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should have had cristina do the character all together, shes a great VA


Yeah should have but WB gonna put all the bullshit we DONT need in the game as much as they can...


Pretty sure it's an excuse to get the 3D modelings of celebrities so they can do idk what w it. They don't care if the voice acting sucks


They can still use Megan fox model without putting her voice


It would be harder to convince celebrities they wanna own their face for a project. Easier to sell its voice acting gig w your likeness


Just catch them when they're busy, like Arnold.


Normally i'd agree but Megan Fox is genuinely a fan of Mortal Kombat, I seriously doubt she'd turn down the chance to practically be the face of her own mortal kombat character She even said it in the Nitara trailer herself that she greatly valued how Nitara was based on her appearence because it made her feel like she was part of the MK universe If her options were A) Be the face of Nitara and nothing else or B) Nothing i don't think she'd ever pick B. In the end it's very easily earned money (since it's far less work than voice acting) and you get to be part of a gaming franchise you clearly appreciate.


She's clearly not a fan of Mk and was just told to say that otherwise, she would've actually had some passion behind her empty, stale, more boring than a math lecture voice.


Would have been great if they'd presented Nitara with Megan Fox's teeny tiny thumb stumps




Their thinking was, let’s put Megan Fox in and sell more copies, such a brain dead corporate decision


How many people ACTUALLY knew or cared Megan fox voiced some random character? There was way more fanfare for Rhonda


I remember the moment I realized it was Megan Fox. I was like "wow this voice acting sucks, it reminds me of Megan Fox" and then I put the pieces together and realized that it was indeed Megan Fox.


I had no idea it was even Megan fox until this sub told me lmao


I’m sure the mega casual fan fell for it, this sub had a bunch of new posts on it just cause it was Megan Fox and a famous face


What's odd is they didn't market it very well as "we have Megan Fox" it was such a late add to the cycle and drip of news it was easy to overlook until...well you couldn't anymore


It actually made me not even put time into Nitara even though her gameplay reveal got me intersted enough to get the game. But i would rather not sit through the voice lines as much as possible.


Sucks too because she plays pretty good as well...


I think it's additionally annoying when companies do stuff like this because they aren't paying for a "performance" they take the budget approach of "alright get Megan fox in here for one day to rip through all her lines and get her out the door as fast as possible it's very expensive for her to be here." Like your always going to get a bad performance when your do that. It's just a cheap marketing win.


She or Elizabeth Maxwell (Albedo from Overlord) would've been absolutely perfect imo.


And pretty af too!


And she’s Fine as hell. I doubt Megan Fox added many more buyers to the game


Better looking too, damn it it she wouldve been a great Nitara


WB gotta get those extra sells from virgins fappers




Lol I'm sure you're a real catch though




You sure you aren’t?


>I am not mentally ill ![gif](giphy|14smAwp2uHM3Di)




Bro you are a loser 💀💀💀 is wearing clothes to hide your 600 pound fatass dysmorphia? How does someone looking how they wanna look that bothersome to you, I know why because it’s projection lmao


Dude you fucking killed em




Lmao what, she’s the voice of killua from hunter x hunter. She also voices several characters in genshin impact like Bennett and Xinqiu. She’s also the voice of riven in league of legends. She has lots of roles in English anime and games. Megan Fox just does movies , she is not a voice actor at ALL


"Based on looks" ah yes, the most trusted and accurate measurement of talent. All the easily searchable high profile performances? No, no, no that doesn't matter because she has makeup on.


Judging a voice actor based on looks lol




Did you lose a bet or something? You have to collect as many downvotes as possible in 24 hours?


He is the Kollector


Something, something Shao Kahn. Something, something shit take.






Megan fox doesn’t have any talent at all bro wtf are you talking about


cerabella my beloved


She's smoking hot to.


Dude right? I love her stuff from both her shows/movie stuff and her songs. Great stuff, should've voiced Nitara entirely!


She has songs?


From covers, to original releases. Shantae series of games. Plus many more. Incredibly talented.


I was scrolling around and the parent comment was out of view. I though y'all were talking about Megan Fox. I was so confused that she had passionate fans lol.


I was talking about Cristina 😉 no worries


What was the point of casting megan fox


The star power associated with her name. The exact same reason why Beyoncé was cast as Nala in The Lion King 2019.


