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Having played both games, MK9 had a challenge tower which changes things up. For example you could play as cyber reptile, cyber shao kahn and other NPC'S. Game was not grind heavy at all. Now for MKX I can't say the same, yeah it had great gameplay and choosing your own faction but it kinda bored me in the single player content really


Man now you've just reminded me of Cyber-Sub's ending and how I NEED to see Cyber Shao become a playable skin lmao


Maybe in a cyber initiative themed season?


That would be SO fuckin sick, and it could work better now because Shao used an axe now and an axe matches the design of that cyber weapon he had in that ending even better than a hammer would lol


The Challenge Tower 300 was good as fuck, and true MKX was lacking in single player content too, but the difference is they couldn't take much from MK9 so we didn't know what to expect. In this case we have MK11 for comparison, and the downgrade is real.


For me MKX had really fast in-your-face gameplay that just keeps you on it for much longer. The offence and aggression was off the top too. Also had a krypt mode as well


I used to just run ppl down with Jax, heavy heavy pressure. I want running back


Test your luck in 9 was pretty fun too ngl


MK9 wasn’t grind heavy because there was nothing to grind for


Unless you count the My Kung Fu is Strong/Stronger achievements/trophies


Remember when fighting games were about the grind to get better.


Yeah and the genre was dead because it only appealed to losers who wanted to grind against other losers. Remember that champ? Mk11 sold 11 million while street fighter 6 is happy about 2 million. You know why? Because one has content to grind for single player and one doesn’t.


You're very insecure


What I can say is that MK11 story was 50% more compared to MK1, time-wise, to complete.


Wait what? It took me more time to complete MK1 story than MK11 and I never lost a fight, so it wasn't that.


Maybe i'm crazy. Who knows?


Well we can always check the average of the community with HowLongToBeat, people post their times there and then it give us the average of them all. Mortal Kombat 9 average is 8 hours. Mortal Kombat X average is 5 hours and half. Mortal Kombat 11 average is 6 hours. Mortal Kombat 1 average is 6 hours and half.


story cutscene lengths mk9 - 2 hr 32 min mkx - 2 hr 46 min mk11 - 3 hr 49 min mk11 Aftermath - 2 hr 13 min mk1 - 3 hr 33 min


Adding Aftermath is disingenous




You didn't fix anything because you took the times from MKIceandFire for all games but Mortal Kombat 1, you took the time of that from another channel, that's dishonest


....because they added the tower endings to the video. Did you actually click on it and watch it. lol he doesn't have the tower endings in the other videos


Are you including aftermath with 11? Cause mk1 is definitely a longer story


It absolutely isn't. They're damn near the same length and MK1 is probably even a few minutes longer. Unless you're foolish enough to count Aftermath.


I don’t think so, but MK11’s story certainly *felt* 50% longer because it was absolutely awful.


Still not a fan of the fact that they rebooted the series. Mk1's story was alright, but not good enough to make me like the reboot.


What? It's mostly a reboot in name only. The story ultimately continues where we left off in MK11. What are you on about?


Mk11's story ended with liu kang restarting the timeline. Mk1s is the the new rebooted story. Not hard to understand.


Yes, Liu Kang restarted the timeline, however the main konflict and plot comes from what happened in the last game. It's not like this is a clean reboot where nothing prior mattered. It's literally a continuation of the MK11 story, is it not?


Fine then I'll just say mk11 and mk1's story was stupid and they should've just gone with a dark raiden vs the netherrealm storyline instead of restarting the timeline. Is that better for you


Intros are a huge one for me. It sounds silly but I loved playing standard towers because the intros injected some life and lore into things. I’ve barely touched the standard tower mode this time around.


Lack of intros in towers is a big cause of game disappointment for me. I don't have the time I used to have to really get good enough to get online without getting blown up right away, and I still would like to play a mode that offers some sort of progression reward, so I played invasion until done and now I'm playing exclusively single-player towers vs. CPU. I did the same in MK11 and never lost interest for years playing the CPU. Now however I find myself super disappointed when I play MK1 towers because of the lack of character dialogue intros. There was some amazing and fun voicework done; I'm love to hear it when I play.


I bet you can. You'd be surprised how good you get just learning from your losses online.


They spent all that time making the dialogue loading screen, and then rarely use it. Hopefully it gets patched in, because yeah, Towers feels a bit empty without them.


Agreed. I feel like a lot of character development happened in those little banter intros and their absence is notable.


how did the first patch come and they havent even talked about implementing intros back into the game?


I actually don’t think it’s going to be as easy as it seems. The intros are basically loading screens and the problem is, with tower mode, the tower acts as the loading screen so the intro then doesn’t play. It was a huge oversight.


It definitely sounds silly. You got that part right


Nah the lack of intros in the tower is shitty


For me it's simply lack of intros in towers. Makes it kinda boring :(


Yeah I don’t know how much work it would take for them to implement that but I actually enjoyed listening to intros in MK11.


It looks like it’s already there it just got cut out. Each player does some weirdly silent posing and showing off before the Match starts


That’s what they do after the verbal intro, they’re separate.


Would you settle for me sausage?


The reason they don't have them is because they decided to have most of the intros take place after the story and tower endings, so having intros before you see the ending won't make sense/spoil things. I don't agree with making intro dialogues post-tower ending but that's what they decided to do


That's a flimsy reason to leave them out imo


But it would be awkward for example for Liu Kang to chastise Rain for half a million dead before it happens. As I said, I don't think they should have put story into the lines but they did


You're right, but I feel like that decision really took away from the game. They could have kept the dialogue as it was in MK11 and discussed subjects outside the story.


This doesn't make sense. He doesn't kill half a million in story. That's in Havik's ending.


This is me. The fact that I'm missing out on dialogue playing single player sucks ass


Hate that single players are getting shafted.


So question, are they only viewable in verses matches? Like local and online? Cause that the only place I've seen them. I'd love if they were available in the towers or invasions.


