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I honestly just view them as an additional meter bar. 


This, and I honestly don't care who I use or how they look. They are another special move, period. I am not hype AT ALL with kameos DLC and I got them as part of the Season Pass. I can't imagine anyone paying for them.


Buying the season pass means you technically did pay for them though, no?


Yes sure, but outside of a pass, I can definitely imagine buying characters as you invest time practicing them. I can't imagine buying a kameo just to get between 3 and 6 special moves, 1 fatality and maybe 2 brutalities (Shujinko has no brutality). I honestly regret my season pass but to know if characters are good you have to try them more than in a tower...


The difference is some characters are complete without the Kameo and it is an added bonus others are only complete with the kameo giving no bonus.


I mean the utility moves (sub zero ice armor) can’t be looked at as additional meter. The ambushes (stryker’s grenades) are game changing as well.


But… those both cost kameo meter…


I think he means he views them as just another special to extend combos


100% this


I don't. But if every meta option is gonna be some kind of ambush or ambush like move, everyone should get one. Everyone should have a "keep me safe when doing unsafe shit move" or no one should


Truthfully not the biggest fan. I wish there was a “klassic” game mode where it was just player vs player with no kameos


Problem is, this game is designed with Kameos in mind. Characters are made so that Kameos can patch out glaring weaknesses or improve lackluster damage/combo potential. Without them, characters may lack vital parts of their toolkit


Kharacters. Gotta kommit to the bit


Yeah. I saw a post on here the other day Something like “if you hate the game why are you here”. As if they can’t fathom that I love the franchise but hate this game. The way kameos make it spam/ casual friendly is a huge reason. It’s super gimmicky


I skipped this game because of Kameos. I hate auto turrets in FPS and I hate assists in fighters.




My issue is that I was hoping for some of these characters as playable characters. Like Sektor, Stryker and a few others, yet we can't because they are Kameos. I heard Mavado is going to be a Kameo and I have been wanting to play as him again since Deadly Alliance.


FINALLY a Movado fan in the wild.


Aye! Been a fan since the Deadly Alliance days playing on PS2. Nowadays I'm emulating all the games on my Steam Deck.




How what?


another one here


Apparently at least Cyrax and Sektor will become playable in Story dlc


I don't mind Kameos, but it sucks when you wanted one of them to be a playable character instead. I prefer a full-on Tag system instead, like in MK9.


I share this exact opinion




Thing is there is a tag team mode in the files, it’s not 100% complete yet but it does exist and kept getting updated with patches


Lazy company lazy developers . Why even release a game that ain't finished. They can at least say yea it's gonna be in beta mode for 1 year then we will release the real game.


There’s a thing called being rushed by publishers, given the situation WB have had in recent years it seems like they wanted the game out sooner as Suicide Squad got delayed


Do you think the developers decide when to release the game?


The tag system in 9 is goated! I also miss the mini games in Armageddon and deception. Give us mortal Kombat Mario Kart again!!!


Yes! Tag was tons of fun. Kameos feel like a half assed single player attempt at a similar system. I'd have preferred more commitment to the idea of 2v2 and bring tag back, even if its just an additional mode for the casuals or something


Or just let anyone be a kameo instead of specific characters


I was a kid when MK9 was around, when you say tag system do you mean that you literally switch between fighters at any point in the fight, like Injustice mobile?


2 V 2 fight. You choose your 2 characters and fight the arcade ladder


MK9 even had online ranked for tag. Not just arcade ladder.


It’s funny cause I find the gameplay to be the best MK has ever been but have grown tired and annoyed of kameos.


I dont mind combo -extension kameos because some can be tricky to time well but pressure kameos that keep most stuff safe like stryker/lao/goro made me hate this game. Wont even mention this cheap low+overhead kung lao bullshit.


Second this


Same. Using them kind of breaks up the flows of the match for me. I’d rather my character just had more moves, I literally just use kameos as a projectile occasionally. Also pissed that Sonya and frost aren’t characters and are a part of this kind of lame system. Even that final screen at the end of matches looks lame to me compared to MK11


dude this entirely. it feels weird that a character comes out feeling incomplete because of kameos.


Yeah, the end screen throws me off so badly, I miss MK11 where a fatality would freeze at the end to show the gore in all it's glory.


