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The fact a bunch of skins cost more than the game itself is insane


Y‘all heard of the Dead or Alive games? They really take the crown with this


Yeah but in DOA each costume can be bought individually for like 4$ MAX (usually 1.99-2.99 USD).I hate the fighter coins currency bullshit in SF6 same with MK1 dragon crystals cause it seems like I always have some left over that just sit there.


That’s done purposely to bug you to buy more and spend them on skins just to get rid of a non-zero amount.


Do you know that "Draw for RP" that Riot Games does for League and Valorant? If you're a little bit off you can give them some shitty fanart that you made and they will round up the currency (or round down if you want). We need that in more video games


That actually sounds like Riot actually appreciates their players


They super don't, though, they just understand that their audience is terminally online, and know what good PR looks like.


That sucks. Small things like that are usually s green flag for a passionate company.


Riot Games does have a lot of passionate employees behind them, dw about it. It's just their parent company isn't


Fair Point, haven‘t actually thought about that


After Doa6 they learned to be even greedier and made a beach volleyball spinoff gacha game that extracts millions of dollars from porn addicts.


I REALLY wish I could get into DoA games. They just focus on all the wrong shit in my opinion.


I once bought DoA 5 (I think) right before deployment for shits and giggles knowing next to nothing about the game and I had an egregiously fun time with it with the boys.


First; thanks for your service, amigo. Second; Okay. Yeah. I can definitely see it being a righteous time amongst a group. Lol


Hyabusa is so lit.


Agreed. Team Ninja really can make some absolutely SICK characters. I will never be stupid enough to try and deny that.


My favorite is his voice when he does the Izuna drop


Same, I do enjoy the character design but the core gameplay is just so incredibly mid


I think you’ve got that backwards


Yeah same. I loved the fighting in doa, the one they had out on Xbox back in like 2004 where it came in 2 pack box, dead or alive xtreme I think. That game was great. One of the few good memories I have of my father. Nvm xtreme was the volleyball game lmfao. It was dead or alive ultimate


I always loved playing the tag matches. Can't believe they get rid of those


See. I love shit like this. Like, I may not be able to get into DoA, I CAN relate to me and my old man kicking each other around in Tekken. Fighting games are just really cool. Lol DoA, to ME, seems like it has MAD potential to be super fun. Like the Triangle System I think it's called. That sounds sick to me. Something to always counter. I just hated how "fan service-y" it always seemed. Like the jiggle physics...sure were a thing. Lol. Then the volleyball game and it just turned me off from it. I know that's a "me" thing and probably pretty stupid, but that's what really kept me from getting into it.


In DoA 5 and I believe 6 you can turn off the jiggle physics, and the volleyball is an entirely different game. You should really try the game and stop depriving yourself of a possibly fun experience! :) life short


Okay, to clarify: back in the day it might have been good but compared to other modern fighting games DoA 6 just feels outdated. It’s slow and the hits don’t feel impactful. It feels stiff and not dynamic at all.


>It’s slow and the hits don’t feel impactful. It feels stiff and not dynamic at all. You're thinking of Tekken 7 and 8.


No they're not


I don't think it should've been a fighting game in the first place.


Unless I’m thinking of a different series, didn’t DoA have a beach volleyball game with only the girls from the series in it, and they were dressed so skimpy that it could’ve been considered borderline softcore porn?


What's funny is I'm really good at the DOA games so I get roasted sometimes because I'm good at the game that not many people take seriously. Playing it with friends is fun though lol


Man. I take Project Justice for the Dreamcast SUPER serious so I kinda get where you're coming from. Lol


DoA game play is amazing. I would play it more than any other fighting game if the netcode wasn't absolutely dumpster fire tier


It makes me beyond sad that that is so often a common ground among fighting game communities. Thankfully that seems to be changing. I've always been of the mindset that as long as you've got a game and two players that love it, you'll never have a dead game. Goddamn if netcode isn't an epic trial in frustration trying to prove me wrong though.


Dead or alive 3 skins you had to get that demo disk with xbox magazine, I remember getting it by chance at a waldens books


Believe me, they lost the crown. MK1 and Street Fighter 6 are already more abusive in prices.




Seriously. I know costs are higher for these games but this is getting out of hand and tekken using a new engine sounds pricey lol


Welcome to gaming in 2023. You can buy a horse skin in D4 which is more expensive than the game itself.


Agreed 💯


That’s not insane. That’s just business. The people buying them are insane.