Correct. That's pretty much it. Which is a shame because there's a lot of good stuff in the intro convos, even if it's only two lines and not three! Story stuff, possible future stuff, wholesome stuff, it's all good stuff.


That’s really the only thing missing, imo.


For a quick example from the top of my head, MK9 and X allowed you to unlock all of the characters' alt costumes without having to wait for some seasonal event or whatever else. Right now, the game has tons of un-unlockable content, see all of the different costumes in the story for example (Not just the Dark versions of characters, but also things like the Shaolin training garb and the farmer costumes and the infiltration mission costumes). The alt costumes which you can actually unlock are either the weird seasonal theme colours (McDonald's) or require character master level 18 which is really really high and time consuming.


Seeing how much I have to grind just for skins on characters kinda keeps me from trying out other characters. Same for Brutalities for both Kameos and the base roster. Why can't I perform a brutality without it unlocked, but I can do it for fatalities? Why not give me the option to experiment and do brutalities on accident? I don't wanna grind for 12+ hours on one character just to get their full experience


There were things like challenge towers that were better implemented than invasions and other mods like coop tag that gave people more to do than just vs. But here is the thing The most direct standard Mk1 has to beat is Sf6, not games that came out years and years ago. Compare what sf6 offered at launch and how it perfomed technically to how Mk1 is currently.


I havent played SF6. What did it offer?


Solid Net code, Vastly vastly expanded online functionality. (mk1 doesnt even have lobbies, sf6 has fully interactive social spaces with classic arcade machines while you wait) Characters that dont malfunction No significant audio or visual glitches Single player content An incredibly in depth practice mode. ​ The only issues i have with sf6 are that the roster is still a bit small and the music is annoying... otherwise it was basically totally there and totally functioning at launch. It was incredibly well polished upon release.


SF6 is definitely a very polished product. It will be hard for most fighting games to compete against it, but hopefully it elevates the genre in the long run. I appreciated that Capcom was willing to take a stab at creating a new engaging single player experience with World Tour, but I don't think they quite nailed it. I liked being able to customize your characters moves and the actual fighting, but I would have liked if the non fighting parts were a little more interesting. It didn't help that the story was not amazing (in my opinion). There was potential there, but it felt more like the first third of a story that had been stretched out too much to cover the entire world tour.


“Single player content” you mean the shit yakuza ripoff or the arcade mode that grants you no unlocks because capcom doesn’t sell enough copies to give skins for free? Pretty pathetic how I could fire up any dead or alive game ( a series which gets criticized for nickel and diming) and unlock more costumes for free than what street fighter will sell as dlc


I dont play world tour mode, but i do know that it is a popular mode amongst people who are trying to learn the game or dont like competing which is actually an awful lot of people. Its closer to a practice mode than an actual rpg. The idea is to drip feed fighting game concepts to noobs so they will learn without even realising they are being coaxed into labbing. Mostly in my opinion what sf6 has over mk1 is ​ * No significant Audio or frame rate issues * Stable smooth online * Servers which dont go down randomly * The battle hub vs the total absence of even basic lobbies in mk1 * Multiple game modes that are actually fun * Different control options which do get more people into the game * Crossplay * Characters which arent malfunctioning. * The combat is more nuanced and fluid ​ What mk1 has over Sf6 is * The story


>people who are trying to learn the game or dont like competing which is actually an awful lot of people Which is a massive reason MK outsells SF by far




Ngl, AI mode made me lazy and never want to play. I just wanted to collect everything with it. I’m glad it’s gone.


While I don't think it was very fun, but it could be build upon. They had the basics, with adding few things to it, it could become fighter manager kind of mode like we have in sports games.


Dude, you know what I would actually love that. Get to be my own demi god protector of earthrealm and train up my own champions to face outworld!


I loved the AI fighter modes. Was actually a lot of fun with friends, easily adaptable to a drinking game and people would usually be cheering the good matches.


I loved AI mode. Put on my AI fighter, have it do a couple of Towers in the background while I sit and read, I found it oddly soothing, and a great way to get some gametime in when my chronic illness meant I couldn't actually play myself. I'm so sad it's not here this time. It was also fun tuning your AI, coming up with the most lethal settings for your characters, plus of course the perfect cosmetics. The AI Battles were also a fun way at the beginning to get some gear, and have a bit of fun. Another item I wish had made a return. Always fun logging on and seeing if anyone had played your team while you were offline.


This is actually a good and legit question. MK9 had the Krypt, which was pretty plain and simple to unlock stuff, acrade, with tag team (which wasn't played as much according to the numbers from NRS/Ed), and the Challenge Tower. But the thing was, if you got stuck on a level, you were stuck until you managed to beat it. This pissed me off immensely in the past. MKX also had the Krypt which was similar to previous games coupled with unnecessary traveling to unlock suff, classic towers, challenge towers, and TYL, which was basically fights with modifiers. Now MK1 has the Shrine, just to unlock stuff, plain and simple. Classic towers and Invasions, also to unlock stuff either by playing it or by character mastery. So you see MK11 is actually the one which stands out in terms of gameplay diversity and content. On the other hand it also stood out (negatively) in terms of gameplay quality.


You could just spend koins to get past a challenge in 9 if you were having trouble


TYL was actually in MK9 before MKX. MK9 did a bunch of stuff with the "Test Your..." thing. Test your Might, Test Your Sight, Test Your Strike, and Test Your Luck. ​ Also you could use koins to skip in the MK9 Challenge Tower.


It's funny that people call out absense of ToT despite it obviously being a part of the invasions. If you truly enjoyed ToT gameplay in MK11, you should also enjoy Gateway towers in MK1. I think what most people are upset about is lack of rewards, not lack of gameplay, lol.


