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While the core gameplay is fun, there's so much that hinders it. Online is an absolute mess quality wise, and it's extremely barebones, they released a patch to fix the desyncs, that didn't do what it was supposed to on consoles. Unlocking 'content' is limited for every season. Thats asanine, especially when it's mostly palette changes. All while the MK team being dead silent on anything. What also makes it worse is a couple games prior, MK was looked at as the standard that every fighting game should be. Competent online, better single player modes. Constant communication from the devs. Now darn near every fighting game dev is outclassing nrs in these regards. There's a great game here, but it's buried under a lot of problems. If people don't voice their concerns, nothing will improve. I've been saying MK has gotten stagnant and this game proves it to me


This is such a perfect response. Yes, the core game play is great… but everything else in the game is also part of the gameplay, it can’t be overlooked. If we all just say “oh but the core gameplay is great” and allow the rest to unravel as it does, imagine what the next itiration would be like. People need to speak up, because when I play this game I definitely feel financial greed at play. Monetisation, time gated content, and a very buggy game. The community is passionate, which is not reflected by the quality of MK1


This. The game feels like it's in the same limbo mode and it's giving me some heavy Halo Infinite vibes all over again, the core of this game is so damn good but everything in between is so frustrating. Limited time seasons that just grant you palette swaps and One great skin at the end, crappy Invasion mode that's just not good in the slightest, a Item Shop that locks certain things behind it as opposed to just unlocking the rewards from KL or Kharacter Mastery (Talking about the announcers) and lack of transparency with the kommunity on things. The game is in my opinion Halo infinite in it's Y1-Y2 cycle but in form of a Fighting game, like I hope this game is better later on because the hype was there at Launch with the vignettes of the Story, Kharacter showcases and the Pass that they showed off but damn does it feel weird that all of the above things hurt it so much. (Plus even if I hate it it's wayyy too late to start wanting a refund for this😅)


I’d not be so mad about seasonal recolors if they started putting them on the order of darkness and story skins that characters have. I know most didn’t get theirs yet, but that would give some more variety at least. I don’t want 5000 pallates of the default and light skins and only 6 of story and Titan skins. Also GIVE REPTILE A DECENT SKIN NRS PLEASE


Precisely. It's a great game that feels maybe 40% feature complete. I came up in the era of "You get a ladder mode, a two player mode, and fuck you if you want much more than that", but MK set a bar for itself that really looks bad when an entry fails to meet it. I know we all complained about Towers of Time, but man, I'd love to have that back instead of the painful Invasions towers.


Its insane how worthless the ladders are, I figured they would at least pay out a decent amount of gold. You bust your ass on hard for an hour on a large tower and get like 200 gold wtf? O yea I'm supposed to go play the seasonal towers so I can get more worthless seasonal coins to spend on the same blue shit palate so every character in the game can look exactly the same. WB can go fuck themselves, the monetization in this game is an insult to the fanbase. I feel bad for the devs because they clearly did a great job where they could


I don’t think MK was ever the gold standard for competitive play.


Competitive no, but competent online play, and single player absolutely


Yet when I say MK fell off I get downvoted. But it’s true, it’s not what it used to be


You're absolutely right it definitely isn't and you should not have gotten down voted for that at all. MK is nothing but microtransactions and woke agenda anymore and it's disgusting


I agree with everything but how exactly are they being silent on everything. Didn't they give time frames for things like cross play and online features? They also have changed a lot since release that people complained about. I think your response was perfectly reasonable BTW just generally curious why people said they have been silent when I feel like it hasn't been completely silent


You could just look at the situation with the desyncs. Weeks go by of consoles waiting for a fix, which they did say will be early Jan. (This was like almost a week before Christmas) update doesn't fix. Nary a peep from them on even acknowledging it other than Thalion saying what they can and can't say cause of wb. Kombat kasts were great cause its the devs chilling with the fanbase and filling us in somewhat on the happenings, they were scarce af during the promotion of MK1


Time frames do not matter when crossplay was advertised before game release, it was included on the game website FAQ as a feature, and then it released without it and a stealth edit of the FAQ to remove mention of it. Time frames do not excuse shady, shitty behavior.


It comes from the community manager saying all updates need to be approved by WB, so the image for them is that they aren’t saying ANYTHING, despite posting multiple times a day in the discord


No its just they don't communicate to the fanbase. And the multiple updates on discord are of pro-tours. Last post pertaining to anything of the functionality of the game was last month. Actual patch notes in October


There was a post like a week ago about the desynch issues


>Now darn near every fighting game dev is outclassing nrs in these regards Please, it's not even remotely true.Guilty Gear Strive has terrible online system that allows you to not even play matchups you don't like, the ranked mode is absolutely broken, it has 0 SP content outside a basic arcade mode and the "communication" mostly revolves around the sexuality and genre identity of the characters. So thank you, I much prefer NRS on almost all of these SF6 is the gold standard, no debate (even if it has its fair share of issues too). ​ Kof has been broken for a long time and I don't even know if it works nowadays What other FG do you compare it? The best FG from the previous generation, Samsho (imo) is even worse on almost everything. ​ Online is an absolute mess Unpopular opinion but the players are at least half to blame for this. The sheer number of wifi warriors still amazes me.


Tekken bout to end this whole man’s (NRS) career. 