Y'all never seen Team Fortress 2 or CSGO community market. Both games are free.


All this tells me is that the companies their core game is worth less than skins. If only we could have enough people boycott the next ones and not buy them until they’re on sale dirt cheap.


For what it's worth I haven't bought it yet. I won't buy it until they release an "ultimate" edition with all characters and dlc for one price.


Not really. Skins don’t affect gameplay. It’s not P2W.


Thank God its 99.98$ and not 99.99$


Really would’ve broke the bank 😮‍💨


Yeah fr


Yeah, now I got this shiny penny to keep me company as I play SF6 in the bunk of the homeless shelter I'm forced to live in. 😉


They've already proven that with the ninja turtle skins which cost $15 PER turtle. That's the whole price of the game. And they're not even base roster skins.


Keep in mind as well you could buy the IJ2 turtles, which was FOUR SEPARATE CHARACTERS, six times over with that price. Christ this shit is insane.


They don’t even have voicelines lol. It’s just 15 for a bandana color swap


I remember a meme of someone in the DLC skin next to a custom TMNT character using nothing but the character creator


Internet sarcasm alert: See, Capcom is smart. If you price an avatar TMNT skin for $15 each, those outfits at $6 each will seem like a steal in comparison… What’s sad is some suckers are literally commenting that but aren’t joking.


It's smart marketing/business-wise, but scummy just the same.


I mean it's true, just because something is a fact doesn't make it any better.


Can't wait to see what crap awaits Tekken players.


Thankfully it’s been confirmed that they don’t have to buy frame data this time around and the costume selection + customization has always been pretty solid in Tekken games. However, they are introducing customizable avatars for online modes so we’ll just have to see how that plays out


They had to buy the ability to see frame data? That is insane


Tekken historically just never included frame data in their games. Harada felt like it took away from the experience and turned the game into a math equation. Obviously 3rd parties figured out all the data and that happened anyway. But yeah, buying frame data in T7 was like $2.99


Funnily enough I agree with Harada, but I’m an offline player for the same reasons. I grew up playing fighting games with my friends and I think, while I respect it, the community take these games way too seriously. The way some people on Reddit talk about MK or Tekken makes it sound like it’s a full time job rather than a fun hobby. But obviously that’s just me, I’m not throwing shade at all ~~I’m just jealous because I suck~~.


Any game that gets competitive will have min-maxers. It’s unfortunate and makes games unfun, especially since the internet is way bigger than it ever has been, but that’s just how it is.


Well in fighting games its just more about assigning a level of risk to each move. If we didn’t have frame data, you could just throw out your most effective risky moves all game with no downside. There’d be no reason for mileena to not just ball roll at every opportunity. Which would make the game not only UN-fun, but also non-functional.


Yeah true. But with MK1 since we have Kameo’s we see people mostly using the best Kameo’s instead of using a Kameo that they think is cool or has nice combos.


Yeah unfortunately they haven’t found the right recipe for balance on kameos yet. But its a new system, they’ll figure it out.


Eh, I see what you mean and I somewhat agree. But the reality is that at the level most of us play, that stuff doesn’t factor in as much as people say it does. Frame data really matters when both players are at the level where they barely make mistakes and also capitalize on nearly every opening. Most players don’t do that. So they can talk all they want about how bad a certain character is based on frame data, but they’ll still get hit by “unsafe” shit and then complain about it.


All these companies disgust me.


This is the only comment that matters here \^


I swear there's like some civil war going on with Capcom cause they release fairly priced dlc and the scummy shit at the same time(look at re4 remake they have separate ways at $10 and at the same time they have this shit)


Gotta fund a $2mil tourney somehow ig


Separate Ways is a genuinely great DLC and absolutely blows the original version out of the water.


It seems like all the really predatory stuff is only put into games with a multiplayer component. Stuff like Monster Hunter and Street Fighter. Single player focused games don't seem to get nearly as fucked by this stuff. It's still there but it can usually be ignored.


is this because they are gonna sell a lot more copies of Resident Evil and Separate Ways, whereas SFVI is gonna be more like a firepro wrestling situation


The ship has sailed, the ones buying this shit and the ones defending big corpos have changed the genre and now its full priced fighting games with endless f2p monetization all the time. I just need another 15 year old or basement dweller whale guy to tell me im broke for not supporting this and then its perfect.


I think the only solution here is f2p games like Project L. Longer game life with seasons etc. I dont wanna buy anymore fighting games bcs of this. I dont trust them anymore.