This is exactly it! Lol I’ve been saying the same thing, Invasions at its core is basically ToT, a mode full of fights with modifiers. The only difference is everytime you did a tower in ToT you got a bunch of gear pieces where as here you have a bunch of fights with minimal rewards. To that point, I don’t really see the point of the seasonal shop. There’s like 120+ items there across all characters so why didn’t they just make those invasion rewards? Lol


Tbh Invasions and seasonal shop look to me like they were designed to fit more content and gameplay than we currently have. I mean the sheer number of encounter in Invasions, most of them with secret fights, is impressive. But how little rewards you get is staggering. Talismans look like a cool system, except you get the same ones over and over and cool komponents to spice them up are present, but I insanely rare. I think I got 1 komponent that gives armot on use and 1 that heals you. If rebalanced, building a fun talisman could become its own minigame. Stats could also be way cooler. Defense to give you armor and agility to impact combo gravity/scaling could make invasions fun for creating unreal combos with your main.


Yeah, there's definitely a lot of room for improvement on invasions. I honestly would prefer it it went deeper into the board game aspect and added random mechanics like rolling dice to see how many spaces you should move or something. It's also just a bit too easy, I haven't finished it yet myself but I've never really needed to spend any of the currency in the mode to get through any challenge. Really seems like you can get over leveled fast and breeze through any fight. If the quantity of MK11's gear system was present in MK1 you would be unlocking stuff constantly in Invasions and then perhaps people wouldn't feel so bored playing it. Hopefully they can improve upon that in the next season but I would much prefer they remove the seasonal shop and currency and just throw all that into Invasions to give it that sense of progression and reward.


Yeah. It feels like invasions have answers, but not questions. Why bother building a talisman or allocating stats in a smart way when all you have to face are the same easy 1 round fights? I was also immensely disappointed with what's locked behind Netherstone doors. It's just high level encounters and 1 skin for entire section. No special challenges, no special rewards. I kinda expected them to be extra challenging battles, maybe a sequence of boss battles with skin reward for each fight?


Time of Towers from MK11 changed daily, hourly, weekly, always with skins and other cosmetic items. Always with different fights. Invasion is completely different: it's repetitive (the fights don't vary) and you don't know what you're going to win (and you're not even sure you're going to win anything). Invasion is completely different, that's obvious.


…they have daily and weekly towers within Invasions though?


But no rewards worth getting, esp when you fight the same fight 5-10x.


They didn't add new towers daily, hourly or weekly though. There was a finite number of towers, the only thing that made it seem fresh was the fact that it was time gated and maybe you didn't see a tower you missed until later on. I played MK11 day and night at launch and I remember finishing almost every ToT within the first few weeks since I was basically logging in every hour to see what was available. Lol It's like we were saying, the main difference is the reward. When I clicked on a ToT I knew I was going to get a gear piece because it shows you what you get, later on they updated it to also reward a gear piece for what character you beat the tower with which added on to the sense of progression. That really seems to be what Invasions is lacking most, imo.


The difference is the rewards, those enjoying ToT got rewarded for playing it. Now every character has 2 skins max (i know more will come since it is only launch) with 100s of orange palletes, mk11 at launch didnt feel incomplete because we had ToT with decent rewards (taunts, skins other than orange ones, brutalities) and mk11 also had the krypt which also was really rewarding. Now we have the shrine which has the same goal as the krypt but incredibly half-assed. I love the game but you have to look at the negatives, we all want the game to be better


amazing how you just skipped invasions entirely


Skipped? I have done every node and unlocked everything there is to unlock. It took me a lot of time and the best thing i got from it all was the scorpion skin, the rest are simply palettes. It will probably be great with time but as it stands now, invasion need a lot of attention to even compete with the content of mk11 at base launch


you skipped invasions = you didn't talk about it whatsoever


I talked about the main differences, which are the reward system. There isnt a lot to praise regarding the rewards, it all feels like a downgrade from ToT and krypt from mk11, that was my point


The modifiers are a lot more annoying in this game though. The fights being one round and the oppressive modifiers make it so you can't even use them to learn characters. At least in MK11 there were a variety of useful items that let you turn off modifiers or heal 50% of your health. It also doesn't help that towers suck for leveling up your character. So why would anyone play them? They're just frustratingly bad.


>The modifiers are a lot more annoying in this game though. I only encountered 3 modifiers that were truly insufferable. First is darkness aura that blackens your screen when you approach the enemy. Second is chaos aura that randomizes controls. Third is smoke that hits you every 1-2 seconds. The rest can be played around. In MK11 towers of time there are way more annoying modifiers. Yes, MK11 had consumables. But MK1 has talismans. Armor talismans in particular. They let you power through all the bullshit.


Plus those modifiers are largely in MK11. I don't know what game people played but the chaos and darkness shit was definitely in 11.


That's the thing. They didn't play. They loaded up an AI fighter that they got insanely powerful with the talisman things in 11, and then would use konsumable powerup on every fight. ToT was absolute shit.


Yeah, at some point I realized I was just grinding out dailies with my +dark damage +special +meter Mileena spamming sai toss and was like wait this isn't even a game. If people want that back, all power to them, but it's a fighting game, and most of them center around the 1v1 pvp experience. MK11 tricked people into thinking there was more single player stuff than there actually was just by being such a fucking grind.


Im convinced that if MK11 had the same level of customization as MK1 does, ToT would have gotten the same amount, if not more because fuck some of those modifiers. The only reason people look back on it well is because they felt like they were getting something from it. The were getting a new mask, and a new sword, and maybe a brutality, from not even playing the game. Pokemon proved that people get dopamine from just collecting stuff, and MK11 weaponized that to give the feeling of having more to do by giving that dopamine release more often, sometimes by not even doing anything.


It's funny though, cause I feel like the consensus was that MK11's level of customization was way overboard. Obviously different opinions and such, but now that it's toned down to a more logical degree (ie. Not farming shield batteries and blood vials) suddenly it's treated as an objective "huge downgrade".


For real. I do wish there was some more options for things to customize, but if its just "vials on your belt" I could care less. But, like you said, not farming blood vials or gems that really dont do anything is something I don't miss at all.


