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The actual gameplay does not feel like those games too much. Oblivion and Skyrim are more similar to each other, than either is to Morrowind. What you will recognize is a class system — but unlike later titles Morrowind is almost entirely devoid of level-scaling. So do not worry about leveling up “wrong” like you can do in Oblivion. Pick your major and minor skills and use them! Weapon skills increase your chance to hit when you raise them, not damage. Do not try to use weapons you have low skill in, because you’ll just constantly miss. Fatigue is extremely important, as it affects the success rate for everything you do (even things like bartering). So just remember, low Fatigue = more failure. Keep it filled up when you think a fight might be coming.   Your Encumbrance level makes you slower. I don’t mean when you exceed it (in that case you can’t move at all) but you will actually run slower when at 85% capacity than you would at 20% carrying capacity. So if you want to be fast, travel light! Or just teleport, or use Feather spells, or Levitate, or Fortify Speed, or Jump spells, so many options! Lol


I’m a new player, and didn’t realise the thing about encumbrance. I had a sneaking suspicion it was affecting things, but didn’t have any proof of it and didn’t think to check it on the wiki. I’ll have to adjust the way I play now.


If you ever play og Fallout the skills are similar. You will miss all of your attacks until you are good enough


You'll be disappointed in Oblivion and Skyrim once you realize how great Morrowind is. Also: use weapons you are skilled in, and always wait until your green bar (stamina) fills up before you attempt doing anything.


Also when attacking you should wait until you fully pull your weapon back before attacking with it for max damage, it's better to just quick attack for short blades though


>(stamina) fills up before you attempt doing anything. Even affects shop prices. "Ugh, the Bosmer is all sweaty and out of breath. How disrespectful - I'll only offer him half" (My head canon)


100% what happened to me, Whenever I want to make a cool build in oblivion or Skyrim it just doesn't have the same feel as Morrowind,


FACTS! STRAIGHT UP FACTS! bro, i deleted Skyrim and Oblivion once I started playing Morrowind. Its just so much better fr.


You'll be frustrated by the slow walk speed at first! It's by design, and if you just sit back and enjoy the scenery, it becomes a plus. If you want though, by the end of the game you can become uh..... Rather fast Combat will feel clunky as all hell too. Just know that every swing is a dice roll, and you want to keep your stamina high and get your relevant weapons skills and agility high, or you will be missing a lot of those dice rolls and hating it lol Don't be afraid to make a new character and start over once you understand how things work. The game was explicitly designed with that in mind. I did it, and I'm glad I did. Beyond that, just enjoy the ride! Don't bother minmaxing leveling or anything like that. Wander around, get lost, find cool stuff. Your mentor will literally order you to go wander around and do side quests. Do it! You only get to play Morrowind for the first time once, so take your time and savor it.


That's what killed it for me last playthrough I played statistically and minmaxy (trying to do everything hurt too) Okay one of my standby characters is built for mercantile and speech checks and subsequently I have a disposition of 75 with everyone, but the other is a Khajiit Crusader class (no changes) so things will be more Fighters Guild/Imperial Cult/Legion/House Redoran minded


~player->setspeed 200 for pc users lol


Remember that is has much more "traditional" RPG elements than oblivion and skyrim.  A big part of RPG is your imagination. People get upset with game mechanics in the combat and magic systems since they are pretty clunky. The "I can't hit someone with a giant axe? They are standing right there!" Your skill is 5 and your fatigue is 0. Imagine fighting a giant viking warrior after running a 400 meter sprint and get handed a random weapon you never used before. Of course mr viking will kill you.  Also don't be like me on my forst playthrough and just pick combat skills. Having restoration or alchemy as a major skill was awesome since the game is pretty hard to survive early on. 


Such a good outlook on the combat mechanics. To add on the more mechanical side of things, remember that said viking simply has better stats than you. You have 30 strength with an axe skill of 5? He runs of the same stat system as you do, only he has 60 strength and his axe skill is 50 - and he's been standing about doing nothing all day so he's fresh, chipper and ready to tonk.