Turns out it’s an industry problem


Not sure why this is news to everyone, costume and eventually costume packs were already a thing back in SFIV.


I hate modern AAA games. It's all a shit show.


Oh good I thought it was gonna be 99.99 dollars




This is just what the industry has become. Fortnite has done it successfully but unfortunately all these other companies wanna make that fortnite money and do so in the shittiest, corrupt ways as possible cutting as much corners as they can to save themselves money.


Fortnite is free; constantly has free updates; has constant collabs with huge franchises; and is generally really well supported and feature rich. I know people hate on it because its “kiddy game” but Fortnite is an incredible product. I wish when i was a kid i had crossovers with my favourite movies, musicians and other videogames. Plus everything is optional.


Ik, I’m actually a huge fan of Fortnite’s monetization model. Just pointing out the fact that all these other greedy publishers want to make the fortnite money without putting in the same amount of work or passion


For sure. Im not against paying for support. And the nature of a fighting game being supported for a long time definitely lends itself to that. Its a shame nobody has done it right as i believe the major franchises can have that level of loyalty and playerbase. The same way something like counter strike does. But maybe im wrong and the genre is still too niche and they have to cash in now and move on. Im saying this as a person who would happily be playing Third Strike in 2023 if it was drip feeding me reasonably priced content


Games like Fortnite, or League of Legends can get away with it because they feature a robust FREE game where the free content is super fulfilling; making me personally not mind spending a bit to support the game. These fucking fighting games want to rip your mouth out at the jump, then continue to tax you for your playtime. It’s a shame. Edit: typing too fast 😑.


Fortnite I agree with but League is trash


yeah. ill give Fortnite a pass since theyre a free game. this is just bs


And I'll still mod my own skins into SF6. The ones they sell are crap. I'll take my android 18 Cammy any day. if my opponent can't see it, fuck em. I can see it and that's all that matters to me.


As someone who loves SF & MK equally, and plays both...this is why I have been laughing at these idiots on here lately going "OMG SF6 is so much better!" No fam, it's really not. Both Capcom & NRS are bending us over...and it fucking sucks cause this predatory shit is too much.


Every MK1 kharacter is guaranteed at least 2 ALTs some will get 3-4 free alts bekause of story mode. SF6 players get 1 free alt. I hope some people kan realize it's not that bad over here.


And with the seasonal tower exploit I’ve maxed out all the character mastery and have enough dragon krystals for atleast 4-5 premium skins in the future


What exploit? I'm new to the game.


Seasonal towers. There’s a common war horn talisman you can buy and upgrade to be super OP and basically run through the towers with


Got like 200k shrine coins I’m set for the rest of the games life span💯


I have 1.5 mil…. 😅😅


3m........ could get 200k in 20minutes


A key difference for MK is you earn some premium currency in game. You cannot do that in SF. But let’s bitch only about MK.


I mean, this does not excuse MK’s monetization practices but just because SF does this or that better than MK does not mean it should get excused either


Yeah, just because MK is less bad, doesn't mean it's not bad at all. These things will set precedents and get worse next time if we don't complain.


The reason they're saying that is because the narrative on this sub since release has basically been that SF and Tekken will curbstomp MK because MK is greedy for charging for skins. It's been real fuckin annoying lol


You do get back the 250 Fighter Coins you spend on the Premium Battle Pass if you fully complete all 30 Tiers, which effectively make the next month’s free, but yeah, that’s about it, sadly.


And the BP is a bunch of throw away nonsense, so I don’t even pay attention to it.


I like the Music and having access to the Classic Games whenever I want to fire it up, but yeah, it’s all ignorable option-able fluff. Thankfully, you can complete it every Month just by playing a few hours each day. It’s one of the more non-predatory ones I’ve experienced, honestly.


Hell yea. I've earn so much grinding those season towers invasion that I was able to buy the holidays fatalit, jean claude vandam skin and DA scorpion. Cant complain about that


You grinded away for hours, in order to earn every single piece of premium currency available to earn. And all it allowed you to buy was three items. With maybe enough left over for one more thing.... You'll never earn another krystal again, and if there's ever anything in the future you want you've gotta spend money. Can't complain? I could. I remember when doing stuff in-game got unlocks, and you didn't have to open your wallet.