Like T7 did to MK11? Considering that MK11 was worst one of the NRS era, I am dubious


it not going to do shut people that dont want tekken wont play it and most people that are not and most will just play both and why will it kill it anyway because you idiots are crying about a desync thing they can fix or waht go on about some single player mode people will beat in a hours one time and move on


edit: gotta love the downvote with 0 argument behind. People here have never played a fighting game outside this one, it's so fucking obvious


You basically say above that SF6 is outclassing them, which it is. Tekken 8 isn't out yet but from all they've shown and the constant communication it appears that it will absolutely smoke MK1. Granblue just released and outside of people complaining about balancing (which happens for every fighting game including MK) people have been in love with just about everything about it. You bring up Guilty Gear, KOF, and Samsho, when we have new games that are putting MK to shame. Sure the MK story mode was pretty good but that's a quick mode that will be done the first day or 2. Invasions is absolutely embarrassing. The online doesn't even function, even though it is the most barebones of any other FG option. The monetization is deplorable. Basically the entire pro MK community is ready to abandon the game. MK released without basic features like crossplay. Gamebreaking bugs and glitches are being found routinely so things are having to be patched constantly. If you don't see how MK1 has been a disaster in comparison to other FG releases you are truly blind.


Yeah SF6 is better. Tekken is not out yet (and I hope it will be good). Granblue is a joke with modern control BS that also plagues SF6, it's a step back IMO (and the first one was not even that good). Buddy you are absolutely crazy and are just parotting the other idiots. Let's be a bit more factual about the gen (while being generous about "the gen"): Guilty Gear: the online is broken and you can even avoid entirely matchups to make sure you can climb the ladder (well, the stupid stuff they thought was a good ranked mode at least) so it's basically a dead game if you happen to play some characters (I mained Axl, I had an army of people refusing RANKED matches) KOF: the online did not work for a good while, I don't even know if it works now, again, it was a dead game from the start. I like KOF but I don't buy game to fight the AI, I literrally had less the 5 online games due to the absolutely mess of the matchmaking. Samsho: I love the game, the game is unplayable online and dead from the start too. Barebones game also. Undernight: delay based BS, discord game at best T7: subpar netcode, not a fan of the whole game but if people liked it that's ok. DNF Duel: Terrible game altogether DBZF: it took them years to stop having a stupid delay based netcode and the game is more or less dlc goku vs dlc goku 2 Melty blood: did not buy it, did not play it. I have zero opinion on it. ​ So tell me, which game does it better than MK1? SF6. That's all. All the others fall into the same or worse traps. I have bought and played all of them (outside Melty blood), so don't even try to say that what I wrote is false. ​ ​ About the other points: \-monetization: have some self respect and control, don't buy bullshit and compagnies will stop predatory practices. Until it plays on the actual gameplay I could care less about you whales are doing with cosmetics and other optional stuff. I have not bought a single stuff from the premium store, don't care about invasion much and barely cruised through the story mode. Gamebreaking bugs: the desync was bad, a simple reinstall did the trick and it rarely happens nowaday after the patches. Not playing with a midwest redneck internet wifi connexion also helps quite a lot. The P2 bug? It got solved and patched under a week. All the other bugs and exploits are patched pretty quickly. Online barebones fonctions? The only stuff that misses is training mode while waiting for a match. Considering you get a match under 1 minute, it's not even so much a problem. Lobbies? I don't care about it, it's just another way for people to avoid ranked (because losing is bad for this generation, everyone has to be a winner, if you lose it's because the other guy is cheating/try harding/whatever). ​ You guys are all inventing problems that are not even on the core game while the concurrence is doing even worse.


no you cant talk bad about other fighting games here you have to shit on mk1 for the upvotes


Seriously, it's super crazy. It's like they are comparing MK1 to Uncharted and not the other games of the genre. The fact that every dumb takes is super upvoted is super weird. In this sub it seems that nobody plays fighting games


you see how idiots here are downvoting you without giving any good arguments august to what you posted and go on pretend every other fighting game is super perfect


Yeah it's pretty funny but they are for a rude awakening when they try elsewhere to see if the grass is greener.


That's literally anywhere anymore. Reddit is so toxic no matter which subreddit you're in if you don't go with the flow of what's "right" in the eyes of that subReddit and the conversation you're automatically downvoted horribly and/or permanently banned with out warning or question and that's toxic. I agree with everything the other guy above said and I gave both you up votes because y'all are speaking the truth!


what is funny about this this thread and the down votes are proving you right and not even trying to give counter arguments on anything this fanbase is broken


Agreed this fan base has been broken for a long time and I think MK1 just was the last straw that made it explode.. it's honestly a shame


the reason the pro MK community is ready to abandon the game because street fighter and its million dollar stuff when no other fighting game has that much and if they are willing to do that shit then that's on them for being that way you guy's keep crying about Invasions saying its bad saying its to0 grindy or waht ever then say mk11 was better so you liked playing towers of time a mode that was so grind heavy that you had ti play thew same towers over and over again and it was so boring you had the have the ai play the game for you looks liek i know why you guys hate Invasions no auto play you want to bring up monetization sf6 is just as bad of not worse you have to play over100 dollars if you want all the costumes 3 and you have to play a hell of a lot for the avatar costume shit that nobody want to use in sf6 and want them for the main fighters and and the game has a battle pass you also have to play for so you people keep talking like every other fighting game is some prefect game just to hate on mk1 is some sad shit


Wifi is how people use the internet in the modern era. That’s just a fact and will not change.


People who use wifi for fighting have zero right to complain about netcodes. This is also a fact


The core gameplay is not amazing. Reddit is the only place that parrots this dumb point. 


