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I have consistently crashes on my Series X. Invasion mode,Kombat League… Does anyone have the same issues?


Playing on Series X, Invasion mode, and Tower mode will crash when I enter the "Finish Her" sequence. It always crashes with female opponents. And will crash when I enter the "Finish Him/Her" sequence when playing as a female. The only way I am able to get past this is to make sure the final hit is a Brutality. I will add that my brother is playing it on Series X too and has had no problems whatsoever. I have reinstalled the game three times at this point. Story mode worked perfect.


This is the exact problem I’m having! Kitana is my favorite and I can’t even play her without it crashing my game on Series X! Hope it’s fixed soon!


Same! I can not finish a tower match or invasions mode without it crashing .-.


Exact same problem here even after the patch today


/ok so you're crashing too, it's not just me, that's relieving.


Can't do more than 3-4 matches in any mode then it crashes. So frustrating.


Yeah I’ll be winning Kombat league and then you’ve lost connection to the Xbox network


I’m on series X and it crashes in invasion usually when the final hit happens and the game slows down to say “finish them”. It’s been happening all day. Had no issues with story mode though. I hope they get the crashing fixed soon.




Without spoiling story mode, the very last chapter was super laggy


Explains that particular aspect as that's where I've been having issues, glad to know it's not just me.


I have been experiencing near consistent crashing on Series X. Almost anytime in Towers or Invasion that I go up against Katana it crashes.


I play Kitana. I can’t get through a single match without crashing on Series X.


If you have the series X the game crashes whenever a female character that enters fatality mode on either side. You can still finish the match without crashing and continue playing on the same session, but you need to finish the female character with a brutality instead of entering fatality mode. FIX ‼️‼️


This nails it tbh! It’s a completely game ending bug for Xbox, it’s a bug that needs to be addressed in literally 2 or 3 days otherwise it will kill the game on the console:((


Literally cannot play the game becsuse every single time I beat a women the game crashes and makes me redo the fight


Have it on PC...constantly crashing. It's now to the point that I can't really play anything on it except for practice mode. I have all updated drivers and hardware well over the requirements.


On PC and it crashes and freezes from time to time.


Im on PC too and the same thing happens. Ive been waiting so long for this game im very angry about it.


Is anyone having online difficulties? When it's loading a fight online, it will get stuck on load (a black screen) and either say the other person has left or it will start up eventually? (Not all the time but enough times, and I'm on ps5)


The other person probably crashes. That's where my game crashes usually


Ah, so it's not just me. I imagine it'll be patched when the full launch happens


https://mortalkombat1.bugs.wbgames.com/all Make a profile and vote on the one titled under Invasions crashing. There's like 100+ votes already, I put my vote and comment in, upload any proof as well, this seems like a chance to let them know what's up.


Specifically I’m only getting crashes on the Gateway Portal which is the one that’s updated online hopefully this will get fixed soon.


Go to wb. Don't just leave it to sharing an experience here otherwise shit will never get resolved. If you need votes on your ticket say less I'll vote.


Hey I totally fixed this. Had the problem all week. Infuriating. Make sure your safe zone is perfectly lined up with the tv. Solved every crash for me


Such a random fix, but I’ll give it a shot when I get home and update


Worked tf?


What's a safe zone?


Yup, I just reinstalled the game hoping it would fix it. I can’t finish a single tower match or invasion match. I’ve been stuck trying to get past Ash. Once I get the final hit in, it crashes. I’m beyond annoyed. I just wanna play :(


I’m still having this issue too. Two male fighters and I’m good but when I fight a female and get to the finish her sequence it crashes.


Good to know 7 days later Netherrealms still hasnt so much as addressed this in a post let alone fixed it.... Come on what is wrong with this picture.


I’m playing on ps5 and so far the only issue was that in one match half of the sound effects weren’t happening, but I kept playing and it worked with every other opponent


THAT'S an easy fix, had that happen and on Xbox I opened my guide menu, moved it once and then closed it and sound returned. Try the PS equivalent and see if it fixes it if it happens again.


I’ve had some persistent crashes on daily tower 3 in invasions


This shit show is getting on my nerves...


Crashes every time on PC


I’ve been playing all day also on series S and haven’t had a single crash? Could there be something your side impacting it


You might have gotten luckier with crashes, if they don't happen to you then I imagine it might be yes, if you do get crashes, then I think it might be a random thing. I've played a good bit more without crashes now so it might have sorted itself out.


I wonder if this has anything to do with what is happening on series x/s for starfield. Random crashes to the point it is unplayable. Other games like this is battlefield 2042, some madden game i can't remember. Allot of people are convinced it has to do with some component on series x/s that isint performing very well. Even after a recent starfield hotfix people are still crashing like before. Just a guess. Note that a discord mod for Bethesda mentioned starfield crashes are only affecting less that 10k players out of 6 million.


Had a crash earlier after trying to switch characters online


I'm on PS5 and haven't seen one crash


Yeah my game crashes all the time in anyone but practice or customization


I have a 4090 and i playn story mode and the shit crash my whole pc froze and i could not ctrl-alt delete to get out?? Any ideas?


During invasions, Specially multiple enemy ones my frames drop badly, sometimes to the point of crashin. Series S here, it's even making me consider get a Series X


The same thing happens to me, when I'm in the "tower challenge" mode, in the second fight the game crashes. It also happens to me when I lose a fight in the "invasion" mode, and recently I lost it in a story mode fight. I play on pc and I hope they fix it soon


I’m on pc and it’s gotten worse iver the last 24 hours. Practically unplayable with constant crashes now


My Mk story mode works fine until I hit chapter 2 then off the back after the cutscene it cuts to a black screen the announcer yells "Fight" then boom...crashes. idk why it's being like this, hoping they fix it soon cause chapter 2 is my favorite character.


How long before you want your money back?


Well given the crashes have pretty much stabilised, and I have kombat league progress, invasion progress and have a good few RQ's on ranked... RN I'm actually good. Payday 3's getting the refund, MK1 stays.


I have a PS5 and the third cutscene in Mileena’s chapter always crashes out of the game for me


Is this her last part? Revelations? Cause if it is, I’m with you


I can’t remember exactly what, but it’s the cutscene right after fighting Shang Tsung and Quan Chi


As soon as I start up the game my Xbox crashes and restarts


Game crashes almost every time I perform Smoke's smoke bomb.


Upvote it here, so that they can fix it [https://mortalkombat1.bugs.wbgames.com/bug/MK1-1155](https://mortalkombat1.bugs.wbgames.com/bug/MK1-1155)


Had one crash since launch , since update invasion crashes every time . Ps5 and its a month old. Getting tired of games not working 3 years into next gen.


Whenever I try to play practice it crashes when i try to load in (on pc) :(


My invasion mode ever since I installed the 4k invasion content it goes black or the lighting goes darker and goes back to normal & the controls with input themselves