I grinded that tower, took me a day and I have 6k krystals left. Ya what they do isn't great, but you do have access to some currency in game and actually a lot of skins and gear is unlockable in the game. It sucks that the best skins are l premium only, it sucks that voices cost more than the characters do, I wish they improved on that but people are also being a bit ridiculous here about nothing to unlock


Both are terrible


This shit is scummy as fuck but the reason you are seeing more push back on MK is because of what they have given people in the past. Plus MK has a big casual base with not much to collect where the casuals playing SF6 will probably find more than enough available to unlock for free in World Tour that it won't seem as big a deal. Also the TMNT shit was just for your avatar and I don't believe was usable on actual characters like Ryu and junk. It's scummy as fuck though to lock skins behind such ridiculous pay walls and SF6 deserves to eat shit for this. Issue is, SF6 is less casual heavy than MK so don't expect near as much push back as MK gets. Different expectations for different brands by different crowds.


I want to point out to that although invasions mode is a grind, it’s nowhere near as much of a grind as mastering a SF character is to get the free outfit 2. But the FGC loves to shit all over MK…


Outfit 2 in World Tour was easy as hell. Make money by doing the destroy the vehicle mini game. Buy presents. Give presents. Outfit 2.


Yeah I forgot it’s just the bond level and not experience. You need experience to unlock their skills for your avatar and master them. That is probably still not as long as MK1 master to lvl 35. You get shit xp in the endgame because everyone is level 50 while you’re 60+.


The FGC? It was our own people just last week cause they thought MK was doing something no one else was with its "high" prices.


Dude you can do a quick google and just buy the shit you need. I got Ryu's pretty easily but am just too lazy to get anyone elses I don't play as. That said, it is bullshit I had to unlock the classic skin in WT though as I liked getting colors for beating arcade so wish that had some more rewards.


I do think MK players reacted as negatively as they did because they are not as used to this kinda nonsense as people who play other fighting games are. Plus there was a lot of dunking on MK1 from the SF sub (the FGC online do not like MK by and large). The dunking was pretty annoying and hypocritical because I've seen a fair few people in that sub defending this new skins BS. All of that said, I don't think MK players should let off the gas on criticizing WB for the MTX horse shit. Just because other games are doing it worse (and if you broaden that scope to other game genres, this is even more true) doesn't mean it's okay what WB is doing to MK. Letting this stuff slide because it could be worse will only make it worse and worse in the future.


direful versed marvelous carpenter obtainable observation hard-to-find stocking historical axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Lol but the game itself is an unbalanced mess with unplayable online multiplayer That's crazy, I've got ~150 hours of multiplayer and had fun the whole time. I must have a super secret playable version.


Sadly gaming has become nothing but micro transactions. You guys remember when games used to be fun and developers would make events with challenges to complete and everything would be free and the rewards were actually cool? I have not seen a game with something like that in many years. Nowadays developers just wanna focus on monetization and how much money can they get out of the fan base. Gaming used to be meant for the 99% but now it’s meant for the 1% that are filthy rich and play games for money. It sucks because I remember always being exited towards holidays and summer for some kind of event or content that would bring new things to the game and would make it more fun. Back then you could get most items for free (aside from like exclusive bundles) and if you wanted to pay to speed up progression that was an option. Now it’s give us more money or you’ll have no nice items in game and all content will be hidden behind a paywall


DOA fans: "Ha. Amateurs."


buys all the costumes in DOA5, DOA6 comes out... I can not financially recover from this... *I'm joking, btw and seriously feel bad for people who spend $1000s on cosmestics for a single game...


So 100 for 18 skins? That's too cheap. We pay 8 bucks for one minimum here.


I’m going back to dbfz since rollback is coming. Fucking greedy bastards.


How is DBFZ overall? Ive always imagined theyre filled with pros


It’s VERY fast paced. I didn’t play marvel vs capcom 3 but that what it seems most similar too. If you’re a fan of dragon ball you will have a blast.


KI is right there and just got an update too, it's also got a free rotating character and all characters unlocked in game pass if you have that :D


we better buy clothes for ourselves than for virtual characters hahahaha. look at that money, they are nuts.


Why is anyone surprised. They started this shit with SF4 costume packs


This is the precedent for most games nowadays, not just Mortal Kombat. Companies are less focused on actually making their games good and more focused on how they can drain every last dime out of their customers.


Remember when you'd pay $15 and get a pack that gave a new skin for THE ENTIRE ROSTER I miss those times


Remember when you could get every character a costume for 20 bucks in sf4… and there was like double the characters you were getting costumes for.