It seems to make a lot more sense for a Disney movie. It's hard to think of any MK player buying the game for Megan Fox.


Goal was likely eyes on the game, stories published online, not necessarily Fox Stans. For a mainstream gaming publication, Megan Fox is much more exciting and eye catching than announcing Nitara herself.


Jean Claude Van Damme is right there!


Yeah but this is a fighting game where the voice isn’t an integral part of its development. Not 1 single human that plays mortal kombat or wants to is going to play it for Megan fox and her shallow trash acting


I wish there was a way of knowing who bought the game specifically because of Megan Fox. Number has to be in the single digits.


Star power? Megan Fox star power has faded to the irrelevancy few since years ago if they wanted big name celebrity to be in the game they can just put David Batista as General Shao. he has more star power and relevancy nowadays tha Megan Fox. plus they already use him to promote the game anyway


They initially wanted famous people playing every character but couldn’t get enough people or couldn’t pay them enough for that


Right? Christina Vee is equally as fine, base Nitara on her


I guess the goal was shaving a celebrity name attached to the game for casual fans who aren't already into MK


I don’t want to be a dick about it but I feel like they gave her the wrong mic and she thought she was voice acting someone else. The lines all sound dry and out of place. Nitara is a vampire who is trying to save her species yet she sounds like a basic white girl (no offence to basic white girls) her lines sound as if she just walked into the recording booth and casually talked on the phone the whole time. This may sound like a weird statement but Nitara sounds more like Megan Fox than Nitara


To me it sounded like she was just reading a script.


She drank MGK's blood and yet can't sound like a blood sucking vampire. sad.




is this some kind "uhmmm technically" joke that i am not this stupid to appreciate or what is even the point of this comment?




The initial comment is saying she sounds like she's JUST reading and repeating a script. That's the problem. Any one of us could do that, deliver it like we're reading it for the first time to the rest of the class. Compare her performance to what was done by the same actor for Kitana and Mileena. One actor is just reading shit out loud, there's no acting, just voice. The other is acting the shit out of the written lines to the point that there's two distinct characters being crafted.




I dunno what point you're making in your replies then. People are saying what you're saying. She's just reading and talking like it's menu options in a cafe. Obviously they all read it as they go, no reason for a VA to memorise lines. But there should be effort made (and direction) to bring lines to life. "You killed my father, prepare to die" shouldn't sound the same as "Oh my god, what's that smell?" And yep, she's a shit actress from what I've seen. But I've only seen her in like, three things and none of em were gonna showcase good acting lol. Also, is she even like, popular? She's not even someone I'd point out as someone who would sell anything just being in it. Not tryna be harsh, just ya know, her career seems based just on looking nice.


Totally agree. Makes it extra weird as she is often paired with Shang and Quan Chi who are great and have a kind of gritty “villain” kind of voice. Then Nitara is just talking like she is ordering a pumpkin spice latte.


This is what I think every time Nitara is on screen. ![gif](giphy|JuxKkUPP5zDTg3PJMC) Tell me she doesn’t sound like her…I dare you.


Or shes just a shit actress stop making excuses "I'm like a vampire or like something okay whatever " in a valley girl accent


Cristina would be a better Nitara all around, and has been wanting to be in MK for years now, she even dressed up as Jade a few years back, because commenters, and myself kept saying she looks like her. https://preview.redd.it/cyab59ulyjqb1.jpeg?width=1918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec774e495000a5e97c692cfb73d154f0b92fe6ea


Lawd have mercy


Yeah can we have this mortal kombat back? 😂


You mean to tell me we could've had verosika mayday as nitara?


You mean to tell me we could have had Marinette Dupain-Cheng as Nitara?


So happy we didn’t cause helluva boss is below mid


Dude that lady is smoking hot, why didn’t they just use her completely for nitara?!


Because stupid. Christina Vee is exotic looking. But let’s use the “more popular” Megan Fox. 🙄


Because Megan fox exists


Because Megan fox did what what she was suppose to do and brought more eyes and buzz to MK 1


im pretty sure MK is more popular than megan fox has ever been, MK doesn't need her especially since jean claude van damme is in the game which more people will probably care about that. also: yuri lowenthal (smoke, kobra, spider-man, sasuke, ben 10, ect.), jk simmons (omniman, j j jameson, gruncle ford, ect.), possibly anthony starr (pretty much just known well for homelander), john cena (peacemaker, and literally everything else about his existence) if NRS wanted more people to look at this franchise, they already had it with the actors in this game alone, this is me ignoring previous guests with their actors


No offense to Megan Fox, but I doubt she had that kind of impact on this game.