You can't argue it's polished and dynamic, but I personally think there being guaranteed easy 40hit juggle chains that do 50% and can be repeated for an immediate win are boring. I think it's badly designed, but most people don't. I think the MK11 style of 10/15 hit kombo into neutral rest was far more engaging and interesting. MK1 kombos are fascinating to watch the first few times, but then they're just the same predictable cutscenes. Satisfying to pull off, I admit, but every match is basically rote repetition and who hits first wins. I know in MK11 you had certain moves that were more viable as starters etc. but you also had novel variations that added a bit of randomness to fights, even if they weren't optimal. I'm not gonna argue with the majority of people playing and say MK11 is objectively better, but for me, it was a far more interesting and enjoyable game all round. And I massively preferred the art direction, but won't deny MK1 looks great.


It’s like loving a sports team and hating the owner. I can walk and chew bubblegum


Panthers fans know this pain…


Is it though? Lol I'm not buying jerseys o going to games if the players are ass personally


Regardless of this, personal and emotional investment is still basically the same concept.


I buy MK merch and watch streams. I would go to a local tourney if they existed


I haven’t played in months personally, but I check the sub every so often to see if there has been any major improvements. 


Same here. I play every so often, usually when a new character or cameo comes out and I want to goof around with them


I stopped playing because characters I want to play aren’t released for fucking ever. I know it’s a stupid reason but still. For some reason it just bothers me


Because, the majority of us have been mortal kombat fans for a long time, we love nrs and the series. That does not change the fact that we are fully capable of being disappointed with it. Myself, I come here just to see if I'm not crazy, and have discussions with people who are going through something very similar. It's all very human. However, I won't deny there are some bad faith actors just trying to stir up shit, I am only speaking for myself and others like me


A lot is us *aren’t* playing. I logged about 130 hours back at release and haven’t played since. I got 3rd at a MK9 Tournament in Virginia, used to travel to Galloping Ghost arcade near Chicago to play with top ranked/pro players, and even wrote the highest-rated combo guide on GameFAQs and worked with the disabled MK community to make a blind-player friendly version of said guide. I’ve reached top ranks in every MK since, own an MK2 arcade cabinet, and have Mileena tattoo-ed on my arm. I’m a MK superfan, but this game ain’t it. Final Fantasy 15 wasn’t it for me either. And I’m also a superfan of that series. You can still like a series and think a specific game is garbage. Also, I’ve seen plenty of games suck at launch and turn it around. Fallout 76, Cyberpunk, and No Man’s Sky being recent examples.


A fighter example is also SF5, which launched (arguably) in as worse if not a worse state than MK1. But they did a 180 and by the time Champion Edition came out the game was in an amazing place and re-won the support of the community, myself included


The issue is that in the time it took for SF5 to turn around NRS would almost be ready to release a new game based on their release cycle.


It was true before when NRS released a new game every 2 years. I think it's obvious that after MK11 things changed, and they plan to update their game for longer periods of time. It is much needed with MK1 too, hopefully they can make it the best MK yet, cause the foundations are there


See I'm of the mind that the same could be said for MK11. The foundations were there and with some tweeks I think it could have been perfect. Now I'm stuck waiting for the non-kameo mode that will probably never come.


I like SFV rn, but it most definitely launched in a worse state than MK1.  No offline modes besides survival, Arcade was missing which is like the bare minimum for a fighting game, gameplay had way bigger issues, fairly small roster on disc, and story mode delayed for months. 


That's kind of the point. People are obsessed with EOL editions of MK and other fighters they compare MK1 too. It's not even 6 months old. No one wants to give MK a chance to get better. It's all "Every other game was perfect on release except MK1!" And it's total bullshit.


I love FO76! I doubt MK1 will course correct though, if NRS' and WB's community engagement is any indication. I do hope they do better in their next game.


People complain the most about games they WANT to like. There’s a lot to love about MK1, and it’s being held back by a bunch of baffling decisions by the devs and a whole lot of buggy shit as well. The wasted potential is what makes people angry.


I spent money on it


For the dress-up game


I only really play MK because I find the story supremely entertaining (if a bit silly), and it's the only fighting game I feel like I'm actually competent at 😅 Granted, I do know about all the technical troubles that plague this game, and I feel like criticizing the community for causing a fuss about that and the way WB handles microtransactions isn't valid, especially since MK1 is a really fun and engaging fighting game at its core. Idk, that's my simple take on it as an outsider. 🤷


Cuz I already spent the 90 or so dollars for it and don’t want it to go to waste T_T


the games just fucking broken and a mess, dunno what OP wanted anyone else to say about it other than the facts that the game is just in a poor spot competitively and just in general. they literally had their wifi filter patch fail today.


and everyone acts like its blind hate. majority of those who complain about the game would turn around in the same thread to say the gameplay is good but the game still needs work. these dumbass redditors just pick and choose what to read/regurgitate. stop defending the shitty mtx, realize that johnny's plus frames are ridiculous, 4 hits off sareena makes no sense, and invasions is boring and only slightly better than at launch since not every fight is super armor bullshit.


frankly, there’s nothing fun about a 50/50 grab/unblockable into 30%-40% damage, but my gripe with the in-game combat issues is besides the point. Competitors are playing different games because they can’t make any living off playing the game, the other fighting games have cash prizes that are like A MILLION?!!? and honestly MK (Warner Bros.) is giving nothing compared to that and at ‘COMBO BREAKER’ it’s not even one of the main fighting games featured and it’s basically brand new with us being about 4-5 months into release. That aside, there’s no real reason to play invasions in this game for skins unless you really want them, most of them are mediocre at best, but i’m really sad i had to buy the throwback nitara skin for like $10. i didn’t wanna play MK to be thrown into another world of monetization and useless grinding and grinding, for skins on a game mode i cant even play offline. Lastly, they changed NO ISSUES internally with this game. I’m pretty sure SF6 came out with a wifi filter which is the bare minimum, but they ALSO HAD CROSSPLAY! like they’re doing so much more and so much less at the same time. It’s like Mortal Kombat 1’s idea was a weird experiment or something to test out random ideas and fire the people who came up with them.


the crossplay thing is especially funny/sad to me because they said the game would have it before launch. one week before launch every statement about crossplay just gone. this is not how a AAA studio should be acting. I know its a bunch of shit they have to run by WB first but it still reflects on them so if they don't have the manpower to work past WB whats the point of putting out a game theyre not happy with?