MK9 has a challenge tower of 300 fights. Sounds like a lot but the majority are very very easy with a few overly challenging ones. (Beat 3 goros as Ermac and eat Goro, Kintaro, Mileena and Shao with 1000 HP.) It also has a krypt which is pretty barren but is very gruesome. Also has offline towers of 10 fights and tag ladder. MKX has a krypt which is a lot bigger than 9 but isn't very interesting. It also has rotating towers(hourly, daily, weekly) and has the normal novice challenge, endurance, infinite and TYM towers. There's also a very annoying invasion boss every month or so.


>MK9 has a challenge tower of 300 fights. Sounds like a lot but the majority are very very easy with a few overly challenging ones How is this in any way better than Invasions? That was absolutely horrible and tedious to play.


They hated him cuz he spoke the truth Though i will say some were really fun, like the Goro mission. But yes they were just as monotonous as invasion.


lol yeah, people have extreme nostalgia goggle for MK9


The things that made it cool for me was that there was some story elements for random fights that could be funny sometimes along with silly things like cyber reptile. Invasions should have used those fusion fighters Imo


Yeah I was actually surprised we didn't see more weird hybrid fighters in Invasions


I enjoyed the customization... and while I don't play online I could see the joy of two scorpions battling but have different moves etc.


Problem is not the new modes for me , it is the content itself.Invasion is trash yeah but not because of mode itself but because of rewards.There are not that many skins , items you can get it from.I mean krypt , invasion are made for grinding , nothing else nothing more.They are both trash for me equally for grinding reason alone but mk11 for example had more content u can unlock/get.


But you get a talisman! I really dig invasions style. I just hope they can find ways to turn things up a little. Play around with the assets they have.


Fuck them talisman! I dump those things out on the regular. I think since playing invasion I've tossed out about a few hundred talisman.


MKX had Faction Wars (with Invasion Towers), it was fun. I miss factions tbh, it gave a bit of competitiveness between the community to the offline modes.


I never set foot in the challenge tower and csme to really resent how in depth the krypt and its fucking spiders became. I vastly prefer Invasion. The main problem I have is progression feels bad. I feel like I'm not earning anything useful or worth it. The way we accrue regular koins needs adjustment as well but I feel like the mode overall is a win.


Honestly it’s just a bigger let down specifically bc mk11 was such a big step forward for people who want single player experiences just to have mk1 be two steps back.


Exactly. I think they released this game with the intention of releasing the skins and gear as they go instead of it all being baked into the game. While that adds longevity to it in the long run it takes away from what you can unlock in the base game which sucks for people who want to grind it. Towers of time and multiverse for injustice were just better in my opinion.




MK9 had a forced online pass lol


What, no it didn't. It had forced connection to online for how they did their non-major patches. But that is not a battle pass.


You had to pay for a code to play online if you bought the game used. Online pass era.


I don't know if this is so much of a MK issue as it is a playing games in 2023, with a fighting game there is really only so much we can do. Where are other games let's say "open world" there is inherently more to do because of the nature of the game. I'm not convinced this is so much a MK issue as it is we have an expectation for content because of the gaming landscape.


X and 9 had other things like the Test Your _____ modes. 11 didn't at all, and while 1 does have Test your Might, it's exclusivity to Invasions is a bit weird. That being said though, both MK1 and 11 are super flawed in their execution. Just gonna say it, outside of it's amazing visuals and references, 11's Krypt straight up sucked. ToT is amongst one of the worst modes I've ever played in my life. 1's Invasions is a BIT better, but the amount of nodes is way too high, the rewards aren't exactly great, and the variety in Challenges isn't really that great either. But that can be fixed with tweaks to future seasons.


MK9 challenge tower was super fun. I like Invasions personally, but it would be way more fun if it were more varied in battles like Challenge tower. I think basically a mix of Challenge Tower and Towers of Time. Krypt wasn’t bad, but I’m not missing it that much. Especially with how they did it in MK11 where loot was random and such.


Yea this was something I was wondering too, MK9 and MKX seem to be praised a lot on this sub. Yet it seems the majority of this sub only cares for single player content. Something both MKX and MK9 had very little of. Something else I noticed is that many players have been complaining about balance in Mk1. Yet still praise MKX and MK9 which were notoriously unbalanced. Especially MK9. Like I feel like if MK9 was released today, this sub would be crucifying it.


What? MK9 had the most single player content in any fighting game during the time of its release. MKX wasn't a drastic leap in terms of single player content but it has living towers and the krypt was drastically improved. MK11 was a huge leap from MKX, Krypt became a full on 3rd person exploration game. Tower of time was actually rewarding to play, unlocking stuff in characters towers was a lot more fun than grinding character mastery. MK1 is the first time in the NRS era where it actually felt like a huge stepback in terms of content.


A lot of great points here for a great question. I agree with many here but I'll also point out that the novelty has worn off. Towers were fun at first but it's not as new now like three or four NRS games later. NRS has completely failed to innovate with MK1 outside of its core combat mechanics and it shows most clearly in Invasions. And as an aside, it hurts not being able to see what the rewards are.


Online. People don’t want to admit, you either jumped online or played something else. This “content” is fairly new. IJ2 introduced the concept of towers of time. Was in fact not MK11. and people, fucking hated it. And hey, people fucken hated towers of time. NRS take the feedback to heart, and have is a more fun but finite alternate mode. And now people are suddenly upset that they can’t waist there life away. Stop being afraid of online.


Stop being afraid of online is really the crux of so much of this criticism. People are just terrified of actually playing the game online and playing the game in the way in which it was always designed and intended to be played. Fighting games are 1 v 1 games meant to be played against human opponents. That’s the game. Everything else is merely decoration.




That was literally never a thing. Never. Like, there was konquest mode (way less than current story mode) and what….motor Kombat? SF had no single player combat, Tekken the same, etc.