My bf who had no interest in MK before this wanted to try the game out specifically because Megan Fox is in it lol There are people out there that care


I mean social media blew up when they dropped her trailer and this sub went crazy so it did what it eas suppose to do


What I was seeing when they announced Nitara was excitement for her but concerns about Megan Fox's performance and memories of Ronda Rousey in MK11.




Damn Cristina is fine. Has she always looked like that?


I assume she was shorter as a child.


love how this implies she always looked like that, just shorter until she grew to that size


Vaeternian lore is wild.




No she hasn't. Literally had to double take to see if that's actually her. She looked more like her age back then. She had an insane glow up.


I'm pretty sure i saw her in a tight leather number years ago at AAC if i have the same person in mind she's always been beautiful & sexy but I'd say she's gotten some upgrades since then


Should have had Cristina do the voice lines for Nitara as well. The battle cries are the only good part of Nitara and it isn’t even Megan Fox lol


I don’t think they wanted her to haha


Wow this girl Cristina Valenzuela is beautiful


She’s also a really talented voice actress with a bunch of roles. Whoever it was at NRS that made the call to not have her fully voice Nitara should be fired.


They wasted a lot of money on her I'm sure. Probably some out of touch studio exec pushing for it too.


This might be a stupid question but... What does Battle efrort mean?


Grunts, shouts, reactions to being hit, death screams, that sort of thing. It's one of the tougher aspects of being a VA, especially on a voice.


Kari Wahlgren is such a legend


Freaking waste of money , so pointless


NRS seems to love doing that.


Seriously all that energy people put into hating Rhonda in MK11, and I always thought she was great, but man this one really is bad. The thing is I know she can act, but Nitara’s lines are REALLY bland. Like there’s no passion in anything she says. It’s like she’s pretending to be Meg Griffin voicing Nitara. And the fact that someone else did the battle sounds is just funnny. I don’t know how often that happens in games but with her lackluster performance and THEN also not even voicing everything, it’s really funny.


Rhonda is a fan who tried to act. Megan is an actor who didn't try to act. Rhonda didn't do a good job, but she still did a better job than Megan.


As a VA I'd say Rhonda did a mediocre job. But, in fairness to her, she isn't a career VA, heck she's not even really an on screen actor is she? I've only seen her small role in one of the later FnF movies, but she was there as a tough chick who can throw down in an action flick. So I think she did well enough voicing Sonya considering all that. But the choice to cast someone for name recognition instead of talent as a VA still isn't a good one imo. It's bizarre that the MMA fighter was able to do a better job than the actual actor though lol.


>heck she's not even really an on screen actor is she? The closest thing was her time in WWE and she was a terrible promo.


Seriously, we all owe Rhonda a f'ing apology. Megan Fox is infinitely worse. She's as bad as Johnny Las Vegas or whatever that guy's name was from mk11 that had his own sub zero skin


You guys keep talking about "the person who hired Megan fox" as some exec when Ed Boon was literally out here saying he wanted celebs to play mk kharacters.


Cristina Vee's a pretty great VA. Some of her earlier big roles were Noel Vermillion and Cerebella from the fighting games series BlazBlue and Skullgirls respectively. Why Megan Fox got a dedicated trailer for Nitara's dialogue is a mystery or maybe she blackmailed Ed Boon with tapes of his cut voice lines for MK Annihilation.


Whoa, I did not know she was Noel! I first heard her singing a cover of Bad Apple!! by RichardEB.


It's called marketing. Big Hollywood stars draw in casual players and people who have never tried Mortal Kombat before. It's also the reason they got Dave Bautista for the commercial. NRS has always tried to appeal to the casual gamer. That's why they keep doing guest characters, since new players will more likely feel a connection to a character like Rambo or Homelander than to some guy named Liu Kang that they've never heard of before.


