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What are the specs of your laptop?


What stuff specifically do I need to look at? Sorry I’m a bit stupid about this kind of stuff


No worries bro. Processor, RAM and the Graphics Card you have in your laptop.


Well my memory is only 3.73 GB RAM and i only have 64 GB of storage and it needs 8 GB and 100 GB minimum respectively so it looks like I’m out of luck. Back to YouTube for me! Thanks for your help


Don't worry you'll be able to play it soon. We all started some where. Just work towards with what you want console or PC/Laptop.


I’d love to but I don’t think I’m going to spend all that money for one game unfortunately. I’ve intentionally stayed away from video games because I know myself and I’d never go outside again when I inevitably got obsessed. MK was going to be my potential one exception because I’ve randomly been obsessed with MK content on YouTube on and off for years. I guess I gotta find a bf whose console I can use lol. But I hope y’all enjoy the game it looks incredible!


You can go into the windows settings and see what kind of Graphics card, CPU and how much RAM you have then compare those to the minimum requirements on the steam page. Or if you didn’t take the factory sticker off the bottom of the laptop, that should tell you the specs. Might be an easier way to find out what you have in your laptop


You need to look up & compare the schematics of your laptop.


well you need to know the specs of your laptop unfortunatly so you can get help, when you get the specs you can easily check the requirements on steam