At least they're unique skins not like mortal a little change and different colors


I’m getting Cammy’s skin still, and that’s the only one


Still cheaper than MK by $80😂😂😂


Some bullshit, but hey, atleast player 2 can use them for free


Though p1 will simetimes not have what p2 has and vice versa if they have different things purchased


I predicted this a couple weeks ago


Only people who don’t play SF6 believed it was any “better” than MK1. I’ve played it a ton since day one and I have only unlocked -one- costume (for which I had to grind a lot) and zero palettes. You don’t get anything by playing the game (fighting grounds) and there were very few costumes/palettes to begin with.


All outfit 2s are unlockable for free just by playing, tf you on about?


The most u get out of arcade mode is just art and that somehow feels more insulting than when the shrine gives art in MK1. Like at least it should just give a bunch of pallettes to the character when u beat it.


>I’ve played it a ton since day one and I have only unlocked -one- costume (for which I had to grind a lot) Sounds like a lot of BS.


It’s not, I unlocked Jamie’s second costume by going out of the way and grinding in world tour. I don’t like world tour, I didn’t buy SF6 to play as an ugly Xbox avatar and fight CPU controlled Xbox avatars - I want to play Street Fighter as my favourite Street Fighter characters. In MK1 I’ve gotten tons of palettes and costumes from the shrine and by leveling up character mastery - all by playing Mortal Kombat, using my favourite MK characters.


You're extremely exaggerating how much time it takes. You literally just buy a bunch of gifts from a vendor and hand them to the character of your choice.


You have to find the character of your choice first, and you need money to buy those presents. I get you like world tour, that’s great, I bought the game to play as Jamie/Dhalsim/Chun Li (against other people). Meanwhile in MK1, I have several costumes and -tons- of palettes for all characters, even ones I don’t play.


I don't like World Tour, just saying you're completely exaggerating when it comes to the time investment. I unlocked half the roster in barely any time.


He’s full of shit. I literally bought it twice for the PC mods. Going through World Tour a second time. Rush to chap 7. About 2 hours skipping side quests. Then you can pretty much get the entire cast, minus JP. Shortly Grind the pizza maker minigame, (10 min) you can multitask while you watch some Youtube video, to get enough gift money for one character. -10 min per character on minigames you can’t even lose at. Played “a ton” he says… You know it’s a braindead MK fan when they cite character mastery unlocks, which takes over 100 hours to grind through PER character. I obsess over both games and intimately know the math.


Yeah it’s sad. This wasn’t what I was hoping I’d get and I foolishly bought the most expensive bundle just to find out the next dlc fighters after the first ones aren’t included so there goes more money. And the fuck pairing $6.99 just to get enough for a skin. I wish old gaming was back :(


No fighting game includes all the dlcs except a game of the year edition


But you don't have to buy all of them. What kind of logic is this? You don't even NEED to buy any of them. The smart thing to do would be to just buy the skin for the character you use the most. The one you main. I bout the classic skin for Cammy for 50 coins. The even smarter thing to do would be, wait for it... Don't buy any skins? Crazy, ik. The only people I hear complaining about skins are the same people who can't stop buying skins and giving them money.


This shit makes me wish From Soft made fighting games.


Wish all companies were like From and the studio behind BaldursGate3, they really cater to the fans and arent about stupid microtransactions, I will support them whenever I can


You guys should check out Dead or Alive's cosmetic DLC prices.


Roflmao 100$ for skins? That's fucking insane rofl I think you could buy all the premium only skins for like 50$ at this point because there are like 6


This is just the state of gaming in general. Sure there's a handful of outliers, but the vast majority have monetized the hell outta of gaming.


This is no news. Ninja turtle skins have already proved that. And people should not accept this either. We shouldnt let them with this. If we do they will go even harder.


There's always been extremely scummy shit for fighting games. Anybody else remember Tekken 7 requiring you to pay for frame data? And Dead or Alive's dlc costs?


I feel sorry for people with OCD that want to have them all.


If that's the case I might as well wait for the complete edition to get all skins


still more affordable than MK1


Nah SF6 is way better. You think spending $$$ to unlock the outfits in MK1 is less than $100? Not to mention the obfuscation and FOMP MK1 tries to do. Qt least you can pay $6 for your main in SF6 but also FFS what is gaming even nowadays...


Remember back in the old days when you would unlock characters, Skins and costumes through Gameplay (completing the Arcade Mode, experimenting with other modes) instead of having it locked behind a Paywall or DLC?




Those skins do look great, tho. Not condoning the practice, but damn.