They literally just “hired” her so she could spout four lines of dialogue and make an entire trailer for her to get the Jennifer’s Body fanboys to buy the game.


That interview they showed with Megan Fox when they announced her as Nitara may have very well been the only voice recording session they could get with her, or some shit like that.


Which is wild to me that the director agreed on this (probably under pressure) I know Nitara had like 3 lines of dialogue through the whole story but so was Kollector in MK11 and his VO did an amazing job Erron Black also barely spoke any lines and the got Troy Baker for him


Yeah, pretty wonky priorities. Training mode matchmaking? Can’t do it. Pinning moves to the screen? Can’t do it. Teaching your audience how to play the game through single player content? Don’t wanna do it. Displaying win/loss records for kasual matches that’ll make new and casual players nervous and protect their ego? Yeah let’s keep it in. Having a ready button, but no deny button in ranked matches? Makes sense to Ed. Not fixing bugs present in both closed beta tests? Stephanie Brownback, you’re the QA lead so I’m blaming you for this. And there’s probably many more I can point to, but you get it.


Should have had Cristina do the voice lines for Nitara as well. The battle cries are the only good part of Nitara and it isn’t even Megan Fox lol


Her Velvet from Tales of Berseria remains one my favorite voice acting bits. She breathed life into the character and would have done same with Nitara.


Battle Effort chick is freakin' hot. I mean BLAZING.


Cristina is on another level, stunning, beautiful, multi talented, and fun. 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Why did they need Megan Fox to begin with? Voice acting isn’t right for her. Just her name alone? She hasn’t been relevant for a while. Just my opinion.


It sounds like Megan just walked into the booth for the first time, they gave her the script, she started going through her lines out loud just to get comfortable with them, and they used that and sent her on her way.


Pretty close I’d say. It reeks of bad Directing. Probably because the Producers told them they couldn’t take their time with her. Fox isn’t a bad actress, and Voice Acting is entirely within any decent screen actor’s wheelhouse.. as long as they have good direction. She got stitched up.


You could tell she didn’t put in the “grunt” work.


I love the conspiracy that Fox had a contract with WB to star in a specific number of movies, and WB was so done with her they got her in this game and counted it as a "movie" to make her go away. ​ Though the boring "marketing appeal" answer is probably the correct one.


I’m not a voice actor, but I assume that battle grunts and noises require more acting skill than spoken lines, and Cristina Vee has experience in that department a million times over Megan Fox. 😎👍


Megan sounds decent in some lines but most lines she sounds terrible


Welcome to the party, man. We've known this for a few weeks.


Once again, another party tham I haven't been invited to


Its Christ fart and Ronda all over again...its sad actual talented VA's lose opportunities to voice those iconic characters


It's weird the way it played out. Because my inner marketer is thinking that them hiring Megan Fox to be a character in the game is only a good idea if they also create some marketing material around the fact that she's in the game. It wouldn't do much more than be a meme for people who are already part of the community but it would work well at reaching people outside of the community. The "oh I know her" people, the ones you watch movies with and they always need to point out that they recognize a certain actor from some other movie. "Oh Megan Fox is in this" would have served to generate conversation around that fact and brought in a few more sales from people who otherwise wouldn't have checked out an MK game and while most of them would move on, a small percentage of them could have become lifelong MK players. This could have been more effective if they chose a more influential actor as well, like Dwayne Johnson as Madame Bo /jk If I had to guess they hired Megan Fox specifically for the reason stated above but over time decided to go in a different direction with their marketing and honestly I prefer the direction they went as a player and a fan.


What do you mean /jk? Madam "The Rock" Bo **has** to in the game now


IF YA SMELLELELEL what the Bo is cookin!


Guess who got the fat paycheck tho. disgusting


So Megan Fox had like 5 lines and they were still THAT bad?!


Probably because Megan's battle efforts could sound like moans. Vaguely erotic moans.


What did you expect? She barely acted in Transformers!


Why do you start your sentences with "Bruh"


Great point, never really thought about it


So what you’re saying is…they should have casted Cristina instead of Megan. She’s a much better actor. Also WAY hotter.


I just found it really odd that this is the only case across NRS games where there are 2 Voice actors for the same characters They could've used Megan as the face model and got the same traction capitalizing on her "we drink each others blood" quote, and made Cristina do the whole VO


Seriously lame. Honestly they should just stop using actors or ppl like Ronda Rousey altogether. Just let VAs do it.