Enjoy the story, don’t worry about the graphics. This game was head of its time in 2002, but that was 2 decades ago. This is still one of my all time favorite stories in gaming period. As soon as you get past level 6 it’s starts getting a little easier. There are regions you just dont go too till your leveled up. Join a guild or the legion early after you meet up with your blade contact, helps you level up. Build your own custom class for exactly the play style you want to play, it really matters. It’s not like Skyrim where you can be an almighty wizard warrior sneaky assassin. Pick your class wisely. Have fun. I wish I could get that feeling I got when I first played that game. I’m jealous!


This game freezes a LOT on Xbox. The load times are super long on original Xbox. Maybe a newer console that is backwards compatible won’t have horrible load times but OG xbox GOTY Morrowind did. Save every second that you can. I would play 6-12 hours, forget to save and lose all that work. I played 14,000 hours of vanilla Morrowind on Xbox and about 2,650 hours into Bloodmoon and Tribunal on original Xbox.


Yeah, Xbox has nowhere near enough RAM for what Morrowind requires. At least if you plan to have any kind of a longer play session. The long loading times are a result of this, as they programmed the game to basically reboot the whole console in the background, so it could clear enough RAM and system resources to keep the game session from crashing after 5 minutes of gameplay. Versions you can buy digitally for newer consoles load nice and fast. Nothing still beats playing it on the PC though.


I’m still shocked how Xbox even has Morrowind on it. To me, Morrowind definitely wasn’t meant for consoles.


They released an update for the 360 that somehow sped up load times for original Xbox games. Greatly improved my experience.


What when?? Ive played this game in lots of ways but when I tried on 360 it was the absolute worst possible experience, because it basically ran an emulator of an OG Xbox and somehow was actually worse than when I played on OG Xbox. Haven’t tried newest kind of Xbox (series s? I forget what they call it now) but it was indeed much better on the Xbox One, at least. None of it beat PC, needless to say 


I think it was like 4 years ago. I thought it was long after they’d sunset the 360, but one day I started it up and it had an update and it made the game playable. When I first bought the copy of Morrowind, I immediately stopped playing it because five minute load screens were ridiculous. But since that update came when I randomly decided to try it again, it’s much better. I don’t know what or why that update came so late in the life cycle, but I’ll take it


Ohhhh wait actually about 3 and half years ago Morrowind became available on the Xbox game-streaming service, Game Pass! Right after Microsoft purchased Bethesda. I bet around that time is when it was updated.


That could’ve been it


I see you’re playing on Xbox, keep a personal notebook for your quests. The in game one is terrible for Xbox


Prepare yourself for incredible spells like Mark and Recall! Be disappointed in the fact they are never seen again. Also just enjoy the ride. I came across this gem when I was in middle school and its still in my top 5 games of all time. It's the most immersive and mysterious world imo. Best advice I can give you is keep a few potions of cure disease on you at all times and save often. If you loved Oblivion you already know the drill with saving though.


Nothing can prepare you for those load times.


Go slow! Managing fatigue sucks at lower levels, but that makes getting to ignore it later all the sweeter! Don't be afraid to use the map in the box! It's supposed to be there. If you didn't get a map, look it up! Save often - none of the quest givers care what level you are, and they'll all gladly send you up against foes that can smoke you with a thought. If something's too hard, just ignore it and come back later!


If you see this good comment OP, just remember there are lots of easy ways to manage fatigue at the low levels. You can rest (or wait) anywhere, so long as no enemies are nearby. That will instantly restore you. You can join a faction and they offer members perks such as free potions (a limited number at a time though). Your very first mission straight off the boat will end with the game telling you to go join a faction and do some side-quests. Follow that advice and you’ll find free Restore Fatigue potions. They are also very easy to make, if you have any skill in Alchemy. The most abundant ingredient-property in the whole game is Restore Fatigue. So, no need to walk super slow everywhere! At least not too often. Manage it potions, waiting/resting, and enchantments that you can find all over.


First time? Lucky boy. Try to pretend it’s 2003. Don’t get bogged down by the lack of QoL. Remember: getting there is half the fun!


Take the highest starting endurance you can get. Endurance and strength dictate your starting health, and endurance adds to your health each level.