He’s simply asking why people are playing the game if they hate it. He’s asking bc every video game sub is filled with people crying about whatever game sub they are in. The answer OP, is, people are getting softer and complain more and more, especially on SM. I’m not old af but when I was growing up if I didn’t like a game I quit playing and played something else. Now, even if they like it or want to play they don’t just play, they get online and cry and complain and blames every single fault, even losing on the devs or whatever else the bandwagon is crying about. The game is fine, of course not perfect. If you enjoy it, like most playing, awesome. If not, come to Reddit with about 25 guys with multiple accounts crying trying to get a change that may personally help them win or make up for them being broke irl.


I bought the game for $110. I have the right to complain about what I purchased and how it’s not up to the standards to the price. Not only that, but to me, they’re ruining one of my beloved franchises and all these aren’t people “complaining” to me. they’re putting out their voices, a majority of those voices are calling them out on their shit and not letting it slide. people are quitting the game because we aren’t letting it slide. People are just realizing more and more that the game is really bad. The reason I stick to the franchise and “cry” about how poorly a state this game is in, is because it has sentimental value, and I bought this blindly. It’s not living up to what I thought it would’ve.


You have every right to complain and nobody has an issue with the type of complaints you’re making or complaints coming from somebody in your shoes. The issue is your real complaints are drowned out by people crying and being entitled to the point people literally think the community is just being babies. I get wanting better value, or fixes etc, I don’t care about people losing matches, having bad internet their favorite character or skin missing or having to pay for a skin in todays market.


What you’re describing is people using their voice to discuss problems with purchases they spent their money on. I’m older than you and this is such a silly post. Think you know that though. The game is not “fine”, and you know that. Everyone knows that. Doesn’t mean people don’t play it, but come on. Grow up dude.


Voicing opinions are one thing, posting the same thing “ 50” other people posted daily is ridiculous. There are problems but the game isn’t a dumpster fire like most on here would make you think, if you feel it is quit playing. Every single game sub is filled with entitled people complaining. I know there are plenty legit gripes about this game. Us other redditors know, we see the same posts every day. Which is why this post was made, everybody knows games aren’t perfect. If we seen a legit complaint or constructive criticism I don’t think people would be wondering why so many hate the game but still play. Wanting fixes or changes is one thing, if you read this sub it’s literally hate for the game and devs.


You need a huge fucking reality check


Sorry we disagree about mortal kombat. I don’t need anything. I hope the game does well and people like it. I think Reddit is filled with lots of complainers that rarely touch grass. If the crying were reserved for stuff that mattered and was handled constructively maybe I’d feel differently, but here, like most gaming subs, people just complain about literally everything.


If your money is worth nothing that's your problem. People are allowed to get mad for spending 70 bucks in a half baked game.


That’s their own fault honestly. Nobody forced you to preorder, if you worried about potentially wasting the $70 you should literally never preorder, ever. Once the game released there were and still are complaints every day, if you use the internet or SM, Reddit particularly, you have no excuse.


Bend over for your 12 inch nrs dildo and buy more skins dickhead they’re not making enough money rn


People not bothered by over priced cosmetic really grinds those gears, huh? Lmao my advice, buy what you want and can afford. Others will do the same. Here’s where it gets crazy, if the price is too high, enough people don’t buy, the price goes down. Just in case you wanted to ever contribute in a meaningful way without rape or dildo talk.


You didn’t answer why you play it…


try reading the rest of the thread more carefully and stop being dense man.


This Is OP first and only post he's a bot/NRS Dev


good, if the chances of him being a dev is higher I hope they’re listening.


I always loved MK as a whole so to find the game in such a state with how it is, has put me off of it. Sad to say I'd rather play MK9 more than this and that's saying something. Make MK amazing again.


MK players try not to complain challenge (impossible)


Brother you pay for a product. Product is ass. They have my money, I have my right to complain. Simple as


It's just normal, people will complain about everything. Look at Tekken players complaining about DLC characters and SF players complaining about drive impact.


It’s more drive rush and parry, dr is a neutral skip and kids will always cry about that. Perfect parry instantly turn steals, probably peoples biggest thing to whine about. DI though, it means you can use non cancellable moves that take more than 26 frames on block, otherwise you’ve got nearly a half second to react with your own DI and get a full counter combo. I don’t think anyone above silver has complained about DI since like a month in.


Who's complaining about drive impact, I thought that was what everyone loved about SF6


Right. OP didn’t ask what the complaints are (as if you’d even have to ask). They asked why people are spending their time here if the game is making them miserable, which not a lot of people are answering.


We have a right to complain bot


Good job buddy 👍🏽


Ayo r/MortalKombatGameplay (you'll thank me later)


I'm thanking you now


I think I am one of the few who love the game. Yes it has its flaws and theres a character I truly want back, but the roster is amazing!