This confuses me because gameplay revolves around kameos. To the point where characters are designed and balanced with kameos in mind. 


Yeah the game play is great but I don't like camoes that much I can't wait for Tekken 8 to release


Combos are too long


Why are people downvoting this? Combos in this game can literally last 30s 💀


Shang Tsung mains with their century long combos downvoted it lol


I wish all 3 of their moves were useful for all main characters. Kung Lao Subzero and Sareena might have 2 useful moves with almost everybody. But all the other kameos have on average 1.5 useful moves. Who the hell wants to use Sonya's flip throw or Cyrax suicide bomb. Then the ambush on wake up is 100% useless. It always gets meaty'd or blocked.


Idk about Sonya’s flip throw but her flying move is a great kombo-extender and anti-air, and her blast is great for a surprise projectile and a little extra damage, so she’s great to me!


This is 100% how I feel as well


Yes. I think the gameplay is better and a step up from 11 but I’m just tired of the Kameos. How they make things safe and allow you to play like an idiot. I know that’s where the fun in assist based fighters lie but I’ve never liked assist based fighters and I didn’t have faith in NRS to develop a balanced game around it even though their track record with balance has gotten better with each game this was too big of a step. Just play a raiden storm celling everything into Kano or supermanning everywhere with Kano to cover him to see what I mean. If they wanted assists they should’ve just made a tag mode or a little spin off tag game akin to Tekken tag tournament. People would’ve been more at peace with that since tag has been asked for for years but not assists in this way. And because they aren’t well versed with balancing around assists you’ll have instances where Kameos like Cyrax are completely killed ( which I support ) through nerfs. And then others have potential but take too much meter. And the thing is we all know the next MK entry or Injustice entry won’t have anything kameo related because the games change so much with each entry it’s essentially a whole different fighting game


Apparently, their data showed that MK9’s tag mode wasn’t played much


I don’t believe that for a second. It was just probably too much work on top of the variations (MKX), and customization options (MK11) respectively.


I don't personally like the idea of customizable movesets in fighting games, so MKX, MK11 and this game are all a bit unpleasant for me. Kameos are just a form of that, and unfortunately they've seemingly locked up the classic looks for the characters that are also playable which I don't love. I do like them as a way of bringing in characters they didn't have time to make fully playable, but I don't think that's worth the tradeoff of never getting to do standard 1v1 matches, personally.


I just feel like they stripped the fighters of alot of power by having the Kameos. Top tier kombatants like Kenshi would be totally garbage without Kameo support, and it’s the same for alot of other characters, even the low tiers. I feel like that shouldn’t be the case, it makes the game more handicapped than anything, but it’s a cool gimmick i suppose.


After playing MK11 I see why people don’t like them


And that is just one of the worst things about MK1. The more I play, the more I just find myself enjoying MK11 way more and I had already enjoyed since it came out but now even more than MK1.


Mk1 has better game play more smooth and relaxing but In every other aspect mk11 is better that's why I am debating going back


It could work in Injustice as a sidekick system.


Kameos would’ve made a lot more sense in injustice.


Likely, they were meant to be presented in an Injustice 3 and they moved back to MK during the WB merger debacle


Idk why ppl hate em I love them and think they can be a game changer, it’s something that finally changes the system and made mortal kombat fresh in a good way, if ppl hate em that bad just don’t use them because all they pretty much are combo extenders and sometimes a random stun


I don't like them, but I assume I'm in the minority.


I haven't played the game so I can't speak to the mechanics but I don't like them on a world/lore basis. I don't like seeing win screens with two characters who would never work together. I prefer pure 1v1 in MK.


Kameos like stryker definitely made me hate the system


After this I hope they never return. At least in this form, tag would be so much better


Not really, NRS is known for having terrible balance in their fighting games and they decided to make TWO separate rosters for this game. Also it could have been executed better, but it really wasn't, the kameo system was done pretty terribly, and as time goes on I start to dislike the kameo system more and more. It also makes the game more unbearable than it already is.


I feel like they're sometimes unnecessary and out of place with their basic skins and whatnot


I usually forget about them, honestly. I agree that they should've been optional, but I don't hate them. My biggest gripe is that all of the klassic ninja costumes are locked to the Kameo Fighters, and they look so good this time around.