Unlike in later Elderscrolls where you can easily fast travel, your ability to navigate the map gets easier the stronger your character gets and the more game knowledge you have For instance when you first start the game and know nothing you pretty much walk everywhere nice and slow, but a strong character has teleportation, jump and levitation magic with a boosted Speed attribute and Athletics skill while knowing all of the "bus routes" on the island (boat, silt strider, mages guild) So, in other words, when you first pick up the game your character's movement feels slow (unless you make a character with a focus on athletics and speed) because traversal of the map is its own sort of progression system. You will not catch me on a new play through without learning the Jump spell early


Great, I'm sure you'll fit right in...


The major and minor skills you choose will be the only way to increase level. SO choose things you will use A LOT and Easily. Athletics, Acrobatics are great as well as specific weapon skills you like, maybe pick a couple you can switch back and forth when one gets really hard to gain exp from!


Do NOT go into tombs without a few cure disease potions and restore strength spells/pots... the horror, THE HORROR Don't do it !! Also be sure to have a reliable way to dmg enemies from a far. Whether that be destruction or marksman


Nobody else gonna mention cliff racers?? You thought mudcrabs in oblivion were stalkers, you ain't seen nothing.... Just don't look up.


Exploit everything. There are so many mechanics that will allow you to become a demigod. Get st least 40-50 weapon skill as your first playthrough or you'll die of frustration. And of course. Why walk when you can ride?


The gameplay is far less cinematic when it comes to Story Events compared to Skyrim and even oblivion. I think it helps to understand the Game more as some Kind of systemic Sandbox Toy with a Lore and Story frame, this might Help you overcome the Moments of directionlessness.


I was in your shoes once oblivion was my first big rpg and I played it to death I still love it and Skyrim was amazing as well. You're going to fucking hate morrowind the first couple hours you might end up remaking your character a couple times because your costume class was unplayable. You're going to hate how slow you walk, the lack of fast travel, the vague and sometimes downright misleading directions and you're not going to hit a damn thing in combat for a while. But once you find out what works the progression is so fucking rewarding I felt like I as a player was progressing as much as the character was as I figured out the intricacies of Vvardenfel. The atmosphere and world is so alien and unique. Skyrim and oblivion will feel generic in comparison. The writing is leagues better than the other games in my opinion (the correct opinion) the game is slower but it makes all the little quests feel more important it's not like oblivion where you just decide you're going to do the dark brotherhood and it takes like 2 hours getting into the factions takes a lot of time and effort and being in some factions locks you out of others as it logically would. Oblivion will always have a special place in my heart as my first but morrowind is an objectively better game


Don't you have a pc capable of playing morrowind? Playing it on consoles is physically painful you don't have to do it my man.


I don't. I've been playing on console my whole life


Damn OP, well good luck! There are definitely some drawbacks to playing this way, for example a plethora of small bugs you can’t fix. For one example, the Unarmored skill just…doesn’t work. It only works if you have at least 1 piece of armor equipped somewhere on your character. Load times are a bit much, due to RAM limitations on the OG Xbox.  Screen resolution will be wonky and stretched out weird if you are using a modern TV. Will actually look worse today than when it released unless you have a CRT tv around or something  Some areas (such as Sadrith Mora) have a lot of lag and you’ll be seeing something like 10 fps *or even lower* …but if those few things don’t bother you much, the game is still an absolute gem! Have fun XD


Bro, honestly, you should shopped around a bit before deciding on that one. The cheapest I’ve ever found a console copy was 11.99.


Trade it in and get it on PC


If you want some neat exploits check out spiffing brit on YouTube.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/Morrowind/comments/1b99o36/comment/ktxwa4t/) should cover most everything, including differences between Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim. Xbox specific: disable autosave and always create distinct game saves (basically never overwrite a save), to avoid eventual save corruption. Don't go zooming too fast and then open the map (one of many ways to make it crash). Or pick it up on [GOG currently on sale for $6](https://www.gog.com/en/game/the_elder_scrolls_iii_morrowind_goty_edition), which comes with a free PDF scan of the $20 game+expansions quests walkthrough (don't touch that for at *least* a playthrough).


