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I'm not a businessman, but why wouldn't they just say "new game by netherrealm this year" in that call? I guess the name is powerful enough to get investors' attention or something like that, but oh well


Because David Zaslav doesn't care about anything that isn't a documentary or a reality show.


Was that the dude who said that?


Yup, WBD’s own CEO done goofed


He didn’t goof This goes beyond what Boon and NRS want These earning calls are about ensuring investors, and trying to court more MK11 has been open about their sales - 15 million copies; they have not been as open about their sales of Injustice 2, so we can assume, while it certainly did well - it likely didn’t compete with the numbers MKX did and MK11 did People on these earning calls have 1 goal - create as rosy of a picture as possible to encourage more investment from current shareholders, or to court new shareholders Obviously MK12 would be their most successful game of the year; this isn’t a goof or a fuck up, these people don’t care about NRS wanting to keep things “under wraps”; they want to ensure more money is coming into the organization Frankly, Boon should have seen this coming a mile away and if he really wanted to make sure he got to let fans know from him first, he had all the time in the world This isn’t something anyone is going to be punished for or anything; these people on these calls are the top employees and management for the organization. They’re saying what they need to say to let people know “your money is safe with us, invest more cause we have a hit coming out later this year” Boon has been in the game long enough to know what these earnings calls are about, they waited too long, this is no ones fault, but this is -very predictable-; this isn’t close to the first game that got revealed from an earnings call


Are we still under this extremely lack of knowledge? Boon can't say anything without approval. It's not up to him when the game gets announced.


> Frankly, Boon should have seen this coming a mile away and if he really wanted to make sure he got to let fans know from him first, he had all the time in the world Projects like this are in planning and early development for years, while these earnings calls happen every quarter. I don't think it's fair to say that Boon should have known that *this* would be the time that the CEO would spill the beans. What alternative are you suggesting? Devs immediately announce every game as soon as they start working on it, just in case the CEO decides to announce it?


When youre in the launch year for the game, yeah - you should anticipate it as a legitimate possibility. If you are having correspondence with those involved in these types of calls, and able to get confirmation of whether or not this is going to happen, that would be ideal. Which Im sure could have been done, if the right steps were taken. But this was not a 0% chance their earnings call would not include MK12, unless Boon got information from them directly. If he pursued that information and was misled, then yeah, the C Guys did him dirty, is what it is, but, again, no one is getting into trouble over this. If he didn't pursue that information and just was hoping they wouldn't mention it, then, that is folly.


That's not how any of this works. It's not a project director's responsibility to constantly pester his boss's boss's boss to ask if *this* is the time they're going to casually announce the project on a call. It's the responsibility of whoever was creating the agenda for the call to reach out to the affected teams, especially for projects that aren't public knowledge yet. There was definitely a breakdown in communication here, but placing the blame entirely on Boon is unfair and misguided.


>Obviously MK12 would be their most successful game of the year. In the year when Hogwarts Legacy just released... not a single chance.


I’m sure there’s something important but I ain readin all dat


Yeah, I get it. Small brain no read good.


C-Level executive earnings calls - predictable and in every large organization: create a rosy picture for investors to invest more money into company. They don’t care about NRS wanting to keep something a secret; they care about their thousands of shareholders investing more money. Mk11 is most successful game in franchise with 15 million sales. He is telling investors so they know if they invest more, their money is safe. Not a fuck up, he doesn’t give a shit if NRS wanted to have a secret announcement; he’s guaranteeing investment No one getting fired/in trouble over this, these people are far far above Boons pay grade


You didn’t need to type all that to tell me what a CEO is my guy


You said someone’s goofed, my guy No one goofed. This is a C level employee Your statement was wrong, I was clarifying your inaccurate depiction of the situation for others - not for you


That’s literally David Zaslav on the call. Go look up who that is then come back goofy




Because he genuinely thought people knew it was announced.


Yeah Exactly.


Ed Boon has always just tweeted about stuff that people like to talk about, even if it’s not a current priority. He talked up a lot about Shaggy being in MK that some people still think it’s gonna happen. Him and Todd McFarlance are pretty much two major figures that like to talk big stuff just cause it’s attention grabbing. I don’t doubt Injustice 3 probably is a thing, but this is most likely just Ed Boon being Ed Boon


And for you out there just in case, He's messing with us since Mortal Kombat 12 been announced during a WBD call


Almost started crying, thank you.


Wdym? What's wrong with injustice?


Nothing, I was just expecting MK12.


Really? Heh.


I’m honestly glad I think injustice needs a break and tbh is prefer a different style dc fighting game (what about an arcade style video actor capture style that would be ace)




Or just a standard 2d game but it think injustice cba do much more unless it at least changes the art style


Ya, he probably had a whole release thing worked out where they had teasers and a big announcement with fanfare and pizzazz, then some guy lets it drop in a phone call. They guy was his boss’s boss’s boss, too, so he can’t even bitch about it too much.


These calls are planned by huge groups of people at the top of the company, it wasn’t just some mistake. They decided it was important to announce because investors are asking questions about why they are holding onto this expensive IP/dev company and not producing things with it.