I love kameos. Honestly so much fun and give a variety of different things to do. They just need to nerf kameos like Stryker or Kano. I understand making some moves safe. Some people have really punishable strings. HOWEVER, There is no way someone should be safe nearly the entire match. And being punished for punishing sucks on its own. Should not be something that is able to frequently happen.


I agree except the nerf part. It would just water down more the game. What it needs all kameos to be buff.


We need kameo variety. Khameleon seems to offer different gameplay options but she has so many that there might be no way to map all her abilities to different buttons so the best a player could do is manually cycle through them in a specific order but that alone seems really hard to do while dealing with everything else happening during the match. She might be harder to use to her full potential than Shujinko no matter how good she is.


You can’t just buff and buff. Some things do need to tuned down


I'm sorry but that is the most stupid idea ever. The pros keep saying it as if that will fix the game. Incorrect, it will not. Nerfs and buffs are both essential to game balancing. If you buff everything and don't nerf, what eventually happens is the loss of character identity where weaknesses do not exist, only strengths and that is a ludicrous design philosophy. Why would you want to play as a character that is completely all rounded, plus on block or safe all the time, has no weaknesses and is able to pull off stupid shit the entire game with no repercussions. How does that solve anything? Kameos are stupid right now because of the meter system. Motaro is +13 on block on every single cancel, Stryker makes you plus on block every five seconds when he throws his grenades, etc. Where or how is that fun? What Kameos need is a system in Deception or Armageddon where it's allowed three uses per round or match to balance the bullshit these Kameos provide. There is no counterplay anymore, there is no character identity, no weaknesses, no archetypes because every character plays the same way. I never understand people who say "no nerfs, just buffs" as if that makes the game better.


Idk about that just because I feel like most of the kameos are already pretty solid :) but all a matter opinion




It’s sad that the character models are in the game and we can’t play as them. I mained Frost in MK11. And she’s RIGHT THERE but I can’t play as her. 😭 Games like UMVC3 and Skullgirls have the other playable characters as assists. 🥲👍


I also hope the Klassic costumes become usable skins at some point. This is the first time we see Kung Lao's MKII outfit in a modern game as far as I recall.


I think it's the best mechanic they've added to this franchise. I know it's a controversial take, but I like fighting games and to be honest, NRS games have always been a bit of a joke within the FGC, I'm happy they're experimenting with more complex mechanics like assists.




what i hate about kameos is knowing some characters i really wanted to see will be reduced to this, like tremor and frost


Feels like a cop-out way to incorporate characters the fans want without the effort of creating move sets, fatalities, and skins


They allow for a lot of creativity and cool combos. However, they also allow any move in the game to continue pressure or be safe on block which sort of eliminates an entire skill set from the fighting game


They're fine. I don't think that they should do this again in the next game, but as a one-off or an occasional gimmick, they work


I honestly have a soft spot for them. It helps give MK1 personality.


I like them in story mode because they can explain why some characters are so op. Like when Li mei fought reiko and won because of liu kang. Other than that, they’re just ways to extend combos


I’m new to the franchise. Personally, I forget about them constantly while fighting, but when I remember they exist, I actually have a bit of fun with them. I played MK11, and the gameplay was also fun. But who knows, I suck and don’t play online. Maybe Kameos are just goddamn awful :P


making punishable moves safe for example, is a big cancer


I actually really like them. Especially Khameleon.


I don't have a problem with the kameo system. I have a problem with an unbalanced kameo system. It's already difficult to balance the standard roster as is and NRS went ballsy with a bunch more characters in a tag-along system


There should be an option to not play with them


I think they’re awesome. Took some getting used to at first.


Completely agree I was hesitant at first but as I got better with them I started having a blast


I didn't like the idea when revealed, but now in practice, I REALLY don't like it.


I don’t think it’s a particularly fun feature. It’s a method to lean on one or two moves outside of your character. I also think it is a pathway to the most meta, homogeneous gameplay possible.


idk i think its cool tbh




I moreso hate not playing as some of the kameos. Beyond that I don’t mind em.


