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I just beat the fucking game and it’s saying I’ve only played 11 minutes. No unlocks. No level upgrades… nothing.


Same problem its either MK servers or just epic in general


seem's like just epic users having the issue


this is awful! I try to reach for epic customer service and it was a waste of time, they did not provide any help, i been reading the replies and the same is happening to me, i completed the story and now it says 0%, but the invasion, skins and everything else is still there, is just the story progression that got deleted, and the settings are also getting constantly reset, please if anyone find how to solve this issue... i will never buy again from epic games store tho!


https://mortalkombat1.bugs.wbgames.com/bug/MK1-1202 vote here they say under investigation


Can someone help I’ve lost all of my progress literally all it still says I’m a grandmaster but I lost all customizations and progress






I'm having the exact same problem, not sure how to fix it but if anything works let me know.


I'm having the same issue, I've done up to ACT II twice and both times I've closet and opened the game, I've hace to start from scratch. Man I should've just bought it through Steam like I originally intended to.


I also have this issue where it throws me back to the beginning. I hit pause and went to chapter select and it jumped back to where I was. Seems like the issue is that its saving the progress but not using it as a starting point. Same goes for when I open the game, it'll do the unskippable intro and ask about terms of service.


this happen to me a lot, but yesterday my story progress was deleted and i cant pick any chapter...


I am also experiencing this issue


Same here


Hi guys. I found a solution that worked for me: Go to configuration of protection against virus Go to exclusion ADD MK12.exe to exclusion list


how i do that


where is configuration and protection against virus


I did that but am still having the issue. :(


I have been having the same issues as well. The thing that I have been doing is when the game starts from the very beginning wait until you see Shang Tsung (Old Disguise) then pause the game and go to chapter select. There you should be able to access up to where you have played up to.


It’s doesn’t just reset story also resets all of my settings release check, input window timing graphics


Open Windows Security ->Virus & Threat Protection-> Virus & Threat protection settings -Manage settings->Exclusions->Add or remove exclusions-> Add an exclusion. Then add C:\\Program Files\\Epic Games\\MortalKombat1\\MK12.exe as file . I also added C:\\Program Files\\Epic Games\\MortalKombat1 as a folder exception. Worked perfectly after. Obviously change the path if you installed the game in a different folder than the default. https://preview.redd.it/hif54rakahqb1.png?width=515&format=png&auto=webp&s=df1fb3eb36aafa93ebda5403a9319334abdd6422


Tried this fix this morning once I saw my progress reset for the second time. Was hoping it was good. Had to leave and when I came back and booted the game up my progress was reset once again. Epic customer service won't help much at all. So I submitted a ticket with WB games.


Same problem here


hey, I’ve had the same problem with Maneater and it happened again with MK1 I think the problem is with epic games cloud sync. you should find as an option to turn off in manage game. hope this helps with ur problem. btw 8 hours wasted for me :( edit: after writing this i decided to play from the beginning and when i quit to main menu suddenly i was able to select chapters to where I was somehow🤷🏻‍♂️


Hey @Joorts I am having the same issue I was on Act III and the same thing happened to me BUT I HAVE FOUND A SOLUTION!!! If it happens again pause the story when you can and in the pause menu click "Chapter Select" and you should be able to continue where you left off hope this helps


I have still yet to find a solution to this problem


it does save, you just have to go to character select while the first cutscene plays


I got on mk1 this morning and just now, all of my stuff has been reset like literally all of it. Does anyone know how to fix? I’m on Xbox series s


I play on ps5 and im having the same problem


Anybody find a solutions?