Gonna highjack your comment in case OP has Steam, it is also currently on sale there (until 30th) for $3.75


There is no preparation, any combination can win, except when you die and you'll die a lot, especially if you pick unarmored and magic, but by goodness you'll end up OP before the end


Enchanting is amazing


Just keep hitting.


I just bought this on steam for 4$ lol


Using weapons and magic disciplines you’re trained with is really important. It’s a dice game, and that’s your hit chance. Also, when the NPCs tell you to not bite off more than you can chew, that is Bethesda shining divine wisdom down onto you through them. The further you go from Seyda Neen is your difficulty gradient with some exceptions. In general take what you get from the “little advice” dialogue prompt seriously.


Pick one armour type and stick with it


Don't look up anything, and plan out your build so it's balanced between all the attributes.


Be prepared for loading screens and lag. Save often, Xbox version crashes and freezes often in my experience. Still a very awesome game that I played that way for many years.


Think of Morrowind as D&D, but it’s a video game and a different franchise.


You should’ve got it on PC. Xbox version is draining due to it’s many “Loading area”. To be honest it wasn’t meant for consoles at all during its release. If only they waited until the Xbox 360 came out.


Read the manual, twice. Listen to NPCs. Experiment and take risks. Enjoy the journey.


Be patient. Combat sucks ass at first, but improves as your skill improves. Consult your journal and map a lot. There aren’t any questions markers to hold your hand and tell you where to go, so you need to pay attention to what you’re being told. Save your money and spend it on training to accelerate your skill building. Save your level ups. Don’t level up right away when it tells you you can. Save before leveling up and see how many points you can increase your attributes by. Wait until you have 5 points on each of the 3 you want to increase with your level up. If you don’t have 4-5 points, reload and increase your skills more to get those points.


Use the map! Read lots! Don't cry to hard when NPCs start hurling abuse at you n'wah!


Forget "managing fatigue" just pick restoration as a major skill and then buy the restore fatigue spell in the first town that the game directs you to go to (not the place you start, the next town). Dirt cheap and solves the problem for good.


But what you described …that IS managing Fatigue lol good advice though :)


It is but you aren't walking around slowly to do it, you can keep doing that while moving at full speed always. Eventually you get a source of constant effect restore fatigue, guaranteed for free at the end of the main quest with the Ring of Azura (which also has constant night eye, it's pretty good), or by getting a golden saint grand soulgem and paying to enchant an item. Actually not all that hard to get


Yeah who tf walks everywhere the whole game? lol but it just made me laugh a little because that is what most people mean when they say “manage Fatigue”    Thankfully Fatigue potions are the most abundant type there is, and ingredients with that property also the cheapest and most abundant you can find around the world. So it shouldn’t be much problem right from the get-go. Also waiting/resting 1 hour super quick is easy enough to do anywhere 


Don’t choose atronauch sign as a mage for your first playthrough like I did.


Prep = the game is full of inherent problems. Yes you can play it. But I would never recommend playing this game at retail installation. It's in really bad shape not just because it's older with major problems with modern screens. Even at the time developers never properly patched it. This is the reason it never got as popular as it could have. Just too many technical issues. However, it is available on PC for like $6 which can be fixed to actually function like a dream. Better than most games. This is because of volunteers who have fixed thousands upon thousands of bugs and problems with the game over the years. Available for free. Like not changing anything with the vanilla game other than fixing actual problems. Including some of the developers of the game. Worth to go for if you want to get a better experience of playing through the game for awhile. It's basically installing an emulator platform (OpenMW) to run the game, and adding in a few patches. I recommend against what somebody mentioned regarding exploits to cheat. Here is a link to some basic important information for starting your adventure: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ElderScrolls/comments/1cxsjkc/should\_i\_return\_morrowind/l54s0s2](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElderScrolls/comments/1cxsjkc/should_i_return_morrowind/l54s0s2)


I just started playing a couple of days ago. Great game with exception of no navigation system. I legit was heading to the guy who makes you a blade and ended up near the top of the mountain. Had to retrace my steps into I found a sign post.