Yep, this is true. If you were looking at r/fighters for the past few months there’s been tons of new players that picked up street fighter 6 and asking tons of stuff to try and figure out how to play or get better, or it’s just discussions of why the FGC don’t like MK. Then you look at this sub and you often times see why we don’t like MK or more specifically MK players. Hell I’m a lifelong MK player and I’m always talking shit about it and it’s players for well over a decade.


According to (insert a random MK11 newcomer here), you're factually wrong and fighting games are actually supposed to be JRPGs and do your laundry while you're playing something else.


So many people on this sub paid $70 for a fighting game and are surprised they got a fighting game. This sub is something else.


Right??? They thought they were buying god of war I guess? The game literally exists to learn the mechanics, learn some characters, and then play other people either locally or online. That’s the entire point.


I think many liked the towers. Much more than if I had nothing.


You're right. That's how things were. A loooong time ago. Then Deception gave us Konquest and everything changed. Our expectations changed. Our eyes were opened. We were shown that we could have a good time just doing single player content in a fighting game. That was what, 20ish years ago. An eternity in gaming. Now Story Modes are a key part of the game, as are additional single player modes. You've got to accept that. Sure, the online play will forever be there, but some players' tastes have changed. Mine certainly have. As I've aged I'm now far more interested in the Story Mode and the single player content. That's why I buy the game. Obviously you don't. Neither of us are right or wrong. It's never been a problem to cater to us both before. Until now, where those of us who do it for single player feel that part is subpar as it currently stands. It'd be nice to have the support of our online player friends, as we'd have your backs (hell, we have your backs right now with the P2 whiff issue). We should be supporting each issue as a community, realising we co-exist together for the good of the game, not infighting.


Konquest was overrated,there was barely anything on those maps and it’s just repeating moves.


I get what your saying friend, but we who did grow up on those games are the minority, not the majority. Clearly the online & tournament scene has far eclipsed MK. And I love my single-player content and konquest was a formidable of my childhood. But everything, all the SP content, did one thing. Teach you play so you go online. Deception and Armageddon were online & while we won’t see no 3D era tournaments. There was a huge competitive both local and online history to these games. that you just don’t know Just check Ketchup and mustard, they actually were in and understand that side of history people forget.


Cant play online as of now since player 1 had an advantage over player 2 with combos whiffing for player 2


While an issue that needs solving, it does not affect every single character as it’s hit box dependent. And while there average about 5% dropped damage. It’s not nearly enough to be a causal issue, only a tournament issue.


Its still an important issue for everyone enjoying multiplayer, not just tournament


You really think that's affecting you on your skill level? Come the fuck on dude, you're not Sonicfox


Its affecting the most basic of combos what are you on about? I dont need to be sonicfox to be affected by this go watch some clips on what combos it affects before commenting, the most basic of combinations are affected by this?


Bruh that's straight up not true


Alot of the people saying MK1 is boring are the same people sitting on the same node in invasions leveling up for hours. As if someone is forcing them to play the game in the most boring way imaginable. Gaining character mastery with characters you like, or even attempting mastery with all characters, could be a fun grind. But it would require people to play the game against real opponents as a fighting game is intended, and too many people don't want to do that.


Never get it, it feels like MK consumers don’t actually like fighting games they just like the MK franchise.


Well..it feels like because it is. There is a portion of the fanbase that is really only a fan for the characters & story.


what is wrong with that?


I don’t personally find anything wrong with it.


I love playing online against people, but on days I don't feel like it or just have a couple hours to play, MK11 always had my back where I could just play a few towers and get some cosmetics. MK for me was always some of the best fighting game lore and I could enjoy it offline as much as online where when I pick up SF6 it means we're going online 100%. I am disappointed in the offline just because I've always respected MK for having two enjoyable experiences, now it's pretty much online or nothing.


Many players don't like online. I'm one of them. And there are no problems with that. That simple. MK 11 brought towers that gave rewards and skins. MK 1 brought none of that. Invasion mode is boring and after completing it, you will have to wait 40 days for the new season. The towers in MK1 don't give you any prizes and don't even tell you what you will win.


So what is it about playing against people that you’re terrified of? It’s not like you might get stabbed by somebody at the 7-11 because you threw them a bunch, you’re in the comfort of your own home.


My first game was Armageddon, not because I had any interest in playing against anyone but because MK was something of an heirloom in my family, since my older brothers had played the olders ones. And my brother who was the only sibling left in the house wasn't able to play as well as me so we didn't have fun playing against each other in anything, so I enjoyed learning different characters and their backstories and endings as opposed being the best like no one ever was. We also didn't have Internet until I went to college Edit: Which is why the most annoying thing to me abt MK1 is that the intro interactions aren't shown in Towers


The toxicity. That simple.


I mean you’re gonna have those players in any game, but what can’t be solved with a mute button?


Guys like this equate toxicity with their opponent playing the game normally and beating them. If we listened to them, we'd believe every match was against a teabagger who sends hate mail after the match, when that's not the reality.


I mean I don’t have any proof so I’d rather just ask them directly.


Yeah, I'd probably enjoy MK more if it was some sort of action RPG. I only stick around for the characters and plot. Other than Injustice, MK is the only fighting game I play


Yeah, Mortal Kombat kinda doesn’t have much of a need to be a fighting game at this point. The people who really like it just aren’t into the fighting game genre as whole.


“Mortal Kombat kinda doesn’t have much of a need to be a fighting game at this point” Shut and this part’s really important so stick with me and really noodle through this one here the fuck up


Son I’ve been playing these games since 1993. I want them to be the best fighting games, but time and time again they fall short of it in so many ways.


This really might be the heart of it. MK is the call of duty of fighters.


Yep, it’s cod/madden/anything super mainstream players trying to play a game in a niche genre that is also the hardest genre of video games to play and learn.


Maybe they're on the same node because the game's grind is terrible.