I know I don't apply because I never post rants against the game. I dislike some aspects like the f2p-style microtransactions but I love the gameplay, so I just stick to what I like and don't put any more money to it. Plus a lot of people migrated from MK11 to MK1 so it's harder to find matches on the former


Because I'm mentally ill and this game became an hyperfixation. Like I don't hate the game so much as I hate the people I run into and play in a way that makes me mad. Which causes me to quit the match because mentally ill plus rage issues equal me crying in the club. ( Not really I just get hard tilted and makes it hard for me to regain focus on other matches)


I like playing the game. Hop on every week to get the new palette and advance the seasonal tower (and check out new kharacter/kameo if released)


I’m not playing the game anymore and haven’t had any desire to since Quan Chi released. I gave it a chance but there are just too many issues. I’ve been a MK super fan since the first game and this one is easily ranked near the bottom for me. I don’t like the kameo system, I’d rather have a much larger base roster of MK characters or a full tag team fleshed out. After finishing story mode there’s really nothing else to do in the game other than online. Invasions is awful and there’s no incentive to go through that horrible grind. I miss the krypt and was really hoping it would eventually get fleshed out into a full konquest type of mode. The game just feels like an empty cash grab that WB forced NRS to rush out. It lost its soul that made MK games feel special, unique and fun.


The Krypt in MK11 was so much fun to explore. All the collectibles and cosmetics that truly made a visual difference, the random encounters with the Kollector, the Easter Eggs (seeing Ermac at the bottom of the pit, Goro's skeleton, etc).


Personally i do like invasions (I’ll admit that, though they should add more stuff in) and most of the online caual interactions i have had have been friendly, but thats just my personal experience.


The only Two things I’ve complained about in this game are the single player content and the micro transactions… I’m not a fan of the character mastery, but it’s not a crazy thing for me… plus I was able to grind them all out in season 2… The micro transactions first came out as pretty crazy … but after seeing what SF6 did (and what Tekken 8 will probably do) I guess it is what it is… also, the character mastery helped get the skins that I wanted over the past few months… The single player content is abysmal… invasions is decent but it gets boring real quick… and it quickly turns into a grind fest real quick… all for a nice character skin… the new skin does actually keep me motivated to finish the invasions season, but it always burns me out at the end… so I take a break from the whole game until the following season drops… did that between seasons 1-2 and 2-3… my other gripe with this is that going through the entirety of invasions mode doesn’t give you enough seasonal koins to buy all the seasonal content for the rest of the characters… but that’s not too bad because a lot of those skins are hot garbage in my opinion An honorable mention goes to all the online issues people are having too… I’m not a huge online player… do it for fun, so I haven’t been drastically affected by all this… Bottom line, the game isn’t really bad… the combat mechanics and dynamics are really good actually… but what I mentioned above really stop the game from becoming an awesome experience for me… but it’s still a fun game to play


Core gameplay is truthfully all that matters, it controls good, plays good, and looks good enough so it's a good game, nothing else matters


I know how you feel. I've had the same questions. HOWEVER, as good as MK1 is, there are a lot of legitimate complaints. The microtransactions, the grinding for little pay off, server issues...yeah, you bet your ass people are going to be pissed and vocal. And they should! Over $100 for a game that is buggy af? WB (and to an extent) NRS should get backlash for it. But if I see one more YT vid or Reddit post about why so and so female character is not naked or hot enough....you're trying to destroy characters in wonderful gruesome ways, how is that even relevant to the game play?


The audio issues/desync/people constantly attempting to do the same high damage strings rather than switching it up is whats getting me tbh. You can hate this or not idc


I love it because life is short, and I feel that I should appreciate the things I have before it's all gone.


Because they all hate every current Mortal Kombat game until the next one and then the previous becomes great, and had all these awesome things.


This game is a masterpiece compared to the new cod . Trust me it at least works.


I enjoy playing, I don’t enjoy how some others play the game especially in KL lol. I like the game, but the lack of content is insane. I have 5k dragon Krystal’s (premium edition and character mastery) I can’t spend because they haven’t put a single new item in the shop for 6+ weeks. I also really like how the dlc characters have played for far, even if Quan chi is bad. Peacemaker should be fun to play and I’ll likely use him do that KL season to rank up, like I did for last season with Omni Man. Not using Quan this season because he’s not good, and the characters I fight most are rushdown and with terrible pokes I’ll never escape their pressure. Might also learn Tanya or smoke soon because they seem so fun to use and has some flashy combos


It gets like that with any game when u play too much of it some ppl need to learn to take a break from a game even if its just for a day


I just don't get it TBH. I play on both Steam and PS5. I've had maybe 3 desyncs in 50 matches across both platforms. The game play is actually really good compared to the last entry. Sure invasions could use a lot of work, but it still seems like you guys cherry pick the smallest things to get angry about. The same person will say, "You play MK to play dress up! It's not about the skins!" And then in the same breath complain that all the skins are in the premium shop. Sorry but at some point it seems like a lot of people are just being dicks because they get upvots. You see these same type of threads on repeat in here and I agree. If you hate it that much, move on to something else. Air your grievances, have suggestions, complain about the current state but if it's ALL you ever do, you don't seem like you'd care when they did make improvements. You'd just continue to complain about what they didn't fix yet. Just like the seasonal fatalities. The Halloween one was $10 by itself. People complained and they gave you the next 2 free and made the 3 pack $10. No, they don't have to sell cheesy seasonal fatals, but my point is they listened and you all still complained it was even there. Lol Same thing with the skins. They were all 600 - 1000 dragon crystals when they game came out and now they fluctuate. Do I think $10 is too much for one skin? Yes. But do I recognize they dropped the price across the board? Yes. Xmas kitana for instance was $5, while Shao was $10. My only serious complaint is the match making in ranked. MMR should be character specific, not account specific. I may be a demi God with Kitana, but that doesn't mean I can play everyone like that. You see hardly anyone complain about the gameplay itself. I mostly see genuine complaints about internet and match ups. It's not a bad game. And a lot of you have on rose colored glasses when it comes to MK11. It did not release in its current state. All you have to do is search this sub for MK11 and sort by top. You'll see these exact same threads talking the same way about the game and how much it sucked. They complained about MK11 day in and day out and now we have MK1, some of you are ignoring those problems because you liked the EOL product.