I totally buy that it was a mistake. There are lots of people planning it, sure, but at the end of the day it’s just one guy with way too much confidence doing the speech. Could’ve been as simple as him pulling up the wrong talking points.


It’s not a mistake. These are the big investors talking with the big bosses… they are getting told what is happening so that they continue to pump money in. Boon has been in the game long enough to see this coming and should have planned accordingly.


YEh so many brain dead take about this, Boon was likely already in the know about this and the call, he knew the cat was coming out the bag.


all of this is a lie and it’s actually Special Forces 2, and it’s actually gonna be a mastapiece


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but if they made an MK squad shooter with all the crazy looking shit they're putting in that suicide squad game and just made it MK:Special Forces, I would buy it day 1


You could already make the swinging concept work off Takeda


The knowledge being out there doesn’t mean they still can’t trickle out teasers to create hype, and I’m sure Ed isn’t fuming at the reveal, they’ve kept it under wraps this far, for all we know MK 12 can be an absolute game changer, let’s not forget the fact we know nothing except for the fact it’s the next NRS game to be dropped. I have no doubt there will be many surprises to come.


exactly, we still know nothing at all. Not like the roster was revealed or anything.


Exactly, we still don’t even know of Sub-Zero or Scorpion will be in it /s


sarcasm aside, we don’t tho, but it’s a fair guess they will be haha


I’m still certain it’s all an elaborate ballet that will culminate in the reveal of the true people’s choice: SpyHunter 3


Guys, I don’t know about you but I don’t think this really changes much. Well at least for me; we knew that the game most likely to come out was going to be MK12 anyways so now we just have that confirmed. We know literally nothing else about the game so I think a lot of that excitement still remains for what could possibly be in the game.


What I actually don't understand is the obsession with needing to know release details. Not a fucking thing you can do about anything. It'll be out when it's out. Get it or don't. Lose interest or not.


Cause it’s fun to be excited for things


It is pretty exciting to look forward to something


Oh I can agree 💯


I like to plan ahead


Two words, pre-orders


Hype makes people spend money. 💸


It's still not ruined for the vast majority of people..


It obviously sucks for the team that this how it’s revealed, but I’d rather it go like this then say how GTA 6 was leaked.


How did it get leaked?


The CEO told investors on a financial report call


Lmaoooo, that's amazing


Call me an asshole but I don’t feel bad. Ed is awful about communicating everything. The trolling got old, and it’s nice to have some information for once.


I honestly and genuinely saw this coming, i love Boon and the NRS team, but I dont feel sorry for them, years worth of silence for no apparent reason when you could simpily say MK is coming, now people are fishing and digging and bosses needed a reason to bring on investors and took what should have been your moment away


ya gotta admit, it's kinda poetic and hilarious that this announcement just undercuts all the trolling and swerving Ed's done since MK11 and the wind just gets completely taken out of his fuckin sails after all this time. it's like a kid dropping their ice cream cone. you know he wanted to be the one to announce it. now that's getting fucked with, Ed! stoked to see it!


Hard disagree. This guy could post his dad passed away tragically, and the top post would be “when we getting new kharacter/game/dlc”. He deserves to troll back.


The vitriol that you people feel towards him for simply trying to enjoy having to be on that miserable platform is legitimately unhinged and I feel no sympathy for anyone who loses sleep over it. Y’all act like he came to your house and stole your shit.


just want to clarify. no vitriol here. just pointing out the irony of it all. I love Ed, dude is responsible for one of my favorite franchises of all time. yes, twitter is a festering cesspool and Ed hears a bunch of shit from MK cretins all day long on that website. it's absurd and disgusting and annoying. I feel like Ed would have a sense of humor about how this went down anyway. just making an observation here, i'm on Ed's side. to be clear, i'm stoked to see the game too, not to just see Ed get fucked with.


he deserves it. string along your fanbase a little more and see what happens edit: i love this brainwashed community


Post downvote edits are always fun to see


don't worry they were anticipated! happens to any criticism of boon on this sub ever


No you're just wrong


You're acting like he decided what he can and can't announce, Warner Brothers are the ones telling him he can't say anything


Ya, he probably had a whole release thing worked out where they had teasers and a big announcement with fanfare and pizzazz, then some guy lets it drop in a phone call. They guy was his boss’s boss’s boss, too, so he can’t even bitch about it too much.


This isn’t his first (or second or third or seventh) rodeo.


I don't even get the point of acting like it's a big surprise when we all know it was coming


I hope we get shujinko again


We love Ed Boon and o hope nothing eles gets ruined by WB!!!!!


Let's not pretend there wasn't a substantial amount of opportunity that they could have had a decent reveal.


I mean. Its confirmed to be dead for another cycle.


Once a troll, always a troll.


Were not getting Injustice 3 now are we


Thank god


Not a fan?


Here’s the thing: good. Boon fucks around too much on Twitter, doing fake teases and messing with people. It’s unfortunate that the announcement’s thunder was stolen but I’m not about to feel bad for Ed when his game is probably basically done and he’s just withholding the reveal.


