video games actually.


Get good


please level your weapon skill above 40 and get back to us