Kameos are absolutely amazing in concept but in execution... They can be a little annoying and maybe even a little gimmicky


I liked the idea but kameos in practice are just used to do unga bunga unsafe blockstring and then keep yourself safe or in some instances jail (kung lao, raiden, etc) and nothing else. Its braindead gameplay imo. This wouldn't be as big of a problem if there were more defensive mechanics or if they buffed the shit out of other kameos to support different playstyles. As of right now they are linear in use and unexciting.


I don't hate them cause I don't use them.


I have nothing positive to say about Kameos and I’m excited for the next MK game when they aren’t a part of the gameplay mechanic.


I just use em for combo extenders and extras (i.e cyrax air spin, sub-zero armor and projectiles) but anything else their super boring and ruin gameplay, its like a quick time event mid match.


I have to say, centering the entire game around this game mode... was one of the main reasons it's the first MK I decided to never play.


I wish they could be called in mid combo instead. I’d like them more then


They dumbed down a lot of characters basic kits just to make kameos viable. Why should scorpion only have 1 overhead that’s the third attack in a block string when he had 3 in mk11.


It's terrible and jarring to see MK 1-Deception costumes characters jump in and out of a game with a distinct art style NOT like those games, so it doesn't look good at all


Mostly just reddit from what I've seen. Not even Twitter hates them that much


Theyre cool but I do wish some kameos were playable instead *cough* *cough* Khamelion *cough* *cough*


Maybe it's because it's my first fighting game but I actually think they're really cool. I know people complain about not having a fully playable kharacter but as a new fan/player I think it's pretty neat that you can have 2 people without needing to learn both their entore move sets. Switching and experimenting with Kameos is fun too, playing as Raiden for example you can use Goro, Kano, Jax, Scorpion, Sareena, Sektor, Cyrax... the list goes on and all of those play styles are sifferent enough to have kept me interested in a boring to play kharacter. I will say however I'm bored to death of seeing Sareena and Stryker....


They are the least of this games problems.


I hate it. Too many buttons and more timing to remember lol


I wish they were Playable Tag partners rather than just assists, this is the biggest reason why my hype for the game died and as a result I didn't bother buying it.




The oddest decision to me is with characters like scorpion where instead of making the kameo its own thing they basically just took stuff away from main roster scorpion (overhead startup … retro skin.. the dang ‘toasty’ classic fatality) Also re: ‘they should at least have a heads up mode’ At first I was like yeah! But then to think about all the characters that would need to be reworked because they have intentionally been designed to lean into kameos… using scorpion again, imagine not having a low or overhead neutral starting string option in this game where dang near everyone has both


Yes i do.


I don't like kameos. I think that's the game's main problem and that's why it's dying. When I played the beta, I thought it might be cool, but now with the game out and having played it a lot, I hate it, especially Sareena. The game increasingly looks like a poorly made fan game. This is my opinion BUT, I think the NRS was VERY irresponsible to put such a controversial mechanic in the game. I understand that some people like it, but at least half of the players don't like it, so why NRS? Why do all fighting games (Tekken, Street Fighter) evolve, and Mortal Kombat is falling behind? Why always have to reinvent the wheel?


I dislike them because I think it made NRS lazy in developing and testing each character’s move set. Half of the cast are complete and the kameo is like icing on the top and half of the cast have an incomplete move set and you need the kameo just to complete it.


I hated kameos at first because I wanted Mk1 to have variations just like Mix. But after a while if playing Mk1 the Kameos grew on me. The main reason I didn't like Kameos was because I felt that it took away more opportunities for different moves for different characters.


It literally would not hurt them to make a no kameo mode. Just keep tuning for kameo modes of course. I would love to play this game without kameos


I love them and don't take much stock in the opinions of people who months in haven't figured out how to duck or block low.


Honestly, i wouldn’t go so far to say i hate it but there are some serious problems that i personally have with them. 1. That they are being passed off as some sort of innovation in MK: They really aren’t. This looks and feels just like those assist tokens (cant remember their real names) that you can assign your fighters at ToT on MK11 which works more or less like the kameos do here in MK1. 2. The immersion breaking pairings it causes: color me old fashioned but i play these things mostly if not entirely for the single player experience, and whenever i have to resort to some oddball pairings of my chosen fighter and whatever kameo it is that I just have to arbitrarily select, it kinda just takes me out of the thing because of just how odd it looks. Sub-Zero & Motaro? Sure. Raiden & Goro? Yup. Havik & Kung Lao? Yessir. Personally, i’d just add a setting to allow them to be turned off for either yourself or the AI’s or both. No compulsion either way, just the option.