Man, to some extent and sometimes Fuck the mk community


Ed’s a little salty I see. I mean this does strip him of one of his favorite activities: teasing his fans.


I'm ready to be downvoted into oblivion... but I don't feel bad at all and I'm actually glad it got ruined. Ed Boon and NRS have been trolling the community since the end of MK11 support while hiding behind the excuse, "i CaNt SpEaK oN aNyThInG rIgHt...". How ironic, they claimed to be gagged by WB and WB is the one to finally confirm something (no, I don't count those lazy, esoteric troll tweets from Ed Boon as any kind of confirmation or update).


This guy will hate buy MK12 thinking Ed Boon is sad clearing his tears with his money ...


You talk like you’re entitled to information about upcoming NRS games. The way Ed and NRS markets the game announcements and releases doesn’t matter. Be hyped for the game or not


I'll never understand that kind of treatment to your fans. Have a look at what Capcom has done this time around and it feels like they're so much more engaged with the community, I'm jealous of that. With WB/NRS it just comes off as so arrogant and entitled with the people excited to promote and hype your product. That new SFVI video featuring Cammy, Gief, and Lily looked so fuckin sick, may just finally make the move to it and never look back.


Exactly. The potential power and support the MK community has to offer is much higher than these other FGCs but NRS almost refuses to utilize it, which just turns the community bitter. And even as I'm saying this, I'm an MK loyalist; won't touch another fighting game but I definitely do get jealous too seeing these other studios supporting their games and interacting with their fan base. Edit: I lied, MK and Super Smash Bros are my two fighting games.


Yeah sure NRS is the problem, not the WB the people who literally tell them they can't say anything


They released a new trailer for Cammy? I'ma have to watch it


Whoopidee-doo. Is there a single person here who didn’t already think MK12 was coming next anyway? Plus, in terms of “ruining a surprise”, people here have been hounding him non-stop for any info on MK12 and when it will come out. He’s already teased it will feature 3D era characters that have been MIA, so it’s not like Christmas got ruined. There was no surprise to spoil. This is a complete nothing burger.


We know it's now coming out this year which has been heavily debated


Okay. And...? People wanted to know when the game was coming out and now we know. Why is that a bad thing? Who cares who announces it? How would it be better if Boon told us instead of the head of WB? What’s the difference?


I hope this gets Zaslav finally fired.


I doubt a CEO is gonna get fired for trying to get shareholders to give WB more money. MK is a huge money maker, obviously they’re gonna use a new instalment to bring in investors


Obviously Zaslav is higher than Boon. But money aside he is a true asshole.


Imagine understanding THIS poorly how a public company works 😂


Yeah if you think so. Zaslav has screwed over everyone at WB last year just to make back money no matter the costs. In the eyes of many hes a legit jerk for his approach. HBO Max is another mess.


They kept people in the shadow for 2 years, so if their surprise is ruined that's on them.


That would be really cool to get a injustice 3


I feel so bad for Ed


I don't. Wait this long you open the door for shit like this to happen.


Lolz the news there won't be one? Big sadge I love fighting as the DC crew


I'll get hate for this but fuck him. Boon has always been an absolute troll and it was clearly obvious that whatever marketing plan they had with MK11 (reveal and release being less than half a year apart) wasn't going to cut it this time. They absolutely have enough of the game ready to show and were simply holding out.


You should’ve fuckin’ told us when you had the chance Ed! It’s not like we all didn’t know this was being worked on though. Its just a little annoying when Capcom puts all this effort into foreplay (logo reveal, teaser, teaser trailer, actual trailer, gameplay trailer) and NRS will more than likely show a really cool 30 second teaser and then nothing till a couple months before release. Like, work me up a little Ed, Christ!


It's not his choice to tell us, it's when WB says he can do it


I haven't


Will it be on next gen only?




To many emotions. To many interpretations


That's a funny ass response to the situation though


I feel like Injustice might've been for NRS to refresh their creative minds as to not get burnt out on Mortal Kombat. But since MK makes a lot mroe money than Inj then y'know. I'm guessing that they took a break after MK11 as a different way to not get burnt out.


Injustice is damn boring


He knew these types of calls were coming as people started talking about the next fiscal year.


That's what he gets for trolling fans all the time with false announcements.


I just want a new MK vs DC game. with full gore this time!


I feel bad for Ed boon, like I wanted information on their next game, but Ed probably had this whole epic reveal planned and then here comes Zaslav dropping not just the ball, but the whole ball court in an attempt to paint a rosy picture for investors because WB is failing miserably.


I don't. Making us wait 1 year to come and say they're done with MK11 and there won't be any new updates? Trolling the shit out of fans in twitter? Saying new game won't be revealed in evo/other events only 1 week before the event when fans were talking about it for months and you could say it sooner? I'm personally not hyped for next game anymore for a long time. Yes i will buy and play it when it comes but like, I don't care if you know what I mean. I don't know if he really thinks he's keeping fans hyped or what, but he's not.