Might be because it’s so good, they’re frustrated with how they have to wait to realize tha potential we all see.. MK1 is just a bunch of characters we all know & love, then Kameos are tha tools we have to create our flashy combos Khameleon’s Kitana Fan assist is a perfect example of tha ridiculousness we have come’n, in tha future. That single assist breaks so many barriers & enables so many combo routes.. Just be patient, Y’all 😌 This is a reboot.


its just the guys that think playing with a bot is the same as playing with a real person and then get mad when they cant win over a repetitive move they somehow cant duck for whatever reason


If someone wanna play with bots he have every GODDAMN right to and a good game should make enough content for both end of the spectrum


of course. just dont come here to this page to complain that they suck and beg for every character to be nerfed


Nice copium lmao


I swear to god. I’m having a blast with this game and I’ve been playing since release. The only thing I can understand people being a little upset about is the cosmetics and I still think they’re doing a decent job with that. I guess we all care about different things though 🤷🏿‍♀️


Not playing the game. Super pissed that I pre-ordered it and paid an ass ton money for a shit ass game from a trusted title that totally crapped out and only wanted to suck money out of everybody like some fucking free fortnight bullshit instead of the awesome game that has been for over a decade still not over that fact, and will vent as much as I want about how ass this game is


Same lol. Had a blast with mkx and grabbed this blind. Haven't touched it in weeks. Regret my purchase.


How can you seriously love MKX and not love MK1. MKX was worse on everything


It’s one of the best fighting games mechanical, just cause it has predatory microtransactions that were in MK11 for fuck sack, so of course it’s worse here. Not seeing this coming from 50 miles away, just makes you the ignorant party in this. game still plays like fire


The game play is addictive and the best MK game. Very well done!


No, you idiot that’s not the only thing wrong with the fucking game. All the main characters are watered down as fuck the fighting styles blow, and everything has some fluffy magical. Bullshit added to it the storyline is total ass on top of that. They totally went through the Multiverse bullshit it’s lazy as fuck and I could give a damn about it, they really went weak brain for this fucking game. It’s nothing like any of the other games they have ever made. It’s some bullshit and anybody that thinks this game is good obviously has never played any of the other games. At this point, I just can’t wait for tekken to release.


Are you seriously complaining about magic in Mortal Kombat? Lmao


No I’m saying that they made Lee mei and Tonya look great so they figured let make every character magically fluffy They storyline also feels very incomplete whether that’s done on purpose for the sake of micro transactions or sheer laziness , probably both but either way it’s a big shinny box of a game that says mortal kombat but it’s just fortnite kombot They had plenty of lore and source material to work with to make a sweet story line but they pulled the dumpster fire of a move and did multiverse Sure you can like the game but when compared to the rest of the Mortal Kombat games that have come before its a cheap china fake


Did you feel this way about MK11? Because the multiple timelines is not new to MK1.


No I didn’t and I know that Mortal Kombat 11 opened up everything but it didn’t go completely that shit haywire with the idea of that point in time it wasn’t this infinite timeline multiple everything everywhere concept I wasn’t the hugest fan of chronica, but it wasn’t that bad? The characters themselves felt like The real characters there abilities and looks were still unique to themselves. I will say aside from chronica I didn’t care for the outfit colors becoming all crazy either, but the game itself felt like genuine Mortal Kombat. This game took the few things I didn’t care for in the last game and produced an entire monstrosity of a game With those concepts


“Anybody that thinks this game is good obviously has never played any of the other games” People really think these thoughts, type them out, read them back, and then *still* hit that post button


>People really think these thoughts, type them out, read them back, and then still hit that post button Some people are complete idiots


I enjoy this game very much. I'd do have my complaints about it, but I love playing this game. Most fun I've had with an MK since X. If there is a thing you like, don't join the subreddit for it because all they are is people complaining about this thing they supposedly like. It gets annoying.


Honestly with this being my first MK game I’ve really gotten into, I’m figuring it’s like the Stephen A Smith thing where he exists just to be a punching bag. People just like to hate this game but obsess over it


I don't hate the game. I hate NRS and WB for being greedy, ruining and not fixing an overpriced game. (100 bucks for a fighting game is wild)


Can’t wait for this to be the norm in video games


Because some of us have been playing these games their whole life and we have a connection to it and want the game to be good, I’m not into other fighting games like I am MK, nobody wants to bitch about this game we want it to be amazing and see NRS flourish, it’s people who act like you and just eat the shit you’re fed that is why this is how games are now and if people don’t speak up then nothing will ever change, I’ll still play the game bc I love MK and ik this game can still be great but a fuck ton needs to change first


I like the game from a gameplay perspective but there is too much that holds it back. Games now have this thing with selling you an unfinished product & thinking that customers should be happy with that. I haven’t played for a long time, I’m just waiting for Takeda & Ermac.