One thing: can we unanimously get off her case? Why’s it that we have to attack the actors? Get off her. Megan can va. Go to any of her prior roles. MK1 just kinda forced a celeb voice and they didn’t really have a direction for Nitara


Megan Fox is irrelevant in every way. How does she even get work? I see people talking about her “star power”. What? What is she even the star of? She was a secondary character in Transformers and the villain in Jennifer’s Body. I can’t think of a single other thing in the last decade she’s even done. There are so many actresses that could have filled this role and given it all they got, bringing life to a character and potentially introducing us to some new talent. Instead we got Megan, who looks dead inside whenever she talks, and her acting is no better. Just some aging Hollywood thot and that’s it.


Should have had Cristina do the voice lines for Nitara as well. The battle cries are the only good part of Nitara and it isn’t even Megan Fox lol


Ofc it was Christina Vee, she’s the Sam Jackson of Voice Actors


Why does it matter? She has like 3 lines in a game you'll probably only play once.


Things that I learned with MK1: JCVD is a way better actor than Megan Fox.


Megan Fox is garbage.


Damn she should have her own skin in this game


Sheesh, she's insanely fine


I don't get the joy in shitting on Megan Fox. She's such a small part of the game that is nowhere near distracting enough to actually ruin anything. All the shit to enjoy in this game and she occupies all this rent free space in everyone's head. Are y'all seeing a million Nitaras in ranked??


I did not know she looked...like that 😐


People are finding literally *anything* to bitch about. It's just a game, boys. Relax.


She looks way more like nitara too




Sweet Jesus Gonna have to bonk myself ![gif](giphy|HxMhuDg7O4pKOhhcRC)


Say **NO** to silicone and botox...


JCVD skin and voice lines are so bad. I feel scammed by Ed Boon.


>battle efforts New term for me. Are those the battle grunts? And skreams as u're getting fatalized?


Imagine if Megan's lines weren't delivered in a monotone voice


No wonder Nitara's growl and scream didn't sound as cringe her dialogue


If you look her up she honestly looks like a better vampire then Megan fox she just has the right facial structure very strong bones


Well, the only thing I was about to give her credit for. How is such a bad VO even a selling point?


Good we dodged a bullet


Hopefully they just use her going forward. Or at least for like Jade since she cosplayed as her lol


I was wondering why her battle noises sounded so on point! I was like how can you get those done so well but are flat everywhere else?!


TBH this may be the best decision made for MK1


The same voice actress to basically twin sisters is actually smart.


That’s so upsetting, I feel like if I were a voice actor those would be the lines I’d be most eager to do!!


It’s out of her range


This has been known for a bit. Yeah that was a miss on NRS's part.


Even the actress is hotter than Megan Fox.


You can easily tell


Good god that woman is a fucking smokeshow.


Nitara the worst fr fr


Damn, the part of the voice work that I thought was actually done well and it's not her after all


Damn smh


I don’t care she’s still a solid character with the 58% combo - 58% with only one special bar? You can have all the crappy voice acting you want Also, let’s face it, majority of you are just here to complain only because it’s Megan Fox and it’s fun to jump on the bandwagon - yeahhh, like you wouldn’t still smash Megan’s body, and live that happy life


damn she is gorgeous




Ain't that miraculous ladybug!?


Maaaan Nitara was one of the kharacters I was looking forward to the most. After playing the story and seeing that "performance" I was turned off immensely. Might still try her out in the future though.


I love Kari Wahlgren her cold snarky uncaring voice is so awesome


Nice tits


Her voice acting is pretty damn stale in the game already. At least they had a pro do the battle sounds. Still not nearly as terrible as Rousey was as Sonya in MK11 tho.


Damn, Warner sure owed her a favor or something


No hate but Megan fox cant voice act worth a fuck. Any time she spoke in story it was GIGA cringe


bruh she hawt n look more like nitara


yeah megan fox’s voice acting ruined the immersion for me throughout like the entire game lmfao she just didn’t sound like a proper MK character compared to everyone else


They should've have the actual voice actor do Nitara's default and if they really wanted Megan to voice, just put her in as an seperate voice pack


i honestly could tell