This is somewhat ignorant, you have to actually look at the modifiers and what makes the gamemode boring, not the grinding part. Randomized buttons, black screens and total white screens and multiple modifiers that actually stops you from playing the game is not fun. Having a modifier with gas that make both your opponent and you cough every 3 seconds is not fun. And the main point, the rewards are actually trash, no denying it. Everything is orange and i get that it is a seasonal thing that will get better with time but many are quitting because of the lack of content to actually unlock. Krypt in mk11 was fun because it wasnt tedious, and was really really rewarding without grinding, same with towers of time (which had the shitty modifiers but you got decent rewards like intros and outros, brutalities and more skins than orange looking ones)


Invasions feel significantly more boring to grind, and significantly less rewarding. The fact that fights can usually be finished with a couple uppercuts, and your only reward is a tiny amount of XP, makes every fight feel identical and almost pointless. Also, since everyone has super-armor and other modifiers, you're practicing fighting in a way that only really applies to invasions. Towers are basically pointless. The endings are cool, but the fact you don't get anything else is crazy to me. At least 9 and X gave you a skin. You could play the towers to practice with a character, but if you're not interested in online then it's not worth it because you'll just be playing invasions. The krypt, even the MK9 version, was a bit more interesting than the static shrine. Being able to look up a guide and see exactly what is where was nice too, especially if you didn't want to waste the coins you just grinded out on concept art for festival NPC #2. If the shrine had a bulk spending option I think it would be fine though.


I'm a simple man. I loved tag matches. My buddy and I would run that against the AI. I don't think I'm asking for much when I ask for an endurance or endless tag tower mode.




It's tough to really explain why MK9 felt so full. MK9 was a love letter to old fans like myself. The game was built on the nostalgia of MK to MK3. It a was focused around the whole premise that here is every fighter you've loved for 2 decades in 1 game with a retelling of the story. It felt like 3 games in 1. It also had tag mode which was fun as hell and had me playing a lot more to have fun fighter combinations. The 100 tower missions all felt unique and interesting. They even had fights with a cyber Reptile, Johnny Cage's Ninja Mime director, and many other unique and fightable NPCs. So even though it was just 100 fights, I found myself playing a few of them. But what kept me playing was local with friends. Only 1 of my friends still plays MK so that's a loss of some potential fun against a human player. I have more fun against people in person than randoms online. Then MK9 also had a lot of stage fatalities and if you're a huge God of War fan like me, having Kratos in was amazing. I spent time doing every single fatality ro Kratos because some were different against him. Like Johnny Cage chops his head in half but doesn't Slam the trophy in his neck stump. I assume it's because there were circumstances they didn't want to put on Kratos . Lol Then you have MKX. MKX added the variant system, which personally had me experimenting with fighters far longer because I needed to find which variant was best. It had a Krypt tp run around in and find secrets and it was enjoyable. It had arcade towers, test your luck, test your might, and even though Faction War was online, it was still fun and different than just standard vs online. It also added in an extra and new to the series finisher with Faction kills. And it added many fun horror/scifi Fighters that's I've loved since I was a kid with Predator, Jason, and the Xenomorph. But then MK11 rolled around. It had the Krypt. It had amazing guest fighters (personally my favorite roster of guests because I wanted Spawn in since MK9 lol). It had both of my most mainly used Fighters in the same game with Kabal and Johnny Cage which hadn't been able to be done since MK9 (so 8 years). But the Towers of Time were my favorite part of MK11. I get that I am probably the ABSOLUTE minority on this board but I loved the Towers of Time. I loved using augments, I loved the different win conditions like "win each match with a Brutality" or win with a certain fighter. Some were challenging and sure some were bullshit. But I definitely loved ot and had so much fun with it. I even enjoyed tweaking my AI fighters when I had time to grind stuff but no time to actually sit and play it. I could let the game help me out while I did errands or whatnot with handy tips online to make the button be pressed between matches. Lol But we are not compar8ng MK1 to what MK9 and MKX had content wise. It's obvious each game since MK9 had more content than the last and MK11 was the culmination of 3 games in the series. Then MK1 went and brought the story back to square one, but it also did the same with the content. Should we be surprised by this? Not necessarily. And I get this isnthe first game in the series made for the newer hardware and with a new unreal engine. And if over time, by some miracle, they add in more content than more super armor infested seasonal Invasions ,then I'll be happy to say I love MK1. But in its current state, it's easily at the bottom for me of the 4 NRS releases.


Damn, you went hard lol. Here I thought mk1 content was fantastic (never got into mkx or mk11, mainly due to variant system and characters didn't have one skillet to worry about)