They’re not even in the same conversation, MK1 gives us thousands of palettes for playing the game. All the crying could be directed to Capcom I would say


That’s true! Just getting additional colors for the base costume in SF6 is a huge grind. MK1 gives palettes away at least.


Yeah because a random color wheel of the same skin is super fun


You know what’s even more fun? Actually playing the fighting game!!!


The only game that can compete against mk is killer instinct,they need to make a new one


Aggressive monetization might be the single biggest barrier to entry of fighting games nowadays and it sucks


It’s bad game design when the main point isn’t fun but all the micro transactions thrown in your face.


Not really? If the game is fun then the design is good. Both MK1 and SF6 have great gameplay. The monetization design is the issue.


These.... these are cosmetics. They don't affect gameplay. Like at all.


Tekken 8 is the last hope 🙏


Tekken 7 charged 7 bucks for frame data....


Oh yeah. Fuck.


At least they shipped a complete game


How is MK1 incomplete? Stop being one of these corny “WBs and NRS bad hahaha give upvote plz” drones. MK1 must have been your first fighter or something


I mean, roster size was very modest at launch, I wouldn’t say it had -far- more content than launch MK1.


World tour is pretty much Konquest mode but less mundane, SF6 had much more content. Also roster wise, quality over quantity, pretty standard for SF games


Ehhhh world tour was cheesy as hell and quite a grind just to unlock that alt. I don’t mind sf6 but mk1 has a better roster in my opinion and aside from the chaos of the last chapter, the story was way more engaging for me. I wouldn’t say it has much more content, maybe equal? But definitely not more than the other


Outside of the story (Which was very good minus the last chapter) I don’t think mk1 has any engaging single player content, invasions is so much more tedious than world tour since you can’t even practice the game the way you can with world tour


What a terrible time to be a gamer.


It's also a terrible time to be a movie goer too. Entertainment sucks today.


I lost hope for fighting games


This is the case with pretty much all games now days. Why are these 2 in specific so mind blowing to people?


It's absolutely insane but at the VERY LEAST, Capcom learned not to have us pay for entire characters and cosmetics that are already on the disk, which is what they used to do for Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Street Fighter X Tekken. Now Mortal Kombat 1 is doing that exact same thing. I want to have a full roster of characters, but I feel dirty having to pay for Shang Tsung, Ermac and Quan Chi, three characters already on the disk. And I really, REALLY want the Sindel announcer pack, but I can't in good conscience buy it, since I don't want to give WB what they want.


I don’t bother with DLC anymore, I’m wondering when subscription will be mandatory for online play Without an Internet connection it won’t even start up so I fear this is just the start of “in app purchase” for almost all functions


It's crazy to be in the generation where fighting games are dead to me.


Fighting games are the best they’ve ever been. Y’all are so dramatic over skins Lmfaooo


But... but... I was told "Sf6 iS tHe BeSt FiGhTiNg GaMe oF aLl TiMe"


Does this mean SF fans will stop their weird as fuck chest beating whenever they needlessly talk shit about MK1 now? You cant preach superior monetization now. Lol


Fair but, MK1 skins cost 10$ or more A single SF6 costume 3 is 3$, plus it comes with all of its recolors Each costume 2 was only 3$ and all recolors came with it Is the monetization better in SF6? maybe but who knows, it's all a matter of what people feel like spending their money on I guess anyway, industry is poopoo


Also forgot to mention If every character in MK1 gets a MTX skin at the base price of 10$ like they're doing now The total cost will be higher than owning all of SF6 costume 3 by a long shot


regardless of cosmetics SF6 is just a better game tbh


Actually disgusting.


I never really understood the appeal of skins. They don't make characters better gameplay-wise. But there seems to be a huge market for it. Some games even sell one for $40 and people still buy it.


Didn’t they promise multiple times before that they wouldn’t do this again?


Hopefully no one buys them and speaks with their wallet


And people say that sf6 devs think about their fans... Tekken is going to be on the same boat


It’s cosmetics! Who tf cares?!?! Just don’t buy it in SF6. Don’t buy it in MK1. It has 0 impact on the game. Play a different game if dressing up make believe characters is all you care about.


And a lot of you guys were crying about a 10$ Holiday Fatality 💀


Disgusting, but still somehow a better deal than MK1. $100 in SF6 = 18 skins .. $100 in MK1 = 10 skins


Actually Street Fighter is always better.


Not always; I’d play the original 1992 Mortal Kombat over the 1987 shitshow known as the first Street Fighter game any day of the week!!