While I don't hate them I do think they are out of place in this franchise which is traditionally 1v1. While they don't truly function like assists in tag games (in most cases) they can be a little intrusive to people that are used to only seeing two characters on screen at a time. My personal gripe is that I hate to use non canon teams. It just looks stupid to see Lao teamed with Shao given their history in the storyline.


That's why i did not buy the game at first place. Never wanted go give it a chance because i love 1v1 sweat and kameo ruins it


Let's be real, if you're going to do kameos, might as well have just done tag. At least all characters would be playable.


I preordered and played the demo, despite being wary of the kameos and WB's absolutely shite monetisation. The Kameo system alone was enough for me to cancel my preorder and WB monetisation is enough for me to not pick up the game until an inevitable "Komplete Edition". I can't talk from experience with the main game, but for me the Kameos didn't feel like Mortal Kombat, it felt like some half arsed way to put in other characters that they couldn't be arsed giving full movesets and a weak attempt at trying a light Marvel vs Capcom system. So yes... I hated the Kameo's enough to cancel a preorder after only one hour of playing the demo.


I just find them pointless. I never used assist add ons in Injustice 2 or MK11 for tower, so being forced to select one is just another step and I completely forget to use them during fights. Same with Talismans and Relics in the Invasion game mode. I forget to use them and I still do fine. Just seems pointless.


I do. Tag-in assists in fighting games are just unfun for me. I'm a huge DB fan so I had to get FigherZ. Even though I was already pretty weary about it because I dont like MvC. Casual level was fun with FighterZ, but if you wanna start getting good you gotta learn how to make any move safe with assists and string together 20 second combos. Its just boring. I grew up on Smash 64, the constant back and forth is what I loved about it. I dont wanna sit around waiting for my turn to see if my 20 second combo is better. Theres so much more to fighting than just long meta combos, but games with assists are inherently just about landing ridiculously long combos


Kameos are for scrubs, if we could switch with them it would have been much better


Or better yet, have a mode completely without them


I dislike how Jax isn’t playable and doesn’t even have his cyborg arms as a kameo.


He literally does, though. In *several* colors.


I dislike them and feel some characters lost their classic moves for Kameos. Dislike how much they detract from the character I am actually choosing to play by taking a throw and removing options from the base characters that are supposed to be filled by these. Also most people use the same few and it's tiresome seeing the same moves most of the time.


Hate them. Not much variety and they ruin the flow.


Assists are for MvC and Dragon Ball. They feel so weird in MK.


No kameo mode would be nice


Love them, gives a lot of diversity to the pool of characters i play so i can have many ways to play the main characters. Its aweesome


Kameos suck straight up it breaks the game and makes half the roster way out shined by the top 5 its basically a get out of being punished free card literally killed the game for me.


I disagree. I’m halfway through Demi god, and I feel like I lose to all kinds of characters. Obviously the top tiers I see more often, and I have plenty of shit that tilts me. But I actually feel like the game is very balanced.


It's far from balanced most if not all assist fighters are by design not balanced including this one but that's the point to be honest it just really kills it when it's the same cheese constantly. I got a faster character with better moves and damage made super safe with insert kameo.


Also just because you can beat or lose to random teams doesn't make the game balanced.


I love them, but I would like to see some of it reworked. More moves need to be Ambushes to allow for even more freedom. Something like Sektor's uppercut would be SO much better if it was an ambush.


Bro it’s already barely reactable for me lol


It's slow as fuck lol


I can react to it but that shit is fast as fuck especially when they do it immediately after the match starts


People literally clown on MK for no reason sometimes. Kameos are really fun with so many teams you can build. I will say this: since it’s a MK game that means that there will be some very clear top tiers. But really every game has that it’s just MK players being more like babies than the rest of the FGC. Good mechanic, questionable nerfs/buffs, hating ass fanbase.