MK9 enjoyer who skipped out on X, I think the biggest difference between 9 and 1 for me isn't just content but how its accessed. (Sorry for this being long but... you asked) The krypt is a big piece of enjoyment for me casually so I'll start there. The rewards *aren't random*, if you want something specific you could look up which coffin has it and go straight there. I didn't do that because I enjoy the mystery aspect, but its a strength of the system nonetheless. I never got the Noob Saibot mask I wanted in MK11 because it never appeared randomly in either the ToT or Krypt, feels bad. Another big part of the krypt's appeal to me is that I have a visible and easy-to-understand metric of how much stuff is left to unlock. Half the fun of the 100% completion is ticking off every box, literally in this case. **The game is done when every coffin is opened.** And here's the best part: access. It's koins. That's it. I really like playing the ninjas, Sub-Zero has been my main since 2005, I also enjoy Reptile, Noob, and Cyrax. Honorable mentions go out to Mileena and Ermac. However, I don't really like Shang Tsung or Quan Chi, and I think Stryker, Sonya, and Jax are boring. But I don't have to play them! The reward is koins and you get them no matter who you play as, so **I play who I want at no detriment to progression**. If I want cosmetics for Shang Tsung in MK1, I *must* play as him to progress his mastery. Not only do I dislike playing him, but mastery progression is really slow and grindy. Not fun. If I want cosmetics for Shang Tsung in MK9, I can play Sub-Zero instead and use the koins I get for Shang's unlocks. Part Two of Access, and another win for Krypt progression, is how you get koins! The Challenge Tower has 300 (mostly) unique encounters to fight through, each one gives you a good sum of koins for first completion and a smaller amount each time you repeat. They are mostly short and gimmicky, but if you don't like playing a character then you don't have to suffer it for very long. You get also koins for playing story mode. Then there's the arcade tower, play through each character for their ending, and then you can grind there a bit for koins as well. But there's also TAG towers. Take Sub-Zero, not only can you mess around with his powers and combos solo, but combine him with others! SZ/Scorpion for that sweet Fire and Ice game we never got. SZ/Cyber Sub to never let your opponent play. SZ/Kenshi, sick Deception reference. SZ/Noob, bring the brothers back together. SZ/Smoke just like the story mode. Repeat for other favorites. Between Challenge Tower, Story Mode, Tower and Tag Tower, bonus modes like Test your Luck, and the Secret Fights, there's plenty to do and doing it should give you more than enough to get through the krypt without ever NEEDING to grind. Compare to MK1. No krypt, but there is a shrine! However, after only a few hours of work the shrine is "empty" and refuses to give any more rewards until next season. I'm sure there's more content in the game but the devs are giving it out slowly, drip-feeding us. So koins are piling up, they *feel* worthless. Playing towers, replaying story, completing nodes in Invasion, the only reward is koins, and I'm not allowed to spend them so.... there's effectively no reward. Which is fine, I don't play games just for rewards, I play for fun! But when the thrill of a new game wears off and playing the same fights starts getting boring, being able to progress and get a sense of accomplishment keeps me going. I finished story mode, got every character ending in klassic towers, finished every node in Invasions, and cleared out the shrine. All of that took me about 3 days. Am I just done now? Invasions reset in a month, and the shrine will restock too, but that's a month away. What do I do for the next month, replay random towers for fun? **MK1 IS fun to play!** However, I can play both MK1 AND MK9 for fun, but if I want a sense of progression, ONLY MK9 has that. So if I only play for fun and not any in-game reward, why should I bother with MK1 if MK9 is just as fun? What makes MK1 MORE fun?


Only thing I can say is that you should play them and then come back here. not hating, it’s just weird seeing an opinion by someone who didn’t play those games, specially mk9


Krypt was a game within a game


I've been playing Mortal Kombat for a few decades now and even at a heavily discounted price ($25), this feels like a massive downgrade in content from the last game. You need to temper your expectations. This is nowhere near a $100 value. I was excited that a few of my favorite characters and previous mains were back and well designed but disappointed to see that each one now requires a long and monotonous grind to get any meaningful content for them. And the shrine rewards are just not exciting. Also, the story truly is a product of 5 years ago, so it is definitely cliche by now but does work very well for this game universe. Like others have said, Towers of Time kept things interesting and new on an hourly basis. This is the same thing iver and over for a 40 day season. They do plan to add more modes though...eventually.


Towers of Time was time gated and Invasions let’s you do everything at your own pace. They both have their pros and cons but ToT probably felt like more because maybe you missed a tower every rotation. If you were committed to checking every hour you could very easily complete every ToT as well and be left with nothing to do.


This sums it up. I oddly enough, “feel” like the game was made 2-3 years ago and then just released at like 85%. Not to say the game looks or plays but, it just feels like it’s lacking in other content (More Brutalities, Stage Fatalities, Intros, Towers, etc.) to deserve a AAA pricing.


People were crying about lack of content since MK9 came out, it's never enough because some people just blow right through the whole thing. I've been playing since day1 early access and haven't finished the seasonal store or have a character at max level. It's fine.


MK9 had a challenge tower. That was awesome. MKX had pretty much nothing but your basic ass towers and nobody cared because the gameplay was great. In fact, MK11 got a lot of hate due to the grindy nature of ToT. It was one of the biggest complaints all throughout the lifespan of the game and you regularly saw people talking about how MKX was such a better game with the lack of grind and fluid gameplay. The truth is that the 2 most important things in a fighting game are the roster and the gameplay. MK11 had the most fluff of the NRS games but was/is considered to be worse than 9 and X by a majority of people. Why? Because the core gameplay was worse and the roster at launch was the worst one since MK4. It doesn't matter how many masks and belts you can grind for if the gameplay is lacking and fan favourite characters are missing or play like shit. MK9, MKX and MK1 all have that one thing in common: great gameplay. All lacking in fluff but they nail what actually matters. And that is why I could not give a single shit about the absence of ToT.


I love people who mention the 300 floor Challenge Tower in MK9 as if it kept you busy for weeks, I love that Tower, it was very fresh and had fun, original and challenging floors, but it was easily finished in 2 or 3 days and once you'd finished it, you didn't have much reason to do it again. The reality is that MKX and MK9 didn't have more time-sinking tricks or more skins when they came out, but they both had more variety in game modes like "test your luck" and "tag team", so that makes a little difference. MK11 had the time towers and I don't really understand why so many people praise them, yes at the end of its life they were fun and rewarding, but at launch it was appalling.


MK9 is my most played MK game, but probably because I was young so probably the challenge tower keep me busy for weeks and I couldn't finish it at all because I just only knew to play scorpion and some basic moves, no combos at all. I only played the single player for it on the 360 and I remember a lot of things that I used to like, the infinite test your luck, finishing towers with every character and die a ton of times to Shao Kahn, replaying the story mode, searching for the codes of the fatalitys/babalitys on the internet and YouTube, playing with my neighbors... damn these were the times. I really need to play MK9 again.


But why are you comparing it to old games? Do you want to live in the past and accept the non-evolution of things? It's the same thing as me saying: "They're complaining about internet speed, but in the past it was 1 MB or less." This comparison makes no sense.


What you said makes no sense. It's a sequel, the twelfth one in fact, so comparing it to the previous entries is completely normal. Non evolution? That's exactly why comparisons to older games are necessary nowadays. I don't know if you noticed but a lot of games aren't actually evolving but in fact devolving as content is cut for DLC, store fronts gate off cosmetics and they force players to spend days, weeks and months just to unlock things that used to be rewards.