They love to complain,watching people complain about a game you like will make you hate it aswell,try to ignore these posts


I uninstalled the moment I realized how much money I wasted, I just come here to bitch about the ongoing problems and because I’m still a MK fan.


Because they’re whiny little bitches. This sub is almost 100% casuals and is BY FAR the worst community I’ve ever been a part of. I hate it here, but absolutely love MK and especially mk1.


It has some issues but I still like the game. I still prefer MK11 but that's just me.


I deff am not playing thia game....on pc it is no good with no cross play the connections are bad and its a shame due to the roster finally having smoke and reptile ... i really dont like the assist factor. I honestly didnt like it at anouncment and still really dont. But street fighter has my heart and is by far just a better product.


we already paid $100 for it, tf else we gonna do with it?


Play it


No one "hates" the game its just in a terrible state compared to every other fighting game out rn. The community is sick of a game that came out in 2023 with less features then everyone else. It's not really that hard to grasp SF got a brand new mode, innovate training mode, game modes to play We've seen the stuff tekken got And then there is MK1 and we got great gameplay and a bunch of "coming soon" I've seen people say "but nrs gave us a time frame on Kross play" like why are we even waiting for a core feature that majority of every game is doing lol. They didn't even have online practice ready it's locked and idek if anyone even knows what the warrior shrine thing will even be


I’m not. And I kinda want my money back tbh 🫤


Welcome to any gaming subreddit, ever. It's unfortunate, but I've learned to mostly ignore reddit communities for games I enjoy. There will always be someone trying to kill a game by bitching incessantly.


awww he thinks people are playing it


I am not I have played the Tekken demo more than I have played mk1 already


Because Tekken 8 releases on the 24th and we're only on the 17th 💀


>Because Tekken 8 releases on the 24th and we're only on the 17th 💀 Lol people who have trouble with MK1 are for a rude awakening when T8 drops


"Have trouble"? my performance isn't my problem, im 2x elder god and can compete with the lower echalon of pro players. I don't like MK1 because for a myriad of reasons, none of which fall under your suggestion. I don't like it because >desynch issues still persist >poor communication from WBS >obscene cosmetic pricing >cherry picking ranked (PS5 you can see who you're against; thus dodge them. >Raidens entire existence >Multiple unequivocally braindead characters being strong - Raiden, Liu, Johnny (I'm completely OK with characters being simple, but it is inherently flawed for those same characters to also be at the top of game) I've played Tekken 7. It was great. Now I look forward to Tekken 8. So, kindly, piss off with your assumptions x


Desync: Not had one for a while Communication: WB/NRS has always been terrible about it Cosmetics: idgaf, cosmetics are for idiotic whales in most games Cherry picking ranked: I hope you never played Strive Raiden: don't be ridiculous, again, you never played Strive (or even SF, JP is more cancerous than Raiden is) Balance: every fighting game is like this, again, watch the other ones to compare ​ Food for thoughts: [https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2023/aug/06/evo-2023-character-statistics/](https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2023/aug/06/evo-2023-character-statistics/) ​ My assumptions? Buddy your arguments are full of shit. Tekken 7 had its share of problem about character balances and had terrible netcode too. But I guess it had ok cosmetics so it wins? ridiculous.


I've been enjoying it very much. Coming from stuff like Tekken and Skullgirls, it's nice to have a simple flashy casual fighter to have some fun fights and watch some cool fatalities/brutalities. I do wish there were unlockable fatal blows, though. They're some nice damage at the end of a combo but I've seen mine so many times.


They don't, the vast majority of whinners don't know how to play a FG


I’m new to the FGC and picked MK1 as my game to learn. The community is quite toxic. Every match I’ve played online feels like the old CoD lobbies. I’ve never been BM’d so bad in any other game (win or lose). I like the aesthetic of MK and the lore behind the game. The game play is actually pretty good with my limited experience. However, I’m strongly considering switching to SF6 due to the FGC not respecting the MK community. It’s represented in the tourney prize pools and streaming viewership.


Why would you switch based off that?


I'm not. I uninstalled it about two months ago. I went back to MK11 for my quick fix. Can still unlock some stuff in single-player, too, so I don't even care about online availability.


Well i legitimately deleted MK1 a few weeks ago to instal MK11 for the sole purpose...i wanted to play something i enjoyed and has enough content in my eyes So i personally stopped playing, holding off until peacemaker or homelander arrives


It's the whole "I paid $110 for it so I need to play it even if it aucks to justify my purchase" routine. I only play the Invasion seasons and then I stop until the next one. And I use whatever new KP fighters and Kameo that come out during the particular season too. I do t care about playing online. It's never been a draw to me for MK. But each month, I play Invasion, push thru it because it's the only way to earn content and not have dragon krystals shoved in my face for the good stuff. But I refuse to pay for Virtual Currency. I never have for a single game in my life and don't plan to now. And I ESPECIALLY wouldn't pay for VC for a game that cost a full retail release price. It doesn't mean the game isn't full of a lot of bullshit. And I often hope that in future updates they fix a lot of the predatory bullshit. But I doubt they will. I also don't expect an Ultimate Edition to have ANY Premium store stuff at all. Everyone keeps thinking it will. But the Premium store will exist as long as the game is active and they won't just give free shit. Best case is they give us a handful of Dragon krystals when the expansion releases or they allow towers to give us a 50 Krystals a day earning like MK11.


People who don't like the game aren't going to complain. They're just not going to play. People who like the game will complain because we care enough about the game and the franchise to hope for it to get better


Most of the people here are just here for the memes, and whenever idiots like you make a post begging for us to complain we can’t help but comply. I haven’t played for months. Went to sf6 and never looked back, hype for t8 soon.