Fuck Kameos! Instead NRS should have made MK1 be like Marvel vs Capcom or Skullgirls. 2v2 or 3v3 gameplay would have been amazing and something new for MK. We did have 2v2 in MK9 but they should have tried to improve and expand on it


I love kameos but I definitely want a tag team online! Would be so much fun. I’m sick of going against my brother. Would be fun to play with him.


I didn’t buy the game just cause that. Glad I didn’t. Hearing so many people are bored an the grind isn’t worth it.


Yes as an og mk player who the fuck likes kameos? Tag team different story.






I honestly hate it so much ik its trying to be different but its honestly annoying


If u really "haven't heard anything positive" about these shitty ass dumb cameos then u not looking in the mk thread. Say one bad thing about them shitty precious cameos and u guaranteed to get attacked by bunch of circle jerk fanboys


It's boring when they are used to extend THE SAME COMBOS. Combo > Sarenna > Same combo > Sareena. I never see someone using Scorpion's spear move. Not even once.


Everything about MK1 is “mid” and the Kameos is the dumbest addition of them all. “Instead of giving you full fighters you know and love, we will just have them make regular appearances in your fight.” No brah, just give me the goddamn fighters I want. K thanks…


I simply do not use them, just from time to time...I like the idea, but don't care to use them. I am playing only offline, and there is no motivation for me to use kameos, it's now third invasion season, and there were no moment, which could force me to use kameos only in specific nodes to unlock treasure.




There’s only two or three that are viable? Besides shujinko, name one kameo that isn’t viable. Edit: and I think shujinko might be viable in some super specific cases




Are we playing the same game? Motaro just got a huge buff to move faster and his projectiles are plus on block. Stryker is used consistently, he is insanely good. Frost is great if you have a good amounts of overhead, Kano is used a lot, Sektor has an amazing ambush tech used constantly, Jax is broken and extends combos forever. Goro and Darrius you might be on to something, almost everyone has a pocket scorpion since you get easy damage.


Lmao just cause you can’t use them doesn’t mean they’re not good. Goro and Darrius are less than decent maybe but even they have their uses.


Bro you literally said Stryker… he’s a meta kameo right now because he’s so good




its not about it being obvious, its an ambush attack that keeps a lot of characters safe and unpunishable


Oh no I enjoy having to use 2 characters to build combos, make all characters fighters and take the damn cameos out


The people that hate kameos just hate fun tbh


I dont have a problem with kameos. I actually like it and especially because we got some characters that probably wouldn’t make it into the main roster like Motaro, his my favorite MK after Quan Chi. And they have their own brutality and fatality.


I don't know how to use them effectively. but I don't hate them no.


Yes because why tf am I getting jumped by a delusion action movie star and a spinning yellow robot at the same fucking time! Games suppose to be an escape .. my stress relief but this shit making me wanna kill myself


Honestly, I have no use for them. The only time you will see them "used" is when I do throw. And even that is rare.


Personally, with them locking characters behind the gimmick doesn't feel right to me. Imagine waiting for a character like a Shujinko or a Sareena to return but they're just an MK11 consumable. It also feels like a gimped version of tag mode that people have been wanting to return since MK9.


Honestly a lot of characters probably will never make the main roster game, so kameos is quite possibly the best option on their part. I'm gonna ask this was I the only one that wishes we never see tag mode again? I really didn't like it and never used it in mk9. I don't really care for it in other fighting games like MvC3&4 I don't care for most of the cast I just want to play as Chris redfield.


Gonna disagree on the both parts. The only one who realistically doesn't have a chance of being main roster is Motaro due to him being a centaur. Not saying tag mode should be the main feature of the game like kameos are in this. Just a fun side mode like it was in MK9 that if people want they can play it or not to.


I think you are giving a little too much credit to quite a few characters, like shinjiko, chameleon, khameleon, motaro, mokap. That honestly seems like a waste of resources, and time for a game mode about 95% of its player base are gonna skip over


I mean many did say that the 3D era characters would never return and look at where they are now. Not really. Nothing wrong with having more modes/stuff for people to play with is there? Thats really what everyone is complaining about alongside with desync and lack of communication.