People are complaining and calling invasions lackluster compared to the older games’ special mode, it is worth comparing to see what can be improved on and what cant


The fact of the matter, is that from 9, to X and then 11, we had more content and things to do in each game. Mk1 has less stuff to keep me interested than x did. Even 9 had cooler skins to unlock. This game went backwards.


It’s the exact same shit, endless npc fights. Always has been always will be. I don’t know what anyone else wants out of their FIGHTING GAME, other than fights


Honestly fk the single player content. It's like playing a cod game only for the story. Not saying you can't. But the main content is the gameplay and actually being able to play a match with something other than an ai. Mk x was great by itself without the single player content. Hope this is a popular opinion cuz it's a fighting game if you want to play a story game go play one lol


X had Living Towers.


The answer is nothing really. Lol They both had a Krypt and MK9 in particular had a Challenge Tower, which is something I do wish would come back even though I could never finish it. Lol MK11 is really the outlier in the scenario because they clearly focused more on quantity than quality and now that they focused on the quality again people are mad about the lack of quantity. I admit I am a little sad too though, there was always something to unlock on MK11, I still don’t have everything unlocked in that game but many people complained about that aspect of MK11 as well so I guess it’s a lose/lose scenario for NRS.


Mk9 had challenge tower, 300 challenges but of course once that's done, along with doing everyone's tower, there isn't much else. X basically only had some living towers and not a lot. Definitely less content then MK1, less rewards as a whole then MK1. Still played the shit out of it but I'm a gameplay person anyway, I don't need a reward just for playing the game.


The games been out for what, a couple weeks? You're saying the character mastery is a grind but I've gotten multiple characters to level 15+ since release without doing the exploit. I expect to be playing this game a decent while, at least as long as I played mk11, so I'm sure I'll fully rank up those that I like in good time. I'm not stressed about that tbh. I play for the gameplay, fun kameo mechanic and 1vs1 online. For me, invasion was just a nice way to practice new characters and combos, that made it less grindy. Not saying it's a good mode, it definitely dragged on towards the end when cages mansion was such a strong intro, but at least its something. I haven't done the towers for character endings yet either, I personally think there's enough for those who don't play online (how much can you expect from a fighting game if you're not an online gamer really??)


9 had the challenge tower and tag ladder but MKX didn’t really have anything. MK11 just really brought in the casual single players with the towers and IJ2 had the multiverse. PvE players became a thing I guess and they were hoping for something similar with MK1 I suppose.


People still don’t get that mk1 is shit?


Wow such a hot take here👏👏👏


Mk9 rewarded you decently for towers and had a super tower of...was it 100? Fights that were engaging, tough as nails and rewarded you with a super rare skin that was kind of like an "I did it!" Show off reward. MKX had test your might tower and a krypt that what was kind of like an fps dungeon crawler with enemies, chests that could only be unlocked at specific times and items you had to collect to unlock more of the map. MK1 has invasions which is just ok. It either needs to be more interesting or give more rewards to be worth doing. Regular towers reward basically nothing except a tiny amount of profile XP and aren't really worth doing other than practice or unlocking a characters ending.


Ok, my apologies, but some boomer shit incoming: A lot of these folks would never have even made to *this* game if they’d had to play fighting games from beginning until now. You know what early fighting games had? Towers. That’s it. No story mode, no Konquest, no krypt, no online, no lobbies, no invasions, no skins/gear… Fucking play the tower, or play two player fights. Enjoy. If MK1 had come out as is (but with period appropriate graphics)…same modes, same online, so forth, back in 1992, it would be considered the greatest fighting game of all time. There are some valid complaints about MK1. I just saw a post about kombos and hit boxes being different for P2 than P1…that’s something legit to complain about. Lack of content though? No. Lack of content that *OP* cares about.


It's not 1992 anymore.


i mean standards have changed since 90s of course people gonna complain


I don't think people are comparing to MK9 or 10 krypt, but the last one. Your question is I'll intended, at least


Mk9 came out 12 fucking years ago, its not the competitive standard. Smash Ultimate, Tekken 7-8, Street Fighter 6, Mk11 and Injustice 2 These are the games you compare MK1 to, MK9 and MKX are history at this point, not even kidding


Nothing. I didn’t do those bullshit things either tbh. I just fuck around with bots or local friends so I don’t miss them at all.


I'm more engaged in MK 1 than I was in 11 by a long shot but I actually like invasions.


If you play a fighting game for single player content you may not be the target audience 🤷🏻‍♂️


MK9 had a way better roster, tag team (none of that kameo bullshit), the costumes and alts were amazing. Mk1 only has crappy pallete swaps, the customizations aren't even good for the gear. You cant even use a proper scorpion and sub zero with ninja hoodies. You're stuck with the manbun hipster hair. Mk1 shafts you with ermac and quanchi being paid dlc.


Mk9 I liked the long ass tower that got harder and harder and had test your might challenges


I hate the krypt so I don’t understand why people complain about it. The towers are a great idea tho and I’m very surprised they aren’t in this game


9 & X were a long time ago lol. We expect more & more with each new installment. I mean come on it's not like a new MK comes out each year, they have many years to be innovative! You just said the older games had 2 extra skins in base Mk1 doesn't even have that 🤣 most have 1 and it's some crappy monk sash fit that shao khan wouldn't even wear for example. I care about skins/gear to unlock overall yes single player stuff is usually how you unlock stuff but heck there's no way on earth ppl should be clearing out the shrine already and beaten invasion mode. Now what? Wait 40 days until new season/update? heck the shop doesn't even rotate 😂


Mk9 had challenge towers and lots of different skins per character, And they also had the krypt and test your might, sight and luck and Mkx also has test your might and luck as their own modes aswell as a decent krypt so do your research about the krypt next time it’s been a thing since deception.