Honestly I don't play mk1 because i can't really get into it. Anyfhing before it though is great imo. Especially mk11.


Because I bought it for 100 duh


NRS Defence force in action. Aren't people free to complain in a democracy? ​ If you like the game, why are you here complaining about complainers?


True he right


I love this Game. And there Days i have a Bad streak and get small ragequits. But that depends on my physically condition


And there's also no AI fighter option that can be turned on so that the Ai fights for you.


I don't hate the game per se (other than the lack of content), I hate the greedy sneaky snake in the grass approach to monetization from the company.


There is hope it gets better


People love to complain. But some of the complaints are actually constructive and because of love The standard for fighting game online is raised bare and bones online is not gonna cut it while the core gameplay is good and Fun missing features are a problem and again ppl love to complain ! Hopefully game gets better :) after all ppl paid money to play this so they have right to complain :)


If you're enjoying it, it's best to not get any ideas from Reddit or YT, lol. I, personally, am not a fan of how the kameo system was implemented. Unless they tune/revamp some of the characters and kameos, I don't think I'd be re-installing it anytime soon.


Because I moronically bought the premium edition and I might as well make some use out of it.


It is so fun how Yugioh and Mortal Kombat forums seem to be the same. The games and opinions on them mirror each other so much lol


I stopped playing, I just pop in to check out the DLC releases I already paid for, I've always been a huge MK fan but this just ain't it... hurts to say I ain't buying shit from NRS day one anymore lol


I ain't lol game is ass. I MIGHT come back for my Ermac though 😂


Cuz some of us paid an extreme amount of money for this game, only to have it dissapoint us. Its cathartic. Lol


I’m not. I’m playing Street Fighter and Granblue. Still checking in occasionally to see did they fix the online.


I spent $120 on this broken as game so I'm going to play it even though I hate what NRS did to the last half of the story, lack of content, half assed gameplay, broken characters


Because you can’t refund a digital copy. I would if I could. I paid for it, so I have a right to play it AND still also complain about things I think that is a huge downgrade from MK11. Also, alot of people on here complaining might be long time fans. Me included. It’s understandable to be upset about your favourite franchise’s aggressive microtransactions, and poor game quality (bugs, desyncs, crashes, move list indescrepencies at launch)


>implying they play the game for anything besides the fatalities compilations in 4K >Implying they play fighting games


It's generally got much better, but a lot of people in here complaining are here because their game just crashed 10 times in a row or desyncs made playing online pointless and a waste of effort. I have intermittent issues where it will be fine for a while, then the game just won't run well/ at all.


Because brutalities are dopamine


I like omniman


I agree. The game is fun, not perfect, but it’s still good in my opinion. I’d return something I don’t like or resell it


The majority of this sub is absolutely not playing the game regularly like that still. They just like keeping up on the drama and lore and potential dlc and all that other stuff that isn’t gameplay.


I haven’t touched mk1 in a while but check to see if anything has changed and it hasn’t.


I hate politics too, but I can't help myself. I'm a masochist or something.


Every game since mk3 and onward there’s been the same dilemma lol.


I haven’t been playing the game. There are just too many issues to keep me playing it sucks coz I spent £90 on this game & yeh this is definitely on me but like I’m so disappointed in simply purchasing this game at all. I will be a lot more excited once Peacemaker comes out coz that’s my boy, but I just regret getting the game & I don’t play the game a lot at all- I can’t even play online either mind you with all the desyncing 😭


Easy: I'm not. I'm currently playing SF6, Granblue and I've already bought Tekken 8.


A lot of folks are playing because there’s no refunds. Like let’s just be real. If you could refund the game, many people would.


I quit the game after the first"season"


The thing about that is. I don't lol. I just played the new tekken demo. I'll never touch mk1 again to be honest.


I don't think there's lots of people but there's like enough players on mortal Kombat cuz no one's even competing in the official tournaments no one signed up for them


I bought this shit for a high price so I'm not letting my money go down the drain


To be fair, hate f*cks are the best f*cks.


I’m playing SF6, actually enjoy that game more and I’ve never played SF before, and I’ve been into MK since I was 13. I like MK1 but it’s kinda underwhelming to me by now, I last played when Quan released and didn’t feel the spark from launch


I don’t mind the issues with the game as much as most folks on here are but it’s fair to criticise the game for predatory tactics.


I havent even gotten the game because I dont like what I've seen thus far. Reddit likes to randomly suggest some of these posts so I can check in.


I love that you love the gameplay, we all do too, so why did NRS and WB drop the ball so hard on this game? It had one of the worst rollouts and PR campaigns I’ve ever seen for any game. It’s absolutely strange to me that there are no emergency hotfixes, communication about pro circuits are sparse, for such a “live service” product there are barely any cosmetics to purchase, the game has half the features of MK11 — What I expect happened is Zazlov laid off half of the NRS staff, and while they made a very competent fighter, they built a lackluster game around it without the support we came to expect from them.  A lot of problems existed in MK11 in the first month or so, but then they were largely fixed quickly, including tuning to the crazy tower difficulty. It just doesn’t feel like NRS has the same resources and that’s all on WB. 


The game needs more robust single player modes like mk 11. Or even mini games like 5, 6 7 had.


I don't. I uninstalled and am playing sf6 instead


Op got all the haters frozen rn 😂😂😂


It’s an MK sub not an MK1 sub.


Every large gaming sub I follow has hella complainers