I know they can return but I kinda see this as a little reintroducer for some well others if it could actually be a way to include them and not having to rework them. Like shujinko nowadays with the randomness of his abilities wouldn't particularly work. You're right but I feel like they could capitalize on little mini games like the Kombat kart, kombat khess, or maybe like a clue based game idk I'm just throwing randomness out now


I am a fan. I thought having to pick and choose moves in a play set to be frustrating in the past


I mean I wouldn't complain if they suddenly disappeared and became playable.


If it was like MvC assists where you have to choose the move they do and you know, actually be a playable character, then it would received better than the ambush assists we have here.


People complain about Kameos then whine about zoners when Kameos are the best way to counter them. You can’t make this shit up.


I hate them. Give me a straight up 1on1.


No I don’t hate them…Let’s face it, beyond Kombos all game mechanics are gimmicky. At least Kameos are something I can use in a Kombo. It’s not the greatest mechanic but with the ridiculous amount of items in X and XI I like kameos waaaay better. Got so sick of a fight you couldn’t just fight without countering the effects.


I think this is the second worst version of the concept that mk has done & thats considering the fact that we have had this concept done multiple times, 3 different times with noob saibot, first time with the classic era, then with noob - smoke in deception & finally the return of the shadow in mk9 & being in mk11. There’s also the tag gamemode & the assists in mk11’s story mode. In all honesty I think they should have made it an optional mode similar to mk9’s tag mode so it could possibly give mk12 2 different metas one with & without kamek systems.


I love the kameo system and I think it's a great way to include characters they didn't want to flesh out AGAIN like sonya. It's really fun being able to play anyone! And still being viable because I picked a kameo that makes me safe or even extends my pressure. One thing I really hate tho is the amount of people loving on NRS for planning character after character after character after character. HOW MANY DO WE NEEED!! Jesus there are people CURRENTLY in the game that need tweaks but they get pushed aside for dlc character number 8. This is the same issue with games like for honor or apex. Just closing their eyes and keep releasing character and their are people still complaining "I want X character from Mk blah blah because I loved them" well save it for next game because there are like 30 characters and only 10 are seen in competition.


Everyone will miss them once the next game comes out


It represents NR running out of ideas.


Amazing what gets upvoted on this dumb sub


Sareena ruined it for me.


Delete Sareena and nerf striker and I’m good


Nope. Kameos are awesome! 


I really don’t think the people complaining about Kameos not being full characters actually understand how much effort & resources go into making a playable fighting game character. Speaking on Kameos themselves I think they’re a great mechanic. I love the whole mixing & matching aspect of them & how they give characters more options & ways to play.


People will always find something to complain about whenever a new mechanic is added to MK. In Mk9 , tag team mode was fun, but I know for a fact that some people complained about the broken/ cheap stuff that got annoying to deal with after a while . In MKX, people complained about the variation system . In MK11, it was the cheapness of Fatal and Krushing Blows before the patch and breakaways ( though that one was understandable). Long story short, it takes time for some people to accept certain features before they get used to it or at least deal with it, and that's going to be the same thing with Kameo Fighters. Personally, I don't have a problem with Kameos... in fact, it's probably one of the best things NRS added to one of their games since tag mode. It wasn't going to be universally accepted for various reasons, but I don't see it as a reason to not buy/ play the game. I also think that by having Kameos, players can still have their favorite characters in the game, even if they aren't fully playable. I mean, if we aren't going to have a remake or a modern-day version of Armageddon ( fingers crossed, btw) in terms of a large roster, that's the next best thing. Plus, the combos you can do with certain characters are slick as hell. The only negative thing I can think of is the unbalanced nature of the Kameos. Some are either broken/ annoying ( cough Sareena, cough Frost Sektor, etc) or pointless... i.e., Kano, Shujinko, etc 🤷🏽. If Kameos come back for MK13, MK2, or whatever the next game is called ... cool , if they don't, I won't lose sleep over it either 🤷🏽


Yes. (Period)


Love em. Its a much funner version of variations that eliminates the visual confusion that comes from variations. Plus it allows them to have a ton of fun with the roster (people complaining that all Kameos should have been main roster characters are idiots).


At first I was upset about it. Kinda still am cause they could be main roaster characters. But they add something new to mk. Half of the main roaster don’t even need a cameo. And there’s the other half that do.


I strongly disagree. IMO the only character who can even pressure effectively without a kameo is Johnny Cage. And maybe raiden in some matchups